HAPPY NEW YEAR 2025 TO ALL MEMBERS,Viewers & Readers

Sunday, December 17, 2017


No. R-III/Circular-40/2017                                                         Dated  17 -12-2017


All CWC Members, Circle, Divisional and Branch Secretaries.

Dear Comrades,

                            As notified the Central Working Committee Meeting was held at Jaipur (Rajasthan) from 15 to 16 December, 2017 under the Presidentship of Com. P.V. Rajenderan, President CHQ. All the Circle Secretaries except H.P. & A.P. participated. Com. Dharam Pal Sharma General Secretary Reception Committee delivered welcome speech. Com. R.N. Parashar Secretary General NFPE inaugurated the Meeting on 15 Dec. 2017 at 11.00 AM. Coms. C.C.Pillai Ex Secretary General NFPE & General Secretary R-III, M.Krishnan S/G Confederation, V.K. Saha G/S P-IV, P.suresh G/S R-IV, S.B.Yadav, G/S Postal Account, D.K. Chhangani State Secrretary CPI (Raj), S.K. Bardhan Ex President CHQ R-III, P.N.Jatti former C/S & Advocate, Shankar Pal Singh Treasurer AIPRPA, Jagdish Prasad Ex Treasurer  R-III, B.M. Sunda General Secretary C.O.C. Jaipur and other leaders addressed the meeting and appealed to all to mobilize rank & file to participate and make a grand success  coming NFPE, Confederation and R-III programmes.

                             Com. Giri Raj singh General Secretary placed the Draft Report  before the house and touched all the points including 7 CPC issues, GDS Committee report, Cadre Review , membership verification result, PNOP, Anomalies, Allowances, NPS and other issues and explained need of agitational programmes including 5 days Dharna at New Delhi on 15 Point Charter of Demands of NFPE and to be ready for Indefinite Strike in 2018 on Confederation 21 Point of Charter of Demands.

The CWC decided the phased prgramme alongwith R-IV Union for the settlement  of burning issues of RMS & MMS staff as mentioned in Resolution adopted by the CWC held on 15 & 16 December, 2017 at Jaipur enclosed herewith.

                               Com. D.P. Sharma General Secretary Reception Committee along with  Com. B.M. Sunda and members of reception committee welcomed above noted leaders by garlanding and presenting momento & shawl. Reception Committee had made nice arrangements for boarding & lodging.

Com. D.P. Sharma gave vote of thanks and CWC ended with the slogans.

CHQ also appeal to all to  all to organise and make the phased programme decided by R-III CWC a grand success. And appeal to C/S & CWC members to translate in regional language  Charter of Demands and phased programmes. The demand and badge will be prepared by the Circle/Divisional Union and distributed to all branches so as to ensure that each and every member should wear the badge on 5-2-2018. Posters /Boards containing demands may be exhibited in front of all RMS /MMS offices.  
 All Branch /Divisions secretaries should convene the branch union and DWC meeting so as to make assure that programmes will be implemented without failure and reports of the programmes may please be sent to CHQ .

R.T.P. CASE:- Next date of RTP case hearing has been fixed on 15-01-2018.

MEMBERSHIP VERIFICATION:- CWC held at Jaipur on 15/16-12-2017 seriously reviewed and appealed to all CWC members , Circle, divisional and Branch Secretaries and office bearers to make a special drive to collect declaration from all non members , new members and membeers who may be willing to join our union in the coming mmbershipship modification to be  held in the month of April, 2018.

PAYMENT OF QUOTA:- All Circle /Divisional /Branch Secretaries are requested to clear the arrers of quota to CHQ without delay and remit in future regularly. RMS Worker will not be posted to those branches in arrears more than 3 months and serious action as per constitution will be taken.

SPECIAL DONATION:- CHQ gave a call of Special Donation of Rs.100/- per member from the arrears of 7 CPC and Bonus payment. But response is very poor. CWC seriously discussed and appealed to all CWC members, circle, Divisional & Branch Secretaries to take the interest to collect Special Donation from remaining members and remit to CHQ.

             Participate and make Second Phase One Day dharna on 20 Dec, 2017 infront of Circle Offices and III Phase 5 days Dharna at New Delhi  from 12 to 16 February, 2018.
            All India RMS & MMS Emp. Union Group `C` Red Salute to all CWC members, Circle/Division/Branch Secretaries and office bearers for conducting successful two days Relay hunger Fast on 28-29 Nov. 2017 infront of Divisional Officers.
Now CHQ appeals to all to mobilize  rank & file to participate in One Day Dharna on 20 Dec. 2017 infront of Circle office and 5 days Dharna from 12 to 16 February, 2018 called by NFPE for the settlement of 15 Point Charter of Demands. All Circles will participate in 5  days dharna in New Delhi day wise, Circle wise as per the quota mentioned in Circular  No. 39  dated 17-11-2017.

Circle Secretaries should convene a meetings and allot quota to each Division and book their tickets in advance  

All Office bearers of R-III will remain present on all the 5 days. CHQ will make their arrangemeny for stay.

Circle and date wise participation are as under:-

12-2-2018:-       A.P.-25, Telengana-15, J&K-3, H.P.-5, Punjab-10, Delhi-30.

13-2-2018:- Keraala-20, Karnatka-20, Haryana-10, U.K.-5, Rajasthan-20.

14-2-2018:- Tamilnadu-20, Maharasthra-20, Assam-6, U.P. (East)-15.

15-2-2018:- W.Bengal-20, Orissa-15, Bihar-15, Jharkhand-10.

16-2-2018:- U.P. (West)-20, M.P.-20, Chattisgarh-10, Gujarat-20.

The  Resolutions adopted by the CWC held at Jaipur on 15-16 December,2017 are attached.

 CHQ R-III extends warm greetings to comrades of Rajasthan circle and Reception Committee for making  excellent arrangements in all respects.

With best wishes.
Yours comradely.
(Giri Raj Singh)

General Secretary



The Central Working Committee meeting of AIRMS& MMS, Employees Union GROUP-C held at Jaipur 15th & 16th December 2017 discussed the resentment and unrest among the RMS & MMS employees over the non - implementation of cadre restructuring, non- payment of out station allowance to the staff arranged in sections, non revision of overtime allowance and non settled issues of MMS etc. The meeting resolved to organize trade Union actions alongwith R4 Union for the settlement of the below mentioned burning issues of RMS & MMS employees:

1. NON-PAYMENT OF OUT STATION ALLOWANCE AND ACCOUNTANT ALLOWANCE: Out station allowance to sectional staff and Special allowance of P0 & RMS Accountants were withdrawn as part of implementation of 7th CPC recommendations. It is observed that the staff are much agitated on being deprived of their genuine entitlement enjoyed hitherto. Request immediate action for payment of OSA to the staff arranged in sections and special allowance to P0/ RMS Accountants   and also request to provide  food allowance to the staff working in sections till the OSA issue is settled.

2. DISCRIMINATION TO RMS/ MMS EMPLOYEES IN CADRE- RESTRUCTURING:-The CWC voiced profound concern over the undue delay in cadre restructuring of RMSIMMS employees and other left out categories. It was an agreement in the JCM Departmental Council that cadre restructuring will be implemented to RMS/MMS employees in the same proportion of PA cadre, but it is not yet materialised  Unrest and protest developed among the rank and file over the undue delay in sanctioning cadre restructuring in RMS wing.

3. REVISION OF OVERTIME ALLOWANCE:RMS and MMS employees are compelled to work beyond duty hours and the OTA rate they are getting is Rs. 15.85 per hour. The rate was last revised in the year 1989 and even after the implementation 0f 7th  CPC, the OTA rate is not revised. It is high time that the authorities will look into the revision of OTA rate for those cadres, who are compelled to work beyond normal working hours.

4. PROPOSED PNOP IN RMS:As per the proposed PNOP, 49 PH and 126 SPH only will do the parcel work through out the country. More than 200 L2 RMS offices will not have the parcel work and it will become  a threat to the existence of L2 offices. Large scale back routing and accumulation of parcels will be the result, as it was happened at the time of implementation of MNOP. CWC resolved to request that PNOP will be implemented only after discussion with staff side at Directorate and Circle level. Sufficient infrastructure will be provided before its implementation. Geographical situation of Mail Office should also be considered for PNOP. No Mail Office should be closed  or merged due to PNOP introduction.

5. Filling up the posts s of SA, MG, MTS, GDSMM, MMS Drivers,P/A Artisans, Managers and other category in MMS.

    Acute staff shortage arised in all  offices due to  the delay in completion of recruitment process. Denial of legitimate  leave, weekly off and accumulation  of mails occurred  in many offices

6. Frame clear and scientific norms for processing Speed Post, CRC, Parcel and Express Parcels.Provide  MDW and  Due Mail list in all offices.

7. Timely repair and maintenance of RMS & MMS buildings. Construct new  building and renovate the damaged buildings. Utilise MNOP funds properly for improving the working condition of RMS.

8. Replace the condemned vehicles in MMS. Introduce more MMS schedules for conveyance of parcels.

9. Provide good quality Computers, scanners, printers, UPS and generators in all RMS & MMS offices..

10. Regularise all part time casual labourers and contingents working in RMS and also the daily rated mazdoors and grant them equal pay and allowances.

11. No outsourcing and contractrisation of RMS  & MMS functions.

12, Stop all type of harassment and victimization under contributory negligence factor and trade Union victimization.

13. Withdraw NPS and guarantee 50% of last pay drawn as minimum pension.
14. Withdraw arbitrary decision of the Govt. to enhance the Bench Mark for performance appraisal for promotion and financial upgradations under MACP from “Good” to “Very Good” and also decision to withhold annual increments  in the case the employers who are not able to meet the Bench Mark either for MACP or for regular promotion within the first20 years of service.

15. Provide full/Minimum 40 seats RMS compartments for smooth functioning of RMS sections.


1st Phase: 16-01-2018
Submission of memorandum to Secretary, Department of Posts and serving  copy of
memorandum to all Divisional Heads on 16.01.2018 by holding demonstration.

2” Phase:05-02-2018
Dharna/ Demonstration in front of all RMS offices & MMS offices. All employees will wear badges containing demands on 05.02.2018.

3rd Phase:05-03-2018

Massive Dharna in front of all Regional Offices on 05.03.2018

4rd Phase: 10-04-2018

One day Hunger Fast  in front of all CPMG offices on 10.04.2018.

5th Phase:

One day Hunger Fast in front of Dak Bhawan. Date will be decided later.


CWC meeting of AIRMS & MMS Emp. Union Group `C` held at Jaipur on 15 and 16 Dec. 2017, resolved to request the authorities to provide cashless medical facility  at CGHS and  empanelled hospitals for the staff covered under CGHS.


CWC meeting of AIRMS & MMS Emp. Union Group `C` held at Jaipur on 15 and 16 Dec. 2017, resolved to request the postal authorities that qualified Sorting Assistants and other staff in RMS also may be considered for deputation in India Post Payment Bank.


CWC meeting of AIRMS & MMS Emp. Union Group `C` held at Jaipur on 15 and 16 Dec. 2017, resolved to request that the pre –appointment training period/induction training period should be considered for MACP promotions. authorities


CWC meeting of AIRMS & MMS Emp. Union Group `C` held at Jaipur on 15 and 16 Dec. 2017, resolved to request that all Rule 38 transfers should be finalized and approved before allotment of new recruits to concerned Division/Region.


CWC meeting of AIRMS & MMS Emp. Union Group `C` held at Jaipur on 15 and 16 Dec. 2017, discussed the migration to CSI in various divisions and resolved to request to settle the following problems in respect of CSI:-
(a)Necessary training should be imparted to all RMS Staff.
(b) High configuration infrastructure should be provided to all Mail Offices i.e. high  bandwidth, Lazer Printers above 8 .1 window`s PC and air conditioners etc.