HAPPY NEW YEAR 2025 TO ALL MEMBERS,Viewers & Readers

Wednesday, August 24, 2016


Wife of Com. S.K. Bardhan Ex President of All India RMS & MMS Employees Union Group `C` CHQ expired untimely, early morning on 16th August, 2016 in hospital at  Kolkata.

On behalf of NFPE & All India RMS & MMS Employees Union Group `C` CHQ, I convey my heartfelt condolences to Com. S.K. Bardhan and his bereaved family members and comrades.

Giri Raj Singh
President NFPE 
and General Secretary R-III


No.R-III/Circular-31/2016                                                                      Dated 24-08-2016
     All CWC Members, Circle, Divisional  and Branch Secretaries.

Dear Comrades,


    All India RMS & MMS Employees Union Group `C` CHQ   Red Salute congratulates to all CWC members, Circle Secretaries, Divisional Secretaries and Branch Secretaries, office bearers and members for participating and making a grand success II Phase  programme on 2nd August, 2016 Dharna infront of Regional Offices. Now CHQ appeals to all to mobilize rank & file to participate and make  a grand success RMS JCA programme One Day Hunger Strike on 26th September, 2016 infront of all CPMG offices and One Day General Strike on 2nd September, 2016 called by Central Trade Unions on 12 Point  Part (A) and 11 Point Part (B).


        The Diamond Jubilee Year (1956-2016) 25TH  National Conference of the Confederation of Central Govt. Employees and Workers was  held at S.K. Vyas hall, Dharmaprakash Kalyana Mandapam, Chennai from 16th to 18th August, 2016 undere the Presidentship of Com. K.K.N. Kutty.
                    Com.T.K.Rangarajan, MP and Chairman Reception committee delivered welcome speech. Com.A.K. Padmanabhan, National President, CITU, inaugurated the Open Session on 16-8-2016 at 11.00 AM and elaborately spoken on  role of the Indian Working Class in the freedom struggle of our country, historic struggle and strikes by Central Govt. employees in  1960 five days, 1968 September 19th strike, 1974 Bonus strike by Railway Federations etc., FDI in Railways, defence, Privatisation,outsourcing, fill up vacant posts, regularisation of Casual labours and appealed to all to mobilize rank & file to participate and make a grand success of 2nd September, 2016 One Day General Strike. Sri.R.S.Bharati, MP, DMK greeted the Conference.
                   Com.T.M.Murthy, National Secretary, AITUC,   Com.Shiv Gopal Mishra, Convenor NJCA & General Secretary, AIRF, Dr.M.Reghavaiah, Chairman NJCA and Secretary General, NFIR,C.Sri Kumar S/G AIDEF, Com.A. Sreekumar, Secretary General (AISGEF), Com.Chellappa, AGS BSNL, Com.K.Raghavendran, Deputy Secretary General, NCCPA, Com.S.Mohan, Secretary General, CCCGO,,Com.Elangovan, DREU, Com.A.G.Pasupathy,Ex-President, COC, Tamil Nadu, Com.K.V.Sridharan, Ex-GS, P-III and other leaders addressed the Conference.
                   Com.Durai Pandian, General Secretary, COC Tamilnadu State and Reception Committee offered vote of thanks.
After lunch Justice K.Chandru (Retired Justice of Madras High Court) presented  key note on the subject - “Neo-liberal economic Policies and Labour Law reforms”. 
Com.M.Krishnan, Secretary General, Confederation presented the Draft Report and Com. V. Bhattacharjeee F/S Confederation presented the Accounts of three years in the house for discussion and adoption.
On 17-8-2016 National women convention was held under the Presidentship of Com. Usha Boneppalli at the same venue alongwith  25th National Conference of Confederation.

Com. A.Manjula (TN) welcomed the guests and delegates. Dr. V.Vasanthi Devi  former Vice Chancellor Manonmaniam Sundaranar University, Tirunelveli and former Chairperson of T.N. State women`s Commission  inaugurated the Convention. Com. Usha Boneppalli  delivered Presidential address, Com. R.Seethalakshmi Convenor presented the Organisational Report. More than 200 women delegates and visitors attended . Coms. Swati roy Behera  (Kolkata RMS Dn.),N.Anuradha Aruna C.Pachapar Bangalore Stg. Dn., M, Nalini (Hyd.bad Stg Dn.)Shakuntala `ID` Dn. Indore, took part in delebration and they were elected as member of confederation Women`s Sub Committee.
Coms. Usha Boneppalli  ITEF, R.Seethalakshmi NFPE, and Com. Geeta Bhattacharjee NFPE were elected as President , convenor and Joint convenor respectively. Com. Angel Sathyanathan  gave vote of thanks.
On 18-8-2016 Delegate Session was started at 10.00 hrs. Coms P.V. Rajenderan, President R-III CHQ, A.Sreenivas AGS R-III, M. Rama Krishna offg. C/S R-III  out of 22 participated in discussions.

256 delgats and visitors participated in this Conference from various states. More than 40 Resolutions were adopted in this Conference.
Coms. K.K.N. Kutty, M.Krishnan, V.Bhattacharjee, T.Narsimhan, Giri Raj Singh, R.Seethalakshmi, R.N. Parashar, P.Suresh, T.Satyanarayana, P.Rangarao,Virender Tewari,  were elected as President, Secretary General, financial Secretary ,Vice President , Asstt. Secretary respectively. Detail Reports available on our website.
PAYMENT OF QUOTA:- All  Circle, Divisional  and Branch Secretaries are requested to remit Quota to CHQ @Rs.30/- (CHQ-Rs.26.25, NFPE-Rs.3.75) per member per month from August, 2016.
SPECIAL DONATION:- All India RMS & MMS Emp. Union Group `C` CHQ appeal to all  CWC Members, Circle, Divisional  and Branch Secretaries to collect Rs.100/- as Special donation for CHQ from members of our Organisation during the payment of arrears in order to meet the expenditure arising out of revised pay and high rise prices. Please implement it. NFPE and Confederation call for Special donation may also be implemented .

SETTING UP OF ANOMALY COMMITTEE:-  Govt. of India has set up the Anomaly Committee to settle the anomalies arising out of implementation of the 7 CPC recommendation vide No. 11/2/2016-JCA dt. 16-8-2016.
GDS COURT CASE:- Next date of hearing has been fixed on 29-11-2016    

DETAILS OF BRANCH WISE MEMBERSHIP:-All Divisional Secretaries are requested to send the details of members branch wise alongwith name of Branch Secretary to CHQ  immediately.

All CWC Members, Circle/Divisional/ Branch Secretaries, office bearers  are requested to mobilize rank & file and make 2nd September, 2016 One Day General Strike and RMS  JCA programme One Day Hunger Strike on 26th September, 2016 infront of All CPMG`s office a grand success.

Expected DA from 1-7-2016:- 2%D.A. is expected from 1-7-2016 according to new formula.
With best wishes.
Yours comradely,
(Giri Raj Singh)

General Secretary