HAPPY NEW YEAR 2025 TO ALL MEMBERS,Viewers & Readers

Friday, December 30, 2016



No. R-lIl/Circular-34/2016                                                                                              Dated 30-12-2016

           All CWC Members, Circle, Divisional and Branch Secretaries.

Dear Comrades,


All India RMS & MMS Employees Union Group ‘C’ CHQ Red Salute to all CWC members, Circle Secretaries, Divisional Secretaries and Branch Secretaries, office bearers and members for participating and making a grand success IInd & IIIrd  Phase programme on 7th November, 2016 , Mass Dharna at all State Capitals/important cities and 15 December, 2016 Parliament March . Now CHQ appeal to all to mobilize effectively rank & file to participate and make a grand success 15 February, 2017 One Day All India Strike called by Confederation

15 DECEMBER, 2016 PARLIAMENT MARCH AN UNPRECEDENT SUCCESS:-  A massive Parliament March was conducted on 15 December, 2016 by Confederation. Inspite of cancellation and delayed running of several trains in North India due to fog and also the havoc unleased by the  Cyclone in Tamuil Nadu participation of 15000 C.G. Employees in Parliament March rally made it  resounding success. The Participation of RMS & MMS E.U. Gr. `C` members was very good. After the Parliament March, Rally was presided by Com. K.K.N.Kutty Presidnt Confederation. Com. M.Krishnan Secretary General Confederation announced the decision to go on One Day nation wide strike on 15 February, 2017. Coms. Tapan Sen MP and General Secretary CITU, D.L. Sachdeva National Secretary AITUC, Srikumar S/G AIDEF, Pathak President AIDEF, Amar Singh Yadav (JNU), Nand Kishore Gupta Delhi University, Sharma IGNOU, K.G. Jayasraj G/S BSNL-DOT Pensioner Association, S.Mohan S/G Confederation of Central govt. Gazetter Officers Association, Narsimhan V/P Confederation, M.S. Raja , R.N. Parashar Usha Boneppalli, A.K. Kanojia, K.V. Jayraj, Giri Raj Singh , V.Bhattacharjee addressed the Rally. Com. V.A.N. Namboodri Senior leader of BSNL and other leaders were also present at dais.

CONFEDERATIOMN NATIONAL EXECUTIVE MEETING:- The National Executive Meeting of Confederation was held on 16-12-2016 at M.P. Club hall North Avenue New Delhi-1 under the Presidentship of Com. K.K.N. Kutty which reviewed participation of employees in the Parliament March on 15 December, 2016 and came to the conclusion that inspite of cancellation and delayed running of Trains, due to adverse weather conditioins also the havoc unleashed by the Cyclone in Tamil Nadu, the march and Rally were an unprecedented successful and impressive.
After detailed discussions the meeting unanimously decided to implement the strike decision in most successful manner . Strike Notice will be served on 28-12-2016 to Govt. of India and to all Heads of Departments by holding demonstrations in front of all offices
. Mass dharna, Rally should be organised  on  10-01-2017  in all State Capitals, details are in Confederation Circular dated 19-12-2016.
This meeting also decided to conduct next All India Trade Union Camp at Thrivananthapuram during April, 2017.

WOMEN`S SUB COMMITTEE :- The first meeting of newly elected women`s Sub Committee of Confederation was held on 15-12-2016 at NFPE office under the Presidentship of Com. Usha Boneppalli Chairperson. Com. R.Seethalakshmi Convenor presented  Organisational Report. Coms. M.Krishnan S/G
Confederation,R.N.Parashar S/G NFPE, K.V. Jayaraj S/G NFATE attended and addressd the meeting. This meeting decided to organise All India Women`s Trade Union workshop  at Bangalore during September, 2017 and also decided  to co-opt Mrs Mausumi Majumdare AIPEU Gr. `C` to women Sub Committee.

NFPE SECRETARIAT MEETING:- NFPE Secretariat Meeting was held on 19-12-2016 in NFPE office under the Presidentship of Com. Giri Raj Singh, availale General Secretaries attended. This meeting endorsed the decision of 15 February ,2017 One Day Nation wide strike called by Confederation.

PJCA MEETING:-  The PJCA (NFPE & FNPO) meeting was held on 19-12-2016 under the Presidentship of Com. D.Theagrajan S/G FNPO in NFPE office. Available General Secretaries of NFPE & FNPO participated in this meeting. PJCA meeting discussed the  appeal of Department  and demanding action taken report on each items submitted to the Department on 17-11-2016. PJCA decided to go on Strike on Postal issues shortly. The date of strike and issuing Strike Notice will be decided shortly.

DEPARTMENTAL COUNCIL:- Departmental Council (JCM) of Postal Department was held on 20-12-2016 under the Chairmanship of Secretary Posts. More than 104 items including provisions of Departmental Buildings for Gurgaon/Bhiwani and Rewari RMS , Payment of OTA to the officials drawing pay more than 2200/6800 in prerevised scales, repair of Rly Xing at Panipat, Hissar and provision of Rly Xing at Kurukshetra Stg. Polythene bags in RMS offices, utilisation of MNOP funds, norms for Parcel Hubs, non filling LSG, HSG-II and HSG-I posts, replacement of sealing wax, replacemnet of condemned MMS vehicles, Railway Co-ordination Committee, construction of RMS buildings at Guwahati, Bhuj, Kollam etc. Holiday home at Kanya Kumar, amendment of the PA/SA recruitment rules and creation of Superintendent Sorting posts in Metro cities with the grade pay of Rs.4800/-prerevised.

RTP CASE:-Next date of hearing has been fixed on 8-02-2017.
PAYMENT OF QUOTA:- All Circle/Divisional/Branch Secretaries are requested to clear arrears of quota @Rs.30/per member per month from August, 2016 to CHQ without delay and remit in future regularly. RMS Worker will not be posted to those branches in arrears more than 3 months and serious action as per constitution will be taken.
R-III CWC:- The Central Working Committee Meeting of All India RMS & MMS Employees Union Group `C`  will be held from 2nd March to 3rd March, 2017 at Bahoi Bhawan, A-127/759, Saket Nagar, Near Telephone Exchange, Kanpur (U.P.)

All CWC members, Circle Secretaries and Special invitee Divisional Secretary MMS Division Delhi, Mumbai, Kolkata, Ahmedabad, Chennai and Bangalore  are requested to book their tickets and intimate to CHQ.

All Circle/Divisional/ Branch Secretaries, CWC Members,office bearers are requested to maximum efforts to make the strike a grand success. Joint Campaign Programme by Circle /Divisional union leaders may be organised in all Circles and Divisions.
With best wishes  and Happy New Year -2017
Yours comradely.

(Girl Raj Singh)

General Secretary

ON 30th DECEMBER-2016

            Shri Ashutosh Tripathi: Director General Department of Posts is going to retire on 31st December-2016.

            Felicitation was given by NFPE, Secretary General & President at Dak Bhawan today on 30th December-2016 and extended best wishes on behalf of NFPE for his happy, healthy and peaceful retired life.

            Shri Ashutosh Tripathi is an officer of positive approach and during his period  as Member(P) and DG, Post, so many problems of staff were  settled and  he never gave opportunity to staff  side to go on strike or on any  serious  agitational programmes. Whenever there was any problem in Circles also he invited NFPE leadership and settled.

            We as NFPE wish all the best for his retired life:


Dear Comrades,

            As you are aware that the NFPE in its Federal Secretariat held on 19.12.2016, has unanimously endorsed the decision of Confederation to go on one day Strike on 15.02.2017.  We wanted to conduct this strike under banner of PJCA. We convened a meeting of PJCA at NFPE office on 19.12.2016, in which detailed discussion took place. FNPO leadership told that they will decide in their internal meeting. But now FNPO leadership has told that they will serve strike notice for the same date i.e. 15.02.2017 respectively.

            So we have decided to serve strike notice as NFPE on 05th January-2017.

            All are requested to serve strike notice at all levels by organizing mass demonstrations.

            Proforma of Strike Notice and Charter of Demands is published below:


NEW DELHI-110 001

No.PF-12-C /2017                                                                      Dated: 05th January, 2017

The Secretary / Director General
Department of Posts
Dak Bhawan
New Delhi – 110001


In accordance with the provisions of Sub Section (1) of Section 22 of the Industrial Disputes Act, 1947, we hereby notify that all the Postal/RMS/MMS/Administrative & Postal Accounts Employees and the Gramin Dak Sewaks (NFPE) will go on 1 Day  Strike on 15th February,2017.

The Charter of Demands is enclosed herewith.
          (R.N. Parashar)                                                                            (R.N. Parashar)         
     Secretary General                                                                             General Secreta
              NFPE                                                                                      AIPEU Group-C        
    R. Seethalakshmi                                                                                (Giriraj Singh)    
     General Secretary                                                                            General Secretary
AIPEU Postmen, MTS/Group ‘D’                                            AIRMS & MMS EU Group ‘C’
       (P. Suresh)                                                                              (U.S. Chaktaborty)                            General Secretary                                                                    General Secretary           
AIRMS & MMS EU MTS & MTS/Group ‘D’         AIPAOEU (Admin Union)

       (S.B.Yadav)                                                                                  (Virendra Tewary)            
General Secretary                                                                              General Secretary          
AIPAEA (Postal Accounts)                                                                   AIPSBCOEA

                                                                                                              ( P. Pandurangarao)
  General Secretary                                                                                 General Secretary  AICWEA(Civil Wing)                                                                         AIPEU-GDS (NFPE)    

                  CHARTER OF DEMANDS                PART-A

1.  Settle the demands raised by NJCA regarding modifications of 7th CPC recommendations as submitted in the memorandum to Cabinet Secretary on 10th December 2015. (See Annexure-I). Honour the assurance given by the Group of Ministers to NJCA on 30th June 2016 and 6thJuly 2016, especially increase in minimum wage and fitment factor. Grant revised HRA at the existing percentage itself i.e. 30%, 20% and 10%. Accept the proposal of the staff side regarding Transport Allowance. Settle all anomalies arising out of implementation of 7th CPC recommendations, in a time bound manner.

2.  Implement option-I recommended by 7th CPC and accepted by the Government regarding parity in pension of pre-2016 pensioners, without any further delay. Settle the pension related issues raised by NJCA against item 13 of its memorandum submitted to Cabinet Secretary on 10th December 2015. (See Annexure-I).

3.  Scrap PFRDA Act and New Pension System (NPS) and grant pension and Family Pension to all Central Government employees recruited after 01.01.2004, under CCS (Pension) Rules 1972.

4.   Treat Gramin Dak Sewaks of Postal department as Civil Servants, and extend all benefits like pay, pension, allowances etc. of departmental employees to GDS. Publish GDS Committee report immediately.

5.  Regularise all casual, contract, part-time, contingent and Daily rated mazdoors and grant equal pay and other benefits. Revise the wages as per 7th CPC minimum pay.

6.  No Downsizing, Privatisation, outsourcing and contractorisation of Government functions.

7.  Withdraw the arbitrary decision of the Government to enhance the bench mark for performance appraisal for promotion and financial upgradations under MACP from “GOOD” to VERY GOOD” and also decision to withhold annual increments in the case of those employees who are not able to meet the bench march either for MACP or for regular promotion within the first 20 years of service. Grant MACP pay fixation benefits on promotional hierarchy and not on pay-matrix hierarchy. Personnel promoted on the basis of examination should be treated as fresh entrants to the cadre for grant of MACP.

8.  Withdraw the draconian FR 56 (J) and Rule 48 of CCs (Pension) Rules 1972 which is being misused as a short cut as purity measure to punish and victimize the employees.

9.   Fill up all vacant posts including promotional posts in a time bound manner. Lift ban on creation of posts. Undertake cadre Review to access the requirement of employees and their cadre prospects. Modify recruitment rules of Group-‘C’ cadre and make recruitment on Reginal basis.

10.  Remove 5% ceiling on compassionate appointments and grant appointment in all deserving cases.

11.  Grant five promotions in the service carreer to all Central Govt. employees.

12.  Abolish and upgrade all Lower Division Clerks to Upper Division Clerks.

13.  Ensure parity in pay for all stenographers, Assistants, Ministerial Staff in subordinate offices and in all organized Accounts cadres with Central Secretariat staff by upgrading their pay scales. Grant pay scale of Drivers in Loksabha Secretariat to Drivers working in all other Central Government Departments.
14.  Reject the stipulation of 7th CPC to reduce the salary to 80% for the second year of Child Care leave and retain the existing provision.

15.  Introduce Productivity Linked bonus in all department and continue the existing bi-lateral agreement on PLB wherever it exists.
16.  Ensure cashless medical treatment to all Central Government employees & Pensioners in all recognized Government and Private hospitals.

17.  Revision of Overtime Allowance (OTA) and Night Duty Allowance (NDA) w.e.f 01.01.2016 based on 7th CPC pay scale.

18.  Revision of wages of Central Government employees in every five years.

19. Revive JCM functioning at all levels. Grant recognition to the unions/Associations under CCS (RSA) Rules 1993 within a time frame to facilitate effective JCM functioning.

20. Implementation of the Revised Pay structure in respect of employees and pensioners of autonomous bodies consequent on implementation of CCS (Revised Pay) Rules 2016 in respect of Central Government employees and pensioners w.e.f. 01.01.2016.

21. Implementation of the “equal pay for equal work” judgement of the Supreme Court in all departments of the Central Government.

                  CHARTER OF DEMANDS                      PART-B

1.    Settle the demands of various cadres of Postal department relating to 7th CPC recommendations submitted to Secretary, Posts in memorandum dated 08.12.2015.
2.    Implement cadre restructuring in all remaining cadres in the Department of Posts and settle the residual issues arising at implementation stage. Finalize RRs in MMS Cadres.  
3.    Grant Civil Servant status to Gramin Dak Sevaks and grant all benefits of departmental employees on pro-rata basis./Publish GDS Committee  Report.
4.    Revision of wages and payment of arrears from 01.01.2006 to all casual, part-time, contingent and daily-rated mazdoors and regularization of services.
5.    Fill up all vacant posts in all cadres including promotional posts and GDS.
6.    Conduct membership verification of Gramin Dak Sevaks and declare the result of the verification already conducted among departmental employees during 2015.
7.    Revision of OTA & OSA and fixation of norms for CRC/Speed post and Parcel in RMS and FMC for Postman Cadre.
8.    Settle problems arisen out of implementation of CSI and CBS.
9.    Grant of upgraded 3050 pay scale to Postmen w.e.f. 1.1.1996 as per Supreme Court Judgment.Change of RRs of Postmen/MTS.
10.  Withdraw “Very Good” bench mark condition for MACP and future increments and holding of DPCs timely..
11.  Grant of S D.A. & HCA to the Assam & NE & remove discrimination..
12. Problems arisen out of demonetization Scheme and grant additional remuneration of full       day salary for Sunday/Holiday and hourly rate for extended duty hours. Provide proper infrastructure including fake currency detector and counting machines. Not to direct the officials to make good the loss where fake currency machines are not provided.
13 Stop Sunday/Holiday working completely.
14. Discussion on     Memorandum of AIPSBCOEA.
15. All COs/ROs & DPLI office Kolkata may be  allowed  to function CPCs.
16. Finalization of Recruitment Rules of AAO Cadre in Postal Accounts and review of result for SC/ST -2012 Exam.
17. Repairing and Maintenance of Departmental Buildings.
18.Payment of revised  wages to the GDS/ Casual Labourers  substitutes  who are working on the  posts of Postmen, Mail guard, MTS etc,
19. Stop Trade Union victimization.

20. Declaration of Result of LGO & other LDCEs in remaining Circles.