Preparation for the Grand Final Celebration of NFPE Diamond Jubilee is going on in full swing in Dwarka (Gujarat) under the leadership of reception committee. CHQs of all affiliated unions/Associations (P3, P4, R3, R4, Admin, Postal Accounts, SBCO, GDS) of NFPE had already issued notice for the central Working committee on 23rd & 24th November 2014. NFPE CHQ has invited all Ex-All India Leaders to the Diamond Jubilee celebrations. Reception Committee will honour all leaders.
Please Help Receiption Committee
Gujarat is a small Circle. Total expenditure for the celebration will be around 15 Lakh rupees. Receiption Committee has already requested all Circle/Divisional secretaries to help them by collecting maximum advertisements for the souvenir. Tariff and order forms are already sent. Please collect maximum amount as advertisement and send it to Reception Committee before 15th November 2014.
Percentage of women in the Government Service and age limit for entering the Govt service
The Minister of State in the Ministry of Personnel, Public Grievances and Pensions was requested to answer the following questions regarding status women employees in Central government services. Singh Shri Bhola M.P (Question No.4934) has raised the following questions in Parliament.
(a) The percentage of women in the Government service and the increase in percentage during the last three years;
(b) Whether the Government has taken/ contemplating to take any policy decision to encourage women to join Government service and if so, the details thereof;
(c) Whether in several competitive examinations, the maximum age limit for general candidates is 27 years and if so, the details thereof;
(d) Whether there is a need for increasing the maximum age limit for women for entry in theGovernment service; and
(e) If so, the details thereof and the measures taken in this regard?
In his reply to the above questions the Minister of State in the Ministry of Personnel, Public Grievances and Pensions and Minister of State in the Prime Minister’s Office Shri .DR. JITENDRA SINGH submitted the following answer in Lok Sabha on 13.08.2014
(a): Details of percentage of women in Government service over the years, as per the Census of Central Government Employees, 2012, released by Directorate General Employment & Training are at Table-1 in the Annexure.
(b): In order to encourage the women to join Government service, they are provided some special facilities as under:
(i) maternity leave (ii) child care leave (iii) child adoption leave (iv) special allowance to women with disability (v) provision of crèche facility (vi) posting of husband and wife at the same station (vii) special priority in allotment of residential accommodation (viii) provision for protection of women from acts of sexual harassment (ix) age relaxation for appointment to widows, divorced woman and woman judicially separated from their husbands and who are not remarried (x) special dispensation for woman officers of All India Services of North East cadre (xi) change of Cadre in case of marriage of All India Service Officer and (xii) exemption from payment of fee for examinations conducted by the Union Public Service Commission and Staff Selection Commission.
Also, as per the recommendations of the 62nd Department Related Parliamentary Standing Committee, publicity to encourage women to prefer/ join Government Service is being given.
(c): The upper age limit for general candidates for entry in the Government Service is as at Table-2 of the Annexure.
(d) & (e): There is a provision for age relaxation for appointment in Government service for Widows, divorced Women and Women judicially separated from husbands and not re- married, upto 35 years for posts of Group C filled through Staff Selection Commission/ Employment Exchange (upto 40 years for members of Scheduled Castes/ Scheduled Tribes).
Total No. of employees (in lakhs)
No. of Women employees (in lakhs )
Age Limits
Posts having Grade Pay more than Grade Pay Rs.7600/-
Preferably below 50 years
Posts having Grade Pay Rs.7600
50 years
Posts having Grade Pay Rs.6600
40 Years
Posts having Grade Pay Rs.5400
35 Years
Posts having Grade Pay Rs.4200, 4600 and 4800
30 Years
Posts having GP Rs. 1800, 1900, 2000, 2400 and 2800
Between 18 and 25 years
Note: The upper age limit for recruitment by the method of Direct Open Competitive Examination to the Central Civil Services and Civil posts specified in the relevant Service/ recruitment rules shall be increased by two years.
Grant of House Rent Allowance to Central Government Employees on Transfer from one station to another station – MoD orders
Tele : 23012408
No. A/81397/DGQA/ADM/RMD (CW)
9 Oct 2014
1. As per the instructions contained in Min of finance (Departments of Expenditure) OM No. 11014/2/Ell(B)/82 dt 19 Mar 1983 read in conjunction with Min of Finance OM No. F2(37)-Ell(B)/64 dt 27 Nov 1965, ” A Government servant, who, on transfer, has been permitted to retain Government accommodation at the old station on payment of normal rent or penal rent or retains Government accommodation unauthorisedly on payment of market rent etc, will not be entitled to HRA at the new station for the period beyond 8 months from the date of his transfer”.
2. It may be ensured that the provisions and procedures for claiming HRA as per MoF letters under reference and after obtaining NAC as governed by SRO-31 for DGQA Pool of Accommodation.
3. This may be disseminated to all Establishments under your control for information and necessary action.
4. This has the approval of DGQA.
(OP Singh)
Dir (Works)
Month-long Winter Session to commence on 24th November
New Delhi: Winter session of Parliament will start from November 24 and conclude on December 23 during which a heavy legislative agenda is on the cards. The Cabinet Committee on Parliamentary Affairs headed by Home Minister Rajnath Singh on Monday recommended the dates to the President.
The month-long session will have a total of 22 sittings in which four days have been earmarked for Private Members' business.
A total of 67 bills 59 in Rajya Sabha and eight in Lok Sabha are pending and the government will push for passage of "at least 30 to 35" legislations, a senior minister said.
This will be the second major session since the Narendra Modi Government took over in May.
The long wait for finalisation of seating arrangement in Lok Sabha is expected to be over before the session commences, almost six months after the constitution of the new House.
"We expect the arrangement to be in place before the winter session," said an official at Parliament over the exercise which has dragged on after the declaration of the results of the 16th Lok Sabha polls on May 16.
Average number of sittings in the past five Winter sessions has been 22 and the dates were decided based on precedents, source said.
Finance Minister Arun Jaitley, External Affairs Minister Sushma Swaraj, Law Minister Ravi Shankar Prasad, Chemicals and Fertilisers Minister Anant Kumar and Parliamentary Affairs Minister M Venkaiah Naidu are members of the Committee.
HRD Minister Smriti Irani and Ministers of state for Parliamentary Affairs Prakash Javadekar and Santosh Gangwar are special invitees to the Committee.
The extract of Rule 152 of Postal Manual Volume V - Production of postal Records for investigation purpose
This is a vital information to our postal comrades to keep their attention in certain cases :

Text of the Speech Of the Speech of Secretary (Expenditure) Delivered at the Inauguration of Cross Regional International Conference on “Increasing Financial Outreach of the Youth Population, 2014-Postal Savings Bank Forum and 90th Anniversary of World Thrift (Savings) Day
“On this occasion of Cross Regional International Conference, I welcome participants from various countries, officials of World Saving Bank Institute and other officials from Government.
It is matter of pleasure that the Cross Regional International Conference is being organized in India. As a nation our significant population is young and youth will continue to represent a large proportion of our citizenry in near future. Considering such demographic profile of India, the subject matter and deliberations of the Conference with focus on ‘Increasing the Financial outreach in youth’ will be of significant value to us.
I note with satisfaction that the conference is well represented by eminent experts in this field and people having vast experience in running saving programme in their region. Your inputs and shared experiences will provide further momentum to savings movement.
India as a society is driven by the ethos of savings for our future generations and acquiring knowledge. There is a verse in one of our classical and one of the oldest languages Sanskrit;
क्षणश: कणशश्चैव विद्यामर्थं च साधयेत ।
क्षणे नष्टे कुतो विद्या, कणे नष्टे कुतो धनम ।।
क्षणे नष्टे कुतो विद्या, कणे नष्टे कुतो धनम ।।
The verse implies that knowledge and wealth can only be acquired gradually by investing time and sustained savings, respectively. If one does not invest time, knowledge cannot be acquired and unless one saves, wealth cannot be built. Not surprising, it is common place in India to set aside a sum as first charge from the income for saving for future generations and educating them.
With such rich tradition, India has always been a partner in the international effort to promote savings. Since 1924, when India was one of the signatory to the International Savings Congress, we have been unsparing in our efforts to inculcate the habit of thrift and savings have often helped us in tiding over difficult economic situation.
While promoting savings it has to be realized that Government acts as the custodian of the pooled savings of some very under privileged sections. It is the responsibility of the Government to ensure that such household savings are completely secure, earn a good return to the investor and the money is available to the investor at the time of his or her requirements . Further this pooled wealth is channelized for the purpose of creating durable assets in the country.
To address these challenges, the first regulatory framework in India dates back nearly 130 years with the enactment of Government Savings Bank Act. In the post colonial period, Constitution enjoined upon the State moral responsibility to bring in economic equality and provide avenues for economic prosperity to all its citizens. Savings is one vehicle to usher in economic prosperity.
Responding to the responsibility placed by the constitution Government expanded the legal framework for small savings instrument to meet the enhanced requirement. To mobilize savings through Savings certificates, Government enacted a Savings Certificate Act in 1959 and to provide a social safety net to those working in the un- organized sector a Public Provident Fund Act was brought in 1968.
All the instruments and schemes to channelize small savings were made fully secure by the Government and carry the implicit guarantee of the Government. These instruments provide easy access and have features to provide liquidity to the saver. There are significant tax incentives extended by the Government to those making investments.
Contribution of domestic savings in National Development has been remarkable. India is ‘one’ among the counties having a high rate of domestic saving, which is at present to the tune of 30% of its GDP. The domestic financial savings rate which had declined during last few years has again shown recovery and with propagation of the programmes to encourage people to save more, we expected to attain a higher savings rate. The Government as a policy is committed to revitalize and strengthen the network which promoted savings among the masses.
India has taken various measures to encourage savings in the recent past. “Jan Dhan Yojana” of financially including those who are left unbanked is a major step in this direction. Further, Government has significantly expanded the bouquet of small savings scheme. A special scheme for the Girl Child will be shortly announced by the Government to address the gender imbalance. Similarly, a scheme with insurance cover to the under privileged is being worked out. Similarly schemes are being reintroduced and expanded to increase the flow of savings towards productive purposes. Recently, we have increased the tax incentive on investment made from small savings by 50%.
Children and young people are the future economic actors whose financial decisions, as prospective family heads, employees and community contributors, will impact, ultimately, on the stability of world economies. They need to be prepared to take on this role and responsibility. In order to be effective they need to start dealing with financial matters as early and young as possible. This needs support from both their family and their schools. Thus it is up to all of us to enable the systematic and structural platforms for extending opportunities to the young people. It also involves the creation of social and cultural environment and legal and regulatory framework to facilitate the financial engagement of children and youth.
India has one of the highest ratios of young people who are below the age group of 35 years. It is expected that nearly 2/3rd our population will ne young in coming decades. Similar situation is faced by other developing nations as well. This is the greatest strength of the India economy of today. The relationship between youth and formal financial service providers needs strengthening. This can be done by traditional means as well as with the use of technological means at various levels since today’s youth is more familiar with technology. The same can attract them towards the financial products. I am sure, this WSBI Cross Regional Conference will address the issues of meeting this challenge and working out strategy to motivate the young to open and use their accounts.
India is committed to revitalize the small savings for the benefit of small savers and sustaining economic development. The cooperation between Government agencies like National Saving Institute, Department of Posts and Banks with the International organizations like World savings Banks Institution, is a welcome step in this direction and I expect that this Conference will be helpful in formulation of new strategies based on the experiences of the esteemed delegates who have come all the way to India and in turn, they will also get enriched by the experiences of India in mobilization of resources and promotion of savings.
Financial inclusion is one of the most potent weapons to fight against poverty. I would thus like to emphasize that such cooperation should not end with this conference but must continue so that strategies for financially including those who are not a part of process are constantly built and recalibrated . Further, the massive challenge of financial engaging the youth is adequately met. With these words, I wish the conference all the success.”
The Unique Identification Authority of India (UIDAI) has issued 70 crore Aadhaar numbers as on 28th October 2014.
As on date, nine states including Andhra Pradesh, Kerala, Delhi, Himachal Pradesh, have crossed 90 percent Aadhaar coverage, while sixteen states have Aadhaar coverage of over 70 percent. UIDAI is also conducting Aadhaar enrolments in the newly assigned states of Uttar Pradesh, Bihar, Uttarakhand and Chhattisgarh, at a fast pace. These four states with a combined population of about 34 crore, were added earlier this year to UIDAI’s mandate by the government. Till date, Aadhaar numbers have been issued to 8.93 crore residents in these states, which is 26% of the target population.
Over 25,000 Aadhaar enrolment kits are operational across the country, including both camp mode and Permanent Enrolment Centres, with a total output of approximately 10 lakh enrolments per day. UIDAI has already geared up its processing capabilities to achieve the targets and has the capacity to process around 15 lakh enrolment packets every day. Enrolments are expected to pick up further once the festival season is over.
In the recent months, Government of India has provided fresh impetus to the UIDAI by linking Aadhaar to various schemes and initiatives, including the Pradhan Mantri Jan Dhan Yojana (PMJDY), MGNREGA, Pensions, Scholarships, DBTL, UAN (EPFO), PDS, Passports, Attendance system in government offices etc.
Aadhaar facilitates "anytime, anywhere" online authentication of a resident through universal verification of one`s identity based on the demographic and biometric information of an individual, thereby eliminating any chances of duplication or fraud. Aadhaar not only provides universal mobility of identity to every resident, but also assists in online booking of tickets and in applying for a passport. It is also a proof of identity (PoI) and a proof of address (PoA) for opening a bank account, as it meets the `Know Your Customer` (KYC) norms of Reserve Bank of India (RBI). Under the recently launched PMJDY, Aadhaar, through its online e-KYC service, proves one’s digital identity beyond doubts and uniquely enables an individual to open a bank account instantly, in a paperless manner. Aadhaar is now the world’s largest biometric database.
For any further information, please contact:
ADG (Media), UIDAI at 011- 23466831
A Curtain Raiser on Postal Savings Banks Forum
The Minister for Communications & IT and Law and Justice World Shri Ravi Shankar Prasad will inaugurate the Postal Savings Banks Forum in New Delhi tomorrow.
This year’s forum is being organised by World Savings and Retail Banking Institute (WSBI) jointly with the National Savings Organisation (Ministry of Finance) and the Department of Posts.
This year’s forum is being organised by World Savings and Retail Banking Institute (WSBI) jointly with the National Savings Organisation (Ministry of Finance) and the Department of Posts.
The theme of this year’s Postal Savings Banks Forum will be "The rising force of postal banking in the retail banking market".
The role of postal operators in the world of retail banking is often overlooked. Post Offices worldwide hold 1.6 billion savings and deposit accounts. This is second only to commercial banks, which hold about 2.5 billion accounts. Thus, post offices are critical to the pursuit of financial inclusion, which is recognised today as a vital pre-requisite to socio-economic development.
The Universal Postal Union estimates that several hundred million people, often without an account, use the Post to make and receive basic payment transactions such as domestic and international transfers, government payments and utility payments. Postal operators, in all their activities, have always relied on a business model based on large volumes and low costs. Combined with the universal service obligation through which the State gives the mandate to the Post to serve the entire population, these specific features make the Post a worthwhile ally in the fight against financial exclusion.
Financial inclusion brought about through the postal network is called postal financial inclusion. India has about 1.55 lakh post offices, which is more than the combined branch strength of commercial banks (about 1 lakh). The number of savings accounts held in post offices in India is about 31 crore, which is more than that of any commercial bank in the country. The postal network possesses excellent cash management abilities and is trusted for its governance practices. Thus India seems to have the right mix of ingredients to deliver concrete results in postal financial inclusion. Hence the WSBI Postal Savings Bank Forum is of considerable interest to the Banking Sector in India.