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Wednesday, May 6, 2015

Details of meeting with MoC

Details of meeting held at Sanchar Bhawan on 05.05.2015 at 1300 hrs with Hon’Minister of Communications by Secretary Generals of NFPE & FNPO on behalf of Postal Joint Council of Action.

In continuation of the meeting by PJCA leaders consisting all General Secretaries and Secretary Generals of both Federations ( NFPE &FNPO) held with Chairman Postal Services Board , Member(HRD),  Member (O), Member(Tech) & other higher officers of Postal Directorate on 30.04.2015 at 1100 hrs on all the 26 Charter of demands, the PJCA had decided to insist a further meeting with Hon’ Minister of Communications in respect of the following three Major sectional demands pertaining to the Postal fraternity.
1. Corporatisation and  Privatisation of Postal Department as recommended by the TASK FORCE committee.
2. Inclusion of Gramin Dak Sevaks (GDS) in the terms of reference of 7th Central Pay Commission. Grant of Civil servant status to GDS and grant of all benefits of departmental employees on pro-rata basis without any discrimination.
3. Implementation of Cadre Restructuring in Postal, RMS, MMS and Postal Accounts as per the proposal signed with the JCM (DC) staff side.
The ground was under active preparation for indefinite strike w.e.f .06.05.2015.
  Secretary Generals of NFPE & FNPO on behalf of Postal Joint Council of Action were invited for meeting with Hon’Minister of Communications.
On 1300 hrs both Secretary Generals met the Hon’ MoC and submitted a memorandum on GDS issues primarily for inclusion of GDS under the purview of 7th Central Pay Commission. As the Department of Posts assured the PJCA on 30.04.2015 that the proposal will be strongly recommended and referred to D/o Expenditure for reconsideration, the Hon’ MoC was requested to offer his good offices.
Hon’Minister of Communications has assured that the GDS issues would be looked into with an open mind and he would try to his best.
The  Cadre Restructuring Proposal file is awaiting for the approval of Hon’ MoC and now even though he had some reservations, he agreed to pass it with positive recommendations. The Cadre Restructuring Proposal will shortly be forwarded to DoPT.
In respect of Task Force Committee recommendations, Hon’ MoC  has not given any assurance about future course of action. But he asserted that NO PRIVATISATION at present and there will be no reduction or structural change in the department.
The meeting with Hon’ MoC is hopeful.
Considering the reply given in the minutes by the Postal Directorate and assurance given by Hon’ MoC , the PJCA has decided to defer the proposed INDEFINITE STRIKE from 06.05.2015 .

Secretary Generals NFPE & FNPO submitting memorandum on GDS issues to Hon`ble Minister of Communications in the meeting held on 05.05.2015 in connection with Strike Secretary (P), Member HRD & DDG SR were also present.

Government of India
Ministry of Personnel, PG & Pensions
Department of Pension & Pensioners’ Welfare
3rd Floor, Lok Nayak Bhawan
Khan Market, New Delhi-110 003.
Dated the 16th April, 2015
Office Memorandum
Subject: Rounding off of a fraction of a rupee in regulation of additional pension –

The undersigned is directed to say that vide this Department’s OM No.38/37/08-P&PW(A) dated 1.9.2008 and OM No.38/37/08-P&PW(A) dated 2.9.2008. Instructions were issued for grant of additional pension/family pension @ 20% to 100% pensioners/family pensioners of the age of 80 years and above.
2. A question has been raised as to how the amount of additional pension is to be regulated in case the additional pension results in fraction of a rupee. The matter has been examined in consultation with Ministry of Finance (Department of Expenditure) and it has been decided that the amount of additional pension as finally calculated may be rounded off to the next higher rupee. In cases where the pension/family pension of old pensioners has been fixed/revised without rounding off the additional pension, in those cases also, the additional pension may be rounded off to the next higher rupee hereinafter. However, no arrears for the period from 1.1.2006 on account of such rounding off would be paid in those cases.
3. This issues with the approval of Ministry of Finance (Department of Expenditure) ID No.157/EV/2015 dated 30.3.2015.


 NO. 22011/1/2011-Estt(D) 
Government of India 
Ministry of PersonneffiPublic Grievances and Pensions 
(Department of Personnel and Training) 
North Block, New Delhi - 110001 
Dated-23ffiApril, 2015 
                       Subject:- Timely and advance action in convening of Departmental Promotion
                                       Committee meeting in terms of Model Calendar-regarding.

                      The undersigned is directed to state that with a view to having the approved 
select panels for promotion ready in advance in a time-bound manner, this Department has issued a Model Calendar for DPCs vide OM No. 22011/9/98-Estt. (D) dated 81 " September, 1998 as modified vide OM No. 22011/4/2013-Estt.(D) dated 28.01.2015. An indicative pattern has been provided in the Model Calendar for various events involved in the pre/ post DPC related actions. All the Ministries/Departments have been impressed upon from time to time by this Department to adhere to the prescribed time-line so as to ensure that the panel is ready in time and is utilised as and when the vacancies arise during the course of the 
vacancy year. 
                      2. Appointment Committee of Cabinet has viewed it seriously that the DPCs are 
not being convened in time. Delay in promotion affects the manpower planning and impedes the career progression of the employees. The delays in conduct of DPC negate the very purpose of the Model Calendar for DPCs issued vide Office Memorandum No.22011/9/98-Estt.(D) dated 8th September, 1998 as modified vide OM No. 22011/4/2013-Estt.(D) dated 28/01/2015. 
                    4. The objective of timely promotions of employees in various Ministries/Departments can be achieved only by granting the promotion in time. 
                      5. All the Ministries/Departments are, therefore, once again advised to ensure 
strict compliance of instructions in order to achieve the desired objectives of timely 
convening of DPCs/preparation of approved select panels within the prescribed time 

                                                                                                                           (S.K. Prasad)
                                                                                                      Under Secretary to the Govt. of India