HAPPY NEW YEAR 2025 TO ALL MEMBERS,Viewers & Readers

Wednesday, September 24, 2014

           MASS DHARNA ON 24-09-2014

All India RMS & MMS Employees Union Group `C` CHQ congratulates and Red Salute to all Circle/Divisional /Branch  Secretaries , office bearers and members who participated and make Mass Dharna infront of Divisional office to day i.e. 24-09-2014 a grand success. Com. Giri Raj Singh General Secretary R-III attended and addressed the Dharna held in RMS Bhawan Delhi Sorting Division.

30TH CIRCLE CONFERECNE OF TAMILNADU CIRCLE:- The 30th Circle Conference of All India RMS & MMS Emp. Union Group `C` was held from 19th to 22nd September, 2014 at Coimbatore  under the Presidentship of Com. K.R.Ganesan.
National Flag was hoisted by Com. P.R.Natrajan  Ex M.P. CPI (M) and NFPE Flag was hoisted by Com. Giri Raj Singh, President NFPE and General Secretary R-III on 19th September, 2014 at 10.00 A.M .Com. P.R. Natrajan   Ex M.P. CPI (M) and President Reception Committee inaugurated the Open Session on 19th Sept. 2014, at 10.30 AM. and elaborately spoke on FDI, NPS, Price rise, and amendment in Labour Laws and other issues.
 Com. Giri Raj Singh, President NFPE and General Secretary R-III, inaugurated the Inaugural Session and elaborately spoke on attack on RMS/MMS/Postal, Present Developments in Postal Department, Postal JCA memorandum , pending issues in DOP and its agitational programme, MACP, RTP case, OTA, Cadre review, filling up vacant posts, NPS, CRC Norms, Confederation 12 Point Charter of Demands including DA merger, IR, revision of wages of C.L, DRM, Part Time, inclusion of GDS in 7 CPC, outsourcing and other issues and Confederation phased programme and requested to all delegates to mobilize rank & File to participate and make all the programmes of Postal JCA & Confederation  including Parliament March on 10th December, 2014 a grand success.
This Conference was addressed and greeted by Smt. Manju P.Pillai PMG, Western Region, Coms. M. Kannaiyan, Ex C/S & AGS, M.Girija Joint Secretary AIIEA, J.Ramamurthy C/S P-III, J.Devan circle President P-IV, B.Parandavman c/s R-IV, S.Ramraj C/P GDS NFPE, S.Sivagurunathan All India Vice President AIP & RMS Pensioners Association., S.Karuna nidhi Ex JCM Member P-IV, V.K. Vijaya G/S ITEF, H. Sreedharan D/S P-IV, M.Ashokan Regional Secretary R-IV, D.Chandra Sarvan Secretary PSD , P.Muraga Dass G/S Stenographers Association and other leaders.
Diamond Jubilee celebrations and Convention was held on 20th Sept. 2014 at 10.00AM. Com. K.Ragavendran General Secretary AIP & RMS Pensioners Association spoke in details on the subject, New Pension Scheme and its impact, R.Tamil Selra Circle President Tamilnadu State Govt. Emp. Federation spoke on the subject , Trade Union, women participation. Com. S. Raghpathi ASG NFPE spoke on History of P&T Movement, Com. N.Gopal Krishna Working President P-III spoke on New Economic  policy and Com. Giri Raj Singh President, NFPE & G/S R-III spoke on the subject  on 7 CPC & other demands.
All the leaders & guests were welcomed by Coms. K.V.Rajendran G/S , C.B. Rangarajan Working President   of Reception Committee and his team  by presenting shawl  & file.

Coms. K.R.Ganesan, K. Ramesh and Com. C.L. Veeraman were elected as President, Circle Secretary and Treasurer respectively.