HAPPY NEW YEAR 2025 TO ALL MEMBERS,Viewers & Readers

Friday, May 15, 2015


Mob.: 9811213808
Central Headquarters
(Affiliated to National Federation of Postal Employees)
D-2, Telegraph Place, Bangla Sahib Marg, New Delhi-110001
Phone: 011-23743667 e-mail: Web:


No. R-III/Circular-19/2015                                                      Dated 11-05-2015
          All Circle Secretaries, CWC Members,
          Divisional Secretaries and Branch Secretaries.

Dear Comrades,
                   All India RMS & MMS Employees Union Group `C` CHQ congratulates and Red Salute to , CWC members, Circle Secretaries, Divisional Secretaries and Branch Secretaries , office bearers and members for participating and making a grand success of all programmes including 28 April, 2015 Parliament March called by Postal JCA, Confederation, National JCA  and Trade Unions.
HISTORIC 28TH APRIL PARLIAMENT MARCH:- A massive rally on 28TH April was held under  the  Chairmanship of Com. Ragavaiah G/S NFTR. at Jantar Mantar. Com. Shiv Gopal Mishra Convenor of NJCA conducted the proceedings. Com. K.K.N. Kutty President Confederation moved the Resolutions on Nation wide Indefinite Strike from 23rd November 2015 for settlement of 10 Point Charter of Demands. M. Krishnan S/G Confederation, R.N. Parashar S/G NFPE, D. Theagarajan FNPO,Rakal Das Gupta  President AIDEF, Guman Singh & Bhatnagar NFIR, Shiv Kumar & Pathak  AIDEF, Srinivasan INDWF, Harbhajan Singh Sidhu G/S HMS and other leaders addressed the massive rally. It was decided that  Railway, Defence will take  Strike Ballot in the month of October, 2015 and declared that if no settlement is brought  about  on 10 Point Charter of Demands , the Central Government Employees in the Departments of govt. of India will go on Indefinite Strike  action from 23-11-2015.. More than One Lakh workers participated. There was a good participation of AIRMS & MMS E.U. Gr. `C`
NFPE FEDERAL SECRETARIAT MEETING:-  Federal Secretariat Meeting of NFPE was held on 28th April, 2015 in NFPE office under the Presidentship of Com. Giri Raj Singh President NFPE and reviewed the preparations of Strike.
CONFEDERATION SECRETARIAT MEETING:-  Secretariat Meeting of  Confederation of C.G. Emp. was held  on 29th April, 2015 at North Avenue Post Building  under the Presidentship of Com. K.K.N. Kutty  President Confederation and endorsed the decision of NJCA Indefinite Strike from 23rd Nov. 2015 and decided to give solidarity support PJCA Strike.

POSTAL JCA ( NFPE & FNPO) INDFINITE STRIKE DEFERRED:- Indefinite Strike action from 6th May, 2015 deferred based on assurance given by Secretary Posts & Hon`ble Minister ( C).
A meeting of Postal JCA leaders consisting both Secretary Generals and all the General Secretaries of both Federations  NFPE & FNPO was held on 30th April, 2015 with the secretary Posts, Members and other Officers. Again  a meeting of both Secretary Generals Com. R. N. Parashar and D. Theagarajan was held on 5th  May 2015 at 1.00 PM with the Hon`ble Minister ( C) Shri Ravi Shankar Prasad in the presence of Secretary Posts, Member HRD and DDG (SR) at Sanchar Bhawan. Postal JCA met on 30-4-2015 and on  5th May, 2015  after the meeting and discussed and decided  based on the assurances given by the Secretary Posts and Hon`ble Minister (C) during the above meeting to defer the Postal JCA (NFPE & FNPO) programme Indefinite Strike  from  6th May, 2015. The Minutes of that meeting are available on our website and will be published in RMS Worker of  June, 2015 issue.
MEMBERSHIP VERIFICATION:- The D.O.P has decided to conduct the verifications. New format of Authorisation letter may be issued in third week of May 2015. Now time has again come which will reflect the result of your democratically functioning of Organisational activities . Now we urge upon all office bearers Executive Committee Members and activists at all Units to take this challenge to achieve the goal of 80% membership in favour of  our Union All India RMS & MMS Employees Group `C  (NFPE) . Full Text of Reverification orders under issue by DOP will be placed on our website as soon as released by D.O.P.

POSTMAN SUPREME COURT CASE:-  Postman Supreme court case 1-1-1996 has been finalized on 7th May, 2015. Hon`ble Court has ordered for Notional Fixation  from 1-1-1996 for pensionary benefits
PAYMENT OF QUOTA:- All Divisional /Branch Secretaries are requested to clear arrears of quota to CHQ @ Rs.17-00 (CHQ Rs.14-50 & NFPE Rs.02-50) per member from August, 2014.
RMS Worker will not be posted to those branches in arrears for more than 3 months.

With best wishes.
Yours comradely,

(Giri Raj Singh )
General Secretary

Cadre Restructuring Proposal  for Group -C Cleared by MOC & IT 

          Cadre Restructuring Proposal in its final stage.It will take some period for DoPT approval. We are in regular touch in this matter. Due to effective persuasion in JCM (DC) Meeting and PJCA strike demand talks with DG Posts & Higher Officers and with Minister of Communications, Cadre Restructuring as we demand is likely to emerge as reality shortly. Let us hope the best to happen. 

The Cadre Restructuring for Group -C Employees has been signed by the Ministry and forwarded to DOPT for Final Approval on 13.05.2015.

It is expected that the proposal would be approved by DOPT after various formality checks and clearance from Department of Expenditure of Ministry of Finance.

The Salient features of the agreement are as follows :

1. Number of LSG posts will increase from 8 % to 22 %

2. Number of HSG II posts will increase from 2 % to 12 %

3. Number of HSG I posts will increase from 1.5 % to 4 %

4. After completion of 2 years in HSG I the official will be promoted to 4800 GP (Non-functional Basis)

5. The above proposal will be applicable to RMS, Circle Office and SBCO in the same ratio

6. Postman/Mail guard will get the same ratio of promotion.

1. The Post of SPM in Single and Double Handed Post offices will be placed under 2800/- Grade Pay ie All LSG and I MACP officials would man the offices.

2. The Post of SPM in Triple Handed and LSG Post offices will be placed under 4200/- Grade Pay ie All present HSG II / MACP II officials would man the offices and Posts.

3. The Post of HSG I and HSG II would be merged and placed under Grade Pay of 4600/- and be granted 4800/- on non functional basis after 4 Years.

4. The Post of Existing Postmaster Cadre officials will be modified in light of the same on approval of the Cadre Restructuring...

The Present Postmaster Grade -I Offices are likely to be placed under the Grade Pay of 4200/- 

The Grade I Posts are likely to get ungraded to Grade II , creating wide opportunity for the Postmaster Cadre Official to get promoted to Grade II and Placed within the same division.

The Present Grade II offices are likely to be placed under 4600/- Grade Pay creating more number of offices for HSG I and II officials.

The Norms of the Postmaster Grade III Offices would be modified so as to identify 1/3rd of the merged HSG I and II for Postmaster Grade III.

RTP's APS SERVICE TO COUNT FOR MACPs CLICK HERE to view the Judgement of CAT Ernakulam