The second day of the TU Camp of South Zone had three sessions. The first session was a class on “Disciplinary Proceedings ” taken elaborately by Shri. M.C. NairRetired Senior Superintendent of Post Offices. The session was presided over byCom. Sankar Circle Secretary R3 TN Circle.
In the second session Com.K.V.Sridharan Ex-General Secretary P3 and Leader Staff Side JCM Departmental Council took a class on “Staff Rulings and the role of Branch Secretaries”. This session was presided over by Com. J.Ramamurthy Circle Secretary P3 TN Circle.
There was an interactive session on both the above topics and both the faculty members answered all questions.
In the afternoon, an Open Session under the Presidentship of Com. S.RagupathyAssistant Secretary General NFPE was held. Com. Ragupathy Umashankar Circle Secretary Admn Union TN Circle delivered welcome address. Secretary General NFPE Com. M. Krishnan elaborately narrated all the developments since two years and in detail convered the aspects of National Postal Policy and declared that through struggles our movement will advance and resist all anti-worker policies. Comrades Giriraj Singh General Secretary R3; Mohan General Secretary Casual labour union; Ishwar Singh Dabas General Secretary P4; R.ShivannarayanaGeneral Secretary P3 ; P.Suresh General Secretary R4; P.Pandurangarao General Secretary GDS; S.Appanraj General Secretary SBCO; S.Santhoshkumar CHQ President Postal Accounts; and R.Seethalakshmi Assistant Secretary General NFPE addressed.
The Chief Cook Ramanathan was felicitated by the Reception Committee with a shawl presented to him by the Secretary General in appreciation of the great services rendered by the catering service in a very short time. Com.K.Rajendran Circle Secretary R-IV finally rendered vote of thanks. The feed back collected from the Delegates about the TU Camp will be compiled and published later.
Shri.M.C.Nair taking class on "Disciplinary Proceedings" |
Com.K.V.Sridharan Leader Staff Side on "Staff Rulings and Role of Branch Secretaries" |
Secretary General NFPE addressing Open Session of TU Camp |
View of Dais of Open Session |
Com.Giriraj singh General Secretary R3 addressing open session |
Com. Mohan General Secretary Casual Labour Union addressing open session |
Com.Ishwar Singh Dabas General Secretary P4 addressing open session |
Com.R.Shivannarayana General Secretary P3 addressing open session |
Com.P.Suresh General Secretary R4 addressing open session |
Com.P.Pandurangarao General Secretary GDS addressing open session |
Com.S.Appanraj General Secretary SBCO addressing open session |
Com.S.Santhoshkumar CHQ President Postal Accounts addressing open session |
Com.R.Seethalakshmi Asst.Secretary General NFPE addressing open session |
Chief Cook Ramanathan felicitated by Reception Committee |
Com.R.B.Suresh General Secretary Reception Committee rendering vote of thanks |