HAPPY NEW YEAR 2025 TO ALL MEMBERS,Viewers & Readers

Thursday, May 5, 2011


No. R-III/25/12/2011 Dated 05-05-2011
The Secretary,

Department of Posts,

Dak Bhawan,

New Delhi-110 116.

Subject:- Transfer of MMS Establishment from RMS to Postal Dns. –Case of RMS `N` Dn. Cuttack.

Respected Madam,

Kindly refer to this Union letter of even number dated 09-03-2011 & 22-03-2011 regarding transfer of control of MMS establishment at Cuttack and Bhubneshwar from SSRM `N` Dn. Cuttack to SSPO Cuttack City Division and SSPO Bhubneshwar vide CPMG Orissa Circle letter No. ML/MV-44/2201 dated 24-02-2011
MMS establishment is under the control of RMS since long back and it was also clarified vide Directorate letter No. 141-105/90-SPB-II dated 23-10-1991 and from time to time.

Copies of following letters issued by Directorate regarding the placement of MMS under the control of SSRM/SRM and affiliation of MMS establishment with RMS Unions were enclosed for your kind information.

(1) D.G. Posts No. 13-14/96-SR (Vol.-III) Dated 28-7-1997

(2) D.G.P&T No. 10/14/17-SR Dated 17-7-73

In the meeting held with Secretary (P) & Member (O) from 27th to 30th November, 2009 it was assured that status quo as 0n 30-11-2010 will be maintained and agreement with the Unions on the merger of offices will be honoured.

Our above mentioned letter was acknowledged vide Diretorate letter No. .46/IR/SR/11 Dated 23-03-2011 and forwarded to CGM (MB & O) for action.

This Union again urges upon you to kindly intervene into the matter and advise CPMG Orissa Circle to drop this proposal. We would request you to please honour the agreements which are reached after discussions and deliberations.
With Regards

Yours sincerely.

(Giri Raj Singh)
General Secretary

No. R-III/25/8/2011 Dated 04-05-2011
The Secretary,

Department of Posts,

Dak Bhawan,

New Delhi-110 116.

Subject:- Shifting of Headquarter of L-35 Transit Section from Mumbai to Bhusawal.

Respected Madam,

It has been intimated by the Circle Secretary Maharastra Circle Mumbai thatCPMG Mumbai has issued the orders of shifting of Head quarter of L-35 section from Mumbai to Bhusawal w.e.f. 09-05-2011 vide its letter No. Mails/Optimization of Mail Offices Networking/2009 dated 29-04-2011 (copy enclosed)
Earlier also CPMG `Maharastra` Circle has issued the orders on shifting of L-35 section from Mumbai to Bhusawal w.e.f. 15-12-2009 but these were withdrawn on intervention by Directorate. Now again CPMG Mumbai has again issued the orders of Shifting the Head Quarter of L-35 section.

Directorate vide its letter No. 28-12/2007-D dated 13.08.2008 had intimated that keeping in view the existing conditions it has been decided to that status quo will have to be maintained. There is no change in the conditions and there is no reason to move this proposal again and again.

In the meeting with Staff Side and your good self on the Charter of Demands on 30-11-2009 it was agreed that status quo as on 30-11-2009 will be maintained and no office will be merged/abolished without taking the Staff Side into confidence. Minutes of this meeting were issued on 1-12-2009 vide Directorate letter No. 8-11/2009-SR Dated 1st December, 2009.

Action of CPMG Mumbai is breach of trust. Staff is very much agitated We would like to inform you that without having a proper discussion on this matter at Directorate level with the Staff Side would invite strong Trade Union action for which administration only be held responsible

We urge upon you to kindly advise CPMG `Maharastra Circle Mumbai to withdraw its orders on shifting of L-35 section from Mumbai to Bhusawal, to honour the minutes of the meeting held by Secretary (Posts) with Staff Side on 30-11-2009 and to maintain the status quo as on 30-11-2009.

This type of arbitrary orders/proposals for abolition of RMS offices will not be accepted by workers. We have on number of occasions demanded not to abolish RMS Offices in various Circles and retain one Mail Office in a revenue District. We would like to inform you that without having a proper discussion on this matter at Directorate level with the Staff Side would invite strong Trade Union action for which administration only be held responsible. This is also against the assurance given by the DG (Posts) on Strike Charter of Demands.

We would urge upon you to kindly intervene this matter and direct the Chief PMG Maharastra Circle to drop these proposals

With Regards

Yours sincerely.

(Giri Raj Singh)
General Secretary