HAPPY NEW YEAR 2025 TO ALL MEMBERS,Viewers & Readers

Friday, December 11, 2015

No. R-III/Circular-26/2015                                                                     Dated 11-12-2015
            All CWC Members,  Circle, Divisional  and Branch Secretaries.


Dear Comrades,
                        All India RMS & MMS Employees Union Group `C` CHQ congratulates and Red Salute to CWC members, Circle Secretaries, Divisional Secretaries and Branch Secretaries,office bearers and members for participating and making a grand success of all programmes.All IndiaProtest Day on 19-11-2015 was observed by holding dharna at Jantar Mantar , Black Day observed wearing black badges, Rally , Demonstration on 27-11-2015. Hunger Fast on 1-12-2015 called by NJCA, Confederation and NFPE respectively. Now CHQ appeal to all to mobilize Rank& File and participate and make a grand success Indefinite Strike from First week of March 2016 for settlement of 25 Point Charter of Demands called by NJCA. .

POSTSL JCA MEETING:- Postal JCA (NFPE & FNPO) meeting was held on 08-12-2015 in NFPE office for modification on 31 Points which were rejected by 7 CPC. A joint Note on 31 Points was prepared and submitted to Secretary (Posts) on 08-12-2012 in Departmental (JCM) meeting held on 08-12-2015 at 11.00 AM.

DEPARTMENTAL COUNCIL MEETING HELD ON 08-12-2015:- Departmental Council (JCM) Meeting was held on 08-12-2015 on 7 CPC reommendtions. PJCA submitted the joint Note requesting modifications in the recommendations of 7 CPC including higher Pay Scales of PA/SA, Postman, MTS, PO & RMS Accountants, LSG, HSG-II, HSG-I, SBCO, Admn,Driver,Artisan, merger of Deaspatch Rider,  removal of Bench mark “Very Good” on MACP, restore Family Planing Allowance, Suprintendent Sorting upgradation to Grade Pay of Rs.4800/- etc. Each point was discussed and views of  the Postal Board of these issues were positive.Full Note is available on web site.
NJCA MEETING :- Meeting of the National Joint Council of Action (Railways, Defence and Confederation) was held on 08.12.2015 at JCM National Council Staff Side office, New Delhi. Detailed deliberations on 7thi CPC related issues (including Gramin Dak Sewaks and Casual, Contract and daily-rated workers) was held and a Common charter of demands was finalized. It is further decided that the NJCA shall go on indefinite strike from the 1st week of March 2016, if the Government fails to reach a negotiated settlement with the staff side before 1st  week of February 2016. A letter intimating this decision will be given to the Government shortly  along with the common Charter of Demands which is enclosed.
PAYMENT OF QUOTA:- All Circle/Divisional /Branch Secretaries are requested to clear arrears of quota to CHQ without delay and remit in future regularly.RMS Worker will not be posted to those branches in arrears for more than 3 months.
With best wishes.
Yours comradely,

                                                                                                                                   (Giri Raj  Singh)                                                                                                     General Secretary

1.     Re-compute the minimum wage on the basis of the actual commodity prices as on 1.7.2015 and factor the Dr. Aykroyd formula stipulated percentages for housing and social obligations, children education etc. Revise the fitment formula  and pay levels on the basis of the so determined minimum wage;
2.    Revise the pay matrix basing upon the revised minimum wage and rounding off the stages to the next hundred. Accept the suggestion made by the Staff Side in its memorandum to 7 CPC for de-layering viz. to abolish the pay levels pertaining to GP 1900, 2400 and 4600.
3.    Revise the rate of increment to 5 % and Grant two increments in the feeder cadre levels as promotion benefit.
4.    Fill up all vacant posts by holding special recruitment  drive
5.    MACP to be treated as financial up-gradation, without any grading stipulation; to be provided on the basis of the promotional cadre  hierarchy of the concerned department; increase the number of MACP to five on completion of 8, 15,21,26 and 30th years of service. Reject the Efficiency Bar stipulation made by 7th CPC.  Personnel promoted on the basis of Examination should be treated as fresh entrants to the cadre.
6.    Upgrade the LDCs in all departments as UDCs for it is stated by the Commission that the Government has stopped recruiting personnel to  this cadre.
7.    a) Parity to be ensured for all Stenographers, Assistants, Ministerial Staff in subordinate offices and in all the organized Accounts cadres with Central Sectt. By upgrading their pay scales ( and not by downgrading the pay scales of the CSS)
b) Drivers in all Government offices to be granted pay scale on par with the drivers of the Lok Sabha
8.    To remove existing anomaly, the annual increment date may be 1st January for those recruited prior to 30th June and 1st July in respect of those recruited prior to 31st December.
9.    Wage of Central Government Employees be revised in every 5 years
10. Treat the GDS as Civil Servant and grant them all pay, allowances and benefits granted to regular employees on Pro -rata basis
11. Contract/casual and daily rated workers to be regularized against the huge vacancies   existing in various Government offices.
12. Introduce PLB in all departments
13   Revise the pension and other retirement benefits as under:-
(a)  Parity between the past and present pensioners to be brought about on the basis of the 7th CPC recommendations with the modification that basis of computation to be  the pay level of the post or grade  from which one retired;
(b) Pension to be 60% of the last pay drawn in the case of all eligible persons who have completed the requisite number of years of service.
(c)  The family pension to be 50% of the last pay drawn.
(d)  Enhance the pension and family pension by  5% after every five years and 10%  on  attaining the age of 85 and 20% on attaining the age of 90.
(e)  Commuted value of pension to be restored after 10 years or attaining the age of 70, whichever is earlier. Gratuity calculation to be on the basis of 25 days in the  month as against 30 days  as per the Gratuity Act.
(f)   Fixed medical allowance for those pensioners not covered by CGHS to be Rs. 2000 p.m.
(g)  Provide one increment on the last day in service if the concerned employee has completed six months or more from the date of grant of last increment.
14   Exclude the Central Government employees from the ambit of the National Pension Scheme and extend the defined benefit pension scheme to all those recruited after 1.1.2004
15   In the absence of any recommendation made by 7 CPC, the Government must withdraw the stipulated ceiling on compassionate appointments
16   Revise the following allowances/advances as under in place of the recommendations made by the 7th CPC :
(i)  Allowances
(a)  Retain the rate of house rent allowance in place of the recommendation of the Commission to reduce it.
(b) Restructure the transport allowance into two slabs at Rs. 7500 and 3750 with DA thereof  removing all the stipulated conditions.
(c).  Fixed conveyance allowance: This allowance had no DA component at any stage..  This allowance must be enhanced to 2.25 times with 25% DA thereon as and  when the DA crosses 50%
(d) Restore the island Special duty allowance and the Tripura Special compensatory remote locality allowance.
(e)  The special duty allowance in NE Region should be uniform for all at 30%
(f) Overtime allowance whenever sanction must be based upon the actual basic pay of the entitled employee
(g) Cash handling /Treasury allowance. The assumption that every transaction in Government Departments are through the bank is not correct.  There are officials entrusted to collect cash and therefore the cash handling allowance to be retained.
(h)Qualification Pay to be retained.
(i) Small family norms allowances;
(j) Savings Bank allowance
(k) Outstation allowance
(l) P.O. & RMS. Accountants special allowance.
)m) Risk allowance
(n) Break-down allowance.
(o) Night patrolling allowance.
(p) Special Compensatory hill area allowance.
(q) Special allowance for Navodaya Vidyalaya Staff.                
(r)Restore the allowances abolished for the reason that it is either not reported or mentioned in the Report by the Commission.
(s) Dress Allowance ceiling to be raised to Rs 20,000/- p a
(t) Nursing Allowance to be raised to 2.25 times of Rs 4800/-
(u) All fixed allowances must be raised to 2.25 times as per the principle enunciated by the Commission
(v) The erroneous statement in Para 9.2.5 to be corrected. Vide OM No. 13018/1/2009-Estt (L) dated 22.07.2009, DOP, P&W, the leave period for Child adoption has been increased to 180 days.
          17  Advances.
                   Restore the following advances and revise the same to 3 times.
                                                (a). Natural calamity advance;
                                                (b). Festival Advance
                                                ©.  LTC and TA advances
                                                (d). Medical advance
                                                (e). Education advance.
                             (f)  Vehicle  advances including cycle advance
 18  The stipulation made by the 7th CPC to grant only 80% of salary for the second year of CCL be    rejected and the existing provisions may be retained
19  50% of the CGEIS premium to be paid by the Government in respect of Group B and C employees.
20   Health insurance to be introduced in addition to CGHS and CCS(MA) benefits and the premium to be paid by the Government and the employee equally.
21   Reject the recommendations concerning PRIS
22   Full pay and allowances to be provided for the entire period of WRII .
23   The conditions stipulated in clause (4) & (5) under Para 9.2.37 be removed
24   Reject the recommendation made by the 7th CPC in Para 8.16.9 to 8.16.14 concerning dress allowance to PBOR as otherwise the five Ordinance Equipment factories  under OFB will have to be closed down
25   Set up a group of Ministers’ Committee to consider the anomalies including the disturbance of the existing horizontal and vertical relativities at the National level and Departmental/Ministry level with provision for referring the disputed issues to the Board of Arbitration under the JCM scheme.

No. Conf/Gen/2015/                                              Dated - 09.12.2015                                                                                    


Shri P. K. Sinha
Cabinet Secretary
Government of India
New Delhi - 110001

Sub: - Grant of Flood Advance and other Financial Assistance for the staff including Gramin Dak Sewaks and Casual, Part-Time, Contingent employees who suffered substantial loss during the recent flood in Tamilnadu – Reg.
As you are aware that, there was torrential rain and catastrophic flood in Tamilnadu for the past three weeks and almost the Chennai City is devastated. Likewise, many areas viz. Cuddalore, Kanchipuram, Tiruvallur Districts and Puduchery union territory are the most affected parts of Tamilnadu during the recent flood. Water logged even in Airport, Railway Stations, National Highways etc. and almost every connecting link is severed and no vehicle service for the past several days in the City . National Disaster Management Team, Army, Navy and Air Force personnel are deployed for rescue operations and death toll crosses 188, as per official figure.

The Prime Minister of India recently visited Tamilnadu to make a personal survey of flood affected areas, described this as a National Disaster and announced Rs. 1000 Crores as immediate relief from the National Disaster Response Fund for rehabilitation works. The Tamilnadu State Govt. and Puduchery Union territory Govt. have announced the above mentioned areas as flood affected and various kinds of assistances/relief are extended to the affected people.

It is therefore requested to take necessary action so as to grant natural calamity advance to all the affected Central Government Employees, including Gramin Dak Sewaks and Casual, Part-time and Contingent employees, those who are residing in the flood affected Districts of Tamilnadu State.

Moreover, it is requested to take suitable action to grant Financial Assistance liberally to those officials/GDS/Casual Labourers who suffered with substantial loss of movable and immovable properties due to flood.

Soliciting immediate response.

Yours faithfully,

(M. Krishnan)
Secretary General



07.07.1921 – 11.12.1974
“ Organise if you want real living wages,
Organise if you want to have your working hours reduced,
Organize if you desire better treatment from your superior officers,
Organize if you want that the authorities should consult and consider your opinion on all administrative measures affecting you”

Struggle for unity & unity for struggle


of Strengthening of administration -Periodical review under FR56 (j)/ FR 56(I)/ Rule 48 of CCS (Pension) Rules, 1972- reg?(Click the link below for details)