HAPPY NEW YEAR 2025 TO ALL MEMBERS,Viewers & Readers

Wednesday, January 16, 2013


No. R-III/Circular/2013                                                                                          Dated 14-01-2013

            All Circle Secretaries, CWC Members, Divisional Secretaries,

Dear Comrades,
                           Happy New Year.

                                    We red Salute and congratulate to all the comrades who participated in the strike on 12th December, 2012 and proved that NFPE can paralyze the Postal services in the event of any privatization, corporatisation etc.

                                    Let us keep this tempo and improve  further in the coming of two days strike on 20th & 21st February, 2013.

                                    Make the strike on 20th & 21st  February, 2013 a Grand Success. Ensure the massive participation of RMS & MMS Employees.
                                    As the Central Trade Unions INTUC, BMS, AITUC, CITU, HMS, UTUC, LPF, SEWA and Federations and Organisations of Central and State Government Employees, Teachers and Public Sector Undertakings have decided to organize  two days Nationwide Strike on 20th & 21st February,2013. The Postal JCA has also decided to join the working Class to fight against anti people and anti working class policies of the Government and setting up 7th CPC, DA merger, revision of OTA etc. Central Trade Unions have also demanded to set up 7th CPC. This is impact of 12th December, 2012 Strike and the necessity to carry forward the struggle for declaring the 7th CPC in this year`s Budget itself. The Tour programme of All India Postal JCSA leaders and confederation leaders are enclosed herewith for intensive campaign meetings at various stations. The Charter of Demands along with Strike Notice is also enclosed. The Divisional / Circle Secretaries and  All India Office Bearers of the respective division / Circle will make arrangement to organize the meeting. Members of all unions should  participate in the meetings. Strike Notice and Charter of Demands will be served to Secretary Department of Posts on 22-01-2013 by  JCA  leaders. Lunch hour demonstrations should be organized in front of working places. Confederation , CHQ will also serve the Strike Notice to the Cabinet Secretary on 22-01-2013.

FEDERAL SECRETARIAT MEETING OF NFPE:-  NFPE  Federal Secretariat Meeting was held on 27-12-2012 in NFPE office and has unanimously decided to join the two days strike on 20th and 21st February, 2013 called by the Joint Forum of Central Trade  Unions and Independent Federations, Associations, INTUC, affiliated FNPO has informed that they have decided to join this 2 days Strike. Federal Secretariat has also decided that all India leaders  of NFPE & FNPO affiliated unions shall attend at least one campaign meeting at all State Headquarters or any other places decided by Circle Co-Ordination Committee and campaign is to be conducted by Divisional /Circle Unions in each Circle.
CONFEDERATION SECRETARIAT MEETING:  Confederation of  Central Government Employees and Workers Secretariat Meeting was held on 2nd January,2013 at I.T.E.F office Rajouri Garden New Delhi and decided to endorse the decision of two days General Strike on 20th & 21st February, 2013 called

by Central Trade Unions. First Part `A` of Charter of Demands will be of General Demands and Second Part `B` will be of 15 Point Confederation Charter of Demands on 12th December, 2012 Strike.
ALL INDIA CONFERENCE OF AIPEU GDS (NFPE): The first AIC of AIPEU GDS (NFPE) will be held at Chennai on 21st and 22nd March, 2013.
2nd All India Conference of AISBCOEA :- The Second AIC of All India Postal SBCO Employees Association will be held at Haridwar on  2nd & 3rd March, 2013

P-IV CWC:- Central Working Committee of All India Postal Employees Union Postmen and Group[ `D` will be held at Jamnagar (Gujarat) on 7th & 8th April, 2013


Historic Parliament March was conducted by Central Trade Unions, Confederation of Central Government Employees  & Workers, Bank, LIC, Defence Employees Federation, State Employees Federation on 20-12-2012. Protesting against PFRDA Bill, FDI, Out Sourcing, Price Rise,. About 1 lac Workers through out the country took part in the Parliament March and criticised the anti people, anti Worker and anti Farmer policies of Government of India.

PROTEST DEMONSTRATIONS ON 28-12-2012:-   As per call of Postal JCA NFPE & FNPO Protest Demonstrations were conducted in front of Circle/Regional/Divisional offices on 28-12-2012 against the orders issued by D.O.P to abolish 2/3rd posts total 17093 Posts which were kept vacant for the year 2005 to 2008. Saving gram were sent to Hon`ble Minister of Communications & IT and Secretary Posts,
CADRE REVIEW:- Cadre Restructuring for all non-gazetted  Group `B` and `C` Cadres was an item pending in JCM subjects which was discussed  in the Standing Committee Council Meeting held on 18-12-2012 under the Chairperson of Member (P) and Departmental Council Meeting  (JCM) held on 28-12-2012 under the Chairperson of Secretary Posts. She replied that the report of the Committee is under consideration. Proposal will be formulated by the Department. However one round of talks with the JCM members will be held before the proposal is firmed up.

MMS CADRE REVIEW:- A MMS Cadre Review Committee under the Chairperson of Ms Sandhya Rani  PMG (BD) AP Circle to consider the Cadre Review of MMS  Staff was set up by the Department vide letter No. 01/01/2011-SR dated 20th January, 2012.

                        The Meetings of Committee were held on 12thh to 13th March, 2012, 3rd to 4th April, 2012, 11th to 12th June, 2012, 13th to 14th August, 2012 and 11th to 12th September, 2012 and Committee discussed in detail Cadre issues relating to the Technical and Non –Technical cadres, MTS, Artisans, T.S, TP A, Drivers, PA ,Despatch Riders, Store Officer etc. The Committee report has been submitted to the Secretary Posts for consideration of D.O.P by the Chairperson of Committee . Detail report is available on our Website.

DEARNESS ALLOWANCE:-  An increase of 8% DA for Central Govt. Employees /Pensioners is likely from 72% to 80% w.e.f. 1-1-2013.

NFPE CENTRAL ZONE STUDY CAMP:- Central Zone Study Camp  of NFPE  will be held on 19th to 20th January at Jaleri Garden NH-86 Civil Lines Vidisha (M.P.)

ALL INDIA SENMINAR ON POSTAL SERVICES :- All India Seminar on the subject     “Future of India Post in the Era of the Globalization” will be conducted on 19th January, 2013 at 5 P.M. at Vidisha (M.P.)

Yours fraternity

(Giri Raj Singh)
General Secretary