STRIKE 23-08-2017
All India RMS & MMS Employees Union Group `C` CHQ congratulates and Revolutionary to all CWC members, Circle /Divisional/ Branch Secretaries and Members for participating and making One Day Strike on 23-08-2017 a grand success. After a long gap NFPE has conducted this strike alone and only for the settlement of Postal/Sectional demands and it has made grand success by our comrades. Circle wise strike is as under:-
MORE THAN 80%:- M.P., Maharasthra, Bihar, Chhatisgarh and Orissa.
MORE THAN 50%:- West Bengal and Jharkhand.
MORE THAN 40%:-A.P., Haryana and Tamil Nadu (`CB` & `T` Dn. 90%)
PARTIAL STRIKE:- Delhi, (MMS Dn. 80%), Gujarat, U.P. Total in Varanasi RMS & MMS Varanasi, Punjab (Total in MMS Chandigarh) and Rajasthan.
Com. S.V. Pai SA Hubli RMS died due to heart attack on 20th August, 2017. On behalf of NFPE & All India RMS & MMS Employees Union Group `C` I convey heartfelt condolences to his bereaved family members & friends.
Giri Raj Singh
President NFPE &
General Secretary R-III