HAPPY NEW YEAR 2025 TO ALL MEMBERS,Viewers & Readers

Monday, November 12, 2012


Manihsinath Bhawan
A/2/95 Rajouri Garden
New Delhi. 110 027.
Website: confederationhq.

Conf/19/2012                                       Dated: 10th November, 2012.

Dear Comrade,

                We have already placed on the website the format of the strike notice to be served on all Heads of Departments/Offices on 19th November, 2012.  The strike notice must have the charter of demands as an enclosure.  In order to ensure that the charter of demands is uniform in all respects, we give hereunder the same.  Kindly incorporate the same in all the strike notices to be served on 19th November, 2012.

                We once again request the Sectt. Members, who were assigned the responsibility for undertaking campaigns in different states that the same may be undertaken with all seriousness and in the event of any difficulty, the same may be brought to the notice of the CHQ.  November, being the festival months, the programmes, if not already completed, must be organised in the 3rd and 4th weeks.  As per the decision of the National Executive, evening dharnas are to be organised continuously from 20th to 23rd i.e. immediately after the serving of notice.  The first week of December will be utilised for the circulation of pamphlets to all the members explaining the issues and demands contained in the charter. 

                The Sectt .Members who are assigned with the task of undertaking review meeting in different State Capital must be in touch with the concerned State Committee Secretaries and finalise the programme.  The Secretaries of the State Committees are requested to please contact the concerned Sectt. members and ensure that the campaign programme as chalked out by the National Executive is carried out to make the strike participation on 12th a grand success.

                We have sought the support and solidarity for the strike action slated for 12th December, 2012 from various Central Government organisations in Defence and Railways and FNPO.  Similar letters are being addressed to all such organisations.  On serving the strike notice on 19th November, we shall approach the Central Trade Unions and other Independent Federations seeking their support to make the strike total on 12th December, 2012.  Copy of our letter is placed hereunder. 

                We have also written to the Secretary General, Confederation of Central Government Officers seeking their support and requesting them to kindly explore the possibility of joining with us in the strike on 12th December, 2012. (copy of the letter is enclosed)

We place hereunder the copies of letters the Confederation has written on various issues for your information.

                With greetings,

Yours fraternally,

K.K.N. Kutty
Secretary General


1. Revise the wages of the Central Government employees including Gramin Dak Sewaks with effect from 1.1.2011 and every five years thereafter by setting up the 7th CPC.


2. Merge DA with pay for all purposes with effect from. 1.1.2011 including for Gramin Dak Sewaks.


3. Remove restriction imposed on compassionate appointments and the discrimination on such appointments between the Railway workers and other Central Govt. employees.


4. (a) Departmentalise all Gramin Dak Sewaks and grant them all benefits of regular employees; End Bonus discrimination and enhance bonus ceiling to 3500/-; withdraw open market recruitment in Postman / MTS cadre; Revise cash handling norms; Grant full protection of TRCA; Grant Time Bound Promotion and Medical Reimbursement facility etc,


(b) Regularise the daily rated, contingent, casual workers and introduce a permanent scheme for periodical regularisation;


5. (a) Revive the functioning of the JCM. Convene the meeting of the Departmental Councils in all Ministries/Departments. Settle the anomalies raised in the National Anomaly Committee as also in the Departmental Anomaly Committees. Hold National Council meetings as specified in the JCM constitution. (b) Remove the anomalies in the MACP Scheme.(c) Grant recognition to all Associations/Federations, which have complied with the formalities and conditions stipulated in the CCS(RSA) Rules.


6. Fill up all vacant posts and create posts on functional requirements.


7. Stop downsizing outsourcing, contractorization, corporatization and privatisation of Governmental functions.


8. Stop price rise; strengthen the PDS.


9. (a) Stop the proposal to introduce the productivity linked wage system; (b) discard the performance related pay structure; (c) introduce PLB in all Departments; (d) remove the ceiling on emoluments for bonus computation.


10. Revise the OTA, Night duty allowance and clothing rates.


11. Implement all arbitration awards;


12. Make the right to strike a legal and fundamental right of the Government employees on par with the other section of the working class.


13. Grant Five Promotions to all employees as is provided for in the case of Group A services.
14. (a) Withdraw the PFRDA Bill. (b) Rescind the decision to allow FDI in pension sector ;(c) Scrap the new contributory pension scheme (d) Extend the existing statutory defined pension scheme to all Central Govt. employees irrespective of their date of entry in Government service.

15. Vacate all Trade Union victimisation, and more specifically in the Indian Audit and Accounts Department.

Copy of Confederation's letter addressed to the
Secretary Generals of

Dear Comrade,

The Confederation of Central Government employees and workers in its last National Council meeting decided to call upon its members to organise a day's strike on 12th December, 2012 in  pursuance of a 15 point charter of demands, which include inter alia setting  up of the 7th CPC for wage revision, withdrawal of PFRDA Bill and extension of the defined benefit pension scheme to all Central Government employees  irrespective of date of their entry into Government service, removal of conditions imposed on compassionate appointments', stopping outsourcing contractorisation, five promotions in the service career as is provided to the organised group A services , merger of DA with pay, acceptance and implementation of arbitration awards, revival of the JCM functioning etc., etc.

We shall be grateful if you will take appropriate decision to extend the solidarity and support for ourstrike action slated for 12th December, 2012.

With greetings,

Yours fraternally,
K.K.N. Kutty
Secretary General.

Copy of letter addressed to the Secretary General,
Confederation of Central Government Gazetted  Officers organizations.

Dear Comrade,

The Confederation of Central Government employees and workers in its last National Council meeting decided to call upon its members to organise a day's strike on 12th December, 2012 in  pursuance of a 15 point charter of demands, which include inter alia setting  up of the 7th CPC for wage revision, withdrawal of PFRDA Bill and extension of the defined benefit pension scheme to all Central Government employees  irrespective of date of their entry into Government service, removal of conditions imposed on compassionate appointments', stopping outsourcing contractorisation, five promotions in the service career as is provided to the organised group A services , merger of DA with pay, acceptance and implementation of arbitration awards, revival of the JCM functioning etc. .

We enclose herewith a copy of the 15 point charter of demands in pursuance of which we have decided to organise the one day strike action on 12th December, 2012. 

We shall be grateful if you will kindly explore the possibilities of joining with us in the strike action.  In case such a decision is not feasible, we seek your solidarity and support for making our strike action a grand success. 

With greetings,

Yours fraternally,
 K.K.N. Kutty
Secretary General.

Com. Rajesh D. Menon
Secretary General,
Confederation of Central Govt.  Gazetted Officers Federation.



D/16/2012 Dated: 10th November, 2012.


The Secretary (Personnel)
Department of Personnel and Training,
Government of India
North Block,
New Delhi. 110 001

Dear Sir,

                                                Sub: Revival of the JCM functioning- Departmental level-

                We solicit your kind reference to the discussions at the National Anomaly Committee meeting held on 17thJuly, 2012 when the leader and Secretary Staff Side  and other members of the Staff Side brought to your kind notice that the JCM at the Departmental Council level in most of the Ministries other than Railways and Defence have become defunct.  The Staff Side also informed you that the recognition of Service Association, despite the submission of the requisite applications and adherence to conditions stipulated under the CCS(RSA) Rules, 1003 are denied by the heads of departments for no legitimate reasons.  The attitude of the Official Side in this regard has resulted in the virtual shutting out any discussion on issues of concern to employees in various Ministries.     You had been good enough to assure us that concrete steps would be taken to revive the functioning of JCM at all levels and in all Ministries.

                We are to bring to you kind notice that the status quo as obtained at the time of the said National Anomaly Committee meeting is in existence even today without any improvement.  We shall be grateful if you could kindly direct the concerned to take steps so that the functioning of the councils could be revived without further loss of time.

                Thanking you,

Yours faithfully,
K.K.N. Kutty
Secretary General.


D/16/2012 Dated: 10th November, 2012.


The Secretary (Personnel)
Department of Personnel and Training,
Government of India
North Block,
New Delhi. 110 001

Dear Sir,
                                                                Sub: Fixation of pay on promotion:

                It was agreed in the meeting of the National Anomaly Committee held on 17th July, 2012 that wherever there is a provision of direct recruitment in the Recruitment Rules, pay on promotion would be fixed at the prescribed minimum of the entry pay as provided for the direct entrants in the revised pay rules.   However a formal order in implementation of this order is yet to be issued. 

                We shall be grateful if necessary directions are issued for the issuance of formal orders in the matter.
                Thanking you,
Yours faithfully,

K.K.N. Kutty
Secretary General.


D/16/2012 Dated: 10th November, 2012.


The Secretary,
Department of Expenditure,
Ministry of Finance,
Government of India, North Block
New Delhi. 110 001

Dear Sir,
                                                Sub:       Fixation of pay on promotion to a post carrying the same
                                                                Grade pay.

                It was agreed in the last National Anomaly Committee meeting held on 17th July, 2012( as could be seen from the minutes issued in this regard) that in cases where promotion to a post carrying the same grade pay, benefit of one increment would be considered subject to the condition that the promotional post carries higher duties and responsibilities under FR 22 and fixation benefit under FR 22 (1)(a)(i) was available prior to the implementation of the 6th CPC report and the merger of the two grades was not on functional considerations.  However, in implementation of this agreement, no formal orders were issued so far. 

                We, therefore, request that necessary instruction may kindly be caused to be issued to grant one increment benefit to all those employees who are promoted where the feeder cadre and the promotion cadre carry the same grade pay, provided the promotional grade is declared to be a post carrying higher responsibilities.  All those who were promoted during the period between 1.1.2006 and the date of issue of the instruction may also be covered by the said instruction specifically.

                Thanking you,

Yours faithfully,

K.K.N. Kutty
Secretary General.


Dated: 10th November, 2012.
Com. Umraomal Purohit,
Secretary, Staff Side, National Council, JCM\
13-C Ferozeshah Road,
New Delhi 110 001

Dear Comrade,

Kindly recall the discussions, I had with you two days back about the meeting held under the Chairmanship of JS(E) 27thJuly, 2012 on MACP issues.  As intimated to you, the minutes of the said meeting was prepared and circulated by the official side without causing any discussion with the Staff Side, which had been the practice all along with the result there had been serious omissions in the conclusions indicated therein.  However, on the basis of our discussions, we suggest the following proposals:

(a)    On our demand for giving effect to the MACP scheme from 1.1.2006.
Our suggestion at the meeting was that if not for the entire personnel, the Govt. may consider to grant the benefit of MACP scheme to  the personnel retired between 1.1.2006 and 31.8.2008 effective from. 1.1.2006. This suggestion was made with a view that the personnel who were in service after 1.9.2008, no doubt get the MACP benefit, though belatedly.  Only those who retired between the above crucial dates are denied the said benefit for ever.   In my opinion, we may even go further and suggest that even in the case of those retired, the benefit may be made only notional, in as much as they may not be entitled to receive arrears of salary due to the revision of pay.  They become entitled only the increased pension benefit and that too with effect from. 1.9. 2008.

(b)   MACP on promotional hierarchy:
There had been no logical arguments placed by the official side for denying the option to be exercised by the individual employee as to whether he would like to retain the existing scheme of ACP or switch over to MACP.  In the light of strong contention made by the Staff Side, it was in fact agreed that the official side will consider this proposal which was made by the Staff Side in fact as an alternative to the demand for masking MACP on the basis of promotional hierarchy in replacement of Grade Pay hierarchy. As large number of employees would be affected adversely if this just demand is denied, we feel that this issue must be pressed for acceptance.

We request you to kindly take up the above two formulations at the appropriate level as you deem fit and bring about a settlement at an early date.
With greetings,
Yours fraternally,
