HAPPY NEW YEAR 2025 TO ALL MEMBERS,Viewers & Readers

Wednesday, June 25, 2014


1.            The World capitalist economy is in the grip of a severe financial crisis. The inherent inconsistencies and contradictions of the capitalism have ultimately resulted in the present crisis. The crisis that erupted and exploded in the USA has spread over to almost all the countries, especially the capitalist countries. The imperialist globalization policies have further aggravated and heightened the crisis. The bailout packages and other short and long term measures taken has only helped the trans-national corporations to survive, but the plight of the workers and the common man is becoming more and more miserable.  Cuts in employment and social security measures have further aggravated the situation. The adverse effect is now even sensed in the developing countries like India. The ever widening gap between the haves and have-nots, larger scale unemployment, hurling more and more people in the grip of poverty, the high speed privatization of Government Departments and public sector undertakings, the crisis in the agricultural and industrial sector, curtailment of social security and welfare measures, curtailing the subsidy to farmers and people etc. - all these factors contribute in setting more and more burden on the common man and the working class. This 30th A.I.C. of National Federation of Postal Employees, expresses full solidarity with the organizations and the people who are putting up heroic resistance to the globalization policies world over. This A.I.C. also pledges its support to the people who are fighting for the protection of freedom and integrity of their country, even by laying down their lives.

2.            This 30TH AIC of R-III salutes those countries especially in Latin America, who are fighting against the imperialist policies of the USA and are implementing anti-imperialist economic policies with the slogan "socialism is the only alternative". This AIC of R-III  acknowledges and applauds all those people all over the world who are striving and struggling hard to establish exploitation less society of Socialist order and the emancipation of the proletarian masses for instituting the hegment of the working class.

3.            The AIC of R-III  is being held at the time of formation of New Government at the Centre of the UPA II Government completed its five year term with the record break corruptions and fastest implementation of neoliberal globalization policies and the international financial crisis continue to haunt the world economics. The Indian Government intensifies its attacks by resorting to further financial reforms and pension reforms allowing FDI in retail and insurance sectors. The phasing out of all welfare measures, disinvestment of PSUs, Privatization of Government organizations, Outsourcing, Curtailment of Trade Union rights, Privatization of health care and education were the few things UPA II made during the period.

4.            This AIC of R-III  records with a happy to note that for the first time in the history of our country, all the Central Trade Unions including that of the INTUC and BMS have come together on a single platform with the Left Trade Union Centres and Confederation and Federations and independent Unions of Public Sector, Central Government, State Government and Teachers Organisations to resist the attacks of the liberalization guided policies of the Government. This A.I.C. also records with pleasure that the united platform of all Central Trade Union Centres and other Organisations is the befitting riposte to the forces of globalization which are on the attacking spree against the working class and the common people. This A.I.C. is more contented to note that the Central Trade Unions have established their decision to carry forward their new found unity for strengthening the anti-liberalization struggle and to defend the working class against the evil designs of the Government by holding two days historic strike in February 2013.In this background this A.I.C. unanimously resolves to play our role in strengthening of such struggles in accordance with the decisions of Confederation and NFPE that is guided by the historic resolution of the 1992 Dharwad A.I.C..

5.            The working class of India led by the Central Trade Unions is continuing their struggle against the anti-people and anti-labour policies of the UPA Government. About ten crores organized and unorganized workers participated in the 2 days strike held from 20.2.2013 to 21.2.2013. The Central Government Employees in general and postal employees in particular have participated in a big way in both the strikes, under the banner of Confederation of Central Government Employees and workers and Postal JCA in respect of Feb 2013 strike.

6.            This AIC of R-III   declares that we shall join every struggle organized by the Central Trade Unions including general strike against the anti-people and anti-labour policies of the Central Government and also against the machinations of the divisive and communal forces. This A.I.C. salutes and congratulates the Central Government Employees, especially the Postal employees who had participated in the  12.12.2012 & 20.2.2013, 21.2.2013 and 12 & 13 February, 2014   strikes and made them a grand success.

7.            The Call of the Confederation of CG Employees & Workers for nationwide one day token strike on 12.12.2012 demanding settlement on a 15 Point Common Charter of Demands of CG Employees which includes stop price rise and strengthen PDS, stop downsizing, outsourcing, contractorisation, corporatisation and privatization of Governmental functions, fill up all vacant posts and create posts on functional requirements, scrap the New Pension scheme and extend the statutory defined benefit pension to all Central Government Employees irrespective of date of recruitment, Regularize the Gramin Dak Sevaks, casual contingent and daily rated workers by bringing about a definite scheme of regularization, remove restriction imposed on compassionate appointments, stop the move to introduce the performance Related Pay (PRP) and Performance Related Incentive Scheme (PRIS) make right to strike a legal right and stop victimizations and curtailment of trade union rights, the immediate constitution of 7th CPC for the revision of wages with effect from 1.1.2011 i.e., once in five  years on par with the Public Sector undertakings and Merger of 50% DA with Basic Pay including GDS, five promotions, of etc. This A.I.C. hails the Confederation’s independent Programme of Action which was successfully conducted and created a condition and compulsion for a larger platform of unity to struggle under the banner of the Steering Committee of JCM National Council Organisations for the formation of 7th Pay Commission etc. This A.I.C. acknowledges the tactics of the Confederation for its determination and decision to carry forward the struggle for the formation of next pay commission since the plethora of anomalies caused by the implementation of 6th CPC and through the MACP Scheme could not be sorted out only after the formation of Seventh Pay Commission. This A.I.C. therefore unanimously resolves to call upon the entire leadership of all the affiliated unions of the Federation at all levels to fully involve ourselves in converting the Programme of Action a tremendous success and enhance the pride of the NFPE to establish its credentials as the vanguard of the Confederation.

8.            The last five year rule of the UPA Government has resulted in aggravating the poverty and unemployment. The prices of essential commodities are escalating day by day. The divisive and communal and terrorist forces are annoying to divide the country and also the unity of the working class. The real wages of Central Govt. Employees have eroded significantly in as much as the inflations had raised the prices of essential commodities especially of food items beyond 200%. The JCM functioning at National level has deteriorated and meeting has become extremely irregular.  Many of the demands of the Central Government employees still remain unsettled and the Government is vigorously implementing the globalization policies in the Central Government services. It has become imperative to resist this onslaught by mobilizing the employees.

9.                The Three Lakhs Gramin Dak Sevaks working in the Postal department have been subjected to inhuman exploitation and discrimination by the Central Government. The Government has refused to appoint a judicial Committee for the revision of wages and service conditions of Gramin Dak Sevaks;  Instead a committee headed by a retired Postal Board Member Sri Natarajamurthy has been appointed. The Government has accepted all the retrograde recommendations of Natarajamurthy committee. The long pending demands for conferring civil servant status, grant of pro-rata pay scale, statutory Pension, Time bound promotion and medical facilities have been rejected. The norms for cash handling allowance has been drastically reduced, the denial of revised 125 points allowance to BPMs from 1.1.2006, large scale down gradation of EDSOs etc have created a sense of insecurity and resentment among the GDS. This AIC  takes the pledge and calls upon the postal employees to be ready and keep the gun powder dry to participate in all agitational programmes for the realization of the demands of the Gramin Dak Sevaks.

10.         The Central Government is moving ahead with the agenda of globalization in the Department of Posts also. Earlier, the Department has released its corporate proposals of India Post. In order to facilitate corporatization  bill there is a move to amend the Indian Post office Act 1898 which will provide a level playing field to courier by unbundling the role of the Department as a Government service and introducing the public private partnership in the communication sector.In the Postal sector the Government has declared the draft National Postal Policy 2012.  It is nothing but a road-map to privatisation of Postal services by amending the Indian Post Office Act and granting licences to the multi-national courier services.  Government want to close down post offices in the name of loss. Just like in Telecom, a regulatory authority called Postal Regulatory Authority of India (PRAI) is to be constituted. Corporatization is the first step towards privatization. The experience of the BSNL workers is a lesson for us. This A.I.C. while extending full support to the authorities increasing the efficiency and productivity of the Postal service, strongly oppose any move to corporate the Postal Department. This A.I.C. calls upon as affiliated unions and the workers to vigil and be ready by conducting an effective campaign among the workers against the dangers of the amendment of the Postal Act, unbundling the monopoly of postal and allowing couriers by providing a level playing field by the constitution of Postal regulatory authority and  the corporatization of Postal, and keep them ready for major struggle in
the event of pushing through this retrograde globalization policy in the Department. This A.I.C. further declares that any unilateral move to corporate the Postal Department, will be resisted with all forces at our command.

11.         This A.I.C  notes with happiness that we have played our due role in the Postal JCA struggles in the recent past and registered impressive gains from the Postal Board. The National Federation of Postal Employees has taken the initiative to organise agitational programmes and mobilise the employees for action including indefinite strikes and as a result the Postal Administration was compelled to stop their move for closure of 9797 Post Offices.  Many long pending issues are settled and mass scale recruitment has taken place.  The department was forced to convene the JCM Departmental Council meetings and formal meetings and discussed all the issues with the staff side. This A.I.C  hails the timely action with serious preparedness exhibited by the leaders and gross root level cadres of the affiliated unions against the serious attacks of the Department like abolition of thousands of Post Offices and liquidate RMS etc which were halted by the efforts of the NFPE and Postal JCA. However it is the constant vigil and a state of combat readiness of the entire Postal Employees only can insulate us against the dangers emanating from the policies of the Government. This A.I.C  also notes with concern that all the assurances of the Postal Board and the MOSC have not been translated into reality and we had to resort to struggle again and again to ensure progress. This A.I.C  views with grave concern the delay in settlement of various demands of the employees by the Postal Board and Government such as revision of wages of the casual labourers including part time and daily rated workers, notifying the new recruitment for multi-tasking staff (MTS) and filling up of erstwhile Group 'D' posts from open market, cadre restructuring, creation of separate cadre for system Administrators, postmen and the GDS related issues etc. This A.I.C  urges upon the Government and Postal Board to settle the above justified demands of the Postal Employees at an early date. This A.I.C  therefore resolves and appeals all the affiliate unions and its members to be in a state of readiness for any action decided upon by the NFPE or Postal JCA at the appropriate time and play our due role in consolidating the unity of Postal Employees in future also.

12.         This A.I.C  further resolves to  (1) organize more Circle level conventions and ensuing the functioning of circle coordinating Committees (2) conducting state level/Divisional level study camps (3) organizing women conventions and formations of women's sub committees (4) formation of AIPEU GDS (NFPE) branches at Divisional levels  and the casual labour unions at divisional/circle level etc. This A.I.C  calls upon the Circle/Divisional Secretaries of the affiliated unions to take the responsibility of implementing the above decisions of R-III CHQ/NFPE.



2.    This 30th All India Conference of All India RMS & MMS Employees Union Group `C` held at Tirupati from 15th to 17th June, 2014  views its grave concern to the negative attitude of the Central Government in settling the following 15 Point Chart of demands submitted by Confederation of Central Government Employees & Workers to the Government

1.    Revision of wages with effect from. 1.01.2011 all Central Government Employees including GDS.
2.    Merger of DA with pay to the Central Government Employees including GDS
3.    Compassionate appointments
4.    Functioning of the JCM and implementation of the arbitration awards.
5.    Remove the ban on recruitment and creation of posts
6.    Downsizing, outsourcing, contractorisation etc.
7.    Stop price rise and strengthen PDS
8.    (a) Regularisation of daily rated workers.
(b). Absorption of GDS as regular postal employees
9.    Introduction of PLB and removal of ceiling limit
10. Revising OTA  and Night Duty allowance rates
11. Arbitration Awards.
12. Vacate All Trade Union victimization
13. Right to strike
14. Career progression (5 promotions in a cover)
15. Scrap the New Pension Scheme

This A.I.C. resolves to request the Confederation of Central Government Employees & Workers and JCM staff side to organize serious agitational programmes culminating indefinite strike for realization of the above demands. This A.I.C. further calls upon the entirety of  RMS & MMS  employees to make all the programmes of the Confederation and the JCM Staff side a grand success in the  RMS & MMS


This 30thA.I.C., while vehemently opposing the new pension scheme introduced from April 2004, strongly urges for scrapping of the scheme in toto. The argument advocated by the Government that the total outgo on account of payments for the existing central government employees has gone up from Rs. 5,206 Crores in 1993 / 94 to Rs. 22, 618 Crores in 2003 / 04 and there is need to switch over from defined benefit pension Scheme to defined contribution Scheme does not hold water. The value of money and the Indian currency in the global market, the rise in price index and the rise in the rate of inflation are not taken into account. As the cost of living steadily increases along with the fiscal standards, the increase shown in the payment of pensions is only theoretical. Further, it is argued that many countries are switching to the contributory scheme also is irrelevant. Because, so many western countries which are quite often quoted as models by the ruling elite are paying pension as a social security for its employees ranging from 40 per cent to even 55 percent of the last pay drawn.

This A.I.C. further notes with concern that the amount accumulated in the pension fund by contributions from the employees and the departments they are employed is proposed to be invested in the trade of the share market. It is everyone’s knowledge that the share market is a heartless giant and the gambling is known for its fluctuations, many of the slumps are deliberately orchestrated to suit the needs of the trade gamblers. The fate of the hard earned money of the employees will be at the mercy of these unscrupulous elements. This is highly unfair and un-warranted.

The new pension scheme is against the interests of the employees for the following reason:-

i)         It displaces the age-old scheme of social security
ii)        The fund raised in the pension will be invested in private share market for which there is no security
iii)      The contributory pension scheme does not guarantee the equal share as that of the employee by the Govt. 

Hence, this 30th All India Conference of All India RMS & MMS Employees Union Group `C` held at Tirupati from 15th to 17th June, 2014  strongly feels that this anti-employee new pension scheme may be scrapped once and for all. It further unanimously resolves to urge the  Govt. to drop the proposal and to restore the original defined Benefit Pension Scheme.


This A.I.C. seriously observing the inordinate delay in the finalisation of the cadre review proposals in all the cadres by the Department. The Committee constituted by Department on Cadre restructuring of Group `C` employees vide No. 25-4/2012-P-I dated 23rd October, 2013 held its discussions on 4th February, 2014 at 15.00 hrs & on 5th February, 2014 at 14.30 hrs under the Chairmanship of Shri V.P.Singh DDG (P). As on date Department is not ready for any favourable modification we are continuing our efforts to get it modified . The proposal of the Department regarding Cadre restructuring and letter No. JCM (DC)/Cadre Review/Staff Side/264 dated 5-2-2014 submitted by the Staff Side .


This 30th All India Conference of All India RMS & MMS Employees Union Group `C` held at Tirupati from 15th to 17th June, 2014 resolves to request the Department to settle the following demands of casual, part time and contingent employees as these issues are pending since long time and in spite of repeated requests and submission of the report by the committee appointed to consider these issues long back. The delay in settlement of the genuine demands of these downtrodden cadres is deplorable and requires immediate sympathetic consideration and justice.
1.    Immediate payment of revised wages from 1-1-2006 along with arrears irrespective of date of entry in the department as per Supreme Court Judgement.
2.    All the Casual Labour either full time or part time may be granted paid W/OFF, Post office Holiday including national holidays.
3.    All the part time contingent posts may be converted as GDS posts and the present incumbents working in that posts may be converted as GDS.
4.    All other PTCL may be regularized by issuing appointment orders so that they will get job security
5.    All the PTCL may be absorbed against MTS/GDS vacancies by implementing AP High Court Judgment in W.P. no 17048 of 2000 dated 7-9-2010
6.    The following modifications may be made in the latest MTS recruitment rules. Against 25% open market priority may be given to eligible casual labours.
7.    The condition of prior to 1993 in respect of PTCL may be removed keeping in view AP High Court Judgment in WP NO.17048 mentioned above.
8.    PTCL may be considered against GDS vacancies by reiterating the DG posts order no 17-141/88-EDC&TRG dated 6th June 88.
9.    It may be recommended to issue identity cards to all CL irrespective of their working hours.
10. All the CL may be included in provident fund, gratuity and pensioner benefits as granted to unorganized sector workers.
11. All the welfare measures granted to regular employees may be extended to casual labor also.

This A.I.C. appeals the Secretary Department of Posts to respond immediately and settle these issues with open mind keeping in view the natural justice.

1.    The AIC resolved to request the Postal Administration to provide required facilities like good quality computers, Scanners, Printers and UPS in the CRC, Speed Post Hubs and Parcel Hubs so as to improve efficiency and to minimize the difficulties  of the employees.

2.    The AIC  strongly protest against the unscientific Norms introduced in the CRCs/SPCC and also request to stop the harassment in the name of new norms against the officials working in CRCs.

3.    AIC resolved to request to provide work material in RMS offices by replacing outdated wax seals, plastic bags and jutes and  also demands timely repair and maintenance of RMS buildings.

4.    Railway authorities at Guwahati have erected a building just on the maingate of the RMS building, there is hindrance in the movements of mails. This CWC demands to construct a new building for Guwahati RMS.

5.    Construction of new buildings at MMS Bangalore premises having more than 45000 Sq.Ft. of land in the heart of the city. Railway authorities at Bangalore occupied space give to RMS for parking area  and causing unnecessary for movements of mails. 

5.(b) Construction of Buildings at Gate Way Mumbai and Sorting Office Bhiwani (Haryana).

6.    This AIC demands that all SPCC Hubs throughout the country should be under the control of SSRMs/SRMs as SPCC is the part of RMS.

7.    This AIC demands that all L-2 offices should be made as Intra –Circle Hubs to avoid back routing of SPCC articles.

8.    P.O. & RMS Accountants are not allowed LSG/HSG-II Accts posts as per the Dte. Letter No. 137-4/2006-SPB II dated 30.5.2006 for the reasons of no specific instructions or amendments made in the recruitment rules for LSG & HSG-II posts. Specific amendments may be made in the Recruitment Rules for LSG/HSG-II Accts in HRO Accts branch in RMS Wing as done in Postal Wing.

9.    All L-2 Offices should be identified as Intra Circle Hubs.

10. AIC resolved to request Stop the move to dismantle MMS and outsourcing MMS Drivers, Fill up all vacant Posts of Drivers, Artisans Cleaners, AMM, Manager and Dy. Managers, Supply of  Uniforms and sanction justified posts of Drivers and Artisans and replacement of condemned vehicles.
11. RMS/MMS officials may be allowed to appear for in PSS Group `B` Examination.
12. Early release of HSG-I recruitment Rules and absorb  all  the HSG-II officials  in the existing  HSG-I posts and extend  the  Adhoc arrangements.
13. 6th CPC had upgraded the scale of HSG-I and placed in the pay scale of Rs. 7450 but the benefit of the same denied to holders of the Posts and arrived their pay for fixation by multiplying of Rs. 6500/- by 1.86.
14. Specific orders to grant Special Allowance to the Sorting Compilers working in R.O/ Circle Offices.
15. Bring all BPCs Speed Posts centers, Logistic posts Centers etc. under RMS  Division and to post LSG, HSG-II and HSG-I as incharge.
16. Stepping up  the pay of Seniors at par  with juniors in MACP.
17. LSG, HSG-II posts may be merged and placed in the Grade Pay of Rs. 4600/-.
18. Revision of  Over Time Rate and pay ceiling  fixed for performance of OTA Duty to  be ordered at the earliest. Over Time Rates were revised during 1990. Implement the Arbitration Award in this regard. We have no alternative to stop perform Over Time Duty if the rates are not revised immediately with retrospective date.
19. Revise the wages of Part-Time / Contingent employees and DRM and stop outsourcing the work  done by Part Time/Contingent/DRM.
20. This AIC resolves to grant two special increments to the staff working in AMPCs.
21. This AIC also viewed with grave concern in the delay of public mail and accumulation of mails in L-1 offices after implementation of MNOP and requests to take steps to review and settle the issue. The Second Class mail hubs, Parcel Hubs introduced as the third stage of MNOP is a total failure and it caused unnecessary back routing of Second class mail bags and accumulation of extra bags, double handling of bags in the sections. This A.I.C. resolved to request to review the necessity of the L-I, L-2 hubs for Second Class mails and Parcel hubs immediately.
22. It is requested to bring all BPCs Speed Posts centers, Logistic posts Centers etc. under RMS  Division and to post LSG, HSG-II and HSG-I as incharge.
23.     Problem of TBOP/BCR SA from 5th CP:- The anomaly prevailing between Postal  and Telecom staff may be resolved.
24. Revise the norms for R-Net as the present system is very slow as compared to earlier system.
25. Separate Establishment for NS Hubs.
26. All NSH & Inter Circle Speed Post Hubs should be brought under the Administrative control of RMS.
27. Norms for Parcel Hubs & Mail Agency Branch may be evolved.
28. Withdrawal of “collective responsibility” for the loss & misspent of articles & bags.
29. Drop the proposal to shift Parcel Hubs to old PSD Bangalore premises which lacks basic amenities & having life threat to the staff due to poisonous snakes in the premises.
30. Drop Parcel delivery Hub which is implemented unscientifically at Bangalore.
31. Reattaching BPC & MBC work to RMS which are attached to Postal side in Bangalore against DG (P) orders.
32.Replacemehnt of all condemned vehicles.
33. Construction of new building at Mangalore RMS  and Kumta sorting office.
34. This AIC resolves to cause action to provide basic amenities in all Rest Houses  & RMS sections.
35. This AIC resolves to request the authorities to cause immediate re3pairs to all needy RMs buildings , Postal quarters on war foot basis.
36. This AIC resolves to request to frame clear norms for processing Speed Post/CRC mails without any ambiguity and considering the practical feasibility.
37. Palakkad PSO was the major concentration centre for IInd clss mails for the entire Kerala Circle. But while identifying the L-1 for IInd class , Palakkad PSO was omitted and made it as L-2 outward under L-I Thrissur RMS.
 Palakkad PSO is having all the infrastructure and is the gateway office to Kerala Circle . Palakkad PSO should be identified as L-I , IInd class Office.
38. New entrant5s after 01/01/2006 are entitled to avail three home town & one All India LTC in a block year for the first eight years. This facility may be extended to officials who are due to retire within 8 years.
39. Department is considering parcel as the business of hour, ignoring the volume  or size of parcels, a large number of parcels are being booked. This is creating trouble in transmission . Staff on parcel duties , especially ladies are facing hardships in dealing with. It is resolved to fix the norms in size & weight.
40. This AIC resolves that work of R.P. Sorting should not be merged with work of Parcel sorting  to avoid loss of revenue. Trace and Track  should be arranged separately in R.P.Sorting.
41. The Postal dispensary at Siliguri is in miserable condition since long. Hardly any doctor or other medical staff are available regularly throughout the year. This matter should be viewed seriously and as early as possible as a large number of Postal beneficiaries are dependent  on it.
42. Repair/ Renovation of RMS Offices and Rest Houses:-
This 30th All India Conference of A.I.RMS & MMS Employees Union Group-C held at Tirupathi(A.P) during 15l to 17th June2014, notes with deep concern that a good number of RMS offices in West Bengal circle viz. Ranaghat RMS, Kharagpur RMS ,Bankura RMS , Siliguri Junction ,Malda RMS,RLO BLdg.(Kol RMS) etc are almost in wretched condition. Walls and roofs are almost damaged Concrete chunks from the roof are about to fall at any moment and may cause any mishap. The same condition lies in respect of Rest Houses of different RMS divisions of west Bengal circle viz Sahibganj Rest House, Lalgola Rest House, Bankura Rest House,NJP Rest House and Bhagalpur Rest House etc.Repair/renovation of the RMS Offices and the Rest Houses are made immediately as war-footing measure in order to protect the workers from any accident.

43. This 30th All India Conference of A.I.RMS & MMS Employees Union Group-C held at Tirupathi(A.P) during 15th to 17th .June,2014, notes with deep concern that the budgetary allotment under medical head exhausts only to pay the medical advances / claims for treatment of patients suffering from above noted diseases which require a lot of amounts . Consequently medical claims of general cases are not possible to be reimbursed for scarcity of fund. A huge number of medical bills are pending in various Divisions of this Circle.
Directorate is urged  that special allotment of medical fund is made for treatment of dreadful diseases which require a lot of amounts, in order to enable the general claimants to get their medical bills reimbursed in time from the general allotment under medical fund.

44. Supply of 40 seated Railway Bo4gies for R.M.S Sections in place of 20 seated.
Railway Authorities are providing short space of 20 seated Handicapped bogies to R.MS Sections for carrying mails instead of 40 seated S.L.R bogies as required for. Consequent upon such non supply of adequate accommodation for carrying mails, misconnection of mails or non loading of mails occurred very often and thus transshipment of public mails are suffered badly.

Directorate is urged  to take up with  the Railway authority to provide 40 seated S.LR Bogies to the RMS Sections in the interest of quick disposal of public mails.

The issue of creation of a separate establishment of Marketing Executive / System Administrator and elevating them to the present status of LSG has already been demanded through the proposal for cadre restructuring. Notwithstanding the creation of separate cadre in higher cadre for the marketing executives/ System Administrator, this A.I.C. urges the Department for consideration of special allowance equal to 10% of pay plus grade pay by recognizing their hard work in the marketing arena.

After adopting the MACP Scheme in Postal, we have taken many issues affecting the employees and modified to the extent benefitting the employees. The major issue is related to the constitution of Scrutiny committees at divisional levels to review the CRS for five years for upgrading bench mark for those who have not been granted MACP due to application of benchmark. The department has once again reiterated the same order to compile the same where it was left out. The following issues were taken and settled by the Federation during the period under review.
i)    Constituted Scrutiny committees at divisional levels to review the CRS for five years for those who have not been granted MACP due to application of benchmark.
ii)   Clarified that if there is no currency of punishments as on the due date for MACP, it should not be withheld and it should be accorded with retrospective effect.
iii)  Clarified that for promotees they need not wait for completion of 20 years of service and they should be granted MACP on completion of 10 years service in PA cadre,
iv) Clarified that opting for defunct Accountant scale shall not be taken as promotion and not to be counted for MACP.
After serving the strike notice, the Department has once again issued a detailed clarificatory orders on MACP vide its No. 4-7 (MACPs)2009-PCC dt 30.06.2011 in which the following is focused.
i)        Again the process of upgrading CR entries shall be exercised for the left out officials within one month.
ii)       Even after, there is no scope to upgrade the CR entries; the official shall be given an opportunity to represent within 15 days before such ACRs are placed in DPC.
iii)      Screening committee may be constituted to consider the left out cases.
Based on the above, the process of MACP would have been completed in many left out cases.  Still the following main issues are not sorted out.
i)        MACP shall be considered on completion of 10 years service in one cadre. Any promotion acquired by writing the competitive examination shall not be equated with MACP promotion. The Jodhpur Judgment shall be honoured and implemented.
ii)       Application of bench mark shall be dropped up to pay band 2 levels
iii)      Grant of MACP to those declined LSG promotion prior to issue of MACP orders (ie) 18.09.2009.
iv)      Non grant of third MACP by counting 10 years from TBOP in case of Promotees.
This AIC urges the Department to consider and cause orders on the above mentioned items in particular the implementation of Jodhpur CAT judgments. This Federal Council further appeals the Confederation and the Staff side of the JCM National Council to take up this seriously for the immediate implementation of the judgment to all.


The PO and RMS Accountants are discharging the duties of higher responsibility and greater importance. The importance of accounts work has been recognized in every establishment of Govt. But it is an unfortunate situation in the Dept. of posts that the importance of the Accountants working at the field levels has not been recognized. This Federation has been raising the demand to grant higher pay scale to the PO and RMS Accountants, which has not yet been considered. The demand of equating them with the Accountants of the Postal Accounts has also not been considered.

After implementation of recommendation of the Fifth pay commission, due to change of nomenclature of special pay as special allowance, the quantum of special allowance is not being counted towards fixation of pay on promotion. The conditions prescribed for grant of special pay in F.R has not been changed. Thus there is a great injustice to PO and RMS accountants in not counting the special allowance for pay fixation on promotion. Despite the Supreme court has given the verdict to treat the special allowance for pay fixation on TBOP, this has been partially implemented up to 23.04.1998. This should have been extended up to 31.08.2008.

The posts of LSG and HSG in accounts branches in Head Post offices have been manned by officials having qualification of PO and RMS Accountants. On upgradation of 1622 posts into HSG–I, most of the posts of LSG Accountants have been upgraded to HSG II resulting in dearth of LSG in feeder cadre. The DPC for the APM Accounts in LSG could not be held due to want of vacancies in Accounts line and resultantly the qualified candidates are deprived of their due promotion chances.

Various changes in the rules & procedures had taken place in the case of LSG Accountants causing many confusions at field level. To overcome all these anomalies this 9thA.I.C. of NFPE resolves to urge upon the postal directorate to:

1.            The PO and RMS Accountants may be granted a higher pay scale of LSG.
2.            The special allowance granted to PO and RMS accountant may be counted towards fixation of pay on promotion.

3.            As per the Directorate instructions vide its letter No.6/15/60- SPB II dt 16.7.60 read with letter No.6/1/59-SPB. dt 8.5.59, the option prematurely taken from officials may be withdrawn and the officials concerned may be allowed to exercise an option only when their turn for promotion to either lines comes in future. The recent clarification on the subject has not been implemented in the true spirit in many circles.

i)        Since the Dept. has declared the APM accounts as Circle cadre, divisional cadre & now as circle cadre, and also stated that the TBOP, BCR are only financial upgradations and not LSG & HSG II respectively, fresh option should be obtained from the PO & RMS accountants qualified officials whether they continue to remain in General / or opt to Accounts line. The present provision to exercise options at the time of LSG promotion is insufficient.
ii)       Based on the 1972 Directorate orders, the date of qualifying the PO & RMS Accountant Exam shall be taken as criteria for LSG APM accounts promotion and the erstwhile Accountant gradation list be revived with updated entities. The provisions laid down in Rule 276 of Postal Volume IV should be adhered in right spirit.
iii) The LSG / APM Accountants may be allotted the share of 20% as before which was in the recruitment rules in the HSG II promotion.
iv) The special allowance being paid to PO & RMS Accountants shall be courted for pay fixation at the time of promotion/upgradation if he is continuously for 3 years as envisaged in Rule FR – 9 (25) Appendix 8 provision No. 18

This A.I.C. further resolves to declare the PO & RMS Accountant as Promotional Cadre to Postal Assistant with higher pay and a separate Channel of Promotion to the Accounts line may be considered in order to overcome the present anomalies in promotion.


It noteworthy to mention that in the OM. No.2003/5/90 –E.II (B) Ministry of Finance Department of Expenditure dated 27.1.93 circulated under Dte. No.P.11/93 – PAP dated 30.3.93, it was clearly mentioned that the compensatory allowance should be given for the period during which he serves in Tribal Areas and shall remain in operation upto the date of withdrawal of such allowance by the State Govt. in respect of  their employees. The allowance was in operation upto 31.3.2002 and till that period Tribal Area Allowance was also paid to the postal staff working in those districts.

After 31.3.2002, the Maharashtra State Govt. sanctioned Naxalist Threat Area Allowance discontinuing the Tribal Area Allowance to their employees working in Chandrapur and Godchiroli districts of the rate of 15% of the basic pay subject to maximum of Rs.1,500/- per  month to the state Govt. Employees.

Active Naxalist forces are in swing throughout Chandrapur and Godchiroli districts in dense and inaccessible forests and the postal employees are also facing the horrified problems as in the case of the state Govt. Employees.

The same is the position in respect of Andhra Circle and the areas like Guntur, Vishakapatnam, West Godavari, Warrangal, Karimnagar, Nizamabad, Adilabad, Mahaboob Nagar, Ongole etc. and the threat is visible.In respect of Jharkhand, the areas like Palamau, Singhbhum, Giridih, Hazaribag, Some Part of Ranchi and Dhanbad should also be identified as a Naxalite threat area and should be granted with such allowance.In Orissa Circle, the areas like Sambalpur, Sundergarh, Koraput and in Chattisgarh, the Bastar areas, the movement is visible. These areas should also be declared as threat area.

Notwithstanding, the matter was taken up at the Directorate level no fruitful action to extend the benefit of Naxalist Threat Area Allowance has seemed to be taken by the Postal Department till date and the same has been set at defiance  ignoring the law of justice and basic horrible feature of the postal employees problems working in all those places..

This A.I.C. demands immediate expeditious fruitful action of the Postal Dte. to extend the benefit of Naxalist. Threat Area Allowance to the postal employees including GDS.


This 30th All India Conference of All India RMS & MMS Employees Union Group `C` held at Tirupati from 15th to 17th June, 2014  notes with grave concern that the postal bureaucracy in several places all over the country exhibit tendencies of bureaucratic excesses. Coupled with flouting of several departmental rules and regulations to adopt a rule of whims rather than rule of law, the corrupt practices are on the increase. As always the case, many of the corrupt practices are meticulously planned to escape detection and apprehension. The general policy of the department like closure of RMS offices etc comes in handy to these corrupt bureaucrats who reportedly enter into unholy understanding with landlords to vacate buildings by closures. Purchase of computers in unimaginable proportions for exorbitant prices while the market shows drastic fall in computer prices is an area worth investigating for corrupt practices. The practice of spending in lakhs in the name of developmental meetings in star hotels and in the name of marketing of business  premium products is another area of bureaucratic excess that requires investigation to check wasteful expenditure. The financial powers have been brushed aside by many PMGs in renovating their quarters and beautifying them by spending lakhs of rupees. The funds allotted for staff quarters were diverted and there is no check in spending by such bureaucrats.  The tendency to close the eyes for whatever happens behind the screen of marketing management should come to an end. The wastage of expenditure at every new incumbent occupying a position for decorating and redecorating the chambers of officers to the tastes of new incumbents is also a bureaucratic excess only.

The attitude of the bureaucracy towards unions and staff is antagonistic in general at several levels and we are not talking about the exceptions here.  The antagonism is getting accelerated day by day due to the implementation of neo-liberal policies of the Government in Department of Posts. The liberalization policies attempt to attack the interests of employees severely and the Officers being the implementators of those policies often takes it personally and overzealously to reach targets as fast as they can, let it be closure of the offices or abolition of posts and they consider any resistance from unions as intolerable. This attitude leads to bureaucratic excesses in several places where the vindictiveness of the worst kind is witnessed. Staffs are harassed; they are punished harshly for small lapses too. There are some officers who have scant respect for unions and behave in such a way that they are the monarchs and the unions are unwanted subjects. These officers don’t follow the rules and cancel the monthly meetings at their whims; refuse informal meetings to union office bearers and refuse to discuss in a transparent manner on issues that affect the interests of staff; resort to punish the union office bearers at the first available flimsy opportunity.

The FR 17 (a) awarded in Punjab Circle for holding demonstration on leave and the Rule 16 and punishments awarded to 17 officials for demonstration after working hours in the Andhra Pradesh circle are the glaring examples prevailing in the lower level. The lower officers, without any sense but with full prejudiced mind award punishments by misusing the powers. There is no check by higher officers.

This A.I.C. therefore calls upon the Postal Board to issue proper administrative instructions to correct the tendencies of bureaucratic excesses of all kind and ensure function at all levels transparently and according to rules and guidelines.


Based on international Labour Conference decisions of 1919, the Govt. of India reviewed the problems in depth and suggested its opinion before ILC in 1921.

Pursuant to the decision of Royal Commission Recommendations of 1930, Maternity Benefits Act was promulgated in our country. Thereafter the Government of India extended certain benefits to working women employees.

Nowadays, the percentage of women employees have increased steadily in Government departments by virtue of their merits and qualifications. It is their onerous responsibility to actively involve themselves in the Trade Union movement at all levels and this conference appeals their active role in this august organization.


Due to availing maternity leave and leave availed for pre and post-natal care, there is a greater degree of absenteeism among women employees which is unavoidable. After the introduction of child care leave and enhancing the number of days for maternity leave, the need of more leave reserve is felt in the department Sanction of enhancing the percentage of Leave Reserve strength to the extent of 20% is inevitable. There should be no bar in granting child care leave due to shortage of staff and inadequate LR strength.

The Department has issued orders to subordinate offices to provide Crèches under certain condition. These require liberalization. However the number of employees is small, the Department may on payment, enter into arrangement with crèche houses opened by other Department like Telecom etc. to enable the Postal Women employees to leave their Children under the care of trained matrons when they proceed to work. The grant from the welfare fund shall be revised and it can be paid from the state funds instead of the circle welfare funds.

Though the Government has issued orders that women employees should be transferred to the stations where their husbands are serving etc., at field level, there appears to be much delay to concede their request. Many of their cases have not been considered in practice.

The women employees should not be posted where basic facilities are lacking. Even though, the Department caused order based on our request, this is not being properly adhered to.

This A.I.C. appeals the Department to entertain transfer cases to their native places as requested in respect of unmarried women employees and to the places where their husbands are working in respect of married employees without putting any restrictions, reservations or rejections.

This A.I.C. notes with serious concern on the denial of Sixth CPC recommendation on the Flexi working hours for women employees by the Department at Departmental council meeting. The proposal would have been forwarded to nodal ministries instead of rejection.

Keeping in view that women employees both married and unmarried have to serve away from home-stations due to circumstance beyond their control, the following are suggested.

1.            That women hostels may be constructed if the number of women employees is large and
2.            Rooms may be reserved for women employees in hostels which may be constructed in other Department of Government.
3.            Allotting staff quarters earmarking for women employees who are working in those places out of their native places.


In the case of Leave Reserve period, the women employees are indiscriminately subjected to deputations to single handed offices and other offices where basic amenities are not available and offices which are beyond 8 KM radius resulting in change of Head Quarters. This should be avoided.

This 30thA.I.C. further appeals to all women employees working in all the circles to                     involve themselves actively at all levels and uphold the glory of our mighty Union and also to protect the interest of all.

This A.I.C.  resolved to appeal to the Department of Posts to consider the women employees problem in depth and settle those, which are within the ambit of powers.

The above noted Resolutions submitted to Secretary (Posts) CHQ letter No. R-III/52/41  Dated 20-06-2014

FORMATION OF WOMEN COMMITTEE:-  A women Committee of All India RMS & MMS Employees Group `C` was formed  with the following members
Chairperson                             Swati Roy   Bera SA Kolkata`WB` Circle
Convenor                                Jaya Sharma SA Guwahati RMS, Assam circle
Jt. convenor                             C. Krishnan Kumar Kerala
Committee Members
1.      Sonia Uike
2.      Sarala Devi                  
3.      H.R. Girija
4.      Geetha
5.      Sukanya Banerjee
6.      Suman
7.      K.M. Pooja Jaiswar
8.      Gyatri Sahoo
9.      Prabhavati Rabha
10.  Rani Kumar
11.  Amalorbnvam
12.  R.Buvana
13.  Elibibarla
14.  Shakuntala Devi
15.  Swati Sudha