HAPPY NEW YEAR 2025 TO ALL MEMBERS,Viewers & Readers

Tuesday, February 21, 2012


As per Directorate O.M.No.30-7/2012-D dated 01-02-2012, Circle
Office, Tiruvananthapuram, vide letter No: Mails/ 310-131/ Vol II
dated 09.02.2012, has issue
instructions regarding the restructuring of the existing operational
network and
processing arrangement for 1st class registered and unregistered
mails, which will be introduced w.e.f 15th February 2012.

A copy of the order is exhibited below:

No. Mails/310-131/Vol.II Dated at Trivandrum-33, the 9-2-2012

As per Directorate O.M.No.30-7/2012-D dated 01-02-2012 copy of which
was already
forwarded to ROs vide this e-mail dated 02-02-2012, restructuring of
the existing
operational network and processing arrangement for 1st class
registered and unregistered mails should be introduced w.e.f 15th
February 2012.

In connection with the new operational arrangement, the following
instructions are being issued with regard to Registered and first
class unregistered mails:

1. TD and NTD concept

TD mails : Mails meant for delivery by the Post Offices mapped
to the own mail office(L1 or L2)
NTD mails : All other mails (outgoing) except TD

2. Closing of TD and NTD bags

Separate TD and NTD bags with registered and unregistered articles are
to be closed.

3. The registered bag for NTD should be included in the bag closed
with unregistered
NTD contents. Similarly the registered bag for TD should be included
in the bag closed with unregistered TD contents

4. Mail office should include account bag closed by the HOs to the SOs
in the bag closed to the concerned Post Office.
5. Account bag closed by a SO to its HO should be included in the TD
bag closed to its own mail office.6. The present system of routing
account bags by HOs to its linked SOs in account TBs addressed to
their own mail offices should continue.
7. Mail offices and Post offices may close plural registered bags,
depending on the
quantum of mails.

8. Post Offices would continue to retain station articles i.e.,
registered and unregistered articles to be delivered from the same
Post Office.

9. The present system of sending articles through account bags from HO
to SOs and vice versa for delivery in those offices would continue.

10. Preparation of LBs/RBs
Mail offices (both L1 and L2), except the linked one, should prepare
LBs and RBs for the following HOs:
(a) TrivandrumGPO
(b) Kollam
(c) Alappuzha
(d) Kottayam
(e) Ernakulam
(f) Thrissur
(g) Palakkad
(h) Kozhikode
(i) Kannur
LB/RB should invariably be prepared by one mail office (L1 or L2) for
another for which there is no bag closing. If there are more contents,
the LB should be closed in a bag clearly labelled to the mapped mail
office with the name of the LB in brackets. eg:" Tiruvalla RMS (LB for
Kayamkulam RMS)"

The existing arrangement for bag closing at Business Post Centres and
Mail Business Centres handling outward bulk mails would continue for
the time being
Greeting and invitations are to be treated as first class mails in
sorting and in transmission.

1. The Network

The existing mail offices have been classified into Level 1(L-1) and
Level 2(L-2) mail
office. Across India there would be 89 L-1 and 244 L-2 mail offices in
the new mail network for 1st class registered and unregistered mails.
The details of all the L1 offices, and the L2 offices under each L1
office, in respect of Kerala circle are as follows:

Sl No. Name of L1 mail office Name of L-2 Mail office under the L1
1 Thiruvananthapuram NIL
2 Tiruvalla RMS Kollam RMS
Kayamkulam RMS
3 Kottayam RMS Changanassery Sorting
Thodupuzha Sorting
4 Kochi Sorting Air Aluva RMS
Alappuzha RMS
Ernakulam RMS
5 Thrissur RMS Irinjalakkuda Sorting
Shoranur RMS
Ottappalam Sorting
Palakkad RMS
6 Kozhikode RMS Vadakara RMS
Tirur RMS
Thalassery RMS
Kannur RMS
Kasaragod Sorting
In the new arrangement a Post Office should be mapped to only one
mail office ie.,
either L1 or L2. The all India list of L1 and L2 mail offices for 1st
class registered and
unregistered mails in the new network arrangement is given as Annexure I &II

2. Manner of closing of bags with registered and unregistered 1st class mails
(i) In L-1 Offices: All L1 mail offices will directly close bags
everyday irrespective of the volume of the contents, to the following
(a) All the other 88 L-1 offices across the country
(b) All L-2 offices mapped to it, if any.
(c) All Post Offices mapped to it.
(d) Exceptional categories, pending approval from Directorate based on
justification and delivery advantage:
(e) From L1 office to selected L2 offices of other L1
(f) For other L2 offices in the neighboring circles
(Proposal has been submitted to Directorate for obtaining permission
to close the abovecategories along with justification. Approval, on
receipt, will be communicated).
(ii) In L-2 Offices: All L-2 offices will directly close bags on a
daily basis to the
following offices:-
(a) Its own L-1 office.
(b) The other L-2 offices under the own L-1.
(c) All the Post offices mapped to it.
(d) Exceptional categories, pending approval from Directorate based on
justification and delivery advantage:
(e) Selected L-1 offices.
(f) Selected L-2 offices under other L-1 offices
(g) L1/L2 offices in the neighboring circle.
(Proposal has been submitted to Directorate for obtaining permission
to close the above categories along with justification. Approval, on
receipt, will be communicated)
(iii) In Post Offices: All Post offices will close:-
(a) 2 bags to its own mail office-one bag with TD( articles
deliverable by the POs of the own mail office L-1 or L-2) and the
other with NTD( all outgoing articles).
(b) 2 registered bags closed for TD and NTD on the above lines. They
should be included in the respective TD and NTD bags closed.
(c) Account bag to the HO should be included in the TD bag.
(d) BOs should continue to send all mails to the account office as per
the existing
instructions in the account bag closed, subject to further orders.
3. Receipt of bags containing registered and unregistered first class mails
a) L-1 Offices: Will receive bags from:-(i) All other L-1 mail offices
across India with mails for its L-2 offices and Post Offices
mapped to it.
(ii) 2 bags from each L-2 mail office- one TD and one NTD. The R bags
will be included in the concerned TD/ NTD bags.
(iii) 2 bags each for TD & NTD mails from the own POs which contain
the respective TD /NTD R bags.
b) L-2 Offices: Will receive the following bags from:-
(i) One from the mapped L-1 mail office with mails meant for own POs.
It will also
contain the registered bag closed by its L-1
(ii) One bag from each L-2 office under the same L-1 with mails for
own POs and also
the registered bag closed by that L-2
(iii) 2 bags, from each of the PO mapped to it-one with TD and the
other with NTD
contents. Registered bags are to be included in the respective TD/NTD bags.
c) Post Offices: Each Post office will receive one bag from own mail
office with the
contents for delivery by that PO and this bag will also contain the
registered bag and the account bag.
4. Routing of 2nd class mails and Parcels
The present Network Redesign process to come into effect from
15-2-2012 is applicable only for first class mails. The existing
system of routing for second class mails and parcels will continue.
Mail offices will close parcel bags and a separate bag with 2nd class
mails to other mail offices, regardless of the L-1 and L-2 offices.
Mail offices will close separate bags, both for 2nd class mails and
Parcels to its own POs wherever there are such articles to be
dispatched to these offices.
Post offices will also close separate bags, both for second class
mails and Parcels to its own mail office, if there are such articles
booked/posted in that Post Office.
Mail offices may close RP bags to other mail offices or to post
offices only if there are second class registered mails. First class
registered articles should not be included in the RP bag under any
5. Routing of air mails
Air bags closed by Kozhikode RMS, Thrissur RMS, Tiruvalla RMS and Kottayam RMS
are to be routed through Kochi Airport TMO.Air bags, if any, closed by
Kottayam RMS/2, after the dispatch through TV-28 OUT,
should be routed to TVM TMO through TV-28 IN section to avoid delay.
6. Handling of international mails
The existing arrangement for the disposal of outbound international
mails through Kochi International Mail Centre /2 will continue. Each
mail office should close separate bags to Kochi IMC with outbound
international mails.Kochi IMC/I will continue to process the inbound
international mails and transfer the articles in LBs/RBs to Kochi Stg
Air/2 which in turn will include them in the respective bags closed by
7. Role of Ernakulam RMS
At present Ernakulam RMS is dealing with 2nd class mails, parcels and
ordinary 1st
class mails. 5 Kochi TD Post Offices are mapped under Ernakulam RMS,
which seems to be a mismatch. The case has been taken up with the
Directorate to map those 5 POs to Kochi Sorting Air and to identify
Ernakulam RMS exclusively for dealing 2nd class mails and parcels. On
receipt of reply from Directorate, the decision will be communicated.

Please note that the bags prescribed to be closed between L1 offices,
between L1 and L2 offices mapped to it and vice versa, and between
L1/L2 offices and POs mapped to them and vice versa, will be treated
as due bags.

All the arrangements ordered under Network Redesign are subject to
further modification based on review to be conducted after a month of
( P.Suseelan)
Assistant Director (Mails)