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Friday, August 20, 2010

Offering Distance & E- Learning Programmes to Central Government employees
Department of Personnel and Training and Indira Gandhi National Open University have come together and signed a MoU for offering Distance & E- Learning Programmes to Central Government employees.

The Central Government employees can now enrol for a wide spectrum of Distance & E-Learning Programmes offered by IGNOU and get their fees reimbursed on successfully completing the programmes.

Distance &E-Learning Programmes for Government Employees (DELPGE)
1. Purpose/Objective

The purpose of the Programme is to increase the availability and flexibility of options open to employees for enhancing their knowledge and skills in order to improve the functioning of Government organisations and the delivery of services to the public.

2. Eligibility:

(i) The Programme is open to Central Employees (working in Ministries/Departments/Attached offices) and the faculty members of State Apex Training Institutions. The officers working under Public Sector Undertakings are not eligible for the Programmes covered under this Programme.
(ii) The specific conditions of eligibility of employees (including level of employee and Ministries covered) for each module/course will be decided for each course/module and notified from time to time by DoPT.

3. Types of Courses Offered under the Programme
The following category of courses are open for enrolment under this programme:-
(i) Short-Duration Specialised modules:- The specialised Modules are basically oriented to cater to the requirement of Government employees in a specific domain.
(ii) Certificate Programmes:
(iii) Masters, PG and PG Diploma Programmes.

4. Notification of Courses/Programmes:-
The menu of courses/programmes on offer shall be reviewed annually by the Committee headed by the Joint Secretary, Training, Department of Personnel and Training with the members drawn from different Ministries.
Besides recommending the programmes to be offered under this Programme, the Committee shall also make recommendations on the eligibility of the employees of different Ministries for the select courses.

5. Course review committee for upgrading the course material:-

(i) For certain Ministry specific courses, respective Nodal Ministry will be represented in the Course review Committee of IGNOU. The committee may also co-opt the following:-
(a) Representative of the nodal Ministry
(c) Director in charge distance learning in DoPT
The Course Review Committee may meet from time to time to review the course content based on the general feedback and make such recommendations as deemed necessary.

6. Admission Procedure
(i) The employees concerned have to apply directly in response to the admission notification of IGNOU subject to availability of funds.
(ii)The number of seats for Employees in each programme shall be limited to 50 and these will be offered on a first come first served basis.

7. Payment and Reimbursement of Fees
(i) The employees enrolling for the courses under this Programme will pay the required course fees to IGNOU. The amount so paid shall be re-imbursed to the employee on his/her successful completion of the course by IGNOU.
(ii) Employees failing to complete the course in the time limits and / or with the minimum qualifying grades prescribed by IGNOU shall not be eligible for any reimbursement.
(iii) Reimbursement for the Masters programme is available to an employee only once in his/her career.
(iv) The participants are eligible to enrol for only one programme at a time under this Programme.
(v) An officer is eligible to claim reimbursement/refund for successful completion of maximum of ten (10) numbers of Units in a block of five (5) years.
Details of courses are available on the website of IGNOU.