HAPPY NEW YEAR 2025 TO ALL MEMBERS,Viewers & Readers

Friday, June 1, 2012


No. D/16/2012                    Dated: 25th May,2012

            The Cabinet Secretary,
            (and Chairman, National Council, JCM)
            Government of India,
            Rashtrapathy Bhawan Annexe
            New Delhi. 110 001   
Dear Sir,
                I am directed by the National Executive of the Confederation of Central Government employees and Workers to send the enclosed resolution which appeals for the revival of the JCM Machinery, especially at the Departmental council levels for your consideration. We also send herewith a copy of the 14 point Charter of demands adopted by the Committee.  The issues contained in the charter of demands had all been the subject matter of representation on various occasions without however reaching any settlement.   Similarly the issues taken up at the National Council Anomaly Committee as per the agreement reached after the Government accepted the 6th CPC recommendations still beg settlement.
            The National Executive also took serious note of the fact that many departmental heads have denied grant of recognition to the Associations and Federations despite their fulfilling all requisite conditions stipulated under the CCS (RSA) Rules, 1993.  
             In the circumstance, the Executive have decided to organize a March to Parliament on 26th July, 2012 and submit a memorandum to the Honorable Prime Minister to seek his intervention.  The National Executive have also decided to follow it up with an industrial action in November, 2012 if the Government continues to disregard the grievances of the employees.
 Thanking you,
 Yours faithfully,
K.K.N. Kutty
Secretary General

Resolution adopted at the National Executive Committee meeting of the Confederation of Central Government employees and workers on 28th April, 2012 on the functioning of the JCM.

            This meeting of the National Executive of the Confederation of Central Govt. Employees and workers held at Koilata on 28th April, 2012, has taken  serious note of the collapse of all the fora of the JCM and compulsory arbitration, with the result that it is no longer a grievance settlement mechanism. The Government must be aware of the fact that it was in the wake of serious discontent of the Central Government employees in 1960s, the JCM was  set up as a negotiating forum to expedite settlement of demands and problems of employees.
            On the pretext of the promulgation of the new CCS(RSA)Rules, most of the departments suspended the operation of the Departmental Councils.   Even after complying with the requisite formalities, in many departments, Associations/Federations are yet to be recognized.  Wherever the recognition process was completed and orders issued granting recognition, no meetings of the Departmental Councils are held till date. .  Despite raising the issue in the National Council on several occasions by the Staff Side, nothing tangible has been done to ensure that the councils are  made functional.
The National Councils is as per the scheme to meet once in four months.  It meets after several years, The system of deciding on the  agenda in the meeting in which it is raised has been totally abandoned with the result that number of issues have been kept pending for indefinite period of time.  The non functioning of the Council and the consequent non redressal of grievances has led to agitations including strike action in many departments of the Government of India. The 6th CPC recommendations were given effect to in September, 2008.  The anomalies arising there form (which is in large numbers) ought to have been settled as per the agreement by Feb,. 2010.  Barring one or two items, no settlement has been brought about on the large number of anomalies till date . Of the Seventeen awards given in favour of the employees by the Board of Arbitration since 1998, the Government chose to refer every one of them for rejection to the Parliament. 
            In the wake of the General Strike action of the working class in the country against the neo liberal economic policies of the Government on 28th Feb. 2012, the Joint Secretary (Estt) in the Department of Personnel writes in her demi- official communication addressed to all Secretaries of the Government of India, as under which is contrary to facts and misleading too.
            “Joint consultative machinery for Central Government employees is already functioning. This scheme has been introduced with the object t of promoting harmonious relations and of securing the greatest measure of co-operation between the Government, in its capacity as employer and the general body of its employees in matters of common concern, and with the object further of increasing the efficiency of the public service .  The JCM at different levels have been discussing issues brought before it for consideration and either reaching amicable settlement or referring the matter to the Board of Arbitration n relation to pay and allowances, weekly hours of work and leave, wherever no amicable settlement could be reached in relation to these items.”
            The National Executive has, therefore, unanimously resolved to request that the forum of Departmental Councils must be immediately revived in all Departments and made effective as an instrument to settle the demands of the employees and the National Council meetings are convened regularly.
            The meeting has also resolved to appeal to the Government that the recognition may be afforded to all Associations/Federations which have complied with the requisite formalities of the CCS (RSA) Rules, immediately.