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Tuesday, November 4, 2014

GDS once again deceived with the trail of recognized union

......We as the only recognised representatives of the Gramin Dak Sevaks, we demand for appointment a one man committee under a retired Judge of a High Court/Supreme Court. We may add that this is in accordance with the terms of the agreement that was signed between the department and this union during 2014 February indefinite strike on 21st February, 2014. We are submitting herewith a copy of the agreement also for your ready reference....... this is a part of the letter of General Secretary, AIGDSU addressed to Hon'ble MoC&IT (31-10-2014)



1. Honourable Supreme Court of India in 1977, Fourth Pay Commission headed by Retired Supreme Court Justice Shri Singhal in 1988 and Retired Delhi High Court Justice Shri  Charanjit Talwar in the year 1998 has clearly stated in their judgments and reports that three lakhs Gramin Dak Sevaks working in the Postal Department are CIVIL SERVANTS (Govt Employees). Govt has appointed Seventh Pay Commission to examine the wages and service conditions of all Central Govt Employees.GDS being Civil Servants should be included in the terms of reference of 7th Pay Commission itself. There should not be any discrimination. This is the demand of Postal Joint Council of Action (NFPE, FNPO, AIPEU -GDS (NFPE) & NUGDS) and Confederation of Central Govt Employees & Workers and also the demand of entire JCM National Council Staff side Organisation's including Railways, Defence  & Confederation.

2. But unfortunately the leader of the RECOGNISED GDS UNION Shri MAHADEVAIAH do not want GDS to be included in the 7th Pay Commission. He want a seperate ONE MAN COMMITTEE for GDS. He signed a respectful (!!!) agreement with the Department when UPA (Congress) Govt. was in power agreeing for a seperate committee. THUS THE RECOGNISED GDS UNION SIGNED THE DEATH WARRANT OF THREE LAKHS GDS. Further Shri Mahadevaiah wrote to the Department NOT TO PERMIT NFPE & FNPO to take up GDS cases with the Department. After NDA (BJP) Govt coming to power Shri MAHADEVAIAH again submitted memorandum to the Minister Communications and Secretary, Department of Posts REQUESTING APPOINTMENT OF SEPERATE ONE MAN GDS COMMITTEE.As the recognised GDS Union of Shri MAHADEVAIAH has already agreed for seperate one man committee , new BJP Govt may go ahead with the appointment of seperate one man GDS committee.THUS RECOGNITION HAS BECOME A LICENCE TO CHEAT THREE LAKHS POOR GDS EMPLOYEES.

3. Postal Joint Council of Action (NFPE, FNPO, AIPEU - GDS (NFPE) , NUGDS) strongly oppose any move to appoint seperate one man committee for GDS and we are demanding inclusion of GDS under 7th Pay Commission itself. We have already submitted memorandum to Honourable Prime Minister Shri Narendra Modiji and Communications Minister Shri Ravi Shankar Prasadji. We are also conducting phased programme of agitational programmes. On 2014 December 4th there will a massive Parliament March of 20000 Postal and RMS employees including thousands of Gramin Dak Sevaks from all 22 circles demanding inclusion of GDS under 7th Pay Commission. If the Govt with the consent and support of Shri MAHADEVAIAH go ahead with the appointment of one man GDS Committee, then the JCA will declare higher form of trade union action including indefinite strike.

Processing of files referred to DOPT for advice/clarification - procedure to be followed.


Introduction of mandatory Induction Training for Probation clearance



CLICK HERE to view the DoPT OM to call Govt Servants to take part in Social Service for Self Satisfaction

Aadhaar (Unique Identification) number to form part in Service record of Government servant

CLICK HERE to view the DoPT OM


Dear Comrades,
Reception Committee welcomes all Legend Leaders, Central Working Committee Members of all affiliated unions of NFPE and invited guests at Dwarka. 

Kindly consider following instructions:

1. There is nice and adequate arrangement at the venue of the function to accommodate all CWC participants and invited guests. Double bad rooms will be shared by four members. Each union will be provided rooms considering eligible CWC participants and they have to adjust accordingly.

2. We have booked whole building having 58 two bad rooms and 8 four bad rooms at the venue. There is no spare or extra rooms in which any comrade coming with family or additional members can be accommodated. So any member coming with extra person or family has to book, at own cost, another accommodation elsewhere. A room @Rs. 200 to 400 can be easily procured even by a stranger. It will be easily and readily available near Dwarka temple itself and Reception Committee will also help in this. Advance arrangement can be done if email showing no.of person and room requirements is sent in advance to :

3. All (except special invitee only) members will pay Rs.1000/- as Delegation Fee. A memorable momentum, bag and other materials includung passes for Breakfast, Lunch and Dinner will be given. Reception committee incurs catering expenditure @Rs.600/- per person. For those who takes accommodation elsewhere will be given passes only @Rs.500/-.

4. Accommodation will be available  from 11:00 a.m. on 22-11-14 and all rooms shall have to be vacated latest by 8:00 a.m. on 25-11-14. For Gujarat circle working committee members accommodation can be available only from 23-11-14 morning and up to 24th noon.

5. There is strict restriction in Gujarat on consumption of alcohol. No liquor will be allowed. This will be strictly observed. Particularly Dwarka being pilgrimage place, no Non-veg food can be prepared or allowed.

6. All delegates from all unions of Gujarat coming in Circle working committee meetings or as visitors will pay Rs.500/- as delegate fees. No exceptions for anyone except specially invited guests. Momeno will be given only to CWC members of all circle unions through their CS only.

7. This is our own function. It is our joint venture. Till advertisements are not coming. All DS outside Gujarat are requested to send at least two advertisements. All divisions in Gujarat should now take all pains to procure advertisements as many as possible.

Special pre pray:
A special warm farewell will be given to Respected Comrade M. Krishnan to acknowledge his dedicated and glittering role as a leader of NFPE and to wish him for successful performance as S.G. Confederation of C.G. Employees.

All C.S. can come with preparation to register their presence in this program. This farewell will be given by all CHQs.

Again, with warm welcome to all

Rashmin Purohit
CS P.3 & working Chairman
Reception Committee

Grand celebration of NFPE Diamond Jubilee by AIPEU, group-C, Bhubaneswar Division on 02.11.2014

As an affiliate of National Federation of Postal Employees, New Delhi, the All India Postal Employees Union, Group-C, Bhubaneswar Divisional branch celebrated the Diamond Jubilee of National Federation of Postal Employees on 2nd November 2014 at NALCO Auditorium, Bhubaneswar. The Diamond Jubilee celebration was inaugurated by Sri Jual Oram, Hon’ble Union Minister, Tribal Affairs, Govt. of India as Chief Guest. At the outset, Sri Gadadhar Rath welcomed and introduced the Guests and Com. Bruhaspati Samal, Secretary, AIPEU, Group-C, Bhubaneswar Division briefly narrated the reason and importance of such celebration. Com. Samal also ventilated the problems of the postal employees to the Hon’ble Minister requesting to solve the difficulties of CGHS Dispensary No. III, Bhubaneswar. He also handed over two memoranda  on behalf of AIPEU, Group-C, Bhubaneswar Division and AIAIASP, Odisha Circle branch in this regard to the Hon’ble Union Minister on the dais with assurance for early interference.

Addressing the Diamond Jubilee as Chief Guest, Sri Jual Oram, Hon’ble Union Minister told that the Department of Posts is going to play a major role in the proposed Digital India dreamt by Hon’ble Prime Minister of India. He assured to solve the CGHS problems of the employees and to take care of the demand of the employees to expedite release of commemorative stamps on lady personalities of Odisha like Padmashree Tulshee Munda ( Social Worker ), Prativa Ray ( Writer) and Smt Nandini  Satpathy (ex-Chief Minister of Odisha).

Addressing the celebration as Chief Speaker, Com. M Krishnan, Secretary General Confederation of Central Govt. Employees and Workers, New Delhi told that the P & T Trade Union Movement initiated during 1905 latter became recognized as National Federation of Post and Telegraph Employees (NFPTE) on 24thNovember, 1954 after years of uncompromised struggles and sacrifices for the benefit of the whole working class in general and P & T employees in particular. Consequent upon separation of the Department to Department of Posts and Department of Telecommunications in February, 1986, NFPTE was bifurcated to National Federation of Postal Employees (NFPE) and National Federation of Telecom Employees (NFTE).  With its glorious history and tradition, NFPE constituting nearly 75% membership of the Department of Posts is committed to serve the postal workers to improve their economic and service conditions.

Addressing the occasion as Hon’ble Speaker, Com. R N Parashar, Secretary General, NFPE narrated the sacrifices and struggles of our leaders like Babu Tarapada Mukherjee, Dada Ghosh , Com. Adi Narayan and all others in making this organization a militant one to work for the welfare of the entire working class.

To commemorate Diamond Jubilee celebration, a Special Cover was released. The Special Cover was handed over by Com. R N Parashar, Secretary General, NFPE, New Delhi to the Chief Guest, Sri Jual Oram, Hon’ble Union Minister, Govt. of India for release in the presence of guests of honour  Sri Pawan Kumar Singh, Director Postal Services(HQ),  Odisha Postal Circle, Bhubaneswar, Sri Smruti Ranjan Swain, Director Accounts(Postal), Cuttack and  Sri Subash Chandra Barik, Sr. Supdt. of Post Offices, Bhubaneswar Division and hon’ble speaker Sri Ramesh Chandra Mishra, Circle Secretary , Odisha and Vice President CHQ.

The Chief Guest Sri Jual Oram distributed prizes to the winners of different competitions earlier arranged by AIPEU, Group-C, Bhubaneswar Division among children of postal families. On the occasion, some retired comrades of Odisha Postal Circle were also awarded. The Diamond Jubilee function was presided by Sri Pramod Kumar Pattnaik, President of the Union and Sri Dipti Ranjan Mohanty, Asst. Secretary, Bhubaneswar Division gave vote of thanks. In the end, a cultural programme of dance and music was arranged by the children of postal families. The cultural programme was nicely anchored by Com. Pramod Kumar Sahoo.

Flag Hoisting & Inauguration







 Historical Release of Special Cover on NFPE Diamond Jubilee
Grand Felicitation to Com. M Krishnan, Secretary General Confederation by Sri Jual Oram, Hon'ble Minister Tribal Affairs, Govt of India
 Distribution of prizes to winners of different competitions organized on the occasion of NFPE Diamond Jubilee amongst the children of postal family

Monday, November 3, 2014


Even with widespread retail banking in place, India’s postal banking service has a large scope due to its connectivity, stressed Communications and IT Minister, Ravi Shankar Prasad on Wednesday (October 29).

Prasad was inaugurating the Postal Savings Banks Forum in New Delhi, which was organised by World Savings and Retail Banking Institute (WSBI) jointly with the National Savings Organisation (Ministry of Finance) and the Department of Posts.

The theme of the forum was “The Rising Force of Postal Banking in the Retail Banking Market”.

According to a statement by the Press Information Bureau of India, post offices hold 1.6 billion savings and deposit accounts globally, which is second to commercial banks that hold about 2.5 billion accounts.

Prasad said that postal banking transcended the rich and poor barrier, the biggest asset being the network of post offices throughout the country.

“The asset, ladies and gentlemen, to my understanding is connectivity. In India, as the Secretary Posts rightly pointed out, we have huge institutions spread all across different parts of India,” he said.

India has more than 150, 000 post offices, more than the 100,000 commercial banks, the statement read. Savings accounts in post offices in the country numbered to 310 million more than that of any commercial bank.

Prasad stressed on postal financial inclusion, saying that government services like India Post had not only given employment to many Indians but were giving impetus to e-commerce which was further giving employment and financial inclusion to the poor. Big e-commerce giants like Amazon employ India Post to deliver their goods to various parts of the country.

With a population exceeding 1.1 billion, a burgeoning middle class and better Internet access, India’s e-commerce potential is huge. Online retail sales are expected to surge to $76 billion by 2021, according to consultants Forrester, and the segment is growing at a much slower pace than other emerging markets, including China.

Prasad further said that the Indian Prime Minister had constituted a task force to deliberate on ideas and innovations for the Indian Postal Services.

“Yes, postal banking is a very exciting idea. I have always been supportive of it. Therefore, the Prime Minister himself has started a big task force headed by eminent officers in which Secretary Posts is also there, to come up with a very structured report outlining the new challenges, the new opportunities and the new way ahead for the Postal Services in India,”said Prasad.

Earlier this year, Modi promised to end “financial untouchability” with the Jan Dhan Yojana or Scheme for the People’s Wealth. The scheme would ensure the majority of households in India, of nearly 1.3 billion people, have a bank account within months.

The government said nearly 15 million people opened accounts at centres around the country on the first day of the programme.

The goal is to open 75 million accounts by January next year.