HAPPY NEW YEAR 2025 TO ALL MEMBERS,Viewers & Readers

Thursday, August 6, 2015


All affiliated organisations shall also serve strike notice to their respective departmental heads on 11.08.2015.

Click here to view Strike Notice & Charter of Demands

Subject: -Verification of membership for  recognition of Service Association under CCS (RSA) Rules, 1993 — Instructions  regarding.

Department of Posts      No.13/01/2015-SR                         Dated: .5th August , 2015

In continuation to this Department`s letter of even number dated 9th June, 2015 and 23rd June, 2015 on the subject mentioned above  it is informed that in order to ensure transparency and fairness and look into the complaints  relating to the verification process it has been decided  to constitute a  three member Forum. The said Forum shall be consist of the following:-

1.    DPDS (HQ)                                                                Chairman
2.    APMG Staff or APMG (Vigilance)                                   Member
(to be decided by CPMG)
3.    Asstt. Director (dealing with Union                               Member
Matters) or Director (Legal) or Asstt.
Director (Investigation ( to be decided by

The details of the Forum so constituted will be circulated to all concerned by 7th August, 2015 under intimation to the Directorate. In view of the same the following modifications/additions have been incorporated in the process.

i)             Last date for submission of complaints from individual employees to Divisional Head/DPS (HQ) has been extended to 21-08-2015. All complaints received on or before 21-08-2015 shall be examined by the Divisional superintendent and sent with a report to the Forum. IN case the complaint is against the Divisional Head the same shall be directly sent to the        concerned circle.
ii)            The Divisional Head will investigate the complaints and furnish a report alongwith course of action to independent Forum headed by DPS (HQ) on or before 11-09-2015.
iii)           The forum will take a final decision with the approval of CPMG  about the course of action to be taken on or before 30-09-2015.
iv)           IN CASE THE COMPLAINT ARE OF SERIOUS NATURE WHICH WARRANT REVERIFICATION IN A PARTICULAR DIVISION/Region, the same may be referred to Directorate alongwith a detailed report by the Forum and reasons for the recommendations.
v)            In view of the above changes,  Drawing & Disbursing Officers will start making monthly recovery from the employee out of their salary for the month of October, 2015 payable on 31-10-2015.
vi)           Recovery of subscription in respect of Service Associations on the basis of old authorization will made till September, 2015 salary (payable on 31-09-2015)
vii)          Divisional Head will ensure that all work relating to verification and its compilation and complaints redressal is completed by 06-11-2015 and reported to Head of Circles.
viii)         The Head of Circle will send the consolidated statement to SR Section, Department of Posts by 18-11-2015.
1.         Any laxity will be viewed seriously.
2.    All Heads of Circles /Postmasters General are requested to give vide publicity to this communication.
3.    This issues with the approval of competent authority.

(Arun Malik)

Director (SR & Legal)

Wednesday, August 5, 2015

National Federation of Postal Employees
1st Floor North Avenue Post Office Building, New Delhi-110 001
Phone: 011.23092771                                           e-mail:
       Mob: 9868819295/9810853981         website:

No.PF-01(b)/2015                                                                       Dated: 05 August, 2015

           It is hereby notified in accordance with Article 12 of the Constitution of NFPE that the meeting of the Federal Executive of National Federation of Postal Employees shall be held at NFPE Office 1st Floor North Avenue  Post Office Building, New Delhi-110 001) on 21st September, 2015.The meeting shall commence at 11 A.M. on 21.09.2015. The following will be the agenda for discussion in the meeting:


            1.       Organizational review.
2.       Review of 2nd September, 2015 National Strike.
3.       Proposed Indefinite Strike from 23rd Nov, 2015.
4.       Non inclusion of GDS in 7th C.P.C. Next course of action.
5.       Other Cadre related issues and   PJCA Charter of Demands.
6.       Venue of next Federal Council.
7.       Other items with the permission of Chair.
(R.N. Parashar)
Secretary General
Copy to:
1.       The Secretary, Deptt. Of Posts, Dak Bhawan, New Delhi-110001
2.       All the Office Bearers of NFPE and all General Secretaries.
3.       Chief Postmaster General: Andhra Circle,Hyderabad-500001 / Chief Postmaster General, Delhi Circle, New Delhi-110001 / Chief Postmaster General Karnataka, Bangalore-560001 / Chief Postmaster General, Kerala Circle, Trivandrum-695033 / Chief Postmaster General , Tamil Nadu Circle, Chennai-600 002 /  Chief Postmaster General, UP Circle, Lucknow-226001 / Chief Postmaster General, West Bengal Circle,Kolkata-700 012 : They are requested to grant Special Casual Leave to the Office Bearers / General Secretaries for attending the Federal Executive Committee Meeting.
5.       File.
(R.N. Parashar)
Secretary General

Government of India has started a RTI online web portal whereby Right to Information (RTI) applications can be filed online by Indian citizens, including those who are living abroad. The detailed procedure in filing of on-line RTI application is as under:

An Indian citizen can file RTI application online through RTI online web-portal, having Uniform Resource Locator (url) The prescribed fee for RTI application can also be paid online through a payment gateway of State Bank of India by way of internet banking of State Bank of India and its associate banks and by using Rupay card, debit/credit cards of Master/Visa. This facility at present is available for 431 Public authorities of Government of India.

All the States have been requested vide this Department’s letter dated 3rd December, 2013 to explore the feasibility of implementing online RTI in their respective States. National Informatics Centre (NIC) has been requested to provide technical support such as software and source code to the State Governments who desire to replicate the web portal for online filing of RTI applications at state level.

This was stated by the Minister of State for Personnel, Public Grievances and Pensions and Minister of State in the Prime Minister’s Office Dr. Jitendra Singh in a written reply to a question by Shri Jyotiraditya M. Scindia and Adv. Joice George in the Lok Sabha today.

Linkage of Aadhaar with various employees system.

No. Z-20025/9/2014-Estt.(Allowance) Government of India Ministry of Personnel, Public Grievances & Pension Department of Personnel & Training Block IV, Old JNU Campus, New Delhi, August 5, 2015. Office Memorandum Subject: Linkage of Aadhaar with various employees' system. The undersigned is directed to refer to this Department's Office Memorandum of even number dated May 20, 2015 on the subject mentioned above wherein all Ministries/Departments were requested to ensure that the service books of all employees have an entry of the employees' Aadhaar number and sought compliance report. The information from most of the Ministries/Departments has not yet been received by this Department so far. 2. All Ministries/Departments of the Government of India are once again requested to intimate the action taken in this regard and also furnish consolidated information in respect of the Ministry/Department as a whole, including attached and subordinate offices, to this Department latest by 14th August, 2015. (Mukul Ratra) Director Tel.No. 2616 4314 e-mail: