HAPPY NEW YEAR 2025 TO ALL MEMBERS,Viewers & Readers

Tuesday, August 13, 2013

No. R-III/Circular-5/2013                                                                                     Dated 07-08-2013

            All Circle Secretaries, CWC Members,
Divisional Secretaries and Branch Secretaries.

Dear Comrades,
                                      Make two hours walk out programme on the day
             when PFRDA Bill is taken up for discussion in Parliament a grand success.
                                     Ensure the Massive Participation of RMS & MMS Employees.

As you are aware, Central Govt. is going a head with their agenda on Pension Privatization. The controversial PFRDA Bill ( Pension Fund Regulatory and Development Authority Bill) is listed as an agenda item for the current Parliament Session. The Bill may be taken up for discussion in Parliament on any day. Confederation of C.G. Emp. And Workers has opposed the contribution Pension Scheme and also the `PFRDA Bill` from the very beginning. We have conducted so many agitation programmes including strike. The Left Parties in the Parliament have also strongly opposed the bill. Inspite of the opposition from  both Central Govt. and State Govt. Employees and Teachers also from Left Political Parties,  the Central Govt. is not ready to withdraw the contributory Pension Scheme or to scrape the PFRDA Bill.

           The National Secretariat of the confederation has viewed the move of the government with grave concern and decided to call upon the entirety of the Central Govt. Employees and workers to organize mass protests & demonstrations infront of all offices through out the country after walking out from offices for two hours on the day when the bill is taken up for discussion in Parliament or on the next day if the information is received late.

            All CWC members, Circle Secretaries, Divisional Secretaries and Branch Secretaries are requested to  make the two hours walk  out  programme a grand success.

NATIONAL CONVENTION OF WORKERS:-  A  massive National Convention  of all Central Trade Unions, Central and State Govt. Employees and Teachers Federation and Public Sector employees unions etc. was held at Mavlankar Hall ,V.P. House New Delhi on 6th August, 2013. The Convention was addressed by the leaders of BMS, INTUC, AITUC, CITU, HMS, AIUTUC, TUCC, SEWA, AICCTU, UTUC, LPF. The resolutions adopted by the National convention called upon the workers to organize the following:-

1.      Demonstrations/Rallies/Satyagraha at all State Capitals with respective State wide mobilization on25th September, 2013.
2.      Massive Demonstration before parliament main mobilization from neighbouring States on 12th December, 2013.
3.      On  the same day of the Demonstration before Parliament (12th Dec. 2013) District level Demonstrations at all District Headquarters all over the country.
4.      Sectoral programme of Joint actions for effectively opposing  Restructuring , outsourcing etc. and on sector specific issues/ demands and against Disinvestment of Shares in Public Sector Enterprises.
5.      Exclusive Joint Action Programme on the demand of Minimum wage and contract workers related to the demands.
STANDING COMMITTEE MEETING OF THE JCM:- Standing Committee Meeting of the JCM will be held on 23rd August, 2013 and pending items of the Departmental Council will be Discussed.

10% D.A. EXPECTED FROM 01-07-2013:-  Expected increase in DA for C.G. Emp. /Pensioners and GDS from 1-7-2013 shall be 10% from 80% to 90%.
NFPE WESTERN ZONE STUDY CAMP:-  The Western Zone Study camp of NFPE will be held at Pushkar ( Ajmer) Rajasthan from 25th to 26th August, 2013. A Seminar will be held on 25th August, 2013. Delegates from affiliates of NFPE from Rajasthan, Delhi, Himachal Pradesh, Haryana, Punjab and J&K shall attend the two days Study Camp. The number of delegates have already been allotted to each Circle union vide NFPE letter NO. NFPE/Western Zone Study Camp/13 dated 25-7-2013. Circle Secretaries are requested  to select the delegates  and instruct them to book the up and down tickets without further delay. They should reach at Pushkar before 8.30 AM on 25th August, 2013.
CREATION OF NEW RMS DIVISION AT DEHRADUN:- DOP has created a new RMS Division with its Headquarter at Dehradun in Uttrakhand Circle vide its letter No. 20-34/20/D Part I dated 26-7-2013. The Division  would be known as Railway Mail Service `DN` Division Dehradun w.e.f. 1-09-2013.
PAYMENT OF QUOTA:-  All Circle/Divisional /Branch Secretaries are requested to clear arrears of quota to CHQ without delay and remit the quota CHQ @ Rs.14/- per member from July, 2012.
                                    Federation                    Rs. 2.00
                                    CHQ                            Rs. 12.00
RMS Worker will not be posted to those branches in arrears for more than three months.
NATIONAL SECRETARIAT MEETING:- National Secretariat Meeting of Confederation of Central Government Emp. And Workers was held under  the Presidentship of Com. K.K.N. Kutty Chairman Confederation on 22-7-2013 New Delhi. Com. S.K.Vyas Advisor inaugurated  the Meeting . Com. M. Krishnan S/G Confd. made a brief presentation of the Conference proceedings which was approved by the house after discussion. The meeting decided  (1) to organize State3 level joint Strike Convention during the month of August, 2013 (2) to organize mass relay Dharna in all important Stations during the first Week of September, 2013 ( from 2-09-2013 to 07-09 2013 ). (3) to conduct Nationwide Strike ballot during the last week of Sept. 2013 from 25th to 27th Sept., 2013) Model of  the ballot paper will be sent later  and  (4) to convene the CWC/ CEC meetings before the first week  of Oct., 2013.
ALL INDIA MAHILA CONVENTION OF CONFEDERATION:- As per the decision of National Secretariat Meeting held on 22-07-2013, the All India Mahila Convention of Confederation of C.G. Emp. & Workers will be held in the last week of Nov.,2013 at New Delhi. Participants of maximum number of lady comrades from all Circles should be ensured.

                        All CWC members  Circle /Divisional and Branch Secretaries are requested to mobilize rank and file to participate in above noted programme and make it a grand success.
                        With best wishes.
Yours Comradely,
(Giri Raj Singh)
General Secretary