National Federation of Postal Employees
1st Floor North Avenue Post Office Building, New Delhi-110 001
Phone: 011.23092771 e-mail:
Mob: 9868819295/9810853981 website:
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No.NFPE/AIIPUGDS/STRIKE/2018 Dt.17-05-2018
Shri A.N.Nanda
Department of Posts
Dak Bhawan
New Delhi – 110 001
Respected Sir,
Sub:- Indefinite strike by GDS unions – reg.
As you are aware that AIPEU GDS and other GDS Unions have served strike notice to go on indefinite strike from 22nd May 2018 for implementation of positive recommendations of Kamalesh Chandra Committee report.
You will agree that there is inordinate delay in implementation of the recommendations of the GDS committee, the GDS staff are eagerly waiting for their wage revision and improvement in other service conditions.
Now, the department is going under technological change and RICT is being implemented in all BOs for which the GDS staff has to work more than required. The business of IPPB will also depend mainly on the GDS employees. Keeping in view of all these aspects, Kamalesh Chandra Committee has submitted its report accordingly. As the benefit of 7th CPC has already been given to Departmental employees, GDS employees are also waiting for since long.
It is therefore requested to kindly bestow your personal attention and cause necessary action to get it implemented as early as possible and atleast before 22nd May 2018.
The entire regular staff is also agitated and extended full solidarity and support to the GDS strike. If there will be any further delay and any victimization of GDS, all regular employees also will go on serious agitational programme.
Hoping for a positive response.
An early action is highly solicited.
Yours sincerely
Secretary General
National Federation of Postal Employees
1st Floor North Avenue Post Office Building, New Delhi-110 001
Phone: 011.23092771 e-mail:
Mob: 9868819295/9810853981 website:
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No.PF/GDS/STRIKE-2018 Date: 17 May 2018
All General Secretaries/NFPE Office Bearers
All Circle/Divisional and Branch Secretaries of NFPE affiliated unions.
Federal Secretariat Meeting of N.F.P.E was held at NFPE office North Avenue, New Delhi under Presidentship of Com. Giriraj Singh, President NFPE.
All General Secretaries of NFPE affiliated unions were present in the meeting. Available NFPE office bearers also participated in the meeting.
A threadbare discussion took place on the ensuing strike of GDS unions which is scheduled to be held from 22nd May 2018. A unanimous decision was taken in Federal Sectt which is mentioned as below
1. All NFPE affiliated unions will extend full solidarity support, help and co-operation to make the GDS strike total success.
2.During the period of strike massive demonstration will be held at all work places during lunch hours every day till strike continues.
3.All members of NFPE unions will wear blackbadge to protest inordinate delay in implementation of positive recommendations of Kamlesh Chandra committee Report.
Future course of action can be decided during the course of strike and if Postal administration and Govt do not take any positive action .
All General Secretaries are requested to direct their circle, Divisional and branch secretaries to make all efforts for success of GDS strike and send circular to all.
All Circle, Divisional and Branch Secretaries are requested to extend all help to make the strike of GDS cent percent success and observe all agitational programmes as mentioned above in a very massive way to give a message to Deptt and Govt that if the demands of GDS unions are not met, regular employees will also be compelled to launch serious programme of action in support of GDS.
With revolutionary greetings
Yours Commradely
R.N. Parashar
Secretary General