HAPPY NEW YEAR 2025 TO ALL MEMBERS,Viewers & Readers

Friday, September 13, 2013


D.G. Posts No. 06/03/2012-SR dated 2nd September,2013.

          The JCM Standing Committee meeting was held on 23/08/2013 at 1030 hrs, under the chairpersonship of Member(O). Minetes of the meeting are enclosed for information and necessary action at your end.

Minutes of the JCM Standing Committee Meeting held on 23/08/2013.

            The JCM Standing Committee meeting was held on 23/08/2013 at 1030 hrs. in the Dak Bhavan under the chairmanship of Member (O).  The following were present:-

Official Side
1.         Shri Kamleshwar Prasad, Member (O)     - in chair.
2.         Shri S.K. Sinha, CGM (MB&O).
3.         Shri Tilak De, DDG (Estates & MM)
4.         Shri V.K. Tiwary, DDG (R&P).
5.         Shri Anil Kumar, DDG (Estt).
6.         Shri V.P. Singh, DDG (P).
7.         Shri Vineet Pandey, DDG (FS)
8.         Shri L.N. Sharma, DDG (Training)
9.         Smt. Savita Singh, GM (PLI)
10.      Shri Arun Malik, Director (SR & Legal)
Staff Side:
1.         Shri K.V. Sridharan, Leader Staff Side.
2.         Shri M. Krishnan, Secretary General, NFPE
3.         Shri D. Theagarajan, Secretary General, FNPO
4.         Shri Giri Raj Singh, Secretary, Staff Side
5.         I.S. Dabas, General Secretary, A.I.P.E U, Postmen & Gr. ‘D’
6.         Shri T.N. Rahate, General Secretary, NUPE, Postmen & Gr. ‘D’/MTS
            Director (SR) welcomed all the members of the staff side and the officers of the Department in the meeting.  He had apprised that some of the items wherein action has been completed and communicated to the staff side, have been deleted from the list of agenda items.  Thereafter Shri K.V. Sridharan, Leader, Staff Side thanked the chairman for convening the JCM Standing Committee meeting.

            With the permission of the chair, the agenda items were taken up and after discussions on each item following decisions were taken:-

1. Standing Committee Meeting held on 18.12.2012 

Sl. No.
Agenda Item
Decisions taken
Action By
Cadre Restructuring for all Non-Gazetted Group B & C cadres

The staff side was informed that as per the discussion held on 02/08/2013 the cadre restructuring committee will be re-constituted.

It was assured that the committee will be constituted within one week and the first meeting of the committee will be held within a month.

It was also decided that the draft of the Salim Haque committee will be discussed in the first meeting.
DDG (Estt)
Creation of System Administrators Cadre.
This item was included in the agenda item and decided that the issue of system administrators will be considered in the new cadre restructuring committee likely to be constituted  within a week’s time.
DDG (Estt)
Computation of proper norms for work allotment to existing System Administrators and grant of certain essential amenities.

This item was included in the agenda item and decided that the issue of system administrators will be considered in the new cadre restructuring committee likely to be constituted within a week’s time.
DDG (Estt)
Request for discontinuance of the practice of obtaining fidelity / security bond from the employees handling cash.

This item was also included in the agenda list at the last moment on the request of staff side.  It was decided that the proposal will be examined on file and reply will be given to the staff side in the next JCM (DC) meeting.
Protection of pay of the defunct scale of PO & RMS Accountants who opted for general line under Directorate letter No. 2-22/88 - PE I dt. 01.12.92.

Detailed compliance of pay fixation & consequent revision of due pensionary benefits is still awaited from Punjab Circle.  The issue of extending the same benefits as conferred in the case of Sh. Natha Singh will be considered on receipt of the compliance as already decided.
DDG (Estt)
Revision of Cash Allowance to the SPMs handling cash in the absence of treasurer.
It was informed to the staff side that the file is currently with IFW and the matter will be expedited.
DDG (Estt)
Conveyance of cash with police escort- Problems there on.

There are two issues under this item:-
(i) Conveyance of cash with police escort – this issue has been closed.
(ii) Fixing of line limit – A committee has been constituted under the chairmanship of DDG (CP&PO).  The committee will meet on 26/08/2013.
Fixing  Norms / Time Factors to Postal Stores Depot; Circle Stamp Depot & creation of establishment.
The staff side was informed that this issue will be addressed in the IT Modernization Project.

Item closed.
Allowing to appear in the Departmental Exam like IPOs – case of physically handicapped officials.
The matter is under consideration in consultation with Ministry of Social Justice, the nodal Ministry for notification of identification of the post for reservation in Department of Posts for persons with disabilities.  It is pending with that Ministry and the matter is being pursued with them.
Transfer of all HSG I Posts to General line
As per the existing RRs, HSG I recruitment is done from general line (from LSG, HSG II cadre) and through IPO line.  This provision was disallowed by DoPT and the matter has now been referred to DoPT in totality to enable DoP to revise the RRs so that all HSG posts can be transferred to General Line.
Payment of honorarium to supervisors & Staff of Divisional offices for processing of PLI and RPLI proposals.

The case for change of honorarium as incentive was taken up earlier with IFW Division.  For calculating incentive for each item of work, IFW has asked for devising new norms for items of work being carried out at Divisional Office.  Meanwhile, under the ongoing FSI project all the PLI / RPLI operations are further being decentralized to CPC / HO level.  Subsequent to implementation of FSI the time factor for all processes on the new insurance software will be available for calculating workload for staff / supervisor working as per the new work flow in CPCs.  Once the required norms are arrived the matter of incentive beyond a minimum threshold payable to CPC staff will be taken up.
Grant of OTA/ Excess Duty Allowance to the SPMs working in single / Double handed Post offices.

OTA is not admissible to SPMs.  The matter of introduction of an extra duty allowance to the operative staff of the Department is under examination in consultation with Nodal Ministries.  However, it may not be out of point to mention that in absence of admissibility of OTA to SPMs, the question of grant of extra duty allowance may not arise.
DDG (Estt)
Counting the training period for benefits of promotion under TBOP / BCR scheme
The matter is under consideration in consultation with Department of Legal Affairs and Department of Personnel & Training.
DDG (Estt)
Holding of examination for filling up to posts of AMM in MMS
No RRs are currently available for Assistant Manager (MMS) and the feeder cadres and this is preventing the Department from holding examination.  However, required documents and inputs to frame the RRs are being obtained.
DDG (P) /
DDG (Estt)
Holding of DPC for filling up the posts of Deputy Manager MMS
The DPC will be held within a period of three months.
Appointment to the grade of Supdt. Stg. In RMS
The DPC will be held within a period of three months.
Acute shortage of ‘C’ Bags.
The staff side agreed that there is no shortage of ‘C’ bags now. 
Item closed.
Implementation of recommendation of the 5th CPC with regard to payment of cash handling allowance to treasurers and Asst. Treasurers in Post offices.
It was decided that the detailed proposal will be sent by the staff side and will be examined by the Establishment Division.  If some relevant points are raised by the staff side and which help to resolve the issue, the same will be included and the proposal will be referred tenth time, to the M/o Finance for consideration.
Staff side

DDG (Estt)
Allot 19% Group B vacancies for General line and permit all Group C official in Postal, RMS, Admn. and Postal A/Cs with minimum 20 years of service to appear in the exam by dispensing with present reservation of posts to RMS & Admn. Staff.
The staff side was informed that a committee has been constituted under the chairmanship of DDG (R&P) which will meet on 29/08/2013 and the report of the committee will be submitted within a period of 15 days.

Anomaly in the preparation of PA gradation list. Date of confirmation should not be taken now and date of appointment be taken for construing seniority. Fixing seniority based on the date of confirmation in unconstitutional and discriminatory and dropping of confirmation examination.
The staff side was informed that the problem in this case is only in Tamil Nadu Circle.  It was decided that the issue will be taken up separately with Tamil Nadu Circle. 
Pay protection to employees who seek transfer to a lower post under FR 15 (a)/transfer under Rule 38.
DoPT’s OM No. 16/4/2012-Pay-1 dated 05/11/2012 clarifies the issue. 
Item closed.
Construction of Departmental Buildings for Postal Accounts Offices at Hyderabad, Trivandrum and Patna.

The staff side was intimated that the PAO office in Trivendrum shall be accommodated in the new building at Poojapura.  Postal Account Office for Patna has also been approved in EFC meeting, whereas the proposal of Hyderabad Postal Accounts Office has not been acceded to by the Planning Commission in the EFC Meeting.
Item closed.

  1. JCM (DC) Meeting hold on 28.12.2012
Sl. No.
Agenda Item
Decisions taken
Action By
Grant of higher rate of HRA in respect of offices situated in urban limits.

In the last JCM (DC) meeting held on 28/12/2012 a point was raised by staff side that everytime in a proposal in respect of grant of higher rates of HRA by circle it is required that the same should be accompanied by Establishment review figures.  The official side concluded that this is not required as per MoF rules. It has been decided in this meeting that this decision taken in the last meeting will be followed.
Item closed.
Imposing unjustified conditions for appearing  IP Examination for the departmental quota vacancies.
The matter is being examined.
Construction of new building at Kodialbail HSG I SO in Mangalore Division, Karnataka Circle

It was decided that a report will be obtained from circle to ascertain whether the area of the post office is sufficient as per SOA and functionally convenient; failing which action will be taken accordingly to resolve the issue.  As regards construction of new building, the proposal was not accepted because the building is safe for occupation as reported by SE (Civil), Bangalore.
DDG (Estate & MM)
Construction of new departmental building for Itanagar Head Post office.
Construction has already started in May, 2013.  Item closed.
Item closed.
Uniform application of incentive for IMT work

The proposal for the incentive for IMTS work done in the post offices has already been worked out in detail along with its financial implication.  The related file was submitted to JS & FA and the said file has been received back with some querries.  The file is being submitted again with compliance and seeking further orders.
Recovery of huge amount being interest Paid on PPF Account opened on Self name and also in the name of Minors (i.e. on two accounts) prior to 06.12.2000 – case of Karnataka Circle

This office has already issued order to stop recovery of interest from the officials at fault on 08/02/2012.  Since the Accounts were transferred to the Bank and RBI is the controlling authority of the Bank, the S.K. Region, Bangalore wrote a letter to RBI to issue order to the said Bank to get recover the excess paid interest on behalf of the Department of Posts.  Matter has also been taken up with the RBI by this office.  Reply is awaited from RBI.
Item closed.
Fixation of pay of MTS (Group C officials) who were granted ACP-I and ACP-II upgradations prior to 01.01.2006 consequent upon implementation of 6thCPC recommendation in the light of Postal Directorate’s latest order no. 1-20/2008-PCC (Pt.) dtd. 18.07.2011.
The issue is currently under examination.
DDG (Estt)
Dies non period should also be taken for reckoning of continuous service while granting ACP/MACP to officials.
It was decided that the issue will be examined whether the Dies non should be taken for reckoning of continuous service in such cases. Reply will be sent to the staff side separately, after examining the proposal within the framework of extant rules of the Government of India.
DDG (Estt)
Arbitrary recovery of Postage in case of foreign articles returned due to non availability of service.
The matter has been examined and it has been decided with the approval of Secretary (P) that Maharashtra circle may refund the postage recovered from the booking clerks who book foreign articles to those countries where India Post does not have any service.
Item closed.
Fixation of Pay for canteen employees after Sixth CPC.
A clarification will be issued by the Establishment Division.
DDG (Estt)
Clarification issued on encashment of earned leave in connection with availing LTC– Payment of difference.
Ruling of DoPT on this matter has been circulated to all Circles for taking appropriate action.  

Item closed.
Abnormal delay in filling up of vacant LSG, HSG II and HSG-I vacancies due to non-holding of DPCs in many circles

Instructions have been issued from time to time to hold DPC meetings as per the schedule prescribed by the Department of Personnel & Trg (DoP&T).  As regards filling up of the vacancies in HSG.I, a proposal was referred to DoP&T to fill up the vacancies in HSG.I as per the provisions of existing Recruitment Rules till finalization of amendment to the existing Recruitment Rules.  DoP&T has approved the proposal.  Directorate vide letter No. 4-44/2012-SPB.II dated 18/04/2013 has issued instructions to all Circles to fill up the vacancies in HSG.I in PO & RMS Offices as per the provisions of existing Recruitment Rules by convening DPC meetings by 30/04/2013 and issue the promotion orders by 06/05/2013.

Subsequently, another letter dated 27/06/2013 from Member (P) has been issued to all Circles with the request to ensure that all the vacancies are filled by convening DPC meetings and through Departmental Examinations. 
Item closed.
Denial of relaxed standards to GDS in the appointment of Postal Assistants in the revised recruitment rules - regarding.
The issue involves amendment of Recruitment Rules.  It is being examined and decision will shortly be taken in this regard.
Special drive for residual vacancies.

For filling all the unfilled vacancies of Multi-Tasking Staff and Postman / Mail Guard in Subordinate offices and Circle / Administrative offices, necessary instruction was issued to all Circles vide letter No. 45-2/2011-SPB-I dated 18/10/2012 with the direction to take action to fill up all the vacant posts of earlier years latest by 30th June, 2013.  The drive is over and a status report from the Circles has since been called for to review the position.
Item closed.
Immediately arrange for filling up of vacant posts in the cadre of PACO & MTS in Circle Administrative offices.
Recruitment Rules for the post of PA (CO & RO) are being revised.  However, a proposal is moved to operate the old RRs for filling vacant posts in the cadre of PA (CO).  Regarding filling up of the posts of MTS in CO / Admn Offices, necessary instructions have already been issued to all Circles in October, 2012 to fill up these posts.
Promotion of OS to AD (Rectt.).
DPC for 4 AD (Rectt) completed.  Item is closed.
Item closed.
Tenure in RMS Head Record offices/Divisional offices.

It was informed by the staff side that the Rajasthan, Delhi and Orissa circles are not following the guidelines.  It was decided that the instructions will be reiterated to these circles. 
DDG (Estt)
Non-filling of IPO post of Direct recruits in J & K Circle

The Staff Selection Commission, who allocates the candidates for appointment to various Circles as per the preference given by the candidates, has been requested vide letter dated 07/06/2013 to give special consideration to nominate / allocate the candidates of J&K Circle for appointment to the post of Inspector of Posts through Combined Graduate Level Examination in order to ensure that posts do not remain unfilled. 
Item closed.
Short drawal of Grade Pay – In case of Pharmacists in P&T Dispensary

There is no case of short drawl of grade pay for pharmacists and the issue has been decided by, Deptt of Expenditure, Implementation Cell and the orders have been circulated to Circles.
Item closed.
Recovery effected from Commutation of pension from Postal pensioners who had proceeded on voluntary retirement during the period from 1.1.2006 to 31.8.2008.
DoPT order no. 38-37/2008-PNPW(A) dated 10-12-2009 in this regard have been re-circulated to Circles. 
Item closed.
Grant of Grade Pay of Rs. 1800 to Group D/MTS who retired/expired from service after 31.08.2008 without having been imparted training.
The issue is referred to Ministry of Finance, Department of Expenditure.
DDG (Estt)
Fixing norms for Postmen work

The norms were formulated after scientific work study by IWSU in 2008.  Since five years have already lapsed, it was decided to conduct another study by Departmental Officials or by a third party to review the postmen norms.  This decision was taken in a meeting held on 02/08/2013 under the chairmanship of Member(P).
DDG (Estt)
Performing double duty by Postmen on Double Duty Allowance Basis.

The Fixed Monetary Compensation to delivery staff for performing duty of an absentee Postman by combination of duties has been revised vide this office Order No.10-7/2001-PE.II dated 24/11/2010. 
Item closed.
Provisioning of 10% LR.

Clear instructions will be issued by Establishment Division to all circles.
DDG (Estt)
Irregular commutation of LR strength.
This item is closed in view of item 29.
Item closed.
Fixing standard operating procedures and uniform code and rules for all Postal Training Centers.
It was informed to the staff side that this issue has been resolved and the staff side was also apprised of this. 
Item closed.
Upgradation of pay as per sixth CPC to Group ‘C’ cadre in response to Group ‘D’ Selected under blind quota.
It was decided that a training module will be developed for the visually handicapped in the Directorate within a period of two months and circulated to all circles for compliance.
DDG (Training)
Implementing online facility for all Postal employees having General Provident Fund (GPF) Account to get information regarding their GPF accounts directly from the internet.
The matter has already been addressed in the CSI RFP. 
Item closed.
Supply of updated Postal Manuals, Volumes and Reference books to all offices.

The concerned Divisions have been reminded vide letter No.9-13/94-PF (pt.iv) dated 08/07/2013 for furnishing the material for printing / uploading of Postal Manuals, in the official website.  The action will be completed within a period of three months.
DDG (Estates & MM)
Bifurcation of Bastar and Raigarh divisions in Chattisgarh Circle.

(a) Baster Division: As no matching savings have been provided by the Circle Office for creation of additional posts, the proposal for bifurcation of Baster Division to create Kankar Division is found not feasible in view of ban on creation of Plan / Non- Plan posts by Ministry of Finance .
(b) Raigarh Division:  The circle has been asked to provide matching savings for creation of posts required for the proposed Sarguja Division after bifurcation of Raigarh Division.  It has also been asked to furnish the financial implications involved in bifurcation of Raigarh Division.
This part of the item is closed.

DDG (Estt)
Review of work load in Business Office.

It was decided that a report will be called for from the circles about the expenditure incurred and the revenue gained.
(i) Timely supply of uniform and issue of Kit Card.

It was decided that the instructions will be issued once again to all Heads of Cirlces for timely supply of uniform to eligible postal employees.  The staff side was also informed to take up the matter at circle level..
Issue of Kit Card:  The Directorate has called for the comment from all heads of the circles to explore possibility for issue of kit card on 03/06/2013.
Reply received from the circles so far is in favour of the issue of kit card to the postal employees, hence it was decided to agree to the proposal and further necessary action may be initiated.
DDG (Estates & MM)
Downgradation of HSG II AHRO post in Maharasthra Circle
The proposal will be examined by the Establishment Division.
DDG (Estt)

                The meeting ended with a vote of thanks to the chair.