HAPPY NEW YEAR 2025 TO ALL MEMBERS,Viewers & Readers

Thursday, December 29, 2011

No. 21012/01/2008-Estt.(Allowance)
Government of India
Ministry of Personnel, Public Grievances and Pension
Department of Personnel& Training
New Delhi, December, 28, 2011

Subject:        Extension of Risk Allowance till 31.12.2011
            The undersigned is directed to refer this Department's O.M. 21012/01/2008-Estt.(AL) dated 19.07.2011 vide which payment of Risk Allowance was extended till 31.12.2011. Extension of Risk Allowance for a further period of six months beyond 31.12.2011 has been considered and it has been decided that Risk Allowance may be continued at the existing rates for a further period of six months upto 30.06.2012 or till such time Risk Insurance Scheme is implemented, whichever is earlier.
(Zoya C.B.)
Under Secretary to the Govt. of India

Wednesday, December 28, 2011

            On 27.12.2011, Discussion on 25 point Charter of Demands has been held with the Postal Board -Member (Personnel), Member (Operations), Member (PLI) and Member (Planning). The discussion lasted for eight hours. Even though the staff side has elaborately explained all the demands raised in the Charter, there was no favourable or result-oriented settlement on any of the demands. Thereafter the Central JCA met and decided to go ahead with the strike decision. It is decided to intensify the campaign. Accordingly the Central JCA calls upon all the Branch/Divisional/Circle Union to organize MASS Dharna in front of all Circle/Regional/Divisional offices on 10.01.2012. It is also decided to organize candle-light protest demonstration/procession/rallies on all important places on 16.01.2012. Further all intensive campaign such as squad work, conventions, general bodies, press conferences etc may be organized at all levels. Make the indefinite strike from 17.01.2012 a historic success.

Monday, December 26, 2011

Conf/No 24/2011                                                                                                                 Dated: 24.12.2011

Dear Comrades,

National Council meeting and decisions.

                The National Council meeting as scheduled was held at Gananam Hotel Conference hall, Ernakulam, Kochi, Kerala on 16th December, 2011.  The National Council was inaugurated by Com. P. Rajiv, M.P. and was presided over by Com. Narasimhan, Vice President.  The meeting commenced with observance of two minutes silence to condole the death of comrades who passed away during the period between December, 2010 and December, 2011. The meeting specially moved and adopted a resolution to condole the death of Com. M.K. Pandhe, Member of the Polit bureau of CPI (M) and former General Secretary and President of CITU. 
                Com. Secretary General presented a brief report to the Council meeting touching upon the events of importance both at national and international arena. He also submitted a work report for the consideration of the house.  Decisions taken at the meeting on various agenda items are briefly as under:

 Agenda Item Nos 1 to 4. These agenda issues were discussed together.  The following were the conclusions.

(a)    Review of 25th March to Parliament Programme and the signature campaign

The meeting evaluated the participation of CGE in the programme as very good.  It however felt that had some State Committees and the affiliates taken a little more efforts to comply with the quota fixed, the target could have been achieved.  The campaign for eliciting the participation of large number of comrades from nearby stations in Delhi had not been properly undertaken.

Reviewing the efforts undertaken by the affiliates and state Committees in the matter of signature cam0paign, the meeting decided to record its disappointment over the laxity in the matter shown by many affiliates and State Committees.   The Council praised  the endeavour of the Kerala State Committee in the matter as that State alone accounted for almost 1/3rd of the total 3.5 lakhs signatures collected.

(b)   Subscription: The Secretary General informed the house that no improvement has been registered in the matter of remittance of subscription to CHQ by the affiliates.  He assured to present the receipt and payment position since the last conference to the next National executive.  The non-payment of subscription, he added, had a cascading effect in as much as the decision to start a journal, to effect intensive campaign on demands amongst the mass of the employees, the setting up of District level Committees etc., could not be implemented.  The Council asked the Sectt. to get in touch with each affiliate to ensure remittance.

(c)    Com. R.P. Singh informed the house that the Maharashtra State Committee will try to host the next Conference at Mumbai.  No final decision in the matter could be taken at the Council.

(d)   The Council felt that the charter of demands must be pursued with action programmes.  However, taking into account the fact that the Central Trade Unions have decided to organise a day’s strike on 28th Feb. 2012, the National Sectt. of the Confederation was authorised to chalk out campaign programme to popularise the demands and organise agitational programmes culminating in a day’s strike action  in the monsoon session of the Parliament (i.e. July- August, 2012). The earlier decision to organise a massive march to Parliament on the charter of demands was reiterated. The date will be finalised by the National Sectt.   The campaign on the charter of demands will commence after 28th Feb. 2012. 

(e)   The Steering Committee’s decision to organise two hour walk out and demonstration on the next day of the taking up the PFRDA Bill in the Parliament was reiterated.  It was also decided that campaign on the ill effects of the Bill must be brought to the notice of all MPs and they may be requested to oppose the Bill.   Taking into account the unanimous decision of the Standing Committee to incorporate a minimum guaranteed pension, the Council decided to emphasise that the Central Government employees must be ensured with the guarantee of Minimum pension of 50% of the last pay drawn, family pension benefit and such other facilities as are presently available. 

Agenda Item No. 5.

Participation in the ensuing strike action on 28th Feb. 2012.

The Council unanimously endorsed the decision of the Central Trade Unions to organise a day’s strike action on 28th Feb. 2012 and a resolution was adopted to call upon all CGEs organisations affiliated to Confederation to take strenuous efforts to ensure the participation of all members in the strike action on 28th Feb. 2012.

Agenda Item No. 6, National anomaly committee - Secretary General informed the council that the National Anomaly Committee is slated to meet on 5th Jan. 2012.  He however, informed the members that no settlement on serious issues is likely to come out in the said meeting. 

 Agenda Item No.7

The Council adopted a resolution to be submitted to the Cabinet Secretary demanding the revival of the functioning of the Departmental Councils of Various Ministries.

Another resolution was adopted to extend the solidarity and support of the Confederation to the Postal Employees who have decided under the auspices of the Joint Council of Action of Postal organisations to embark upon indefinite strike in Jan. 2012 for the Postal Board did not honour the commitment made earlier especially in the matter of closure of RMS offices as per the suggestion of the McKenzie Committee report.

The Council decided to deplore through a resolution the terror attacks on T.U. Activists going on in West Bengal after the last general election. 

The Council also adopted a resolution demanding grant of regular recognition to NFPE enabling it to be represented in the NC of JCM.

                The Kerala State Committee had made excellent arrangements for the conduct of the Council meeting and for the stay of the Council members.  On behalf of the National Secretariat Com. KV Sreedharan, Vice President, Confederation profusely thanked the State Committee and the volunteer comrades who made it possible.  Com PG Saseendran, Secretary, Ernakulam District Committee of Confederation offered vote of thanks.

                With greetings,

Yours fraternally,


Secretary General



Government of India
Ministry of Communications & IT
Department of Posts
SR Section
Dak Bhawan, Sansad Marg,
New Delhi -110001.

F.No. 8/15/2011-SR  Dated the 22nd December, 2011

Sujbect:- Notice of indefinite strike from 17.01.2012 served by Postal Joint Council of Action comprising NFPE, FNPO, AIl Postal Extral Departmental Employees Union and National Union of Gramin Dak Sevaks – Meeting of Members, Postal Services Board with the Postal Joint Council of Action.

            This has refreence to note of even No. Dated 16.12.2011 dealing with notice for indefinite strike from 17.01.2012 served by Postal Joint Council of Action along with their 25-point Charter of Demands. Vide the above note, all Division heads were requested to furnish comments/Action Taken Reports in regard to the issues concerning them.

2.         As decided with the approval of Secretary(Posts), the issues raised in the Charter of Demands will be discussedc in the meetings to be taken by respective Members, Postal Services Board with the Postal Joint Council of Action on27.12.2011 in Shri K.R. Murthy Room, Dak Bhawan, New Delhi as per timings indicated below:

            (i).        Member(P) will take meeting in the Forenoon stating at 10.30 AM.
            (ii).       Member(O) – 2.30 P.M.
            (iii).      Member(PLI) -3.30 P.M
            (iv).      Member(Planning) -4.30 P.M
            All the concerned heads of divisions will make it convenient to attend the meeting along with updated comments/ATRs, which may also be sent to SR Section by 23.12.2011.

3.         As regareds issue relating to Postal A/Cs Wing/Civil Wing, DDG(PAF)/CE(Civil) will take the meeting in the afternoon of 27.12.2011, timing for which will be fixed keeping in view convenience of both the sides.
(Subhash Chander)
Director (SR & Legal)


Sub: Filling up of short term vacancies in the newly introduced cadre of Postmaster-Reg.

D.G. Posts No. 4-61/2011-SPB.II dated 21 Dec 2011.

            I am directed to say that references are being received from Circles seeking clarifications with regard to filling up of the short terms vacancies in Postmaster Grade-I,II & III. It has been reported that representations have been received from Postmaster Grade-I /II officials asking for officiating promotion to Postmaster Grade-II/III although such officials do not fulfill the prescribed eligibility criteria stipulated under the relevant Recruitment Rules.

2.         It has been clarified vide Dte's letter of even number dated 7/8-2.2011 that the posts of Postmaster Grade-III should not be filled up under initial constitution clause by appointing HSG-I officials for the reason that sufficient number of regular officials in HSG-I would not have become available. It was further clarified that these posts can be filled up only after reviewing the position in the light of options received from eligible officials and appropriate decision taken by the Directorate in the matter. As per clarification No. 4 of Directorate's letter of even number dated 10.2.2011, the posts identified for Postmaster Cadres will be deemed to have been designated as Postmaster Grade-I, II & III with effect only from the dates those are filled  up regularly.Therefore, the Post of Postmaster Grade III will be deemed to be so designated only when these are filled up through initial constitution clause. Infact, in terms of the clarification No.4 dated 10.2.2011, these posts cannot be treated as vacant by the Circle. In the given circumstances when at present there are no posts of Postmaster Grade-III in existence, the question of filling up through officiating arrangement does not arise. Thus, till the posts so identified as Postmaster Grade-III will continue to be manned by officials in General line.

3.         Regarding officiating arrangement in the vacancies of more than 45 days in Postmaster Grade-I & II, which have become vacant  after they are designated as Postmaster Grade-I & II by filling up through initial constitution as clause as per the provisions of Recruitment Rules, the clarification No. 3 given vide Dte. Letter of even number dated 10.2.2011 was issued stating inter-alia that for filling up of leave vacancies / adhoc vacancies for more that 45 days in Postmaster Grade, the procedure prescribed in Dte's letter No. 137-99/2009-SPB.II dated 23.12.2009 should be followed.  It is envisaged in the said letter that only those employees in feeder grade fulfilling the eligibility condition prescribed in the Recruitment Rules should be considered for adhoc promotion.

4.         Subsequently, Directorate has issued instructions vide letter No. 137-64/2010-BPG.II dated 28.7.2011 permitting grant of officiating pay and Allowances to Selection Grade Officials who officiated in LSG/HSG-II/HSG-I posts in term of Rule 27 of Postal Manual Vol. IV  against the vacancies not exceeding three months. As per this Rule, the list of approved officers is prepared by the DPC and approved by the appointing authority and only when administrative exigencies required it, a person not in the list or not the first in order in the list may be appointed.

5.         Similar benefit has also been allowed to Selection Grade officials in terms of Rule 50 of Postal Manual Vol. IV which provides for officiating arrangement against the vacancies of short duration i.e. not more than ne month and more than four months in the cadres in which promotion is made from officials working in different stations, sub-divisions or divisions in a Circle and in the cadres in which promotion is made from officials working in the same office or station.

6.         In view of the above, to make officiating arrangements in vacancies nots exceeding three months and vacancies of short duration i.e. not more than one and four months in Postmaster Grade I & II, which become vacant after they are designated as Postmaster Grade-I & II, the Circles may follow the instructions contained in Dte. Letter No. 137-64/2010-SPB-II dated 28..7.2011.

(Alka Tewari)
Assistant Director General (SPN)


Sub:   Senior Postmaster Examination, 2011-Clarification on eligibility Criteria          Reg.
D.G. Posts No.4-58/2011-SPB.II dated 21 December, 2011.

            I am directed to say that references have been received from some Circles seeking clarifications as to whether Asstt. Supdt. Posts (ASPO) who are in the grade of Rs.4600/- and those ASPOs granted Rs. 4800/-as Grade pay under MACP scheme are eligible to appear for the ensuing Limited Departmental Competitive Examination for Senior Postmasters (Gazetted) to be held on 31.12.2011 and whether the Inspector of Posts who have been granted Grade Pay of Rs. 4600/- under MACP are eligible to appear for the said Senior Postmasters Examination.

2.         According to the Recruitment Rules, 75% of the vacancies in the grade of Senior Postmaster are required to be filled up by the Inspector of Posts (IPOs) with six years of regular service in the grade by promotion through Limited Departmental Competitive Examination and 25% of vacancies by promotion from amongst the officers holding the post of Postmaster Grade.III with two years regular service (including regular service in HSG-I, if any). Therefore, ASPOs holding the post on regular in the grade pay of Rs.4600/- and such ASPOs who are in receipt of Grade Pay of Rs.4800/- under MACP scheme are not eligible to appear in the said examination.

3.         Further, as per Modified Assured Career Progress Scheme (MACPS), on grant of financial upgradation under the scheme, there shall be no change in the designation, classification or higher status. The financial upgradation would be on non-functional basis. Thus, those regular IPOs who have been granted financial upgradation under MACP would continue to function against their existing posts. Therefore, higher Grade Pay derived by IPOs because of financial upgradation under the MACP scheme will not be a bar to such IPOs to appear in the Limited Departmental Competitive Examination for the post of Senior Postmaster as they continue to be the regular incumbents of the post of IPO.

4.         Circles are requested to take into account the above clarifications while deciding the eligibility of officers holding the post of ASPO and IPO for Senior Postmaster Departmental Examination, 2011.
(Alka Tewari)
Assistant Director General (SPN)


No.4I018/2/2011-Estt. (Res.)
Government of India
Ministry of Personnel, Public Grievances & Pensions
Department of Personnel & Training
North Block. New Delhi- 110001
Dated the 22nd December, 2011


Subject: Reservation for Other Backward Classes in Civil Posts and Services under              the Govt. of India — Sub-quota for Minority Communities.

            The undersigned is directed to invite attention to this Department's O.M. No.36012/22/93-Estt.(SCT) dated 8th September, 1993 regarding reservation for Other Backward Classes in civil posts and services under the Government of India.

2.         The Government of India had set up the National Commission for Religious and Linguistic Minorities to suggest criteria for the identification of the socially and economically backward sections amongst Religious and Linguistic Minorities and to recommend measures for their welfare, including reservation in Government employment. The Commission submitted its report to the Government on 10th May. 2007, wherein it had, inter-alia, recommended creation of a sub-quota for minorities from within the reservation of 27% available to OBCs, in Government employment.

3.         The Government have carefully considered the above recommendation and it has been decided to carve out a sub-quota of 4.5% for minorities, as
defined under Section 2 (c) of the National Commission for Minorities Act. 1992, from within the 27% reservation for OBCs as notified by the aforesaid O.M. The castes / communities of the said minorities which are included in the Central list of OBCs, notified state-wise from time to time by the Ministry of Social Justice and Empowerment, shall be covered by the said sub-quota.

4.         Similar instructions in respect of public sector undertakings and financial institutions including public sector banks will be issued by the Department of Public Enterprises and by the Ministry of Finance respectively.

5.         These orders will have effect from 1st January, 2012 and the O.M. No. 36012/22 93-Estt. (SCT), dated 8th September, 1993 stands modified to the above extent.
6. The Hindi version of the O.M, follows.

(Sharad Kumar Srivastava)
Under Secretary to the Government of India





Wednesday, December 21, 2011

5th January, 2012. Ageda items for the next meeting of National Anomaly Committee (NAC) to be held on
The fourth meeting of the National Anomaly Committee to discuss the anomalies arising out the implementation of the recommendations of the 6th Central Pay Commission is scheduled to be held on Thursday, the 5th January, 2012 at 3.00 P.M. in Room No.119, North Block, New Delhi, Secretary, Department of Personnel & Training will chair the meeting.
Agenda items for the 4th meeting of National Anomaly Committee (NAC) to be held on 5.1.2012 has been uploaded on the official website of AIRF today, we have reproduced and given below the specific contents of the agenda items for your ready reference.
Item No.
Status till date
(after three meetings of NAC)
Item No.11 Grant
Revised Allowances with effect from 1.1.2006.

This was discussed in the 3rd meeting of NAC where the Staff Side stated that allowances formed part of wages AND THUS should be revised with effect from the same date from which Revised Pay Scales have been implemented i.e. 1.1.2006. The Official Side stated that the allowances, other than Dearness Allowance (DA), have been revised from 1.9.2008 on the basis of specific recommendation of the 6th CPC. It was reiterated that even after the 5th CPC similar practice was followed. Therefore, there was no anomaly as such. The Staff Side stated there are certain statutory allowances which need to be revised w.e.f.1.1.2006.
The Staff Side was asked to forward such a list of statutory allowances for further examination of the Department of Expenditure.
Item No.12

Item No.13

Transport Allowance

Increase of TA (Transport Allowance) at par with PB-3

The items 12 & 13 were clubbed and were discussed in the 3rd meeting of NAC where the Staff Side raised the following issues with respect to the revision of the Transport Allowance (TA) were raised.

(i) Employees with higher pay have been given rates of TA in comparison to low paid employees.

(ii) Uniform Multiplication factor has not been used for revision of TA of employees in various pay bands.

(iii) CCA has now been subsumed in TA, Therefore, a portion of TA should be used as a component for the purpose of computing Overtime Allowance.

(iv) Employees who remain on long tour duties are not getting any Transport Allowance while on tour for more than a month/several months losing even that part of Transport Allowance which represents CCA.

The Official Side stated that the multiplication factor used for revision of TA was actually skewed in favour of the low paid employees and there was no anomaly in the matter. The Staff Side pointed out that in order to have a realistic picture, the multiplication factor in respect to the revised TA rates vis-a-vis the earlier TA rates plus CCA should be examined.
The Staff Side was asked to forward the required calculations to the Department of Expenditure for examination.
Regarding reckoning a portion of the TA for computation of the Overtime Allowance (OTA), the Official Side stated that the 6th CPC has in fact recommended for substitution of OTA with Performance Related incentive Scheme (PRIS), Therefore, the whole issue was not relevant now.
The Staff Side was asked to forward specific details of the matter to the Department of Expenditure for examination.

With respect to employees loosing the part of TA representing CCA while on tour for more than 15 days, the Official Side stated that the 6th CPC has given a specific recommendation to merge the CCA with TA and therefore, this could not be construed as an anomaly.
Item No.29

Item No.30

Revision of Base Index for DA


Bench Mark in AICPI Scheme for grant of DA / DR w.e.f. 1.1.2006 on CPC VI Level pay / Pension Restructuring.
The items 29 & 30 were clubbed and were discussed in the 3rd meeting of the NAC where the Staff Side pointed out some anomalies in decimal increases in percentage not being considered for sanction of DA/DR.

The Official Side stated there was no anomaly in the matter and that the fraction which was ignored earlier was taken into account while calculating the next DA instalment. Further fixation of the base has been done in the manner followed after previous Pay Commissions and there was no anomaly. Therefore, there was no question of any loss to the employees because of this.
The Staff Side would give detailed calculations in the matter to the Department of Expenditure for examination.
Item No.38

Item No.39

Anomaly in fixing Grade Pay

Anomaly due to not applying informally the multiplication factor of 1.86 in fixing the minimum pay in all the revised pay bands applying different.
The items 38 & 39 were clubbed and were discussed in the 3rd meeting of the NAC where the Staff Side stated that the general recommendation of the 6th CPC was that the grade pay will be 40% of the maximum of the pre-revised pay scales. However, at the time of implementation of the recommendations of the 6th CPC, Government has given more than 40% as grade pay to certain categories of the employees in PB-3 and PB-4. Therefore, it was an anomaly and demanded that everyone should be given grade pay of at least 50% of the maximum of the pre-revised pay scales.

The Official Side stated that the 6th CPC itself recommended grade pay in excess of 40$ of the maximum of the pre-revised pay scales in respect of certain employees. Further, in Para 2.2.21 the report of the 6th CPC, it has been clearly stated that in some cases, the amount of the grade pay has been adjusted so as to maintain a clear differential between successive grades pay. Thereafter, the government implemented the recommendations of the 6th CPC with certain conscious modifications in the Grade Pay in some cases. Moreover, the erstwhile Group D employees have also been granted grade pay exceeding 40% of the maximum of the pre-revised pay scales. Therefore, there is no anomaly in the matter.
It was decided that the Staff Side would revisit the issue and revert on whether they wish to pursue the matter.
Item No.44 Anomaly in the Pay Scale / Pay Band and Grade Pay of Library Information assistants
This was discussed in the 3rd meeting of the NAC where the Official Side stated that through a specific and conscious recommendation of Sixth pay Commission, the pay scales of Trained Graduate Teachers (TGTs) have been upgraded and placed in PB-II with grade pay of Rs.4600. In this context, the Pay Commission has also clarified that on account of conscious upgradation, no other cadre can demand or can be granted higher pay scales. Therefore, Library Information Assistants cannot claim parity with TGTs.

The Staff Side stated that the School Librarians have also been placed in PB-II with the grade pay of Rs.4600 at par with the TGTs although there is no specific recommendation of the 6th CPC in this regard. The Library Information Assistants, who have the same qualifications as that of school librarians, have however been placed in PB-II with grade pay of Rs.4200. Thus, their is an anomaly with respect to grade pay of the Library Information Assistants.
The Official Side stated that the factual position was not known to them and therefore the Staff Side was called upon to apprise the Official Side of such Instances specifically.
Item No.45Anomaly in Pension of those in receipt of stagnation increments in pre-revised pay scale.
This was discussed in the 3rd meeting of the NAC where the Official Side stated that this issue is somewhat related to the issue of granting one time increment to employees having their date of next increment between February 2006 to June 2006 under agenda item 5 (V), Accordingly, it was decided that the matter may be clubbed with agenda item 5(V) and
the Staff Side was asked to confirm that their request for grant of an Increment in the pre-revised scale would not have repercussions on any other category and not lead to any further demands.
Item No.46

Item No.49
Disparity in Pay scales and status :Officers in stenographers cadre. 

Anomalies in the matter of pay scales of Stenographers

The items 46 & 49 were clubbed and were discussed in the 3rd meeting of the NAC where the Official Side stated that in para 3.1.14 of the 6th CPC's Report a specific recommendation for PS/Sr. PS. In non-secretariat organizations has been made and the same has been accepted and notified by the Government. Further, posts that were existing in the pre-revised pay scale of Rs.6500-10500 before 1.1.2006, including that of PS in field offices, have been upgraded to the pre-revised scale of Rs.7450-11500 w.e.f. 1.1.2206 vide Department of Expenditure's O.M. No.1/1/2008-IC dated 13.11.2009. Therefore, suitable action has already been taken in the matter.
The Staff Side while agreeing with the Official Side stated they would check the position and revert back to the Official Side in case they feel that there were still any problems/difficulties in the matter.
Item No.50 Anomalies in the Pay scales of official Language Staff
This was discussed in the 3rd meeting of the NAC where the representative of the Department of Expenditure stated that orders were issued in November, 2008 regarding parity in the pay scales of OL posts in field officers and CSOLS and the matter has already been clarified by them on various references received in this regard from several administrative Ministries/Departments.

The Staff Side requested that the reference forwarded in this matter by the Ministry of Railways may be examined by the Department of Expenditure on a priority basis. This was agreed to by the Official Side. The Staff Side also mentioned that the parity in the pay scales in field and HQ is still to be granted in many offices including Ministry of Railways.
The Official Side requested the Staff Side to convey the names of such offices so that they could be called upon to take similar action in the matter.