HAPPY NEW YEAR 2025 TO ALL MEMBERS,Viewers & Readers

Tuesday, April 5, 2016

No. R-III/Circular-28/2016                                                           Dated 05-04-2016

          All CWC Members, Circle, Divisional  and Branch Secretaries.

Dear Comrades,


    All India RMS & MMS Employees Union Group `C` CHQ congratulates and Red Salute to all CWC members, Circle, Divisional , Branch Secretaries, office bearers and members for participating and making a grand success of all programmes, holding massive rally ,demonstration on 11th March, 2016 at all work places and observing the solidarity day on 29th march, 2016. Now CHQ appeal to all to mobilize rank & file and participate and make a grand success Indefinite Strike from 11th July, 2016. Now Strike Notice will be issued on 9th June, 2016.

NATIONAL CONVENTION OF WORKERS:- The National convention was organized by the Joint Platform of Central Trade Unions BMS,INTUC,AITUC,HMS,CITU,AIUTUC, TUCC,SEWA,AICCTU,UTUC,LPF of the country alongwith independent National Federation of employees of different industries and services on 30-3-2016 at New Delhi. On behalf of NFPE and Confederation Coms. R.N.Parashar S/G NFPE & G/S P-III, Giri Raj Singh President NFPE & G/S R-III, R.SeethaLakshami G/S P-IV,K.P.Singh AGS R-III, Raj Kumar Tr. NFPE, V.Bhattacharjee S/G Civil Accounts & Tr. Confederation, A.K. Kanojia President ITEF and other comrades attended. After details discussions this convention passed the declaration and decided to launch agitational programme, joint conventions and campaign during June-July-2016 in states, districts, Day long Dharna/Satyagraha in the capital of states, on 9th August,2016 including  One Day All India Strike on 2nd September,2016  for the settlement of 12 Point Charter of Demands. Declaration which passed is available on our website & will be published in RMS WORKER  May,2016 issue.

MEETING WITH THE CABINET SECRETARY ON 30-3-2016:- A meeting with Empowered Committee under the Chairmanship of Cabinet Secretary was held on 30-3-2016 at 3.30 PM at Cabinet Secretariat Committee Room Rastrapati Bhawan New Delhi. On behalf of NFPE Coms R.N. Parashar S/G NFPE, Giri Raj Singh General Secretary R-III and Com. R.Seetha Lakshmi General Secretary P-IV from FNPO Sh. D. Theagarajan S/G ,T.N. Rahate President and from BPEF S.K.Sinha  participated. We demanded upgraded pay scale for PA,SA, Postman, Mail Guards, MTS,PO & RMS Accountants, Marketing Executives, System  Administrators, Drivers, Artisans at par with Railway/Defence, merger of Despatch Riders , Admn SBCO, Postal Accounts, civil wing, implementation of Cadre Restructuring Committee Report including MMS Staff before implementation of 7 CPC report etc.

GDS MDEMBERSHIP VERIFICATION PROCESS STRATED:- Applications have been invited upto  31st March, 2016.AIPEU GDS (NFPE) has submitted the application.  All Circle/ Divisional /Branch Secretaries and office bearers of R-III are requested to make maximum efforts to make AIPEU GDS (NFPE) as NO. 1 Union.

MEMMORANDUM  SUBMITTED TO GDS COMMITTEE:- On 18th March,  Memorandum was submitted to Shri T.Q. Mohd Secretary GDS Committee for revision of wages and other service conditions of GDS  employees by Com. P. Panduranga Rao G/S AIPEU GDS (NFPE) and Com. R.N. Parashar S/G NFPE. They presented the case very  effectively. Secretary GDs committee gave very positive assurances.

ALL INDIA TRADE UNION EDUCATION CAMP AT DEHRADUN ON 24th  & 25th MAY, 2016:- As per the decision of National Secretariat Meeting the next All India Trade Union Education Camp of confederation of C.G. Empl. And workers will be held at Dehradun  on 24th & 25th May, 2016. Delegate Fee per head is Rs.600/-. The quota fixed for  each affiliated /COC, NFPE has been allotted 60 delegates. Out of 60 R-III  may be 10,   UP-1, Delhi-1, Uttrakhand-1,Rajastahn-1,MP-1,W.Bengal-1,Maharastra-1,Punjab-1,Haryana-1,Gujarat-1,. Delegates from above noted circles should compulsory  attend the T.U. Camp.

R-III ALL INDIA CONFERENCE:- 31st All India Conference of All India RMS & MMS Emp. Union Group `C` will be held at Modheshvari Ramdheja Road, Pethapur, Gandhi Nagar, Ahmedabad, (Gujarat) from 21st  to 23rd June, 2016 with CWC meetings on 20th and 24th  preceding and succeeding of the conference. The Reception committee has been  formed. M.P.Jhon General Secretary Mob. -09429626551. Com. D.S. Rajgor Secretary M.No. 09979935484. Delegate Fee per head is Rs. 1200/-. Notice has been issued.

SOUVENIR:- The Reception committee of 31st AIC of R-III has decided to release souvenir to commemorate the occasion, the advertisement form and Tariff rates has already been dispatched to all circle/divisional Secretaries and CWC Members of our union. We would request to the Circle Secretaries to collect the maximum advertisement from their respective circles and forward them to the Reception committee  well in advance so as to reach to held the Reception Committee to meet the expenditure.

PAYMENT OF QUOTA:- All Circle/Divisional/Branch Secretaries are requested to clear arrears of quota to CHQ without delay and sent in future regularly. RMS Worker will not be posted to those branches in arrears more than 3 months.

With warm greetings
Yours comradely.
(Giri Raj Singh)
General Secretary 

No. R-III/52/42                                                                                                                            Dated  4th  APRIL, 2016
                It is hereby notified that the XXXI All India Conference of All India RMS & MMS Employees Union Gr.`C` will be held from 21st  June to 23rd  June, 2016 Modhesvari Randheja Road at Pethapur, Gandhi Nagar ,Ahmedabad (Gujarat). All delegates should reach the venue before 10.A.M. on 21st   June, 2016 positively.
            The Conference will be preceded and succeeded by Central Working Committee Meeting to be held on 20th  and 24th June, 2016  at the Conference venue for which no separate notice will be issued. The agenda of the Central Working Committee will comprise the agenda of the All India Conference as notified.
             Accommodation for the delegates has been arranged in Dharamhalas near to the Conference venue. Food will be supplied at  the Conference Venue.
            The provisions of the articles 16 (a), 24, 92 and 93 of the Constitution shall be strictly followed while electing delegates for all India conference. The number of delegates should be restricted according to the constitutional provisions. The list of the delegates including the lady delegates should be forwarded to the Reception Committee well in advance with copy to CHQ.
            All Conferences at Branch, Divisional and Circle level, if due should be completed in accordance with article 81 (a), 61 (1) and 44 (a) of the constitution respectively and also as per CCS (RSA) Rules 1993.
            Subject to modifications, as may be done by the CWC and AIC, the Agenda of the Conference will be as follows:
1.        Adoption of the Biennial report from June  2014 to May 2016.
2.      Adoption of the Audited Statement of Accounts for the year 2013-2014, 2014-2015 and presentation  of  Accounts from April 2015 to March 2016 ( Subject to Audit)
3.      Adoption of Budget Estimates. For the year 2014-2015, 2015-2016.

2.        (A) C.G. Emp.Problems:
1.      Amend Sections 5, 6 and 8 of the CCS (RSA) Rules,1993 in order to ensure the freedom of association rights of Civil Servants.
2.      C.C.S. Conduct Rules 1964 , Section 3, 5 & 7 to be scrapped.
3.      Scrapping  of New Pension Scheme.
4.      Privatization, Downsizing, Outsourcing of Government functions.
5.      Withdrawal of CGHS / Health Insurance Scheme.
6.      GPF Interest Rates.
7.      Non implementation of Arbitration awards.
8.      Withdrawal of ceiling on Bonus.
9.      Lifting ban on recruitment.
10.    Anomalies arising  on implementation of 6th CPC and 7 CPC  recommendations
11.    Removal of cap on compassionate appointments.
12.    Discussion on 7 CPC Retrograde Recommendations.

                  (B) Postal Problems:
 1. Privatization and outsourcing of Postal functions,
        2  New Postal Policy,2012 and Task Force Committee Report.
        3. Downsizing of offices and abolition of posts
        4. India Post Office Act 1898 and amendment thereof.
        5. Demands of GDS for Status and Pension
        6. Exempt Department of Posts from purview of reduction of staff     strength.
        7. Fill up of all vacant posts in all cadres.
        7.   (a) Filling of the post of GDS in RMS
        8. Review of MACPS
        9. Implementation of agreement on Strike Charter of Demands.
      10. Compassionate appointments.
      11. Regularization RTP services.
      12. Regularization of Casual Labourers and DRM
      13. Vindictive action and victimizations.
      14. Drop franchise Postal outlets.
      15. Enhancement of all pending OTA/TA and enhancement of Fund according to the needs of the staff.
      16. Administrative attack on Trade Unions.
( C ) RMS Problems;-
      1.   Technology development, Modernization and Mail Net Work Optimization programme.
      2   .Abolition of RMS Offices, Sections ,Divisions, ROs, Transit Sections, Night sets and to set one Mail  Office in a Revenue District and creation of NSPCS Hubs, L-1, L-2, First Class Mail Hubs, Parcel Hubs.
       3.   Proper assessment of workload and sanction of justified staff.
       4.   Processing of mails and other premium products in RMS
       5.  Diversion of all preliminary sorting work from Post Office to RMS.
       6.   Proper and justified accommodation in Transit Sections.
       7.  Improvement of working conditions and environment in RMS offices.
       8.  SPC and CRC functioning and norms.
       9.  Computerization in HROs/DOs and TMOs.
     10.  Functioning of AMPC and grand of special increment to the official engage in connection with AMPC.
     11.    Filling up of all vacant posts of group `C`, `D`, LSG, HSG-II and HSG- I, PSS group `B` from General    Line including residual vacancies.
     12.   Cadre Review.
     13.   Revision of OTA and OSA Rates
                 (D) MMS Problems:
1.         Privatization of MMS
2.         Supply of New Vehicles.
3.         Replacement of condemned Vehicles.
4.         Curtailment of Schedules.
5.         Supply of Spare Parts, Tools, equipments.
6.         Filling up of all vacant Posts in all Cadres.
7.         Provision of mail Peons/Guards to the Drivers.
8.         Cadre Review in MMS.
9.        Pay Scale and promotion of Workshop Staff at par with the Drivers.
10.    Holding examination for IMM Posts.
11.    Promotion of Artisan Staff on par with MMS Drivers.
12.    Merger of Charge Hand with Technical supervisor and Despatch Rider with Drivers.
13.    Insurance of Mail Motor Vehicles.

                  3.        Assessment and Review:
1.   United Movements.
2.   Confederation.
3.      Review of implementation of NJCA, Confederation, NFPE,Postal JCA  programmes including deferred  Indefinite Strike from 6 May,2015,Indefinite Strike from 23rd Nov. 2015 Indefinite Strike from 11th April,2016, 2nd Sept.2015 One Day Nation wide Strike and preparations of Indefinite Strike from 11th July, 2016 and All India One Day Strike on 2nd September, 2016
4.      Review and settlement of Strike Charter of Demands called by Postal JCA  (NFPE &  FNPO)
5.     NFPE
6.    JCM functions.
7.    Organizational position at all levels.
8.    Re-verification of Membership.
9.   Adoption of Resolution – resolution to be typed neatly, item wise and to the point.
                10.    Amendment to the constitution if any should reach CHQ by  30th  April, 2016.
                11.    Policy and Programme.
                12.   Election of (a) Office Bearers (b) Federal Councilors  and Councilors in JCM             (Department Council)
                13.    Venue of the Next AIC
                14.    Concluding remarks.
                15.    Vote of thanks 

(Giri Raj Singh)
General Secretary
                 Copy to :-
1.      All Office Bearers and Circle Secretaries
2.      All Divisional /Branch Secretaries
3.      Secretary General, NFPE,1st Floor North Avenue Post Office Building, New Delhi-110 001.
4.      The Secretary Department of Posts, Dak Bhawan, New Delhi- 110 116 with the request to issue instructions for grant of Special Casual Leave to the Circle/Divisional/Branch Secretaries, CWC Members and delegates.
5.      All Chief Postmasters General. with request to issue instructions for grant of Special Casual Leave to the Circle/Divisional/Branch Secretaries, CWC Members and delegates.



Monday, April 4, 2016

Dated – 4th April. 2016
      1)      All Office Bearers
      2)      All General Secretaries C-O-Cs
      3)      All Affiliates of Confederation

DEHRADUN, MAY 24 & 25, 2016

Dear Comrades,

            s decided in the National Secretariat Meeting, the next All India Trade Union Education Camp of Confederation of Central Govt. Employees & Workers will be held on 24th and 25th May, 2016.  The Dehradun Unit of the Confederation has come forward to host the said camp at Dehradun on the above days and started the Preparatory work for the programme.  It should be the endeavour of all affiliates and State Units of the Confederation to depute the given number of delegates to the camp and make it a grand success. The quota fixed for each affiliate/COC is given below.  Detailed programme & notice will be sent shortly.  TU Camp will commence at 10 AM on 24th May and continue till 5 PM on 25th May, 2016 and the delegates should ensure their presence throughout the duration of the Camp.   

            Delegates from all affiliated organisations and C-O-Cs should compulsorily attend the TU camp.  The minimum quota fixed for each affiliated organisation and C-O-Cs is given below.  All are requested to ensure participation of delegates as per quota fixed, WITHOUT FAIL.  Delegates may be instructed to book their up and down tickets immediately. Delegate fee per head is Rs. 600/- (Rs. Six hundred only). All delegates, including All India office Bearers of Confederation should pay the delegate fee.

Name of the Affiliates and the quota of delegates in brackets
      1.      NFPE  (60); ITEF (20); Audit & Accounts (10);
      Atomic Energy (10),Civil Accounts (10);
      2.      All other affiliates (3 each);
      3.      Confederation State Units: Bengal (20); Kerala (15);
         Karnataka (10); Tamilnadu (15); Andhra (10)
      4.      All other State Units: (3 each).

NB:             While deciding the delegates, the concerned organisations shall include the All India Office Bearers of Confederation also in their quota since the number of delegates fixed above includes the Office Bearers of Confederation CHQ.
                                                          Fraternally yours,
                                                         M. KRISHNAN
                                                       Secretary General


Advocate informed that CAT Principal Bench did not hold Court today. Next date have been given by the Court Master. Matter stands adjourned to 25.07.2016.

Declaration of Assets and Liabilities by Public Servants under section 44 of the Lokpal and Lokayuktas Act, 2013 - Filling of Returns by public servants on or before 15th April, 2016 – regarding(Click the link below for details)


        India has the largest postal network in the world with 1,54,939 post offices as on March 31, 2015, of which 1,39,222 (89.86%) are in the rural areas. At the time of independence there were 23,344 post offices.
            Following are some interesting revelations from India Post’s annual report 2015-16.
1.    The government has decided to digitise 1.5 lakh post offices across the country, which includes 1.3 lakh post offices in rural areas.

2.    One can buy exclusive collection of postal stamps offered by India Post on e-commerce websites like Snapdeal and Shopclues. Philatelic products are also available at e-post office – an e-commerce portal of India Post. Through its e-commerce portal, India Post also provides select postal facilities using the web. The department has generated revenue of Rs 24.31 lakh between April 2015 and December 2015 by selling postal stamps. 

3.    India is one of the earliest active members of the Universal Postal Union (UPU), a specialised agency of the United Nations, having its headquarters at Berne, Switzerland. 

4.    There are more than 33.03 crore account holders of the savings scheme of the department.

5.    The outstanding balance under all the savings schemes and saving certificates in Post Offices are over Rs 6,19,317.44 crore.

6.    Money transfer service of India Post enables instant international money remittance to customers in India sent from 195 countries on real time basis. This service is operational in association with Western Union from 9,942 post office locations and Money Gram through 6,070 post office locations.

7.    To ensure safe and timely delivery of goods, the department has signed an agreement for supply and installation of GPS devices in 990 mail vans. GPS devices have already been installed in 926 mail vans.

8.    India Post ATMs have been installed in more than 500 locations across the country.

9.    The department has earned revenue of Rs 2,247 crore during the period April 2015 to December 2015 registering a growth of 15% compared to corresponding period last year.

10.  The department has 38 heritage buildings having architectural value.