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Thursday, October 16, 2014

Draft Seniority List of Grade I Stenographers as on 01/10/2014 for filling up the post of Private Secretary in Department of Post.

Instructions regarding the exchange of cash remittances.

48. Instructions regarding the exchange of cash remittances. – 

(1) The Head of the Circle is required to prescribe how first class head offices situated at stations where there is no treasury or sub-treasury are to be supplied with funds and how they are to be relieved of their surplus funds. A first class head office may be authorised to exchange remittances with any other head office.

(2) When it is not desirable that cash should be sent through the post from one office (head, sub, or branch) to another, the head of the Circle will prescribe the system under which the remittances are to be exchanged. It may be ordered that a special carrier, such as a postman, village postman, overseer or other subordinate, should be employed to convey the remittances, or remittances may be ordered to be made by means of bank-bills (hundi) or in any other way that the Head of the Circle may consider best suited to the needs of the case; but if remittances are to be systematically made by means of bank-bills (whether commission has to be paid or not) or through an outside agency, the Director-General’s sanction must be obtained. The detailed arrangements in the case of post offices under the control of a Superintendent will be prescribed by him, but they must be based on the system ordered by the Head of the Circle.

(3) Cash sent through the post must always be enclosed in cloth or leather cash bags, and ordinarily leather cash bags are to be used when the remittance includes coins or exceeds Rs. 100. Cloth bags are to be used when the remittance consists of currency notes only and does not exceed Rs. 100. In exceptional individual cases, the remitting office may exercise its discretion on the use of leather or cloth cash bag provided no risk is involved. It is, however, not intended that all offices that send cash by post should be supplied with leather cash bags as well as cloth ones. However, offices which exchange remittances exceeding Rs. 100 on an average of at least 10 times a month may be supplied with leather cash bags. In a special cases, a deviation from the above principles can be made under the previous orders of the Heads of the Circle. Whenever it is ordered that a special carrier should be employed to convey remittances, it should be laid down whether the money is to be made over loose to the carrier or enclosed in a cash bag. Ordinarily cash in excess of Rs. 250 should be enclosed in cash bag. 

NOTE – Cash remittances should, as far as possible, be excluded from the mails when they travel by runners at night, and when such remittances cannot be altogether excluded, a maximum limit as to the amount which may be sent should be fixed in each case. 

Please refer Rule No. 48 of PM_VOL_VIII

Raising the Cash limit for conveyance of cash and streamlining cash management

Karnataka Circle PA/SA Direct Recruitment Result 2014

Participation of Women in Central Government Services

An interesting data collected from the reply of Minister Dr.Jitendra Singh in Parliament that the percentage of women in the Central Government services and their age limit for entry.

Details of percentage of women in Government service over the years, as per the Census of Central Government Employees, 2012, released by Directorate General Employment & Training are given below in the table.

In order to encourage the women to join Government service, they are provided some special facilities as under:
(i) maternity leave (ii) child care leave (iii) child adoption leave (iv) special allowance to women with disability (v) provision of crèche facility (vi) posting of husband and wife at the same station (vii) special priority in allotment of residential accommodation (viii) provision for protection of women from acts of sexual harassment (ix) age relaxation for appointment to widows, divorced woman and woman judicially separated from their husbands and who are not remarried (x) special dispensation for woman officers of All India Services of North East cadre (xi) change of Cadre in case of marriage of All India Service Officer and (xii) exemption from payment of fee for examinations conducted by the Union Public Service Commission and Staff Selection Commission.

Also, as per the recommendations of the 62nd Department Related Parliamentary Standing Committee, publicity to encourage women to prefer/ join Government.

There is a provision for age relaxation for appointment in Government service for Widows, divorced Women and Women judicially separated from husbands and not re- married, upto 35 years for posts of Group C filled through Staff Selection Commission/ Employment Exchange (upto 40 years for members of Scheduled Castes/ Scheduled Tribes).


Total No. of employees
(in lakhs)
No. of Women employees
(in lakhs)

Rs. 10 Lakh Compensation if Government Employee Dies During Election Duty

The Tamil Nadu Election Commission’s Chief Commissioner, Praveen Kumar says that the Election Commission has announced a compensation of Rs. 10 lakhs for employees who die while on election duties.

Normally during state elections, more than 3 lakh state and Central Government employees, including teachers, local police personnel, police personnel from the neighboring states, paramilitary forces and private videographers, participate.
If death occurs in poll-related violence or if the employee dies of cardiac arrest while on election duty, his/her family was, until now, given a compensation of Rs. 5 lakhs. This has been increased to Rs. 10 lakhs from 2014 onwards. Under this scheme, personnel who had died on duty during the May elections will be paid a compensation of Rs. 10 lakhs, says Praveen Kumar.

If the death is unfortunately caused due to any violent acts of extremist or unsocial elements like, road mines, bomb blasts, armed attacks, etc., the amount of compensation would be Rs.20 lakhs. In the case of permanent disability, like loss of limb, eye sight, etc., a minimum ex-gratia payment of Rs.5 lacs would be given to the official (which would be doubled in the case of such mishaps being caused by extremist or unsocial elements as aforesaid)

Confusion over submission of Boarding Pass in air travel for central employees

Two simultaneous circulars issued by two different ministries of Central Govt. created an unprecedented confusion among the central employees.

The DOPT circular issued on 7th Oct'14 dispensed with submission of boarding pass on air travel while settling T.A. claims. Click here for the circular.

In the very next day (8th Oct'14) Ministry of Finance issued another circular exactly opposite to the DOPT one. According to this circular, submission of boarding pass on air travel is a proof of journey performed and is a requirement under the rules and procedures of passing T.A. claims. Click here for the Finance Ministry Circular.

Now the central employees are totally confused and in a dilemma regarding which instruction to follow as both are the parent organizations. Will the Govt. come forward and clear the air soon ?

Travelling Allowance Rules-Boarding Pass should be submitted along with TA bills

Government of India
Ministry of Finance
Department of Expenditure
North Block. New Delhi
Dated the 8th October 2014

Office Memorandum

Subject: Travelling Allowance (TA) Rules-Submission of Boarding Pass along with TA bills- reg.

References have been received in this Department seeking review of the existing guidelines relating to submission of Boarding Passes alongwith TA bills for air journeys performed on Government account.

2. O/o Controller General of Accounts have clarified that as per provisions of Civil Accounts Manual Pay and Account Offices are mandated to ask the DDOs to produce records to ensure that the journey for which TA is being claimed, was actually performed and DDOs may accordingly be asked to enclose the Boarding Passes with the TA bills.

3. Since submission of Boarding Passes as proof of having undertaken the journey is a requirement under the rules and procedures for passing TA claims, all concerned arc required to follow these instructions. Ministries/Departments etc. are accordingly advised that these instructions may be brought to the notice of all concerned for strict compliance.

(Subash Chand)

Central employees attendance can be monitored by public also

Not only is Big Brother watching the pen pushers, even the public can now keep a tab on them through a web portal,

It tells you which babus reported for work on any given day, how punctually they arrived, if some of them left midway and where. It even provides a graph on each employee’s attendance trends to reveal how often he tends to take leave.

The portal went live quietly on September 30, covering 50,233 employees across 149 offices in Delhi. The idea is to enrol the capital’s one lakh-odd central government employees on the scheme before bringing the rest of the country under it, a senior official said.

A senior official at the National Informatics Centre, the agency for e-government initiatives, said the idea had come personally from Prime Minister Narendra Modi in July. The source insisted that there had been “no complaints” from the babus about the scheme being intrusive.

At 6.45pm today, the attendance dashboard on the portal showed a figure of 26,951, which means less than 54 per cent of those enrolled had turned up to work.

The system is based on the Aadhaar biometric identity card, launched by the previous government, that now covers 68 crore people.

Every employee who has such a card has to enter the last six or first six digits of his Aadhaar number into a device at the entrance to his office, and then undergo an iris and fingerprint scan. Senior civil servants can do it without queuing, using devices attached to their workstations.

The process is repeated while leaving. If a babu goes to some other government office on an assignment during work hours, his arrival and departure is marked there too.

The National Informatics Centre source said the idea was not just to improve punctuality but to “weed out ghost employees and proxy attendance and instil a sense of equality among staff”.
Not everyone is happy.

“I can’t understand how the number of leaves I take is a matter of public interest,” said a senior bureaucrat who didn’t want to be named.
Another bureaucrat pointed out loopholes. One, if an employee wants to slip out for a while, there’s no way of ensuring that he records his departure in the machine at the gate.

Two, as a bureaucrat said: “If I have a meeting with the home secretary and go to North Block, everyone will know I was there but can anyone guarantee that I actually met him? So, how can this guarantee better output?”

He regretted the “move to have control over the bureaucracy” through a “weird public display at an increasing cost of governance, with expensive biometric devices and what not”.

Once the portal receives cabinet approval and is formally launched, all central government employees will have to register themselves with it. Those who lack an Aadhaar card will have to get their biometrics done.

As of now, the Prime Minister’s Office is not enrolled, though sources said it had approached the National Informatics Centre to get registered with the portal.
Neither cabinet secretary Ajit Seth nor foreign secretary Sujatha Singh is registered yet. The highest number of enrolments is from the Planning Commission, which is on its way to extinction.

The nine-day-old online register shows that home secretary Anil Goswami has not visited his North Block office the past four days.

Suhaib Ilyasi, editor of Bureaucracy Today — a magazine for and about the country’s bureaucrats — said the response had been positive.

“People like it even though they have to be punctual,” he said. “There is no sense of intrusion.”

But a bureaucrat asked why the scheme didn’t cover the ministers.
“Politicians, who call themselves public servants, have kept themselves out. If attendance is so important to this government, why have half the cabinet ministers skipped work to go camping in poll-bound states?” he said.

It isn’t clear whether Modi would be enrolled.

Revision of terms and Conditions for engagement of doctors on contract basis in Postal Dispensaries.