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Monday, December 3, 2012

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IT Modernisation Project - Presentation Made By Department of Posts on 30.11.2012

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Revision of wages of Casual Labourers

1st Floor, North Avenue Post Office, New Delhi – 110001

Ref: No. PF/GENL/2012                                                    Dated – 30.11.2012


Sri. Alok Saxena
DDG (Estt)
Department of Posts
Dak Bhawan, New Delhi – 110001


Sub: -  Revision of wages of Casual, Part-time contingent employees of the Department of Posts w.e.f. 01.01.2006.

Kindly recall the discussion I had with you on the above subject.

As per the Judgment of the Supreme Court the Casual, Part-time, contingent employees whose nature of work is same as of regular employees, i.e; Fulltime/part-time Chowkidar/Farash/Mali/Sweeper etc. are eligible for pro-rata wages with reference to the minimum wage of the similarly placed regular employees. Accordingly after implementation of 5th CPC recommendations, the Department of Posts has issued orders for payment of pro-rate wages to casual, part-time, contingent employees with effect from 01.01.1996, duly approved by the Department of Personnel and Training. Copy of the Memo No. 1-3/97-PAP dated 03.11.1998 is enclosed herewith in which it is clearly stated as follows:

“It has now been decided that notwithstanding that the CCS (RP) Rules, 1997 do not apply to them, the remuneration of the aforesaid Full Time Casual Labour (Other than Temporary Status)/Part Time Casual Labour/Workers engaged on contingency basis whose nature of work is the same as of regular employees i.e. Part Time Chowkidar/Farash/Mali/Sweeper etc. who are not engaged for Post office operative work and are being paid as per instructions contained in this office letter No. 45/95/87-SPB.I dated the 10th February, 1988 and Department of Personnel & Training O. M. No. 49014/2/86-Estt (C) dated the 7th June 1988 shall be remunerated on pro rata basis with reference to the minimum of the pay scale of Group ‘D’ as per CCS (RP) Rules, 1997 plus admissible Dearness Allowance thereon only.

It is further clarified by the DOP&T that they are eligible for pro-rata wages w.e.f. 01.01.1996 i.e the date of implementation of the 5th CPC recommendations. (Copies of both the above cited letters are enclosed herewith for your ready reference).

From the above it is clear that the casual, part-time and contingent employees of the Department of Posts are eligible for revision of their wages on pro-rata basis with effect from 01.01.2006, on revision of wages of the Central Government Employees. The  stand taken by the Department of Personnel & Training  that there is no Group D scale now, does not appear to be correct as sixth CPC has already fixed the minimum wage as – IS scale and Government has already issued orders in this regard.

I once again request you to cause issue of orders for revision of their wages at an early date as it is long overdue.

Awaiting early orders.

Yours faithfully,

(M. Krishnan)
Secretary General

Copy to: -
1.      Ms. Manjula Prashar, Secretary, Department of Posts, Dak Bhawan, New Delhi – 110001

2.    Ms. Yasodhara Menon, Member (Personnel), Postal Service Board, Dak Bhawan, New Delhi – 110001



More than ten lakhs Central Government employees including Postal employees are determined to go on nationwide strike on 12th December 2012. Strike notice to Cabinet Secretary and Secretary, Department of Posts has already been served on 19th November 2012. The 26th July Parliament march in which more than 20000 employees participated, itself is a manifestation of the growing discontentment among the Central Government employees.
There was about 36 lakhs Central Government employees prior to 1990. The downsizing policy implemented by the Central Government during the last two decades has resulted in reduction of about 8 lakh posts and the total number of employees has come down to 28 lakhs. More and more Government functions are being outsourced. Contractorisation and privatization has become the order of the day. More than four lakhs posts are lying vacant in Central Services. Workload has increased but filling up of vacant posts and creation of new posts are not taking place.
Prices of essential commodities are shooting up. Deregulation of petroleum prices, withdrawal of subsidies including Kerosene and cooking gas, dismantling of public distribution system, futures trading, hoarding by black marketers etc. has resulted in unprecedented price rise especially of essential commodities. As a result large scale erosion has taken place in the real wages of the employees and workers, DA granted is not in commensurate with the price rise. In these circumstances, appointment of 7th Central Pay Commission should not be delayed any further. The three lakhs Gramin Dak Sevaks of the Postal department should also be brought under the purview of the Pay Commission. The demands for departmentalization of GDS and extension of all the benefits of the departmental employees should be considered favourably by the Government.
The Contributory Pension scheme is nothing but a farce. Under this scheme there is no guarantee that an employees will get minimum eligible pension at the time of retirement. Everything depends upon the vagaries of share market. During the last economic recession which started from USA, pension funds had collapsed and lakhs and lakhs of people are forced to live without any social security or pension.

Merger of DA with pay, removal of restrictions on compassionate appointments, revision of wages and regularization of casual labourers, removal of bonus ceiling and discrimination in bonus to GDS, non functioning of JCM forums, non-implementations of Arbitration awards, Revision of OTA and Night duty allowance, grant of five promotions, Right to Strike and trade union victimizations are the other demands raised by the confederation of Central Government Employees and workers in the strike charter.

          Intensive campaign is going on in all states and no doubt, the 12th December strike will be one of most successfull strike of the Central Government employees.

NFPE calls upon the Postal & RMS employees including Gramin Dak Sewaks to join the strike en-masse and make the strike a historic success.