Monday, April 29, 2013
Ninth Federal Council of NFPE, which is the highest policy decision making body, is being held at Hyderabad from 9th to 12th June, 2013. National Federation of Postal Employees is a class-oriented militant organization representing about five lakh postal employees.
The P &T Trade Union movement in India has inherited a history of struggle and sacrifices right from the days of British Raj. In 1905, when there was no freedom to form unions, Babu Tarapada Mukherjee started this organization in the name of Recreation Club at Kolkata GPO. Tarapada was dismissed from service by the British Govt. in the year 1921 for delivering speech at Lahore All India Conference. During the last one hundred years many great leaders of this organization has been tortured, arrested and put under jail and even murdered, both by British and the Indian Govt. Com. Dada Gosh, the first Secretary General of NFPTE was arrested, jailed and suspended from service. Com. K. G. Bose, who electrified the P&T trade union movement and who led the 1946 historic P&T strike was also dismissed from service. Com.N.J.Iyer, former All India President of NFPE was arrested and put under jail for 18 months for delivering a speech against the “emergency” in 1975. Com. K. Adinarayana, the Ex-Secretary General of NFPE was in jail for three years for participating the Telangana struggle against Nizams. Com. Om Prakash Gupta who was the Secretary General of NFPTE for many years and Com. K. L. Moza, Ex-Secretary General were also jailed and punished. Many other legendary leaders who led this movement has sacrificed their entire life for the postal employees and the working class as a whole.
The 25 days historic 1946 P&T strike gone to the annals of the history of India’s freedom movement as one of the most militant struggle launched by the P&T employees against the British Raj. 1960 five days strike of Central Govt. employees, 1968 September 19th strike for ‘need based minimum wage’ in this 17 employees has been brutally murdered by the Govt. by resorting to firing and lathi charge, 1974 Bonus strike in solidarity with the striking Railway employees, 1984 September, 19thstrike for the emancipation of three lakh Extra Departmental employees, 1993 five days postal strike, 1996 eight days strike for removal of bonus ceiling, 1998 eight days postal strike, 2000 December 14 days Postal strike all are lead by the National Federation of Postal Employees under the banner of Confederation of Central Govt. Employees & Workers and also jointly with FNPO under the banner of Joint Council of Action. The one day strike of the Central Govt. Employees conducted on 12thDecember 2012 is another mile stone in the history of the Postal Trade Union movement. It is in this back ground the leaders of the postal movement are meeting in the Federal Council at Hyderabad.
NFPE has been participating in all the nationwide General Strikes conducted by the Central Trade Unions, right from 1991 onwards including the two days strike of 2013 February 20 & 21, against the neo-liberal imperialist globalization policies pursued by the Central Govt. The Hyderabad Federal Council shall review the participation of the Postal employees in the General Strikes and also workout remedial measures for ensuing cent percent participation of employees in all the programmes including strike against the neo-liberal policies of the Central Govt., NFPE conducted innumerable struggles for realization of the legitimate demands of the Postal & RMS employees including Gramin Dak Sevaks and Part-time/Casual, contingent employees. Many demands are settled but still many demands are pending. During this period, the Govt., has tried to close or merge many post offices and RMS offices. Further attempt is also made to abolish justified posts. Due to the continued struggle carried out by NFPE & JCA we could halt many policy offensives of the Govt., though these measures are not withdrawn completely. Many sectional issues like Cadre Restructuring, Postmen issues, MNOP, Project Arrow, Postmaster cadre, PO & RMS Accountants, System Administrators, GDS problems, PLI/RPLI related issues, problems of the Postal Accounts, SBCO and Civil wing Cases, Casual Labourer’s problems, RTP issues etc., to be settled. This 9thFederal Council shall deliberate all these issues and shall chalk out agitational programme for realization of the sectional demands of the Postal employees.
Due to the neo-liberal policies implemented by the Central Govt., during the last two decades, the Central Services including Postal department is facing great threat against its existence. Ban on creation of new posts, non-filling up of vacant posts, outsourcing, downsizing, controctorization, contributory pension scheme, non-regularization of the services of Gramin Dak Sevaks and Casual Labourers, restrictions on compassionate appointments, bonus discrimination, all are the off-shoots of this policy. Due to the unprecedented price rise the real wages of the employees and workers has eroded like anything. The Central Govt. employees are on continuous struggle demanding appointment of Seventh Pay Commission, 50% merger of DA, Regularization of Gramin Dak Sevaks and Casual Labourers, grant of five promotions etc, we have to intensify and carry forward the struggle. The Hyderabad Federal Council shall take appropriate decisions for ensuing largest unity of all Central Govt. Employees and to prepare for an indefinite strike, if the demands of the Central Govt. Employees including appointment of 7thCPC, DA merger, scrapping PFRDA bill are not accepted by the Govt,.
In short, the ninth Federal Council of NFPE shall deliberate all the issues agitating the minds of postal employees and shall take decision to protect the postal services and also for realization of demands of the postal employees. The decisions of the Federal Council shall have far-reaching implications in shaping the future and destiny of the entire postal employees.
NFPE Eastern Zone study camp was held at Guwahati from 27thto 28th April, 2013. The programme commenced with flag hoisting. Com.M.Krishnan, Secretary General, NFPE hoisted the National Flag. After that floral tributes was paid to the Martyrs. Com.S.Rahaman, General Secretary, Reception Committee, Assam welcomed all the leaders and delegates on behalf of Reception Committee.
Com.M.Krishnan delivered the inaugural speech and also addressed the Seminar organized on “National Postal Policy – 2012”. He elaborately described all the issues related to policy and its impact on Department of Posts and postal employees.
Class - I on the subject “Importance of Joint Trade Union Movement with reference to North Eastern Region” was taken by Com.Satanjib Das, Joint Convener of Joint Council of Action of Trade Unions, Assam.
All National leaders viz., Com.M.Krishnan, Secretary General, NFPE, Com.K.V.Sridharan, Ex-General Secretary, P-III, Com.I.S.Dabas, General Secretary, P-IV., Com.Giriraj Singh, General Secretary, R-III, Pranab Bhattacharjee, General Secretary, AIP AOEU, Com.T.Satyanarayana, General Secretary, AIPAEA, Com. P.Pandurangarao, General Secretary, AIPEU-GDS(NFPE), Com.R.Sivannarayana, President, AIPEU Gr.C(CHQ), Com.S.K.Bardan, President, R-III(CHQ) and Com.R.N.Parashar, Asst. Secretary General, NFPE, Com.S.P.Mukherjee, vice President, NFPE were present on the dais.
The session was presided by Com.S.P.Mukherjee, Vice President, NFPE.
Class - II was taken by Com.Tapan Sen, Hon’ble Member of Parliament and General Secretary, CITU, on the subject “Significance of 20th & 21 Feb, 2013 strike and future course of action”. He elaborately described the whole issues related to neo-liberal economic policies and its impact on working class and common people of India. He stressed the need of united struggle to resist these policies and he also intimated the importance of unity which has been formed recently that all the central unions have come on same platform. He appealed to all to intensify the struggles by creating class consciousness.
The session was presided by Com.L.P.Saikia, Chairman, Reception Committee & Circle Secretary, Gr.C, Assam and vote of thanks presented by Com.R.N.Parashar, ASG, NFPE.
Class - III was taken by Com.K.K.N.Kutty, Secretary General, Confederation of Central Govt. Employees & Workers on the subject “Role of Confederation in the C.G Employees Movement”. He elaborately described the role of Confederation since its formation in 1956 and up to last 20-21 Feb 2013 two days strike.
The session was presided by Com.T.Satyanarayana, General Secretary, AIPAEA and vote of thanks presented by Com.D.K.Debnath, R-III, Reception Committee.
On 28-04-2013 (2nd day) the session began at 10.30 am.
Class - IV taken by Com.M.Krishnan, Secretary General, NFPE on the subject “History of Postal Trade Union Movement and our present day task”. He spoke at length on the subject and described the history of Postal Trade Union Movement since its formation as postal club in 1905 at Kolkata to till date in a very detailed manner. He appraised all the delegates about the sacrifice rendered by the founder leaders viz., Babu Tarapada Mukherjee, Dada Gosh, K.G.Bose, N.J.Iyer and K.Adinarayana in building such a strong movement. He elaborately described the achievement gained through continuous struggles under the banner of NFPTE and NFPE. He described in detail the impact of neo-liberal economic policies on working class as a whole and postal dept particularly. He told that Govt. is planning to corporatize the dept of posts for which National Postal Policy 2012 has been prepared. He stressed the need of united struggle to resist the onslaughts unleashed by the Govt. for which militancy and knowledge is required.
The session was presided by com.S.K.Bardan, President, R-III.
Class - V taken by Com.K.V.Sridharan, Ex-General Secretary, Gr.C on the subject “ Service Rules and Role of Unionists” which he presented in a very good manner to the maximum benefit of employees. He also described the good qualities to be adopted by the unionists for the welfare and protection of interests of employees.
All the leaders viz., Com.I.S.Dabas, Com.Girirajsingh, Com.Pranab Bhattacharya, Com.T.Satyanarayana, Com.P.Pandurangarao, Com.R.Sivannarayana, Com.S.K.Bardan, Com.S.P.Mukherjee also addressed the study camp and gave very valuable suggestions for the efficient functioning of union leaders and active workers.
The session was presided by Com.R.Sivannarayana, President, Gr.C(CHQ).
On behalf of NFPE, Com.R.N.Parashar, Asst. Secretary General extended revolutionary greetings and heartiest thanks to all the leaders and members of Reception Committee particularly Com.S.Rahaman, Com.G.Talukdar, Com.L.P.Saikia, Com.Moinulla Huq, D.K.Debnath and others who played very important role in organizing this study camp. He appealed all the delegates to extend such type of study camps from Circle to divisional level.
Com.M.Krishnan addressing |
Attention of Delegates to the speeches |
Com.R.N.Parashar Addressing |
On behalf of Reception Committee com.Mausami Majumdar, Asst. Circle Secretary, Gr.C., Assam offered vote of thanks.
The meeting ended with enthusiastic slogans.

No. PF-1(a)/2013 Dated: 20th April, 2013
It is hereby notified under article 10 of Constitution of NFPE that the IXth Federal Council Session of National Federation of Postal Employees will be held at “ Kala Nilayam, Sundaraiah Vignana Kendram, Baghalingampalli, Hyderabad-500 044” from 09.06.2013 to 12.06.2013.
The following shall be the Agenda of the Federal Council:
1. Confirmation of the proceedings of VIIIth Federal Council held at New Delhi from 20th June 2010 to 21st June, 2010.
2. (a) Consideration and adoption of the Triennial Report and Audited Accounts for the year 2010 - 2011, 2011-2012 and 2012-2013.
(b) Budget estimates for next three years.
3. Organizational Review.
(i) (a) Role of NFPE during last 3 years in building united movement of Postal Employees and Central Government Employees.
(b) Organizational position at All India / Circle/Divisional level.
(ii) Review of settlement of Strike Charter of Demands 2010, 2011 & 2012.
(iii) Review of General Strikes including 2013 February, 20&21 two days strike.
(iv) Review of 12th December 2012 CG Employees Strike.
(v) Functioning of Postal JCA (NFPE/FNPO).
(vi) Functioning of affiliated Unions/Associations.
(vii) Functioning of Departmental Council/RJCMs.
(viii) Formation of AIPEU GDS (NFPE)-Grant of Associate membership & problems of GDS Employees.
(ix) Formation of Casual labourers Federation and review of Casual
Labourers problems.
(x) Review of Trade Union Education Camps conducted by NFPE (CHQ).
(xi) Right to Strike and Victimization of Trade Union Activists Office
Bearers by administration..
4. Confederation of C G Employees & Workers and common issues of C G
(i) Constitution of 7th CPC and merger of 50% DA.
(ii) Downsizing, Outsourcing, Contractrization and Privatisation.
(iii) Restriction on compassionate appointments.
(iv) Ban on creation of Posts and filling up of vacant posts.
(v) Anomalies arising out of the 6th CPC Report implementation.
(vi) PFRDA Bill and New Pension Scheme.
(vii) MACP related issues.
(viii) Proposed Medical insurance scheme and our stand thereof.
(ix) Inclusion of Federation representatives in the National Council JCM.
(x) Revision of Bonus Ceiling / OTA rates and implementation of
Arbitration awards.
(xi) Five Promotions
5. Policy Offensives against Postal Services and Staff.
(i) National Postal Policy- 2012.
(ii) Structural re-organization of Department of Posts.
(iii) Closure and merger of Post Offices and RMS Offices.
(iv) Mail Net work optimization project(MNOP).
(v) Project Arrow.
(vi) Amendment to Indian Post Office Act 1898.
(vii) Out sourcing and Downsizing of Postal Services.
6. Sectional problems.
(i) Cadre re-structuring in Postal
(ii) Review of items relating to various cadres discussed in the JCM
Departmental Council and during Strike Charter discussion.
7. (a) I T Modernization Project of Department of Posts and its
(b) Post Bank of India.
8. Financial Review.
9. Postal Crusader and other publications.
10. Amendments to the Constitution.
11. Policy and programmes Resolutions and other resolutions.
12. Election of Office Bearers.
13. Appointment of Auditor.
14. Venue of next Federal Council.
15. Any other item with the permission of Chair.
Vote of Thanks.
Secretary General
Copy to:
1. The Secretary Department of Posts , Dak Bhawan, New Delhi-110001 with the request to issue instructions for grant of Special Casual Leave to the Federal Councillors and All India Office Bearers of NFPE and General Secretaries.
2. All Chief Post Master Generals for information and action for grant of Special Casual Leave to the Federal Councillors and All India Office Bearers of NFPE and General Secretaries .
3. All Office Bearers of NFPE.
4. All General Secretaries of Affiliated union. / Associations.
Note: Amendments to the Constitution if any should be sent to Secretary General NFPE at least 30 days before the Federal Council i.e. before 10th May, 2013 as per constitutional provisions.

Secretary Genera
No.PF-01(b)/2010 Dated: 20th April, 2013
All Office Bearers of NFPE
All General Secretaries of NFPE Unions.
It is hereby notified in accordance with Article 12 of the Constitution of NFPE that the meeting of the Federal Executive ofNational Federation of Postal Employees shall be held on 09.06.2013 at “ Kala Nilayam, Sundaraiah Vignana Kendram, Baghalingampalli, Hyderabad-500 044” for considering the following agenda. .
1. Confirmation of the proceedings of the last Federal Executive Meeting held
on 27.09.2012..
2. Approval of the Notified Agenda to the 9th Federal Council.
3. Preparation of the Draft Triennial Report and Approval of the Audited Accounts of the Federation for the period from 2010-2011, 2011-2012 and 2012-2013.
4. Finalization of Amendments if any received by the NFPE to its Constitution.
5. Any other items with permission of the chair.

Secretary General
Copy to:
1. The D.G. Posts, Dak Bhawan, New Delhi-110116
2. All the Office Bearers of NFPE and all General Secretaries.
3. All Chief Postmaster General: for information and kind action for grant of necessary special Casual Lave to the Office Bearers of the Federation and All the General Secretaries for the duration of the meeting and the journey time involved.
4. File.

Secretary General
Friday, April 26, 2013
PAYMENT OF D A TO CG EMPLOYEES Revised wef 1.1.2013
No. 1(2)2013-E.II(B)
Government of India
Ministry of Finance
Department of Expenditure
North Block, New Delhi,
Dated: 25th April, 2013.
Subject: Payment of Dearness Allowance to Central Government employees-Revised Rates effective from 1.1.2013.
The undersigned is directed to refer to this Ministry’s Office Memorandum No.1 (8)/2012-E-II (B) dated 28th Sepetmber,2012 on the subject mentioned above and to say that the President is pleased to decide that the Dearness Allowance payable to Central Government employees shall be enhanced from the existing rate of 72% to 80% with effect from 1st January,2013.
2. The provisions contained in paras 3, 4 and 5 of this Ministry’s O.M. No.1 (3)/2008-E-II(B) dated 29th August. 2008 shall continue to be applicable while regulating Dearness Allowance under these orders.
3. The additional installment of Dearness Allowance payable under these orders shall be paid in cash to all Central Government employees.
4. These orders shall also apply to the civilian employees paid from the Defence Services Estimates and the expenditure will be chargeable to the relevant head of the Defence Services Estimates. In regard to Armed Forces personnel and Railway employees, separate orders will be issued by the Ministry of Defence and Ministry of Railways, respectively.
5. In so far as the persons serving in the Indian Audit and Accounts Department are concerned, these orders issue in consultation with the Comptroller and Auditor General of India.
6. The Hindi version of this O.M. is also attached.
(K.R. Sharma)
Under Secretary to the Government of India
Government of India
Ministry of Personnel, P.G. and Pensions
Department of Personnel & Training
New Delhi, 23-rd April, 2013
Subject: - Children Education Allowance — Clarification -
The undersigned is directed to refer to Department of Personnel & Training's O.M. No.12011/03/2008-Estt.(Allowance) dated 2nd September, 2008, and subsequent clarifications issued from time to time on the subject and to state that various Ministries/Departments have been seeking clarifications on various aspects of the Children Education Allowance. The doubts raised are clarified as under:-
(i) Whether reimbursement of balance amount of fee paid during 1st and 2nd quarter could be paid in 3rd /4th quarter without the fee receipt for the 3rd/4th quarter?
No. As it is reimbursement for the whole year, original receipts for the fee paid for the 3rd/4th quarter has to be submitted to ensure that the child has not dropped out of the school in the mid-session.
(ii) Whether a Government servant is required to give a certificate that the spouse, if earning, has not claimed CEA?
Yes. The claimant Government servant required to furnish an undertaking that reimbursement of CEA has not been claimed in respect of the child by any person other than the claimant.
(Vibha G. Mishra)
PERMISSIONS FOR TREATMENT IN PRIVATE CGHS EMPANELLED HOSPITALS / CENTRES (Click the link below for details)(http://msotransparent.nic.in/writereaddata/cghsdata/mainlinkfile/File119.pdf)
No.2/5/Online - System/FCRH — 2013
Government of India
Ministry of Urban Development
Directorate of Estates
F-Block, C.R.Hostel
New Delhi, the 18.04.2013
Subject: Introduction of online reservation system in the reservation/allotment of casual hostel accommodation in the Central Government Touring Officer’s Hostel/Holiday Home/Guest House at Delhi.
With a view to provide for choices & convenience of the applicants for reservation of casual hostel accommodation in the Central Government Touring Officer’s Hostel/Holiday Home/Guest House at Delhi, it has been decided to introduce automated online reservation / allotment system w.e.f. 01/05/2013.
2. For this purpose only online applications will be accepted henceforth. Applicants will apply for reservation by filling up the required application form online. After completing the process online, the applicant will have to take a print out of his/her application and get it verified / forwarded from his/her office and send it along with payment (Demand Draft) & other allied details/documents ete.. to “Online Reservation Cell, F - Block, C.R.Hostel Kasturba Gandhi Marg, New Delhi - 110001" for confirmation of his/her booking request. On receipt of the filled up application with payment of room rent (Demand Draft), duly verified & forwarded by the controlling office of the applicant (in case of Retd. Government Officers attested copy of PPO), his/her booking request will be processed. Applicant can monitor the status of his/her booking request online through the website.
3. With effect from 16/04/2013 onward, only online applications for reservation of casual accommodation in the Central Government Touring Officer’s Hostel/Holiday Home/Guest House at Delhi will he accepted.
4. No manual application will he accepted from 16/04/2013 onwards for the reservation of casual accommodation in the Central Government Touring officer’s Hostel/Holiday Home/Guest House at Delhi seeking reservation for the period from 01/05/2013 onwards.
5. Manual applications received up to 15/04/2013 for the reservation of casual accommodation in the Central Government Touring Officer’s Hostel/Holiday Home/Guest House at Delhi seeking reservation for the period upto 30/04/2013 have been accepted and casual accommodation is reserved subject to availability.
6. Detailed procedure/guidelines as laid down in the OM dated 21/12/2013 and terms & conditions and other relevant information regarding reservation of Delhi central Government Touring officer’s Hostel/Holiday home/Guest House accommodation are available on the website of this Directorate i.e.www.estates.nic.in / Holiday Homes website and holidayhomes.nic.in shall be applicable.
7. This issues with the approval of Director of Estates.
Deputy Director of Estates [O&M]
Thursday, April 25, 2013
Launch of RTI web portal for online filing of RTI application.(Click the link below for details) http://ccis.nic.in/WriteReadData/CircularPortal/D2/D02rti/1_1_2013-IR-D.pdf
Part - A : General Knowledge (English & Hindi) (questions : 01 to 25)
Part - B : Mathematics ( English & Hindi) (questions 26 to 50 )
Part - C : English (questions 51 to 75)
Part - D : Reasoning & Analytical ability (questions 76 to 100)
The following question paper copies are extracted from other websites for information only & the part of Hindi version in the question paper is visible incomplete and available part (English) is published.
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