HAPPY NEW YEAR 2025 TO ALL MEMBERS,Viewers & Readers

Monday, June 17, 2013


A joint meeting of the leaders of Railway (AIRF), Defence (AIDEF) and Confederation of Central Government Employees & workers will be held at New Delhi on 29thJune 2013 for deciding future course of joint action. The meeting earlier scheduled to be held on 15th June 2013 is postponed to 29th June 2013.


The National Secretariat of the Confederation of Central Government Employees & Workers will be held at NFPE office New Delhi on 22nd July 2013. For details please see Notice with agenda published in website. All National Secretariat members are requested to attend the meeting.


The 9th Federal Council of National Federation of Postal Employees was held in the land of the great legendary Leader, Late Com. K. Adinarayana, the Ex-Secretary General of NFPE at Sundaraiah Vignan Kendra, Hyderabad from 9thJune to 13thJune, 2013 under the presidentship of NFPE Vice Presidents Comrade S. P. Mukherjee and Com K. K. Sharma. The Reception Committee headed by its Chairman Dr. K. Nageswar, MLC, Com. D. A. S. V. Prasad, Working Chairman (Circle Secretary, AIPEU Group ‘C’, Andhra Pradesh) and General Secretary Com. Ramachandram [Circle Secretary Admn. Union, Andhra Pradesh] had made very excellent arrangements for the conduct of the Federal Council. The inaugural session commenced with the unfurling of both the National Flag and the NFPE Flag by Com. B. G. Tamhankar, Ex-President, NFPE and Com. D. K. Rahate, President, NFPE and after that floral tributes to the Martyrs Column were held.

On the eve of 9th Federal Council of National Federation of Postal Employees, on 9.6.2013, as the first programme, the AP Postal Women Employees Convention was held. Com. T. Sakuntala, Convener, Women Subcommittee, NFPE presided the convention. Ms. Sandhya Rani, IPoS, Post Master General (BD & Technology) was the Chief Guest and delivered a valuable oration. Com. M. Krishnan, Secretary General, as the chief Guest of Honour has dealt all the work undertaken by the Federation for the welfare of women comrades and its commitment to form All India body in all the affiliated unions exclusively for the women comrades. The other speakers on the occasion were Com. Pushpeswari Devi, Member, All India Women Committee, P3 NFPECom. K. Swaruparani, General Secretary, AIDWACom. K. Dhanalakshmi, State Convener, Working Women’s Co-ordination Committee, Andhra Pradesh,Com. C. P. Sobhana, Convener, CCGEW Mahila Committee, Com. R. Seethalakshmi, Asst. Secretary General, NFPE and Com. Nalini, (R-III).

In the afternoon, a big rally from Indira Park was organised with the participation of more than 3000 comrades along with the Leaders, Federal Councillors and Visitors at 3.30pm and reached Sundarayya Vignana Kendram at 5.00pm.Thereafter the open session was held under the presidentship of Com. D. K. Rahate, President. The open session was inaugurated by Com. B. V. Raghavulu, CPI (M) Polit Bureau Member. The other prominent leaders Viz; Com. R. Sudha Bhaskar, General Secretary, CITU, Com. P. J. Chandra Sekhar Rao, MLC & Secretary AITUC, Com. P. Abhimanyu, General Secretary, BSNLEU, Com. P. Venkatramaiah, General Secretary, BEFI, Com. I. Venkateswararao, UTF, Com. M. N. Reddy, General Secretary, Pensioner's Association addressed the open session.Com Sukomalsen, Senior Vice President AISGEF inaugurated the Delegate session on 10.06.2013. Com. K. K. Sharma, Vice President, NFPE presided. Comrades S. K. Vyas, Advisor, Confederation; K. K. N. Kutty, President Confederation; C. C. Pillai, Former Secretary General NFPE;  Com K. Ragavendran, Ex Secretary General, NFPE, Com K. V. Sridharan, Ex General Secretary, AIPEU Group C, Com B. G. Tamhankar, Ex President NFPE, Des Raj Sharma, former Deputy Secretary General NFPE, Com. R. L. Bhattacharjee, Ex-Deputy Secretary General, NFPE, Com. T. Narasimhan, Vice President, Confederation, Com. Kannaiyyan, Ex-AGS, R-3 and Com. Y. Nagabhushnam, Working President, Casual Labour Federation addressed the session.Com D. K. Rahate, President, NFPE, Com R. Sivannarayana, President P3 CHQ,  Com. Ishwar Singh Dabas, General Secretary, P4 & Deputy Secretary General, NFPE Com. Giriraj Singh, General Secretary, R3, Com. P. Suresh, General Secretary, R4, Com. T. Satyanarayana, General Secretary, AIPAEA, Com Ramachandram, Deputising General Secretary, AIPAOEU,  Com P. Pandurangarao, General Secretary AIPEU GDS (NFPE), Com  Virendra Tiwari, General Secretary, AISBCOEA, Com. S. A. Raheem, General Secretary, Civil Wing Employees Association and Com P. Mohan, General Secretary, Casual Labourers Federation, Com. S. K. Humayun, President, P4 CHQ participated in the discussions and addressed the session. Other office Bearers of NFPE Com. R. N. Parashar, Asst. Secretary General, Com. K. Ragupathy, Asst. Secretary General, Com. R. Seethalakshmi, Asst. Secretary General, Com. Raj Kumar, Finance Secretary also addressed the delegate session. Com. S. P. Mukherjee, Vice President, NFPE, Presided over the delegate session.

Com. D. Theagarajan, Secretary General FNPO addressed the delegate session of the Federal Council and elaborately dealt with the problems faced by the Postal and RMS employees and stressed the need for total unity to resist the attack on Postal services. Com. K. Venugopal, General Secretary, All India Insurance Employees Association, made valuable and educative special address on 11.06.2013 on the subject “Neo liberal Policies – Role of employees”. The Chief Postmaster General, Andhra Pradesh, Circle, Sri. B. V. Sudhakar, IPoS addressed the Federal Council on 12.06.2013 as Chief Guest. He stressed the need to improve the efficientcy and productivity of the Department of Posts for its survival.

The triennial report which in itself is a valuable and comprehensive document and audited accounts were unanimously approved and adopted by the delegates and thereafter the election of office bearers was held. The 9th Federal Council unanimously elected the following team of Office Bearers:

The Federal Council decided to form a Mahila Committee of NFPE at the apex level with two Mahila representative from each affiliated union.

There were 110 Federal Councillors; Ex-officio Office Bearers and Federal Executive Members, 21 fraternal delegates and 45 visitors in the Council. Total 176. About 61 participants took part in the deliberations and debates. There was all round appreciation about the functioning of the Federation which exhibited their confidence and faith in the leadership of the mighty organisation. The Federal Council approved the decision of according associate membership to AIPEU GDS NFPE by its executive and decided to champion the cause of the GDS employees through all its actions and Programmes. The resolution on policy and programme was unanimously adopted at the Federal Council. The following other resolutions were also adopted unanimously. The details will be published in the ensuing Postal Crusader.
1.       Resolution on common demands of Central Government Employees
2.       Resolution on scrapping of new pension scheme
3.       Resolution on cadre restructuring
4.       Resolution on departmentalisation of Grameen Dak Sewaks and other issues
5.       Resolution on issues of Casual Labour
6.       Resolution on the sectional demands of the Postman and MTS
7.       Resolution on the issues of RMS and MMS Group ‘C’ staff
8.       Resolution on issues of Mail Guards & MTS in RMS
9.       Resolution on the issues Administrative Offices Employees
10.   Resolution on the issues of Postal Accounts
11.   Resolution on the issues of SBCO staff
12.   Resolution on augmentation of adequate posts for new services
13.   Resolution on Postmaster Cadre
14.   Resolution on System Administrators
15.   Resolution on Marketing Executives
16.   Resolution on modified ACP Scheme
17.   Resolution on PO & RMS Accountants
18.   Resolution on counting of past services as R.T.P. for promotion
19.   Resolution on the grant of Naxalist Threat Area allowance to the Postal Employees working in Naxalist Threat Areas
20.   Resolution on upward revision of cash handling allowance to treasurers of post offices
21.   Resolution on bureaucratic excesses
22.   Resolution on monetary recovery and disciplinary action on contributory negligence factor
23.   Resolution on problems of Women Employees

The Reception Committee has organised cultural programmes on two days, viz: “Veera Telangana Armed struggle” an inspiring play by Praja Natya Mandali, Nalgonda and another programme by Guruswamy and Team. Welcome song was sung by the singers of PNM Hyderabad.

The Federal Council placed its appreciations on record the services rendered by the outgoing office bearers Com D. K. Rahate, President, Com C. Chandrasekar, Working President, Com. S. P. Mukherjee, Vice President and Com. K. V. Sridharan, Ex-General Secretary of AIPEU Group ‘C’. The Federation is fully confident that with the total cooperation of all, the huge task and the challenges posed to us by the neo liberal reforms and the proposed National Postal Policy etc will be met with by building up rock-like unity and resisting it with all forces at our command. We assure that we will strive hard to live up to the expectations of all our comrades in the rank and file at the grass root level and march ahead, keeping in mind always the legacy of sacrifice, determination and commitment of our founder leaders and martyrs.

The following are the most important decisions of the 9th Federal Council.

1.       To Celebrate the 60th year of NFPE as Diamond Jubilee year for one year and convene a Diamond Jubilee All India Convention of NFPE at Jamnagar, Gujarat, on 24th November 2014.
2.       To conduct indefinite strike along with other Central Government Employees organisations under the banner of Confederation., if the demands raised by Confederation in its 15 points charter of demands including setting up of 7th Pay Commission and 50% merger of DA are not accepted by Government.
3.       To conduct joint indefinite strike, if Government refuses to include the GDS employees under the purview of the 7th Pay Commission.
4.       To oppose and defeat the National Postal Policy which envisages opening up of postal services to private sector.
5.       To organise agitational programmes including indefinite hunger fast for settlement of the demands raised by the Postal Joint Council of Action (NFPE & FNPO) in the memorandum submitted to Secretary, Department of Posts, including the issues of GDS and casual labourers.
6.       To take initiative to form and build up an All India organisation for Postal and RMS pensioners.
7.       To make maximum effort to organise women employees including GDS in all circles and Divisions.
8.       To conduct Trade Union Education Camps.
9.       To Form Circle co-ordinating committees in all Circles.

With fraternal greetings,

(M. Krishnan)
Secretary General                                        


1.       The World capitalist economy is in the grip of a severe financial crisis. The inherent inconsistencies and contradictions of the capitalism have ultimately resulted in the present crisis. The crisis that erupted and exploded in the USA has spread over to almost all the countries, especially the capitalist countries. The imperialist globalization policies have further aggravated and heightened the crisis. The bailout packages and other short and long term measures taken has only helped the trans-national corporations to survive, but the plight of the workers and the common man is becoming more and more miserable.  Cuts in employment and social security measures have further aggravated the situation. The adverse effect is now even sensed in the developing countries like India. The ever widening gap between the haves and have-nots, larger scale unemployment, hurling more and more people in the grip of poverty, the high speed privatization of Government Departments and public sector undertakings, the crisis in the agricultural and industrial sector, curtailment of social security and welfare measures, curtailing the subsidy to farmers and people etc. - all these factors contribute in setting more and more burden on the common man and the working class. This 9th Federal Council of National Federation of Postal Employees, expresses full solidarity with the organizations and the people who are putting up heroic resistance to the globalization policies world over. This Federal Council also pledges its support to the people who are fighting for the protection of freedom and integrity of their country, even by laying down their lives.

2.       This 9th Federal Council of National Federation of Postal Employees salutes those countries especially in Latin America, who are fighting against the imperialist policies of the USA and are implementing anti-imperialist economic policies with the slogan "socialism is the only alternative". This Federal Council acknowledges and applauds all those people all over the world who are striving and struggling hard to establish exploitation less society of Socialist order and the emancipation of the proletarian masses for instituting the hegemony of the working class.

3.       The 9th Federal Council of the National Federation of Employees is being held in the midst of the UPA II Government completed its four year term with the record breaking corruptions and fastest implementation of neoliberal globalization policies as the international financial crisis continue to haunt the world economies. The Indian Government intensifies its attacks by resorting to further financial reforms and pension reforms, allowing FDI in retail and insurance sectors. The phasing out of all welfare measures, disinvestment of PSUs, Privatization of Government organizations, Outsourcing, Curtailment of Trade Union rights, Privatization of health care and education were the few things UPA II made during the period.

4.       This 9th Federal Council records with a happiness to note that for the first time in the history of our country, all the Central Trade Unions including that of the INTUC and BMS have come together on a single platform with the Left Trade Union Centres and Confederation and Federations and independent Unions of Public Sector, Central Government, State Government and Teachers Organisations to resist the attacks of the liberalization guided policies of the Government. This Federal Council also records with pleasure that the united platform of all Central Trade Union Centres and other Organisations is the befitting reply to the forces of globalization which are on the attacking spree against the working class and the common people. This Federal Council is more contented to note that the Central Trade Unions have established their decision to carry forward their new found unity for strengthening the anti-liberalization struggle and to defend the working class against the evil designs of the Government by holding two days historic strike in February 2013.In this background this Federal Council unanimously resolves to play our role in strengthening of such struggles in accordance with the decisions of Confederation and NFPE that is guided by the historic resolution of the 1992 Dharwad Federal Council.

5.       The working class of India led by the Central Trade Unions is continuing their struggle against the anti-people and anti-labour policies of the UPA Government. About ten crores organized and unorganized workers participated in the 28th February 2012 All India General strike. Similarly, there was more participation in the two days strike held from 21.3.2013 to 22.3.2013. The Central Government Employees in general and postal employees in particular have participated in a big way in both the strikes, under the banner of Confederation of Central Government Employees and workers and Postal JCA in respect of Feb 2013 strike.

6.       This 9th Federal Council of NFPE declares that we shall join every struggle organized by the Central Trade Unions including general strike against the anti-people and anti-labour policies of the Central Government and also against the machinations of the divisive and communal forces. This Federal Council salutes and congratulates the Central Government Employees, especially the Postal employees who had participated in the 28.2.2012, 12.12.12 & 21, 22.2.2013 strikes and made them a grand success.

7.       The Call of the Confederation of CG Employees & Workers for nationwide one day token strike on 12.12.2012 demanding settlement on a 15 Point Common Charter of Demands of CG Employees which includes stop price rise and strengthen PDS, stop downsizing, outsourcing, contractorisation, corporatisation and privatization of Governmental functions, fill up all vacant posts and create posts on functional requirements, scrap the New Pension scheme and extend the statutory defined benefit pension to all Central Government Employees irrespective of date of recruitment, Regularize the Gramin Dak Sevaks, casual contingent and daily rated workers by bringing about a definite scheme of regularization, remove restriction imposed on compassionate appointments, stop the move to introduce the performance Related Pay (PRP) and Performance Related Incentive Scheme (PRIS), make right to strike a legal right and stop victimizations and curtailment of trade union rights, the immediate constitution of 7th CPC for the revision of wages with effect from 1.1.2011 i.e., once in five  years on par with the Public Sector undertakings and Merger of 50% DA with Basic Pay including GDS, five promotions etc. This Federal Council hails the Confederation’s independent Programme of Action which was successfully conducted and created a condition and compulsion for a larger platform of unity to struggle under the banner of the Steering Committee of JCM National Council Organisations for the formation of 7th Pay Commission etc. This Federal Council acknowledges the tactics of the Confederation for its determination and decision to carry forward the struggle for the formation of next pay commission since the plethora of anomalies caused by the implementation of 6th CPC and through the MACP Scheme can be sorted out only after the formation of Seventh Pay Commission. This Federal Council therefore unanimously resolves to call upon the entire leadership of all the affiliated unions of the Federation at all levels to fully involve ourselves in converting the Programme of Action a tremendous success and enhance the pride of the NFPE to establish its credentials as the vanguard of the Confederation.

8.       The last four year rule of the UPA Government has resulted in aggravating the poverty and unemployment. The prices of essential commodities are escalating day by day. The divisive and communal and terrorist forces are trying to divide the country and also the unity of the working class. The real wages of Central Govt. Employees have eroded significantly in as much as the inflations had raised the prices of essential commodities especially of food items beyond 200%. The JCM functioning at National level has deteriorated and meeting has become extremely irregular.  Many of the demands of the Central Government employees still remain unsettled and the Government is vigorously implementing the globalization policies in the Central Government services. It has become imperative to resist this onslaught by mobilizing the employees.

9.       The Three Lakhs Gramin Dak Sevaks working in the Postal department have been subjected to inhuman exploitation and discrimination by the Central Government. The Government has refused to appoint a judicial Committee for the revision of wages and service conditions of Gramin Dak Sevaks; instead a committee headed by a retired Postal Board Member Sri Natarajamurthy has been appointed. The Government has accepted all the retrograde recommendations of Natarajamurthy committee. The long pending demands for conferring civil servant status, grant of pro-rata pay scale, statutory Pension, Time bound promotion and medical facilities have been rejected. The norms for cash handling allowance has been drastically reduced, the monthly ceiling of Bonus of 3500/- reduced to 2500/-, the denial of revised 125 points allowance to BPMs from 1.1.2006, large scale down gradation of EDSOs etc have created a sense of insecurity and resentment among the GDS. This Federal Council takes the pledge and calls upon the postal employees to be ready and keep the gun powder dry to participate in all agitational programmes for the realization of the demands of the Gramin Dak Sevaks including indefinite strike.

10.   The Central Government is moving ahead with the agenda of globalization in the Department of Posts also. Earlier, the Department has released its corporate proposals of India Post. In order to facilitate corporatization there is a move to amend the Indian Post office Act 1898 which will provide a level playing field to couriers by unbundling the role of the Department as a Government service and introducing the public private partnership in the communication sector.In the Postal sector the Government has declared the draft National Postal Policy 2012.  It is nothing but a road-map to privatisation of Postal services by amending the Indian Post Office Act and granting licences to the multi-national courier services.  Government want to close down post offices in the name of loss. Just like in Telecom, a regulatory authority called Postal Regulatory Authority of India (PRAI) is to be constituted. Corporatization is the first step towards privatization. The experience of the BSNL workers is a lesson for us. This Federal Council while extending full support to the authorities increasing the efficiency and productivity of the Postal service, strongly oppose any move to corporatise the Postal Department. This Federal Council calls upon as affiliated unions and the workers to be vigilant and be ready by conducting an effective campaign among the workers against the dangers of the amendment of the Postal Act, unbundling the monopoly of postal and allowing couriers by providing a level playing field by the constitution of Postal regulatory authority and  the corporatization of Postal, and keep them ready for major struggle in the event of pushing through this retrograde globalization policy in the Department. This Federal Council further declares that any unilateral move to corporate the Postal Department, will be resisted with all forces at our command.

11.   This Federal Council notes with happiness that we have played our due role in the Postal JCA struggles in the recent past and registered impressive gains from the Postal Board. The National Federation of Postal Employees has taken the initiative to organise agitational programmes and mobilise the employees for action including indefinite strikes and as a result the Postal Administration was compelled to stop their move for closure of 9797 Post Offices.  Many long pending issues are settled and mass scale recruitment has taken place.  The department was forced to convene the JCM Departmental Council meetings and formal meetings and discussed all the issues with the staff side. This Federal Council hails the timely action with serious preparedness exhibited by the leaders and gross root level cadres of the affiliated unions against the serious attacks of the Department like abolition of thousands of Post Offices and liquidate RMS etc which were halted by the efforts of the NFPE and Postal JCA. However it is the constant vigil and a state of complete readiness of the entire Postal Employees that only can insulate us against the dangers emanating from the policies of the Government. This Federal Council also notes with concern that all the assurances of the Postal Board and the MOSC have not been translated into reality and we had to resort to struggle again and again to ensure progress. This Federal Council views with grave concern the delay in settlement of various demands of the employees by the Postal Board and Government such as revision of wages of the casual labourers including part time and daily rated workers, stop filling up of erstwhile Group 'D' posts and Postmen Posts from open market, cadre restructuring, creation of separate cadre for system Administrators, postmen and the GDS related issues etc. This Federal Council urges upon the Government and Postal Board to settle the above justified demands of the Postal Employees at an early date. This Federal Council therefore resolves and appeals all the affiliate unions and its members to be in a state of readiness for any action decided upon by the NFPE or Postal JCA at the appropriate time and play our due role in consolidating the unity of Postal Employees in future also.

12. This Federal Council further resolves to  (1) organize more Circle level conventions and ensuing the functioning of circle coordinating Committees (2) conducting state level/Divisional level study camps (3) organizing women conventions and formations of women's sub committees (4) formation of AIPEU GDS (NFPE) branches at divisional levels and the casual labour unions at divisional/circle level etc. This Federal Council calls upon the Circle/Divisional secretaries of the affiliated unions to take the responsibility of implementing the above decisions of NFPE.