HAPPY NEW YEAR 2025 TO ALL MEMBERS,Viewers & Readers

Thursday, July 5, 2018

All CWC Members, Circle, Divisional and Branch Secretaries.

Dear Comrades,

                 CHQ R-III endorsed the decision of Agitational programmes on CSI problems taken by P-III CHQ as noted below:-

1. Bearing of black wadges mentioning hasty and faulty implementation of CSI from 6th July to 9th July 2018.

2. Attending duty in time and leaving the office in time as prescribed in business hours.

3. Mass demonstration to protest CSI implementation causing more trouble to staff as well as public during lunch hours daily in front of all work places from 6th to 9th July 2018.

4. One day Hunger Fast at all levels from 9 AM to 5 PM on 10th July 2018 in front of all Divisional offices by the office bearers of Divisional union, in front of Circle offices by the office bearers of Circle unions.

5.General Secretary and CHQ office bearers available at Delhi will sit along with Delhi Circle union in front of Chief PMG office Delhi Circle.

All Members of R-III are requested to make above noted all programmes a grand success.

(Giri Raj Singh)
General Secretary

No. R-III/25/MNOP/2018                                                                       05-07-2018

Member (Technology)
Postal Services Board
Department of Posts
Dak Bhawan,
          New Delhi - 110001

Sub: - Regarding CSI problems after roll out  in RMS Divisions.

Respected sir,

                      It has been brought into the notice of this  CHQ that after the implementation of CSI in RMS Divisions, staff is facing the following problems:-

1. Slowness of software SAP IPVS - It is learnt from rolled out RMS Divisions roughly not more than 500 article scanning per hour instead of 1200 per hour in local based speed net system. The existing norms are not suitable in changed environment of SAP IP\IS due to the slowness of software. The required manpower may please be provided to cope up of work.

2. Bandwidth upgradation:- It is learnt that some Divisions send their upgradation request but not yet further any up gradation of bandwidth received from higher authority. While upgrading the bandwidth actual utilization of infrastructure i.e. nodes and workload may be considered no office should be dislocated for want of required bandwidth.

3. Loss of connectivity - While mail office set functioning in some interval loss of connectivity it may be due to server down or Sify link down or lack of enough number of SAP servers

4. Outsider issues. — Your honour is well aware that our circle is facing acute shortage of manpower and hence some outsiders/college students are bring utilized to cope up with the workload. But in CSI there is no provision of user ID and password provided for article scanning in SAP IPVS in respect of Outsiders/College students due to no specific instructions from Directorate
  for job allocation to outsiders. Hence immediate provision for temporary user ID and password may he provided to outsiders/college students for SAP IPVS operational work only and authority may be given to concerned divisional head.

      In this regard, it is  brought to notice of your honour that in rolled out offices the password and username of regular employee & i.e. who are working at DO, HRO, SRO and MTS official is given to outsiders for working on IPVS software which is highly objectionable and it is very difficult to fix any responsibility in case of any misappropriation done by outsiders. When officials are not performing duty in office or on leave may also utilize by outsiders while working in mail offices and it is very risky. The service matters like financial matters leave cases, transfer, GPF etc. are also linked with the IPVS software.

5. SAP Support — At some time SAP connectivity not supported due to maintenance at a central server or any other reason. Due to non-intimation of schedule of maintenance to concerned RMS mail offices, all manpower is being become idle and the staff is required to stay wait and watch under tension for the SAP connectivity mainly working during night set need the proper support of SiIS’ network, SAP server. It is therefore requested to your honour kindly intimate schedule of maintenance of central server so as to enable proper arrangement of manpower by the HRO/SRO.

6. The earlier software’s are working offline but IPVS software operated online hence the work is being disturbing while low speed or non-receipt of connectivity from Sify network/ SAP connectivity and during SAP maintenance period. It is therefore again suggested to please do the needful possibility of operation of software offline to avoid dislocation of work for want of connectivity or other reason to avoid loss of revenue and our valuable customers.

7. In some RMS Divisions bills including salary has not been paid  being non CSI unit and staff of HOs do not know how to process the bills of non CSI units.
       We urge upon you to look ito the above mentioned problems and also direct all the CPMsG to look into these problems at their end so that the staff may work smoothly
                             With regards
Yours sincerely,
(Giri Raj Singh)
General Secretary