HAPPY NEW YEAR 2025 TO ALL MEMBERS,Viewers & Readers

Friday, August 31, 2012

No. R- III/25/8/2012                                                     Dated 31--08-2012

          The Secretary,
          Department of Posts
          Dak Bhawan,
          New Delhi-110 116.

Subject:- Withdrawal of two increment incentive from the staff working on AMPC in Mumbai & Chennai.

Respected Madam,

It has been intimated by Circle Secretary Maharastra Circle that Directorate vide its letter No. 20-5/2010-D dated 254.8.2012 has withdrawan incentive increments paid to the staff working on AMPC in Mumbai & Chennai.
                          The Eighth Planning Commission had approved in principal the setting of Automatic Mail Processing Centres in Metropolitan Cities. Two centres were established, one at Mumbai in 1993 and the second one at Chennai in 1996. The objectives for setting up Automatic Mail Processing Centres in important mail concentration centres in the country was

1)    To switch over to a Higher Mail Processing Technology and
2)    To achieve Higher productivity to maintain the desired quality of services as perceived by our esteemed clients.

                          Keeping in view these objectives it was decided to formulate a unique incentive scheme in consultation with the General Secretaries of all recognized unions representing RMS officials. Accordingly a incentive scheme was evolved and issued by the Directorate vide letter No. 39-19/90-D (Pt) dated 28/04/1993. In the said unique incentive scheme, as a part of higher technology incentive, each officials working in AMPC, Mumbai (including the officials attached to Mail Agency and Administrative Wing) was granted two extra increments due in his/her own pay scale at the stage at which he/she is at the time of joining AMPC, Mumbai. The scheme was implemented on experimental basis for first six months after inauguration of AMPC, Mumbai. Further the same was extended upto 30th September, 1995 vide Directorate letter No. 39-19/90-D (Pt) dated 04/07/1995. Later on the Directorate vide letter No. 39-19/90-D (Pt) dated 10.11.1995  decided to implement the incentive scheme of AMPC, Mumbai

on a PERMANENT BASIS. A concurrence for the same was also issued by the Finance Advice (Postal) wing vide their No. 3007/FA/95 dated 25.10.1995.

On installation of AMPC at Chennai this incentive scheme was also extended to the staff working on AMPC Chennai.

Two increments were being given to the staff to encourage them to work on new technology and give higher out put. Orders to withdraw this incentive has not only discouraged the staff but also demoralized them.

Incentive Scheme of two increments was introduced in consultation with the Staff Unions and unileteraly withdrawal of them is against the agreement and will create trust deficit.

We urge upon you to kindly reconsider your decision on withdrawal of two incentive increments from the staff working on AMPC in Mumbai & Chennai and take the Staff union into confidence on this issue. In the meantime Staff of AMPC at Mumbai has decided to go on indefinite hunger fast. This action of Directorate may lead to industrial action and may disturb the congenial atmosphere of the Circle.  

With regards

Yours sincerely,

(Giri Raj Singh)
General Secretary


          Many welfare schemes for women are implemented by Government of India, State Governments and Union Territory Administrations. The details of major schemes under implementation by Ministry of Women and Child Development for the welfare of women are as under:
           i. RAJIV GANDHI NATIONAL CRECHE SCHEME FOR THE CHILDREN OF WORKING MOTHERS (RGNCS) provides day care facilities to the children in the age group 0-6 years from families with monthly income of less than 12000/-. In addition to being a safe space for the children, the crèches provide services such as supplementary nutrition, pre-school education and emergency health care, etc. 
          ii. CENTRAL SOCIAL WELFARE BOARD: The main women welfare related schemes and programmes being implemented by CSWB are family counselling centres, awareness generation programme and condensed courses of education for women. 
          iii. NATIONAL MISSION FOR EMPOWERMENT OF WOMEN (NMEW) is an initiative of the Government of India for empowering women holistically. It is a Centrally Sponsored Scheme sanctioned in April 2011 and acts as an umbrella Mission with a mandate to strengthen inter-sectoral convergence.
           iv. WORKING WOMEN’S HOSTEL (WWH) Scheme envisages provision of safe and affordable hostel accommodation to working women, single working women, women working at places away from their home-towns and for women being trained for employment. 
          v. SUPPORT TO TRAINING AND EMPLOYMENT PROGRAMME (STEP)for Women was launched as a Central Sector Scheme during 1986-87. It aims at making a significant impact on women by upgrading skills for self and wage employment. The target group includes the marginalized assetless rural women and urban poor. 
          vi. RASHTRIYA MAHILA KOSH (RMK) with a corpus of Rs.100 crore extends micro-finance services to bring about the socio-economic upliftment of poor women. 
          vii. INDIRA GANDHI MATRITVA SAHYOG YOJANA (IGMSY) is a Conditional Cash Transfer scheme for pregnant and lactating (P&L) women introduced in the October 2010 to contribute to better enabling environment by providing cash incentives for improved health and nutrition to pregnant and nursing mothers. 
          viii. SWADHAR SCHEME: The Ministry of Women and Child Development had been administering Swadhar scheme since 2001 for Women in difficult circumstances. Under the Scheme, temporary accommodation, maintenance and rehabilitative services are provided to women and girls rendered homeless due to family discord, crime, violence, mental stress, social ostracism. Another scheme with similar objectives/target groups namely Short Stay Home (SSH) is being implemented by Central Social Welfare Board. 
          ix. UJJAWALA is a comprehensive scheme for prevention of trafficking and rescue, rehabilitation and reintegration of victims of trafficking for commercial sexual exploitation. 
This was stated by Smt. Krishna Tirath, Minister for Women and Child Development in a written reply to the Rajya Sabha today. 

Communications and IT Minister Kapil Sibal has called for restructuring of 150-year-old Department of Post by separating its regulatory and services functions to meet challenges of technological age.
“The postal department should also restructure itself to meet challenges of 21st century. The Department of Post (DoP) should look into prospect of bifurcating the Ministry from the regulator and the operator, just as was done in the telecom sector,” Sibal told PTI.
He said that the DoP should explore possibility of having different entities namely policy making, regulator and service provider.
“No decision has been taken yet. It is all a matter of debate and dialogue at the moment,” Sibal said.
DoP, which has around 5 lakh employees, is responsible for policy making, regulation and providing postal services, at present.
The over 100-year old Indian Post Office Act bars any individual or entity from delivering letters for commercial purpose. The business of private courier companies is built around delivering documents, parcels and others items which do not fall under the category of ‘letter’.
Sources in the Ministry said that Sibal held a meeting with DoP officials early this week on the issue of finanlisation of the National Postal Policy 2012 and asked them to prepare roadmap for restructuring as well.
They said that next meeting on the issue is expected to take place in 15 days.

They said that the Minister, in June, had asked DoP to set up a body to oversee the unbundling of its functions.

An independent body named Postal Development Board (PDB) will be responsible for the overall development and governance of the postal sector, they added. The PDB will also draw a road-map for unbundling of postal department functions.
The Minister had also instructed DoP to constitute a Postal Advisory Board (PAB), in line with Telecom Commission, which should have representation from Government, industry players, academics and other stakeholders, they said. The role of PAB will be to provide inputs to PDB on policy matters.
The government in 1997 created the Telecom Regulatory Authority of India (TRAI) to regulate the sector. Under New Telecom Policy 1999, Government further restructured DoT by separating service providing function from it.
Source :


Now, Children studying in Kendriya Vidyalaya have reasons to rejoice as Kendriya Vidyalaya Sangethan is deliberating to implement 5 days a week working Schedule for all KVs situated in India. Incidentally, Kendriya Vidyalayas Situated outside India such as Iran, Moscow, Katmandu are working only five days a week only.
It is reported that reason behind the proposal to follow 5 days a week work schedule is to allow Students to “pursue self-learning” and follow their passion and indulge in non-academic activities. Five-day week would give “space” to children who, for years, merely get an off on Sundays besides the second Saturday of the month. “Keeping them bound to the school routine six days a week is detrimental to their natural growth of talent in various fields,”
Source: Times of India

Department of Personnel & Training
Establishment D Section
Whether the benefits of ACPS would be allowed in respect of isolated cases due between 01.01.2006 and 31.08.2008 where the pre-revised pay scales of Rs.5000-8000 & Rs.5500-9000 and Rs.6500-10500 & Rs.7450-11500 have been merged into single grade pay of Rs.4200 and Rs.4600 respectively w.e.f. 01.01.2006?
Yes. Since the pre-revised Rs.5000-8000 & Rs.5500-9000 and Rs.6500-10500 & Rs.7450-11500 (isolated cases) have been merged into single grade pay of Rs.4200 and Rs.4600 respectively w.e.f. 01.01.2006, the benefits of 1st and 2nd financial upgradations under the ACPS should be considered/allowed in the grade pays of Rs.4600 and Rs.4800 in PB-2, as the case may be, due between 01.01.2006 and 31.08.2008 in respect of isolated cases in terms of para 5 of Annexure-I of MACPS dated 19.05.2009.
In a hypothetical situation cadre hierarchy was as follows:
Rs.5000-8000 (revised GP 4200)
Rs.5500-9000 (revised GP 4200)
Rs.6500-10500 (revised GP 4600)
Rs.7450-11500 (revised GP 4600)
Rs.10000-15200 (revised GP 6600)
(i) What would be the 1 st financial upgradation under the ACPS for a Government employee recruited in pre-revised pay scale of Rs.5000- 8000, who has completed his 12 years of regular service on 12.04.2007 (between 1.1.2006 and 31.8.2008);(ii) What would be 2nd financial upgradation for employee recruited in 5000-8000, who has completed 24 years of regular service on 12.04.2007 (between 1.1.2006 and 31.8.2008)
In terms of clarification given on point of doubt no.3 issued vide DOPT’s O.M. No.35034/3/2008-Estt.(D) dated 9.9.2010, the benefits of ACPS would be applicable in the new pay structure adopted w.e.f. 1.1.2006 in the promotional hierarchy.
(i): Since the pre-revised pay scales Rs.5000-8000 & Rs.5500-9000 have been merged and placed in PB-2 with grade pay of Rs.4200, 1st financial upgradation would be allowed in the grade pays of Rs.4600, subject to fulfillment of promotional norms as stipulated in condition no.6 of Annexure-I ACPS dated 9.8.1999, in terms of clarification given on point of doubt no.1 of ACPS dated 10.02.2000.Since the pre-revised pay scales Rs.6500- 10500 & Rs.7450-11500 have been merged and placed in PB-2 with grade pay of Rs.4600, 2nd financial upgradation would be allowed in the grade pay of Rs.6600, subject to fulfillment of promotional norms (after framing of RRs post merger) as stipulated in condition no.6 of Annexure-I ACPS dated 9.8.1999, in terms of clarification given on point of doubt no.1 of ACPS dated 10.02.2000.

Tuesday, August 28, 2012

No. R- III/25/2/2012                                                     Dated 27--08-2012

          The Secretary,
          Department of Posts
          Dak Bhawan,
          New Delhi-110 116.

Subject:- Regarding identification of Guntakal RMS as L-1 office instead of Kurnool RMS.

Ref:       Your office  No. 28-9/2011-D dated 11/07/2012

Respected Madam,

                           This Union vide letter of even number dated 30-5-2012 had urged Directorate to identify Guntakal RMS as L-I instead of Kurnool RMS. Directorate vide its above referred letter rejected our request on the grounds mentioned in the ibid letter.

Recently I visited Guntakal RMS and noticed that grounds mentioned  in your above referred letter are not based on facts. It shows that C.O. Hyderabad is giving the misleading information to Directorate. A comparision on Guntakal RMS and Kurnool RMS is as under:-

Kurnool RMS
Guntakal RMS
Staff Position
Shortage of Staff, Outsiders are being deployed
Staff Excess.
Sections touching
No connectivity with major cities
Well connected with major cities.

Mails handled
66000 ( According to your above referred letter)
3500 (according to your above referred letter) . According to the register maintained in Guntakal RMS, it is handling more than 20,000 articles daily. A detailed information
collected from Guntakal RMS is given below.
Railway Junction
Guntakal is a Junction
Receipt of mails
Mails are received through Guntakal RMS
Guntakal RMS receives mails from different sections and forward them to Kurnool RMS. Back routed mails from Kurnool RMS are also received at Guntakal RMS.
Delay to mails
Delay of 48 hours due to back routing
No back routing.
Accommodation has been taken on rent. Extra Expenditure by the Department
Extra accommodation is available.

( According to Register maintained in Guntakal RMS)
                             We urge upon you to kindly intervene into the matter and again consider the above mentioned proposal  favourably.

With regards.
Yours sincerely,

                                                                        (Giri Raj Singh)
General Secretary

No. R- III/25/3/2012                                                  Dated 28--08-2012

          The Secretary,
          Department of Posts
          Dak Bhawan,
          New Delhi-110 116.

Subject:- Stop out sourcing in c/w AMPC at Bengal Circle  .

Respected Madam,

                             Kindly refer to this Union letter of even number dated 20-7-2012 vide which it was requested to stop the out sourcing in AMPC Kolkata. The decision to outsourcing was taken by CPMG Kolkata unileteraly without discussing the matter with staff Unions.

                             Inspite of our strong protest to out sourcing  CPMG Kolkata is continueing it and assurance by CPMG Kolkata that it will be reviewed after a month , nothing has been done.

 Now JCA Kolkata RMS comprising all the Unions of NFPE & FNPO has decided not to allow the out sourcing w.e.f. 27-8-2012. A copy of the letter addressed to the CPMG and signed by all the Unions of NFPE & FNPO is enclosed.
We would urge upon you to kindly intervene in this matter and direct CPMG to stop out sourcing  so that congenial atmosphere may be maintained in the circle.
With regards

Yours sincerely,

(Giri Raj Singh)
General Secretary

                                                 General Secretary