HAPPY NEW YEAR 2025 TO ALL MEMBERS,Viewers & Readers

Tuesday, February 21, 2012

P & T Motor Service came into existence in the year 1944 in Kolkata.
It was expanded gradually from the year 1947 and it started
functioning at Mumbai, Chennai, Delhi and Nagpur. The motor service
was made a departmental wing in the year 1948.
After bifurcation of the P & T Dept. in the year 1986, the P & T Motor
Service has been renamed as Mail Motor Service.
We have 1223 Mail Motor Vehicles and 486 Staff cards in 98 stations.
226 CNG Vehicles (environment friendly) are plying in Delhi, Mumbai
and Ahmedabad.
Main function of MMS and names of the stations where we have the MMS
units are enclosed as Annexure I.
The following units are controlled by the senior Manager – Chennai,
Mumbai, Delhi and Kolkata.
The units controlled by the Managers are – Ahmedabad, Bangalore,
Ernakulam, Guwahati, Hyderabad, Kanpur, Nagpur, Pune, Madurai,
Coimbatore, Chandigarh and Bhopal.
The remaining MMS units are under the control of respective SSPOs/SPs
of the Divisions where MMS units are located.
Administrative Staff
As far as clerical and allied staff are concerned, they are akin to
PA/SA. However the standing committee directed the chairperson to
review the grant of promotion in the Cadre of HSG II and HSG I in MMS.
In this connection we suggest that the following posts of MMS units
may be earmarked for the purpose of granting promotion in LSG/HSG
II/HSG I cadres.
The Recruitment Rules may be amended accordingly.
present proposed Cadres
Record Clerk No changes No changes
Traffic PAs
Store Officer PA HSG I
Store keeper PA HSG II
Record Officer
Control Room Clerk PA LSG
Number of posts in LSG/HSG II/HSG I cadres may be decided by the
committee as per the function requirement of the units.
Workshop staff
This is one of the most important cadres in MMS units. Recruitment
Rules of this cadres prescribe a pass in VII std with ITI certificate
and possession of Heavy Vehicle Driving License. Workshop staff are
recruited based on the Trade test before appointment.
The feeder cadre for workshop staff is cleaner/MTS.
The names of the Artisians are Mechanic Electrician, Welder,
blacksmith, Carpenter, Painter, tyre-man and upholsters.
Further percentage of existing promotions may be changed as follows:-
15% Special Grade with grade pay Rs 4200/
30% Grade I
30% Grade Ii
25% Grade III

IV CPC Pay Scale for skilled Artisan Grade I was Rs. 1200-1800 and
grade I pay scale was Rs. 1320-2040.
The V CPC clubbed both the scales of pay of Artisan Grade I and Grade
II into one pay scale of Rs. 4000-6000. Since it was a promotional
posts for Artisan staff, amalgamation of both the scales of pay was
not justified.
After implementation of V pay commission, the Department did not
discuss this subject in the Anomaly committee meeting. Because the
Anomaly committee met only once to discuss the scale of pay of
Printing press staff (Bhubaneshwar) due to CAT direction and other
subjects have not been discussed.
After implementation of VI CPC recommendations, the item was discussed
into Departmental Anomaly committee This Anomaly arose after
implementing V CPC recommendation and hence VI CPC Anomaly committee
refused to discuss the subject.
After this, this item was discussed again during the cadre structuring
commit meeting under the chairmanship of Sri A.K. Sharma, the then DDG
(Est) and present Chief PMG Orissa Circle.The chairman informally
agreed to place the Artisan staff on par with Railway Artisan. But the
committee has not completed their process. Hence new committee was
In Mail Motor services, there are no well defined and regulated
promotional avenues with the result the large number of officials are
stagnating at the maximum, Therefore many employees retired without
getting any promotion in their career. Hence the service unions urged
the Chairperson to extend promotions to all the Artisans of MMS, if
need be by changing nomenclature and recruitment rules.
At present the chargehand's pay is fixed in PB 1 with Grade pay of Rs.
2800/-. This issue was discussed with VI CPC Anomaly committee and the
committee accepted the views of the staff side and forwarded the
proposal favorably to the Finance Ministry. But it was turned down by
the Finance Ministry. The staff side came to know that Recruitment
Rules have not been amended properly. Hence the service unions
requested the committee to recommend the new recruitment rules for the
chargehand with the enhanced grade pay in PB II.
In workshop, there is no officer-incharge. The chargehands are
supervisory officials, incharge of their sections. Instead of
Technical Supervisors, the nomenclature may be changed as Foreman. New
Recruitment Rules may be got changed according to the requirements.
Cleaner and MTS
MTS Staff are now recruited nearby RMS /Postal Divisions from among
the GDS/TSCL. The Recruitment Rules of the cleaner/MTS posts may be
got changed as follows.
1. 50% promotion from GDS/TSCL with ITI Certificate.
2. 50% - direct recruitment.
The promotional avenue for cleaners/MTS may be arrived at based on the
Defence/Railway modal.
MMS Drivers should not be brought under common cadre because in other
Departments the nature of work of the Drivers is entirely different
from that of MMS Drivers. An MMS driver is driving vehicle on an
average 100 kilometers per day carrying heavy load of mails in the
busy traffic throughout his working-hours. The drivers of other
Central Govt. Departments drive the vehicles only for two hours or so,
while the MMS Drivers have top drive vehicles almost 7 ½ hours per
day. In major cities and towns, drivers have to complete their
schedule by driving 10 to 11 hours. Now the Department introduced
Logistic service and long distance service.
Therefore, promotional avenue for MMS drivers and present scale of pay
should be changed according to the functional requirement and
responsibility. Up to the IV pay Commission, the scale of pay of MMS
Drivers was on par with LDC staff of Central Govt. Departments. In V
Pay Commission, it was equated with the scale of pay of Postman/Mail
Guard. It is a great blow to them. Further, VI CPC has placed them in
the lesser pay which is lower than the Postmen's scale. The
Departmental Anomaly committee also agrees with the grievance of the
staff side and recommended higher grade pay to the Finance ministry.
This matter was taken up with the National Anomaly committee based on
the court direction. Service unions request the Committee that parity
maintained upto IV Pay Commission may be restored to MMS Drivers.
Further percentage of existing promotions may be changed as follows:-
15% Special Grade
30% Grade I
30% Grade Ii
25% Grade III
Present Cadre of Despatch Riders which is available in Delhi, Nagpur
and Ahmedabad may be merged with the Cadre of MMS Drivers.