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Tuesday, September 18, 2018

No R-III/PNOP/2018                                                                                                  Dated 18-09-2018


      Member (O)
      Postal Services Board,
      Department of Posts
      Dak Bhawan,
      New Delhi-110 001.

Sub: - Implementation of PNOP and CSI resulting  chaotic working of Parcel  Hub

                Department has implemented PNOP and CSI without considering the effect of implementation of these projects on the working of the offices. Offices are facing the following problems:-

1.        CSI network is very slow therefore, working of set suffers adversely.
2.        Staff is not well aware with CSI. Staff should be imparted training.
3.        Before deciding L-1 and L-2 hubs, Circle administration should discuss with circle unions and decide logical mapping of L2 Parcel Hubs with L1 Parcel Hubs.  Back routing of the parcels should be avoided while re-designing the sorting pattern.
4.        Cities which are booking more Parcels have not been identified as L-I Parcel Hub. One case is of Cuttack RMS. In Haryana Circle also remapping of some L-1 & L2 offices require.
5.        Sufficient accommodation and adequate infrastructure (particularly hardware and software) should be provided for Parcel hubs.
6.        Before implementation of PNOP, mapping problems arising out of C.S.I implementation should also be settled.  So that the Staff are not put to undue stress.”
7.        The staff of Bangalore Sorting Division have become a casualty in the mayhem created by PNOP roll out. The bitter truth is PNOP has been partially rolled out. Parcel hub is functioning in a modified building layout with modern equipment. But in old Parcel Net Software. After PNOP roll out, deposit of unopened parcels is spiraling. The staff in parcel hub are working under severe mental stress because of several shortcomings in PNOP.
8.             Despite four weeks having been elapsed after PNOP roll out, normalcy in the working of Parcel has not been restored. Bangalore Sorting Division is already reeling under undesirable effects of severe staff shortage. Staff are being diverted from administrative units to clear the back log of unopened parcel bags. Administrative work is also hampered because of diversion.  Special sets are being constituted with existing man power to lessen the deposit of unopened parcel bags.
9.               Circle Secretary R-III  Union of Haryana, Orissa and Karnataka  and other Circles have  also taken up their problems on implementation of PNOP & CSI with respective CPMGs. Their letters are enclosed for kind perusal & information.                       
                      We urge upon you to hold on the PNOP and CSI and implement these projects after providing proper facilities of networking, space and training to the staff.
                     With regards.
Yours sincerely,

(Giri Raj Singh)
General Secretary

National Federation of Postal Employees
1st Floor North Avenue Post Office Building, New Delhi-110 001
  Phone: 011.23092771                                              e-mail:
       Mob: 9718686800/9810853981                 website: 

No.PF-1(e) 2018                                                                        Date: 18th September 2018
            All General Secretaries / NFPE Office bearers.
All Circle / Divisional and Branch Secretaries


                        As you are aware that GDS Committee Report headed by Sri Kamlesh Chandra was implemented by the Govt. of India w.e.f. 01.07.2018 after a long struggle of 16 days indefinite strike conducted by All GDS employees under leadership of AIPE Union GDS and other three unions NFPE had extended solidarity support by various ways of agitational programmes during the entire period of Strike.

            In Some circles all NFPE members conducted strike from 4 days to 10 days. Kerala comrades conducted 10 days Strike in support of GDS Strike.

            NFPE pays red salute to all GDS and regular employees who conducted strike and various agitational programmes which made the strike grand success and the Central Govt. was forced to implement GDS committee Report. The Govt of India has not implemented so many positive recommendations given by Sri Kamlesh Chandra Committee. Only pay revision and very few other recommendations have been implemented.

            The new pay scales which require to be implemented from 01-01-2016 have been given effect from 01.07.2018. From 01.01.2016 , only 2.57 factors has been given. The GDS employees are much more frustrated and agitated . AIPEU GDS and other two unions have held meeting and decided future course of action and charter of demands. Which is mentioned below.

            We as NFPE endorse the agitational programmes and charter of demands of GDS Unions and appeal to entire rank and file to extend full solidarity support , help, co-operation and participation to make the agitational programmes successful.

Agitational Programmes.

1.    25.-09-2018 : One day country wide hunger fast infront of Divisional Offices
2.    04-10-2018 : One day country wide hunger fast in front of Circle Offices.
3.    10-10-2018 : One day massive hunger fast in New Delhi.


1.    GDS committee report as a whole be implemented with effect from 01st of January 2016.
2.    Change the formula already adopted for calculation of arrears.
3.    Change of upper limit of gratuity from Rs 1,50,000/- to Rs 5,00,000/-
(a)  GIS limit should be enhanced to Rs. 5,00,000 with the subscription of Rs. 500/-
4.    10% of the TRCA of the GDS should be recovered towards SDBS contribution and the Government to  contribute equal share.
(a)And also EFP Scheme to be introduced to GDS as recommended by the GDS Committee. This was alos recommended by the previous GDS Committees.
5. GDS should be granted 30 days paid leave in a year and the leave should be    
    allowed to be carry forward subjected to the maximum of 180 days and provide encashment of the leave.
6 .Grant Children Education allowance Rs 6000/- per child per Annum.
7. Enhance composite allowance to the BPMs  from Rs500/- to Rs 1600/- also grant composite allowance to ABPMs & GDS working in classified cities and the GDS working in Departmental Offices etc., wherever applicable.
8. GDS employees should be granted financial up gradation on completion of 12,24, and 36 years of service in the form of grant of additional increments.
(a)  Point to point fixation to be ordered instead of bunching of TRCA scales.
9 Limited transfer facility to GDS on request should be relaxed. There shall not be any drop in wage scale on account of a request transfer. The transfer of GDS will be approved by Divisional head if the transfer is within the Division, by regional PMG if it is within the region by HOC if the transfer is within the Circle.
10 Voluntary discharge schemes for the GDSs’ 3 types of voluntary discharge schemes as recommended by GDS committee for the GDSs’ who are willing to quit the post before the discharge at the age of 65 years should be implemented.
11 All discharge benefits (retirement benefits) should be implemented retrospectively , w.e.f 01January 2016.
12. Put off duty may be averted by transferring the GDS to another place.
13 Incentive system should be abolished for India Post Payment bank (IPPB) work. Enhance the working hours of branch post office and GDS officials concerned after introducing the IPPB.
14. GDSs’ should be  allowed to get discharge from the service on the last day of the month in which He/She attains the 65 years of the age.
15. All single handed branch post offices should be provided with one more hand to upgrade to double handed office.
16. ‘Employees’ state Insurance (ESI) facility to be extended to Grameen Dak Sevaks wherever E.S.I dispensaries and hospitals are available the country.

With revolutionary greetings.
Yours Comradely,

R.N Parashar
Secretary General