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Friday, February 10, 2017

Postal department revenue deficit widened to Rs 8,670 crore till December

Revenue deficit of the Department of Post (DoP) widened to Rs 8,670 crore in the April-December period of this fiscal, but various initiatives - including passport facility and other government services through post - are expected to rake in more revenue. 

The DoP had registered a revenue deficit of Rs 6,007 crore in the fiscal year 2015-16, as per data shared by Communications Minister Manoj Sinha. 

The revenue deficit of the postal department was Rs 5,473 crore in 2013-14 which increased to Rs 6,259 crore in 2014-15 and then narrowed to Rs 6,007 crore in 2015-16. 

Total revenue of the DoP was Rs 9,307 crore at the end of December 2016. The department registered revenue of Rs 10,730 crore in 2013-14, Rs 11,636 crore in 2014-15 and Rs 12,940 crore in 2015-16.

Sinha said that various measures have been taken by the department to boost its revenue. "Railway tickets are being sold through post offices under an agreement signed with the Ministry of Railways. Presently, this service is available in over 340 post offices across India. Around 70 Post Shoppes have been opened with total revenue generated around Rs 60 lakhs," Sinha said. 

He said that Government of India has introduced Sovereign Gold Bond scheme (SGB) in the Union Budget 2015-16. 

"During the six tranches issued in last and current financial year, 96,215 Sovereign Gold Bond applications for around Rs 80 crore were collected through Post Offices across the country," Sinha said. 

He said the pilot project for this joint venture between MEA and DOP has commenced from January 25, 2017 at Metagalli Post Office, Mysore in Karnataka and at Dahod Head Post Office in Gujarat. 

"Technology induction leading to customer friendly initiatives such as premium due alerts etc. In sum, all these above initiatives would go a long way to fetch more business and generate more revenue," Sinha said. 



The BJP- led NDA Government has intensified it's policy attack on Railways and Defence establishments and employees.


After the Narendra Modi Government coming to power 100% Foreign Direct Investment (FDI) is allowed in Railways. A committee headed by Sri Bibek Deb Roy , Member , NITI Ayog  (National Institute for Transformation of India Ayog) was appointed for restructuring of Railways. The committee recommended complete privatisation of Railways. AIRF in its resolution adopted in the 92nd Annual Conference held at Allahabad from 8th to 10th December 2016, stated as follows:

"NDA Government assumed power on 26th May 2014. The General Body meeting of AIRF held on 3rd and 4th July 2016 at Chennai, decided to defer the strike decision to provide time to the new Government to settle and resolve grievances. But the same Government by a notification dated 22nd August 2014, decided to induct 100% FDI in Indian Railways, Defence establishments etc.  The Government appointed a high level Railway Restructuring Committee, on 22nd September 2014, headed by Sri Bibek Deb Roy, for restructuring Railways. The same committee had drawn a road map for privatisation and went ahead gradually, despite all out protest by AIRF. "

The merger of the Railway Budget with the General Budget was one of the key recommendations on Bibek Deb Roy committee, as an important step towards privatisation of Railways. Government has implemented the decision from this year onwards, on top priority basis. It is also reported in the media that Government has decided to privatise heritage and tourist Railways like Kalka - Shimla, Siliguri - Darjeeling and Nilgiri (Ootty) railways. BIBEK DEB ROY COMMITTEE RECOMMENDATIONS ARE THE BEGIN ING OF THE END OF THE GOVT OWNED INDIAN RAILWAYS.

To add insult to injury, the Railway Board has issued orders curtailing the basic trade union rights of Railway employees. AIRF circular issued on 2nd February 2017 reads as follows: 
"In continuation of our earlier letter of even no. dated 1st February 2017, you are advised to observe "Black Day" on 6th February 2017 wearing black badges/ribbons, right from branch to zonal levels, at all important offices of your Railway administrations, DEMANDING WITHDRAWAL OF RAILWAY BOARD'S LETTER DATED 31.01.2017, WHEREIN THE BOARD HAVE DECIDED TO DEBAR SUPERVISORS (IN ERSTWHILE GRADE PAY OF 4200) WORKING IN SAFETY CATEGORIES FROM TRADE UNION".

AIRF statement also said that the order is in violation of 87th ILO Convention and Indian Trade Union Act.

Railway order says that those supervisors working in safety categories cannot become office bearers of unions/Associations/Federations, but can only remain as members with effect from 01.04.2017.

The above is the present situation in Indian Railways and all the Railway unions/Associations/Federations are conducting various protest programmes (other than strike as dominant organisations are yet to take such a decision) against the policy offensives of the NDA Govt. Recently on 1st &  2nd February 2017, Dakshin Railway Employees Union (DREU) , All India Loco Running Staff Association (AILRSA), All India Station Masters Association (AISMA) , All India Guard Council , Indian Railway Technical Supervisors Association etc. (other than AIRF and NFIR) had organised a massive National Convention and also Parliament March at New Delhi , demanding no privatisation and modifications in the 7th CPC recommendations.


The situation in Defence sector is also not different. All India Defence Employees Federation (AIDEF) in its circular dated 04.02.2017, has conveyed the following developments to its rank and file:

"The ordnance factories are under severe attack due to the policies being adopted by the BJP - led NDA Government. Instead of developing and strengthening the ordnance factories, the Govt. is disowning the same and is planning fully to proceed to weaken the ordnance factories. Licences are being given to private companies for defence manufacturing including for those products which are being manufactured in the ordnance factories."

In a meeting of Senior Officers held on 5th January 2017, the Secretary, Ministry of Defence made the following comments – 
"You have to reduce the cost, otherwise you will not get workload in future, you have to compete with the private sector for getting workload. Two years is the period for ordnance factories."

Recently Sri Manohar Parikar, Defence Minister , who visited AFK Pune , in the meeting held with unions has stated that ---" Factories which are manufacturing clothing and leather items are not required in the Government. These items can easily be procured from private sector."

The proposal of corporatisation (which is a step towards privatisation)   is also under consideration with Prime Minister's Office (PMO). Govt has constituted another committee to identify low technology/noncore items. It is seen from the press reports that a committee constituted by Defence Minister under the chairmanship of one retired IIM Professor has recommended for creation of a new independent organisation outside the Ministry of Defence to undertake defence procurement. It is understood that a new organisation tentatively called the"DEFENCE ACQUISITION AUTHORITY" will be fully responsible for the entire process of acquisition.

All these policy decisions of the Government will have serious impact on the existence of ordnance factories and on the job security of defence civilian employees. AIDEF has decided to convene a meeting of ordnance factory unions to take a serious stock of the situation and formulate an action plan to fight back.



Confederation of Central Government Employees & Workers, representing about thirteen lakhs Central Government Employees, which always stood in the forefront of the struggle against neo-liberal reforms and anti-people, anti -worker policies of the Govt. and also which conducted series of agitational programmes including strikes against the policy offensives of the Government, extends full support and solidarity to the Railway and Defence employees in their struggle for existence.

Confederation calls upon the entire Central Govt. employees to make the 16th March 2017 one day strike a thundering success. Let us be ready for an indefinite strike, if situation warrants.

Secretary General ,  Confederation of Central Govt 
Employees & Workers 
Mob& WhatsApp : 09447068125 
Email :



Com. S. K. Vyasji, the legendary leader of the Central Govt. Employees and Pensioners passed away on 13th February, 2015.
                   Com. Vyasji was the Secretary General and President of the Confederation of Central Govt. Employees & Workers for forty years from 1967 to 2006.  He was the President and Secretary General of All India Audit & Accounts Association for a long time.  He continued as the Advisor of the Confederation and also as the Secretary General of National Co-ordination Committee of Pensioners Association (NCCPA) and Bharat Central Pensioners Confederation (BCPC) till death. 
                   Com. Vyasji has led various struggles and strike actions of the Central Govt. Employees and was in the forefront of the leadership which organised the first indefinite strike action of the Central Govt. employees after independence, in the year 1960.  Com. Vyas was jailed and dismissed from service.  He played an important role in rallying the Central Govt. employees along with the striking Railway employees in the year 1974.  He was an able and uncompromising negotiator with the Government in the JCM National Council and Standing Committee.  He was responsible for many of the benefits and allowances enjoyed by the Central Govt. employees.  The cost indexation of wages was earned by the Govt. employees through the sustained struggles and efforts in 1960s under his leadership.  Confederation of Central Govt. employees and workers representing about 15 lakhs Central Govt. employees is in the forefront of the incessant struggle and strike actions organised by Indian Working Class against the neo-liberal economic policies of the Government.  Com. S. K. Vyasji’s vision and ideological clarity has made the Confederation, part and parcel of the mainstream of the working class movement in India.
                   Com. Vyasji was a friend, philosopher, guide and everything for the Central Govt. Employees movement.  In the more than six decades long trade union life, Com. Vyasji endeared himself to every section of the Central Govt. Employees.  His death has caused irreparable and irreplaceable loss to all of us.  He was a great leader, symbol of simplicity, a gem of a person and a leader who is down to earth, extremely polite, kind hearted and compassionate; one of the finest human being, tallest leader, a gentle mentor and a legend.
                   He is in our hearts!  His memories will be forever with us!  His long saga of struggle and sacrifice for the Central Govt. employees and pensioners will inspire the generations to come.
                   The National Secretariat of Confederation of Central Govt. Employees & Workers calls upon all affiliated organisations and C-O-Cs to observe the 2nd Death anniversary of Com. S. K. Vyas Ji as “S. K. VYAS JI REMEMBRANCE DAY”.  

                  Com. S. K. Vyasji Amar Rahe!
           Long live Com. S. K. Vyasji !!
           Long live, Long live !!!
M. Krishnan
Secretary General
Mob: 09447068125

08th MARCH 2017 -- 

The topic for International Women's Day this year has been decided as "Women's Employment and Empowerment."

The country is witnessing one of its lowest work participation rate of women. With the continuing agrarian crisis and now the reverse migration due to industrial slow down after demonitisation , even those women who were earlier employed are forced to go for poorly paid work for subsistence. The demand for decent work and decent wages are at the centre of our demands. The "empowerment " of women in all aspects is related to the "employment" of women and it's quality. The policy pursued by the present day regime can create only unemployment and distress.

National Secretariat of the Confederation of Central Government Employees and Workers Calls upon all affiliated organisations and C-O-Cs and Women's Sub Committees to take proper organisational measures to ensure effective observance of the International Women's Day jointly with other fraternal organisations.

Secretary General 
Mob & WhatsApp:  09447068125
Email :