HAPPY NEW YEAR 2025 TO ALL MEMBERS,Viewers & Readers

Friday, December 31, 2010


Government of India
Ministry of Communications & IT
Department of Posts
(GDS Section)
Dak Bhawan, Sansad Marg,
New Delhi-110001
No. 17-103/2007-GDS Dated : 29 Dec 2010

All Chief Postmaster General
All Postmasters General

Sub: Filling up of GDS Posts in Branch Post Offices-review of guideline regarding.


Reference in invited to this Directorate letter No. even dated 14th Jul 2009 on the subject cited above which provided for the manner of filling up of GDS vacant posts in single handed branch offices and branch post offices having two or more hands.

2. Provisional appointment for a brief may be resorted to only on account of sudden death, dismissal, removal, put off duty, absorption against the departmental post of Gramin Dak Sevaks and unauthorized absence for long period in case regular arrangements cannot be made immediately.

3. In the case of posts falling vacant due to discharge form service of the GDS BPM or absorption of the GDS BPM on the regular departmental posts, efforts should first be made to fill up the posts by adjusting identified surplus GDS fulfilling the prescribed qualification & other prescribed conditions failing which action should be taken in advance to fill the vacant post of GDS BPM on a regular basis by following the prescribed procedure and following other conditions prescribed under letter No. 17-103/2007-GDS dated 14 Jul 2009. The list of all the GDS, category wise, due to be discharged from service in calendar year may also be displayed on the Department's website in the month January of each calendar year.

This issues with the approval of competent authority.

Yours faithfully,

Sd/-(AK Sharma)

Deputy Director General (Estt.)

Phone No. 011-23096098

Special Concessions/Facilities to Central Govt.Employees working in Kashmir Valley in attached/subordinate offices or PSUs falling under the control of Central Govt.
The union Government is offerred Special Concessions/Facilities to Central Govt.Employees working in KAshmir Valley in attached/subordinate offices or PSUs falling under the control of Central Government vide Memo No.18016/3/2010-Estt.(L) dated 28/12/2010.


Thursday, December 30, 2010

PF. No. 01(e)/4/201 Dated: 28th December , 2010

All General Secretaries, NFPE Office Bearers,
Circle Secretaries of all affiliated Unions

Dear Comrades!

Confederation of Central Government Employees & Workers has decided to organize Women's Convention at Kolkata from 7th to 8th February-2011. All General Secretaries and Circle Secretaries are requested to mobilize and ensure participation of Women delegates as per quota given below as per decision of Federal Executive held at Hyderabad on 10.12.2010.

P-III-15, P-IV-12, R-III & R-IV- 10 each, Admn-2,
Postal Acconts-2 , SBCO-1 & Civil Wing-1


All Central Trade Unions and Confederation of C.G. Employees and Workers have decided to organize March to Parliament on 23rd February-2011 on the Common Demands of employees and workers. NFPE is the main constituent of Confederation and therefore, it is required the participation of members in thousands of numbers. All General Secretaries and Circle Secretaries of all affiliated unions are requested to mobilize and ensure maximum participation of members. All the surrounding Circles and Divisions of Delhi are required to take part in large number so that the programme of March to Parliament may be made grand success.

With greetings


A formal meeting for discussion of the cadre review proposal was held on 27.12.2010. There was no concrete decision arrived in the meeting but there was more progress. The following are only the gist of proposals.

1. Postman: - The present establishment inexistence in this cadre is as follows
Basic – Postmen : - 46381
Mail overseers : 2955
Cash overseers : 739
Head Postmen : 594
Sorting Postmen : 2456
Overseer Postman : 424
7168 - 7168 (Around 16%)
Among the above establishment, TBOP - 12900
BCR - 3195
(No figures on MACP I, II & III available)
At present, there is no supervisory cadre in existence for Postman. Earlier Mail overseers, Sorting Postmen etc were called as LSG and there after it lost significance after introducing TBOP/BCR promotions.
It is proposed by the staff side to provide three promotional layers to this cadre by keeping 70% in basic, 15% in the first, 10% in the second and 5% in the third promotions. It is suggested that out of four postmen, one of the post may be identified to supervise the other three postmen in ensuring 100% articles taking for delivery and remarks in the return apart from his delivery work. Similarly the postman entrusted with Data work for preparing delivery slip, taking returns etc may be provided to the status of next promotion layer and similarly the existing Mail overseers etc may be brought to the third promotional layer.
Since the cadre review pertains only to improve the promotional posts and not to review the pay scales, the pay band may be decided like 2000, 2400, 2800 & 4200 for basic, I, II & III Grades retrospectively.
2. Multi Skilled Staff (Group D)
There is 37757 Multi skilled staff in existence in the Department out of which 17700 in Postal and 14000 in RMS and the remaining are working in administrative offices.
Since the MTS are not getting any II & III MACP promotions and even some are not getting MACP I also, special attention is required. It is suggested to form three layers of Promotion like basis 70, 1st 15, 2nd 10 & third 5% of posts. It is suggested that the MTS assisting Treasury & Sub Accounts may be identified as higher posts. Similarly van attendant, Jamedar in RM and Record Keeper, Chowkidar etc may be identified as higher posts for providing promotions. Since MTS (Group ‘D’) is a common cadre for all Central Government employees, the identification of area and responsibility becomes a must for consideration of care review proposals.
3. Postal Assistant & Sorting Assistant

Basic cadre - 83696
LSG - 6989
HSG II - 1703
HSG I - 1649
Out of which
Postmaster Gr. I - 2097
Postmaster Gr. II - 511
Postmaster Gr. III - 495
Senior PM - 116
As on date, the total number of supervisory posts works out only 12.35% it is suggested that all the single handed & double handed post offices may be identified as LSG Posts (Single handed offices 11395 & Double handed offices 6719). Since the elevation of pay band with Grade pay Rs. 4200/- is not immediately possible to LSG since it has long process and left the decision with nodal ministries, the present LSG posts 6989 posts may be merged with HSG II cadre. (For example 2899 LSG offices plus 3732 Triple handed post offices & plus other LSG Posts). Similarly the present HSG II & HSG I posts shall be amalgamated. There will be no change of Grade pay in any cadre since it will not come under the jurisdiction of cadre review.
It is suggested that the nomenclature of existing LSG, HSG-II & HSG-I shall be revised as Supervisor/Manager, Senior Manager/ Supervisor, Chief Manager/Supervisor respectively. It is further suggested to convert the HSG-I as Gazetted as if equal to the present status of Asst. Supdt. of POs.
Whatever be the increase in the number of Supervisory post, it will have simultaneous reflection in the Post master’s cadre also.

PO & RMS Accountant, System Administrators Marketing Executive & others

After identifying the number of Grade I, I & III posts from the Postal Assistants, separate cadre for PO & RMS Accountants, Systems Assistants, Marketing Executive will be carved out from the promotional posts and declare the posts as promotional posts to Postal Assistants.
(i) The PO & RMS Accounts qualified officials will be placed in Rs. 2800/- grade pay and on qualifying they may be engaged in accounts branch. A separate promotional avenue can be carved out for APM Accounts from the existing LSG, HSG II & HSG I Posts.
(ii) Marketing Executive will be placed in Rs.2800/- Grade pay and a separate cadre will be explored in higher promotional posts.
(iii) System Administrators will also be carved out similarly to this. However, it is suggested that in respect of System Administrators, they may be placed in the Grade pay of Rs. 4200/- as if available in other Governmental organization. PMAs will be brought under the category of System Assistant.
(iv) Similarly there are 300 DOPLI and they may be placed in the Grade Pay of Rs. 4200/-
In respect of RMS, What is the proportion maintained in Postal Assistant cadre in higher posts in the postal, that will be maintained.
Circle office staff

In respect of circle office there are 2400 officials working and at present there is only one promotion of section supervisor with Grade Pay of Rs. 2800/- available.
It is proposed to form II layer of promotion as deputy office superintendent with Grade Pay of Rs.4200/- and elevate the office superintendent with Grade Pay of Rs.4600/- Similarly another layer of Director with grade pay of Rs,4800 may be formed. The Percentage proposed is 50 + 20 + 15+ 10 + 5. There are 59 regional offices in which, it is suggested to upgrade the office supervisors. Similarly all PLI section officers may be elevated to the status of office superintendent.
SBCO staff
Total staff is 4100. There is no HSG II at present. It is suggested to provide four layers of promotions with the ratio of 50:20:20; 5: 5. The SBCO in charge of All Gazetted HPOs (116) may be converted to HSG I. There are 442 divisions and all the in charge of such divisional head quarters may be considered for HSG II. It is further suggested that the in charge of SBCO having up to 50,000 entries may be converted to LSG, above 50,000 up to 100000 may be to HSG II and above 1 lakh, it will be HSG I, Similarly all working in (PWCs/ICOs shall be placed in promotional posts.
Matching Savings

Official side proposed to accept closure/ merger of 3000 single handed post offices/ RMS offices as matching savings in urban areas which will be decided on the following grounds:
i. Offices having less than five hours work load (excluding sub accounts work)
ii. Post offices situated within 2.5 kilometers.
iii. The personnel relieved due to the closure/merger will be accommodated in the single/ double handed offices where work load justify for further augmentation.
The staff side seeks time to discuss on matching savings among them and to form a joint proposal on all the above discussed items.
Please note that the above proposals are not accepted totally and it were in the discussion stages only. A broad consensus and discussions are required to improve many of the items mentioned above. Staff side will sit shortly and discuss the above and submit its proposal shortly. The next formal meeting will be held on 22.1.2011 at 11 hours to finalize the proposal.

All are requested to offer their comments on this to have further study and improvement of our proposals.

Wednesday, December 29, 2010



Monday, December 27, 2010

Stepping up of pay of senior Assistants/ PAs of CSS/CSSS promoted prior to 01.01.2006 & Drawing less pay than assistants/PAs of CSS/CSSS promoted after 01.01.2006.

Thursday, December 23, 2010

Engagement of Contingent & Casual Labourers
When the Chief PMG, A. P. Circle graced the AIC SBCO her oration on 11.12.2010, Secretary, General NFPE sought her intervention to clarify the position on engagement of part time contingent etc on the back ground of Directorate order dt. 19.11.2010 which is applicable to circle office only.

The Chief PMG has now clarified the orders as under.


Office of the Chief Post Master Genral, A.P Circle, Hyderabad – 500 001
No.ST/25-1/CL/TS/10, dated at Hyd-1, the 20-12-2010


Kindly refer to the Directorate letter cited above on the subject communicated vide this letter of even no. dated 26-11-2010

References are being received from various quarters seeking clarifications as to whether the instructions under reference are applicable to the existing staff also.
The following instructions are issued after examining the matter in Circle Office.

(i) The orders are applicable to CO / RO / DO / and DA(P) offices.

(ii) The existing staff need not be dispensed with. It is clarified that the intention of the orders is that no Contingent or Casual Labour be appointed after 01-12-2010.

I am also directed to request you to send the information in the proforma prescribed which was already sent with this office letter of even no. dated 26-11-2010, by return
FAX No.040-23463613.


Asst. Director (Per., Admn. & SR)
For Chief Post Master General
A.P Circle, Hyderabad – 500 001


(Establishment Division)
Dak Bhawan, Sansad Marg
New Delhi-110 001
File No.5-1/2007-WS-1(Pt.)
Dated 16-12-2010

Chief Post Masters General
Postmasters General
General Managers (Finance)
Directors of Accounts (Postal)

Sub:- Revision of norms for assessment of workload of the Branch Postmasters.


I am directed to refer to Directorate letter No.14-6/87-PAP dated 15-07-87 and 15-12-2009 on the above subject.

2. The staff representatives of Gamin Dak Sevaks have represented that many of the new items of work that have been added recently are not covered by norms for assessment of workload of the Branch Postmasters in point system. One-man committee headed by Shri R.S.Natarajamurti also recommended for conducting work study and prescribing norms for the various items of work undertaken by Branch Postmasters. Therefore, the Department has ordered a work study through Integrated Work Study Unit for recommending norms for new items of work and for revision of existing norms. The report and recommendations of the IWSU has been examined in consultation with Integrated Finance Wing and after a careful consideration, the competent Authority ordered for prescribing the norms for assessment of the workload of the Branch Postmasters in point system. These norms are furnished in the Annexure.

3. These norms will come into effect from the date of issue of this order and have to be applied for all reviews conducted thereafter.

4. The norms may be communicated to all the concerned under your control for strict compliance.

5. This issues in consultation with Integrated Finance Wing vide their Dy. No.303/FA/10/CS dated 15-12-2010.

Yours faithfully,
Asst. Director General (Est.)



S.No Norms of work Points Standard prescribed

1.Handling of unregistered articles 1 point of work load
For every 25 unregistered articles handled in a day

2.Handling of registered articles 1 point of work load
For every 22 registered articles handled in month

3.Handling of Money Orders 1 point of work load
For every 15 Money Orders handled in a month

4.Sale of postage stamps 1 point of work load
For every Rs.900- worth of stamps sold in a month

5.Handling of cash (*) 1 point of work load
For every Rs.20,000- cash handled in a month

6.Savings Bank / NSC transactions 1 point of work load
For every 10 transactions in a month

7.Rural Postal Life Insurance transactions 1 point of work load
For every 10 transactions in a month

8.Collection of Telephone or any other bills 1 point of work load
For every 20 bills collected in a month

9.Disbursement of Old age pensions through Money Orders 1 point of work load
For every 15 old age pension Money Orders disbursed in a month

10.Disbursement of Old age pension through savings bank accounts 1 point of work load
For every 10 old age pension through savings bank in month
11.Accounts work and receipt and dispatch of mails in a month - Fixed 14 points per month


1.The assessment of the work load of the Branch Post masters has to be done in respect of items 2 to 10 on the average of 4 quarterly months statistics. The statistics should be collected from the month following the month in which enumeration returns are collected.
2.In respect of unregistered articles handled the Branch Postmaster has to furnish 3 days figures in the middle of the month, and the inspecting officer has to collect statistics for 2 days in the middle of the week. The least of the average has to be adopted for assessment of work load.
3.Unregistered articles handled includes the No. of unregistered articles received for delivery and posted for dispatch from the Branch Post Office.
4.Registered articles handled includes Registered letters, Parcles, Speed Post articles and Value Payable articles received for delivery and Registered letters / parcels posted for dispatch.
5.Money Orders handled includes all sorts of Money Orders received for payment and MOs issued from the Branch Office.
6.Savings Bank transactions include opening, deposit and withdrawal / closure of Savings Bank, Recurring Deposit and Time Deposit accounts.

7.RPLI transactions include collection of RPLI premium for procurement of new Business and collection of renewal premium.
8 Mahatma Gandhi NREGA is not covered by the present norms and the transactions on account of disbursement of NREGA payments to the beneficiaries and the cash handled should be excluded from the statistics for assessment of workload.
9.(*) For cash handled orders have been issued already on 15-12-2009. The term "Cash handled" constitute cash handled on account of Money Orders issue / payment, deposits / withdrawals of SB/RD/TD accounts, RPLI premium collection, bills collection and bills payment other than salary paid to GDS staff working in the Branch Office. The cash received as Remittance from Account Office and Remittance sent to Account Office has to be excluded.10.14 points is given in lump per month for receipt of Branch office Bag, verification of contents including verification of remittance, writing of BO journal, BO account, preparation of BO Daily Account, tallying of closing balance and dispatch of BO bag including remittance of surplus cash to Account Office.
Asst. Director Genl.(Est.)

No. 25-10//2010-PE.I
Department of Posts
(Establishment Division)
Dak Bhawan, Sansad Marg
New Delhi – 110001
Dated: 20th Dec’2010

Subject: Cadre restructuring of Group ‘C’ other than Accounts cadre – constitution of a Committee

It has been decided to hold a meeting of the above Committee on 27/12/2010 at 11 a.m. in the chamber of DDG (Establishment).

2. You are, therefore, requested to make it convenient to attend the meeting.
(Raj Kumar)
Director (Establishment

Wednesday, December 22, 2010


D.G. Posts No. 109-04/2007-SB dated 30.11.2010 (SB Order No.22)

The undersigned is directed refer to this office letter of even number dated 24.8.2010(SB Order 18/2010) vide which revised guide lines for implementation of KYC norms under PMLA were circulated . On receipt of various references from the field units as well as Agent Associations and general public, clause(b) and (c) of para No.1 of the Annexure' A' enclosed with the SB Order18/2010 have been amended to exempt personal presence of the depositors(s)/Investor(s) at the time of opening of account /purchase of certificates. Modified clauses are as under:-
Revised Para 1/Clause (b) and (c)
(b) At the time of opening of account /purchase of certificates, it should be ensured that all KYC documents including photograph have either been self attested or attested by the Gazetted Officer. If the account is opened through agent or certificate are purchased through agent, the concerned agent should attest the documents including photograph by puttingdated signatures along with agency number. In case of Joint Accounts/Investments, Joint photograph and documents of all Co-depositors or investors are required to be submitted
(c) It is the duty of Counter PA or BPM and Supervisor or SPM (in case of SO) to see that all KYC documents have attestation as per clause (b) and they tally the photograph with the Photo ID. They should also tally name of the depositor(s) with name shown in the ID proof and record in writing on Account Opening Form or Purchase application as "KYC" Documents verified & attested.
4. This may kindly brought to the notice of all post offices for strict implementation and may be ensured that this is followed scrupulously.
5. This issues with the approval of DDG(FS).
(Kawal Jit Singh)
Assistant Director (SB)


D.G. Posts No. 32-01/2010-SB dated 13.12.2010 (S.B. Order No. 23/2010)

The undersigned is directed to say that as per GSR 286(E) dated 13.5.2005 circulated vide SB Order 10/2004 dated 23.6.2005, only individuals can open PPF account from 13.5.2005. A further clarification was issued vide then DDG (FS) D.O. letter No. 113-10/2004-SB dated 5.9.2005 and again reiterated vide SB Order No.20/2005 dated 14.11.2005 vide which it was conveyed that existing PPF accounts opened in the name of HUF would continue till maturity and enjoy all facilities available under earlier rules but their maturity period cannot be extended further after 13.5.2005 .Therefore the present position of PPF (HUF) accounts is :
● PPF accounts opened in the name of HUF prior to 13.5.2005 cannot be further extended after maturity and no further deposit can be accepted in such accounts after maturity.
2. Now, MOF(DEA) vide GSR(E) dated 7.12.2010 (F. No. 7/4/2010-NS-II dated 7.12.2010) has amended Paragraph 9 of PPF Scheme rules by adding a provision below Sub-paragraph (3) of this Paragraph according to which from 7.12.2010, the position of PPF accounts opened in the name of HUF prior to 13.5.2005 will be as follows:
● PPF accounts opened in the name of HUF prior to 13.5.2005 will be closed on maturity i.e. 31st March of the 16th Financial Year from the year in which account was opened. No further interest will be admissible.
● PPF accounts opened in the name of HUF prior to 13.5.2005 but have already been matured but not yet closed, shall be closed on 31stMarch, 2011 after which no further interest shall be admissible.
3. Copy of amendment issued by MOF (DEA) is enclosed. It is requested that this amendment should be circulated to all post office handling PPF scheme and above matter given in bullet points should be displayed on the Notice Boards of these Post Offices. It is also requested that strict instructions should be issued to all postal staff at the counters to see the passbook at the time of deposit of subscription in PPF accounts and not to accept deposits in such accounts. Any over payment of interest if made shall be the responsibility of the Counter PA and the Supervisor.
4. This issues with the approval of DDG (FS).
(Kawal Jit Singh)
Assistant Director (SB)

Ministry of Finance
(Department of Economic Affairs)


New Delhi, the 7th December, 2010

G.S.R. 956(E).- In exercise of the powers conferred by sub-section(4) of section 3 pf the Public Provident Fund Act,1968(23of 1968), the Central Government hereby makes the following Scheme further to amend the Public Provident Fund Scheme,1968, namely:

1. (1) This scheme may be called the Public Provident Fund (Amendment) Scheme, 2010.
(2) It shall come into force on the date of its publication in the Offcial Gazette.

2. In the Public Provident Fund Scheme, 1968 in paragraph 9, in sub-paragraph (3), after the proviso, the following proviso shall be inserted, namely:-

"Provided further that an account opened on behalf of a Hindu Undivided Family prior to the 13th day of May,2005, shall be closed after expiry of fifteen years from the end of the year in which the initial subscription was made and the entire amount standing at the credit of the subscriber shall be refunded, after making adjustments, if any, in respect of any interest due from the subscriber on loans taken by him. In the case of accounts opened on behalf of Hindu Undivided Family, where fifteen years from end of the year in which initial subscription was made, has already been completed , they shall also be closed at the end of the current year i.e. the 31st day of March, 2011 and the entire amount standing at the credit of the subscriber shall be refunded , after making adjustment, if any , in respect of any interest due from the subscriber on loans taken by him."
M.A. KHAN, Under Secy.--
D.G. Posts No. 109-04/2007-SB dated 30.11.2010 (SB Order No.22)
The undersigned is directed refer to this office letter of even number dated 24.8.2010(SB Order 18/2010) vide which revised guide lines for implementation of KYC norms under PMLA were circulated . On receipt of various references from the field units as well as Agent Associations and general public, clause(b) and (c) of para No.1 of the Annexure' A' enclosed with the SB Order18/2010 have been amended to exempt personal presence of the depositors(s)/Investor(s) at the time of opening of account /purchase of certificates. Modified clauses are as under:-
Revised Para 1/Clause (b) and (c)
(b) At the time of opening of account /purchase of certificates, it should be ensured that all KYC documents including photograph have either been self attested or attested by the Gazetted Officer. If the account is opened through agent or certificate are purchased through agent, the concerned agent should attest the documents including photograph by puttingdated signatures along with agency number. In case of Joint Accounts/Investments, Joint photograph and documents of all Co-depositors or investors are required to be submitted
(c) It is the duty of Counter PA or BPM and Supervisor or SPM (in case of SO) to see that all KYC documents have attestation as per clause (b) and they tally the photograph with the Photo ID. They should also tally name of the depositor(s) with name shown in the ID proof and record in writing on Account Opening Form or Purchase application as "KYC" Documents verified & attested.
4. This may kindly brought to the notice of all post offices for strict implementation and may be ensured that this is followed scrupulously.
5. This issues with the approval of DDG(FS).
(Kawal Jit Singh)
Assistant Director (SB)

D.G. Posts No. 32-01/2010-SB dated 13.12.2010 (S.B. Order No. 23/2010)

The undersigned is directed to say that as per GSR 286(E) dated 13.5.2005 circulated vide SB Order 10/2004 dated 23.6.2005, only individuals can open PPF account from 13.5.2005. A further clarification was issued vide then DDG (FS) D.O. letter No. 113-10/2004-SB dated 5.9.2005 and again reiterated vide SB Order No.20/2005 dated 14.11.2005 vide which it was conveyed that existing PPF accounts opened in the name of HUF would continue till maturity and enjoy all facilities available under earlier rules but their maturity period cannot be extended further after 13.5.2005 .Therefore the present position of PPF (HUF) accounts is :
● PPF accounts opened in the name of HUF prior to 13.5.2005 cannot be further extended after maturity and no further deposit can be accepted in such accounts after maturity.
2. Now, MOF(DEA) vide GSR(E) dated 7.12.2010 (F. No. 7/4/2010-NS-II dated 7.12.2010) has amended Paragraph 9 of PPF Scheme rules by adding a provision below Sub-paragraph (3) of this Paragraph according to which from 7.12.2010, the position of PPF accounts opened in the name of HUF prior to 13.5.2005 will be as follows:
● PPF accounts opened in the name of HUF prior to 13.5.2005 will be closed on maturity i.e. 31st March of the 16th Financial Year from the year in which account was opened. No further interest will be admissible.
● PPF accounts opened in the name of HUF prior to 13.5.2005 but have already been matured but not yet closed, shall be closed on 31stMarch, 2011 after which no further interest shall be admissible.
3. Copy of amendment issued by MOF (DEA) is enclosed. It is requested that this amendment should be circulated to all post office handling PPF scheme and above matter given in bullet points should be displayed on the Notice Boards of these Post Offices. It is also requested that strict instructions should be issued to all postal staff at the counters to see the passbook at the time of deposit of subscription in PPF accounts and not to accept deposits in such accounts. Any over payment of interest if made shall be the responsibility of the Counter PA and the Supervisor.
4. This issues with the approval of DDG (FS).
(Kawal Jit Singh)
Assistant Director (SB)

Ministry of Finance
(Department of Economic Affairs)


New Delhi, the 7th December, 2010

G.S.R. 956(E).- In exercise of the powers conferred by sub-section(4) of section 3 pf the Public Provident Fund Act,1968(23of 1968), the Central Government hereby makes the following Scheme further to amend the Public Provident Fund Scheme,1968, namely:

1. (1) This scheme may be called the Public Provident Fund (Amendment) Scheme, 2010.
(2) It shall come into force on the date of its publication in the Offcial Gazette.

2. In the Public Provident Fund Scheme, 1968 in paragraph 9, in sub-paragraph (3), after the proviso, the following proviso shall be inserted, namely:-

"Provided further that an account opened on behalf of a Hindu Undivided Family prior to the 13th day of May,2005, shall be closed after expiry of fifteen years from the end of the year in which the initial subscription was made and the entire amount standing at the credit of the subscriber shall be refunded, after making adjustments, if any, in respect of any interest due from the subscriber on loans taken by him. In the case of accounts opened on behalf of Hindu Undivided Family, where fifteen years from end of the year in which initial subscription was made, has already been completed , they shall also be closed at the end of the current year i.e. the 31st day of March, 2011 and the entire amount standing at the credit of the subscriber shall be refunded , after making adjustment, if any , in respect of any interest due from the subscriber on loans taken by him."
M.A. KHAN, Under Secy.--

Monday, December 20, 2010


No. 5034/3/2008-(D) (Vol.II)
Government of India
Ministry of Personnel, Public Grievances and Pensions
(Department of Personnel & Training) / Establishment (D)
North Block, New Delhi the 1st November, 2010


Sd/-(Smita Kumar)
Director (Estt-I)
Subject: Modified Assured Career Progression Scheme for the Central Government Civilian Employees - Clarification regarding.
A joint committee is set up to examine the anomalies pertaining to the Modified Assured Career Progression Scheme (MACPS) vide Department of Personnel & Training O.M.No.11/1/2010-JCA dated 03-05-2010.
2. During the joint committee meeting it was pointed out by the Staff Side that the word 'new organization' of the last line of para 24 of Annexure-I of MACPS dated 19.05.2009 was not in consonance with the spirit of the Scheme. The issue has been examined and it is clarified that in case of transfer 'including unilateral transfer on request, regular service rendered in previous organization / office shall be counted alongwith the regular service in the new organization / office for the purpose of getting financial upgradation under the MACPS. However, financial upgradation under the MACPS shall be allowed in the immediate next higher grade pay in the hierarchy of revised pay bands as given in CCS (Revised Pay) Rules, 2008. Para 24 of MACPS stands amended to this extent.
3. The Staff Side also raised an issue on the 'benchmark' for MACP as given in para 17 of Annexure-I of MACPS dated 19.05.2009, which provides that the financial upgradation would be on non-functional basis subject to fitness, in the hierarchy of grade pay within the PB-1. Thereafter for upgradation under the MACPS, the benchmark of 'good' would be applicable till the grade pay of Rs.6600/- in PB-3. The benchmark will be 'Very Good' for financial upgradation to the promotion to the grade pay of Rs.7600 and above. It was pointed out that in some cases the promotion to the next higher grade was made on the basis of 'fitness' as the method of promotion as specified in the relevant recruitment rules, was 'non-selection'. Therefore, such cases benchmarks should not be insisted upon under the MACPS. The issue has been examined and it is clarified that where the financial upgradation under MACPS also happen to be in the promotional grade and benchmark for promotion is lower than the benchmark for granting the benefits under MACPS as mentioned in para 17 ibid, the benchmark for promotion shall apply to MACP also.
4. All Ministries/Departments may give wide circulation to the contents of this O.M. for general guidance and appropriate action in the matter.
5. Hindi version will follow.
(Smith Kumar)
Director (Estt-

Thursday, December 16, 2010


No: S.11011/23/2009-CGHS D.II/Hospital Cell (Part I)
Government of India
Ministry of Health & Family Welfare
Department of Health & Family Welfare
Maulana Azad Road, Nirman Bhawan
New Delhi 110 108 dated the 16th November , 2010


Subject: Fresh empanelment of private hospitals and revision of Room Rent
applicable under CGHS.

The undersigned is directed to state that CGHS had initiated action for fresh
empanelment of private hospitals under CGHS and also for the revision of package
rates (which were fixed in 2006-07), to be paid to hospitals, by floating tender for the
same. On the basis of the responses received package rates for various procedures
/ treatments have been arrived at and have been uploaded in the website of CGHS:\cghsnew\index.asp and can be downloaded.

2. "Package Rate" shall mean and include lump sum cost of inpatient treatment /day care / diagnostic procedure for which a CGHS beneficiary has been permitted bythe competent authority or for treatment under emergency from the time of admission to the time of discharge including (but not limited to) – (i) Registration charges, (ii)Admission charges, (iii) Accommodation charges including patients diet, (iv)Operation charges, (v) Injection charges, (vi) Dressing charges, (vii) Doctor /consultant visit charges, (viii) ICU / ICCU charges, (ix) Monitoring charges, (x)Transfusion charges, (xi) Anesthesia charges, (xii) Operation theatre charges, (xiii)Procedural charges / surgeon's fee, (xiv) Cost of surgical disposables and all sundries used during hospitalization, (xv) Cost of medicines, (xvi) Related routine and essential investigations, (xvii) Physiotherapy charges etc. (xviii) Nursing care and charges for its services.

(b) Cost of Implants / stents / grafts is reimbursable in addition to package rates as per CGHS ceiling rates for Implants / stents / grafts or as per actual, in case there
is no CGHS prescribed ceiling rates.

(c) Treatment charges for new born baby are separately reimbursable in addition to delivery chares for mother.

d) The hospitals empanelled under CGHS shall not charge more than the
package rates / rates.

2.2 Package rates envisage upto a maximum duration of indoor treatment as follows:

12 days for Specialised (Super Specialties) treatment;

7 days for other Major Surgeries;

3 days for Laparoscopic surgeries / normal deliveries; and

1 day for day care / Minor (OPD) surgeries.

2.3 However, there are certain procedures where there is no prescribed package
rate under CGHS. Similarly, there are medical emergencies where the treatment is
mainly conservative. The admissible amount in such cases is calculated item wise,
room rent, procedures, investigation , etc.,.

Therefore, it has now been decided to revise the rates applicable for room rent
(Accommodation Charges) for different categories of wards as given below:

General ward -Rs.1000/- per day

Semi-private ward -Rs. 2000/- per day

Private ward -Rs.3000/- per day

3. CGHS beneficiaries are entitled to facilities of private, semi-private or general
ward depending on their basic pay / pension. The entitlement is as follows:-

S. No
Basic Pay (without the inclusion of grade pay)

1.Up to Rs. 13,950/- General Ward

2.Between Rs.13,951/ - and Rs.19,530/- Semi-Private Ward

3.Rs. 19,540/- and above Private Ward

4.2 This issues with the concurrence of Internal Finance Division in the Ministry of
Health & Family Welfare, vide Dy. No: AS & FA / 3932 /2010 dated the 8th November
, 2010.

The revised rates will come into effect from the date of issue of this Office Memorandum.

A copy of this Office Memorandum along with rate list and a copy of MOA are
placed on the internet at

[R Ravi]


Dear Comrade,

We write this in continuation of our circular letter No. 22 dated.6th December, 2010 wherein we had conveyed the decisions taken at the National Council meeting held at Mumbai on 1st December, 2010. The Central Trade Unions had convened a meeting of all federations on 8th December, 2010 at NRMU office at New Delhi. Since the undersigned had been out of Delhi, we could not participate in the said meeting. The meeting had discussed of the need to make the Workers march to Parliament programme slated for 23rd Feb. 2011 a grand success by eliciting the participation of large number of employees and workers. As you are aware we had discussed the issue in our last National Council meeting and had taken the decision to mobilise large number of Government employees in the march.

In order to ensure that the CGEs from various states do participate in this important event, it would be better that the State Committees take steps immediately in the matter. In the annexure to this letter we have indicated minimum number of comrades, each State Committee to deploy in this programme. While it should be the endeavour of the neighbouring States to mobilise larger number of employees, the far off State Committees are requested to meet and identify the comrades and book their to and fro passage and indicate to the CHQ as to whether any arrangements must be made for their stay etc. At Delhi. Unless the number is indicated it would be difficult to book accommodation for stay at Delhi. The comrades who are deployed to participate in the programme from far off States are requested to please reach Delhi latest by 22nd night as the trains are likely to be delayed on 23rd Feb. 2011. The neighbouring States may kindly arrange buses to carry the comrades to Delhi and back. They are also requested to make these arrangements as early as possible and intimate us so that we can make arrangements for parking of these vehicles as large number of vehicles is likely to be reaching Delhi on that day carrying comrades to participate in the programme. As and when we receive any other details from the sponsoring committee of this programme we shall intimate the same to you.

With greetings,

Yours fraternally,

Secretary General

(Minimum Number of comrades to be deployed by each State. The number is determined taking into account the distance and the number of employees working in each State. All State committees are requested to kindly ensure that the minimum indicated is adhered to.)

Kerala -30, Karnatakla-30,T,Nadu-50, A.P-50. West Bengal -60, Assam (including all NE States) -40, Orissa-20, Jharkhand-20, Chattisgarh-20. Maharashtra-Mumbai -50, Vidharba -30, Gujarath-40, Bihar -50, J & K, 10

Delhi – 2000, Rajasthan(Jodhpur, Jaipur, Udaipur-100. Haryana (Rohtak, Ambala, Panipet, Kurukshetra)-100, Western UP-300. (Lucknow, Baireilly, Meerut, Agra, Aligarh, Ghaziabad etc. Eastern U.P. (Allahabad, Varanasi, Gorakhpur etc-150, Punjab (Jullunder, Amritsar, Ludhiana, Patiala, Chandigarh) -150) Himachal Pradesh –Simla and Solan-50, Madhya Pradesh (indore, Jabalpur, Bhopal and Gwalior)-75

Tuesday, December 14, 2010


Monday, December 13, 2010


File No. 113512008-IR
Government of India
Ministry of Personnel, Public Grievances & Pensions
Department of Personnel Training

North Block, New Delhi-110001
Dated 10th December, 2010.


Subject : Amendment to RTI Rules.

The Government proposes to notify Right to Information Rules in supersession of the existing rules, namely, the Right to Information(Regulation of Fee and Cost) Rules, 2005 and the Central Information Commission (Appeal Procedure) Rules, 2005. Comments if any, on the proposed Rules may be sent at e-mail address, by ~ 7 ' December, 2010.
(R.K. Girdhar)
US (RT1)

Government of India
Ministry of Personnel, Public Grievances and Pensions
(Department of Personnel and Training)
New Delhi, dated the , 2010


G.S.R…..- In exercise of the powers conferred by section 27 of the Right to Information Act, 2005 (22 of 2005) and in supersession of the Central Information
Commission (Appeal Procedure) Rules, 2005 and the Right to Information(Regulation of Fee and Cost) Rules, 2005 except as respects things done or omitted to be done before such supersession, the Central Government hereby makes thefollowing rules, namely:-

1. Short title and commencement. – (1) These rules may be called the Right
to Information Rules, 2010.

(2) They shall come into force on the date of their publication in the Official

2. Definitions.– In these rules, unless the context otherwise requires, -

(a) "Act" means the Right to Information Act, 2005 (22 of 2005);

(b) "Commission" means the Central Information Commission as constituted under sub-section (1) of section 12 of the Act.

(c) "First Appellate Authority" means an officer in the public authority who is senior in rank to the Central Public Information Officer to whom an appeal under sub-section (1) of section 19 lies;
(d) "Government" means the Central Government;

(e) "Registrar" mean officers of the Commission so designated and unless otherwise requires includes an Additional Registrar, Joint Registrar and Deputy Registrar;

(f) "Registry" means the Registry of the Commission comprising the Registrar
General, Registrar, Additional Registrar, Joint Registrar or Deputy Registrar;

(g) "section" means a section of the Act;

(h) all other words and expressions used herein but not defined in the rules shall
have the same meanings assigned to them in the Act.

3. Appointment of Secretary to the Commission: The Government shall appoint an officer not below the rank of Additional Secretary to the Government of India as Secretary to the Commission who shall be the Chief Executive Officer and Registrar General of the Commission.

4. Request for Information: A person who desires to obtain any information from a public authority under sub-section (1) of Section 6 of the Act, shall pay an application fee of Rs. 10/- to the public authority alongwith the application;

Provided that the request for information shall relate only to one subject matter and shall be limited to two hundred and fifty words, excluding the address of the Central Public Information Officer and the address of the applicant.

5. Fees for providing information: Fee for providing information underSection 4(4), Section 7 (1) and Section 7 (5), as the case may be, shall be chargedat the following rates:

(a) rupees two for each page in A-3 size or smaller size paper;

(b) actual cost or price of a copy in larger size paper;

(c ) actual cost or price for samples or models;

(d) for inspection of records, no fee for the first hour; and fee of rupees five for
each subsequent hour (or fraction thereof);

(e) for information provided in diskette or floppy, rupees fifty per diskette or

(f) for information provided in printed form, at the price fixed for such
publication or rupees two per page of photocopy for extracts from the

(g) the actual amount spent by public authority on hiring a machine or any other
equipment, if any, to supply information;

(h) Postal charges, in excess of rupees ten, if any, involved in supply of information.

Provided that no Fee shall be charged under this rule from the persons who
are below poverty line as may be determined by respective State Governments.

6. Payment of fee: Fee under these rules shall be paid by way of:

(a) cash, to the public authority or to the Central Assistant Public Information Officer of the public authority , as the case may be, against proper receipt; or

(b) demand draft or bankers cheque or Indian Postal Order payable to theAccounts Officer of the public authority; or

(c) electronic means to the Accounts Officer of the public authority, if facility for receiving fee through electronic means is available with the public authority:

Provided that a public authority may accept fee by any other mode of payment.

7. Appeal to the first Appellate Authority: A person aggrieved by any order passed by the Central Public Information Officer or non-disposal of his application by the Central Public Information Officer within the prescribed time, may file an appeal to the first Appellate Authority in the format as given in the Appendix.

8. Documents to accompany first appeal to the first Appellate Authority:
Every appeal made to the first Appellate Authority shall be accompanied by the
following documents, duly authenticated and verified:

(i) Copy of the application submitted to the Central Public Information Officer;

(ii)Copy of the reply, if any, of the Central Public Information Officer.

9. Appeal to the Commission: A person aggrieved by any order passed by the
First Appellate Authority or by non-disposal of his appeal by the First Appellate
Authority, may file an appeal to the Commission in the format as given in the

10. Documents to accompany Appeal to Commission: Every Appeal made to
the Commission shall be accompanied by the following documents, duly
authenticated and verified:

(i) Copy of the application submitted to the Central Public Information Officer;

(ii) Copy of the reply, if any, of the Central Public Information Officer;

(iii) Copy of the appeal made to the First Appellate Authority;

(iv) Copy of the Order, if any, of the First Appellate Authority;

(v) Copies of other documents relied upon by the Appellant and referred to in
the Appeal;

(vi) An index of the documents referred to in the Appeal.

11. Admission of appeals: (1) On receipt of an appeal, if the Commission is
satisfied that it is a fit case for consideration, it may admit such appeal; but where the Commission is not so satisfied, it may, after giving an opportunity to the appellant of being heard and after recording its reasons, reject the appeal.

(2) The Commission shall not admit an appeal unless it is satisfied that the
appellant had availed of all the remedies available to him under the Act.

(3) For the purposes of sub-rule (2), a person shall be deemed to have availed of
all the remedies available to him under the Act:

(a) if he had filed an appeal before the First Appellate Authority and the First
Appellate Authority or any other person competent to pass order on such appeal
had made a final order on the appeal; or

(b) where no final order has been made by the First Appellate Authority with
regard to the appeal preferred, and a period of 45 days from the date on which
such appeal was preferred has expired.
12. Procedure for deciding appeals: The Commission, while deciding an
appeal may,

(i) receive oral or written evidence on oath or on affidavit from concerned or
interested person;

(ii) peruse or inspect documents, public records or copies thereof;

(iii) inquire through authorized officer further details or facts;

(iv) hear Central Public Information Officer, Central Assistant Public Information Officer or the First Appellate Authority, or such person againstwhose action the appeal is made, as the case may be;

(v) hear third party; and

(vi) receive evidence on affidavits from Central Public Information Officer ,Central Assistant Public Information Officer, First Appellate Authority and such person against whom the appeal lies or the third party.

13. Amendment or withdrawal of an Appeal: The Commission may allow a
prayer for any amendment or withdrawal of an Appeal during the course of hearing, if such a prayer is made by the Appellant on an application made in writing.

Provided that such request shall not be entertained by the Commission after
the matter has been finally heard or a decision or order has been pronounced by the

14. Personal presence of the appellant before the Commission:

(1) The appellant shall be informed of the date of hearing at least seven clear days
before that date.

(2) The appellant may, at his discretion, be present in person or through his duly
authorized representative or, if permitted by the commission, through video
conferencing, at the time of hearing of the appeal by the Commission.

(3) Where the Commission is satisfied that the circumstances exist due to which
the appellant is being prevented from attending the hearing of the Commission,
then, the Commission may afford the appellant another opportunity of being heard
before a final decision is taken or take any other appropriate action as it may deem

15. Presentation by the Public Authority: The public authority may authorize
any representative or any of its officers to present its case.

16. Abatement of an Appeal / Complaint: The proceedings pending before the
Commission shall abate on the death of the appellant.

17. Service of notice by Commission: Notice by name to be issued by the
Commission may be served in any of the following modes, namely:-

(i) service by the party itself;

(ii) by hand delivery (dasti) through Process Server;

(iii) by registered post with acknowledgement due;

(iv) by electronic mail in case electronic address is available.

18. Order of the Commission: An order of the Commission shall be in writing and issued under the seal of the Commission duly authenticated by the Registrar or any other officer authorized by the Commission for this purpose.

19. Compliance of the order of the Commission: The head of a public authority shall ensure that an order passed by the Commission, unless varied or stayed by a validly passed order, is complied with and compliance report filed with the Commission within the time limit specified by the Commission, or within 60 days if no such limit is specified.

20. Recovery of Penalty and Payment of Compensation: (1) If a penalty is
imposed by the Commission on a Central Public Information Officer as per the
provisions of the Act and if the Commission requires a Public Authority to
compensate a person for any loss or detriment suffered, an order duly authenticated
by the Registrar shall be served on the Public Authority for recovery of penalty and
payment of compensation.

(2) The Public Authority shall deduct the amount of penalty in such installments as may be allowed by the Commission in its Order and authenticated by the Registrar from the monetary payments due to such person against whom penalty has been imposed by the Commission and compensation shall be paid as per order of the Commission.
21. Recommendation for Disciplinary Action: If disciplinary action is
recommended by the Commission on a Central Public Information Officer as per
the provisions of the Act, an order duly authenticated by the Registrar shall be
served on the Public Authority to initiate such action and the action taken on such
order will be communicated to the Registrar within the time specified by the
Commission in its order.
(Rajeev Kapoor)
Joint Secretary



1. Name and address of the appellant

2. Name and address of the Central Public Information Officer
to whom the application was addressed.

3. Name and address of the Central Public Information Officer
who gave reply to the application.

4. Name and address of the First Appellate Authority who
decided the First Appeal.

5. Particulars of the application.

6. Particulars of the order(s) including number, if any, against
which the appeal is preferred.

7. Brief facts leading to the appeal.

8. Prayer or relief sought.

9. Grounds for the prayer or relief.

10. Any other information relevant to the appeal

11. Verification / authentication by the appellant--


D.G. Posts No. 4-17/2010-PENSION Dated 06.12.2010.

I am directed to forward herewith a copy of Ministry of Personnel, Public Grievances and Pensions (Department of Pension and Pensioner's Welfare) O.M. No. 3/19/2009-Estt. Pay II dated 8.11.2010 regarding the above mentioned subject received from Department of Pension and Pensioner's Welfare, New Delhi for information guidance and necessary action.

This issues with the approval of DDG (Estt.).
(P.P. Chawla)
Section Officer (Pension)



The undersigned is directed to refer to the orders issued vide O.M. dated 5.4.2010 on fixation of pay of re-employed pensioners. These orders inter-alia lay down that on re-employment in civilian organizations, Military Service Pay shall not be admissible. However, the benefit of MSP given to all retired Defence Forces officers/personnel by reckoning it at the time of calculation of their pension (notionally in the case of pre-1.1.2006 pensioners) should not be withdrawn. Accordingly while the pension of such re-employed pensioners will include the element of MSP, they will not be granted MSP while working in civilian organizations.

In the instructions issued by the Ministry of Defence vide their letter No. 1/69/2008/D (Pay/Service) dated 24th July 2009, Pre-retirement pay has been defined as under:

(i) In respect of re-employment taking place on/or 1.1.2006 pre-retirement pay for those who retired after 1.1.2006 means the pay in the pay band plus grade pay but inclusive of Non-Practicing Allowance(NPA) if any, last drawn before retirement.
(ii) In case of officers who retired before1.1.2006 and also those who retired after 1.1.2006 in the pre-revised pay scales without opting for the revised pay scales promulgated on or after 1.1.2006 the pay will be basic pay including stagnating increment and Rank pay plus the Dearness pay and Dearness allowance drawn at the time of retirement.

As per these orders, for pre-2006 retirees rank pay is included as a part of pay but for post-2006 retirees, the MSP is not reckoned in the pre-retirement pay for the purposes of pay fixation on re-employment. However, for pension purposes the reckonable emoluments are- basic pay + grade pay + MSP + NPA wherever admissible. Therefore, while MSP is not taken into consideration for the purpose of pay fixation on re-employment, the element of MSP in pension is deducted.

It has been decided in consultation with the Department of Expenditure, that since the element of MSP is not reckoned in the pay fixation on re-employment, it need not be reduced from the pension either. Hence, in respect of all those Defence Officers/personnel, whose pension contains an element of MSP that need not be deducted from the pay fixed on re-employment.
(Mukesh Chaturvedi)
Deputy Secretary

Thursday, December 9, 2010

Circular. No.22


A-2/95,Manishinath Bhawan,Rajouri Garden, New Delhi-110 027
Tel: 011-2510 5324: Mobile: 98110 48303
Conf/22 /2010
Dated: 6th December, 2010

Dear Comrade,

The National Council meeting of the Confederation was held at DGFASLI Central Labour Institute Chunabatti Road, Sion, Mumbai 400 022 on Ist December, 2010 as per the notice issued on 11th November, 2010. Detailed minutes of the meeting indicating the names of participants and the submissions made by the comrades who participated in the discussions will be issued separately later. We convey the decision taken on each item of agenda subjected to deliberation at the meeting.
The meeting was presided over by Com.S.K.Vyas, President, Confederation.
Com.K.K.N. Kutty, Secretary General informed the house before the agenda was taken up for discussion that the BSNL employees are on strike and the strike is slated to continue for three days against the attitude of the Government and its concerted efforts to make BSNLt a sick unit to pave way for the private telecom providers to push BSNL out of business so that they can amass profit at the cost of Indian people. He explained various steps taken by the Government in this regard and how the BSNL was not permitted to even purchase technology and material so that they would be able to compete effectively with other private players in the field. He also informed the house that the Government has again taken up the issue of disinvestment of 30% of BSNL shares. The house adopted a resolution expressing its solidarity with the striking workers of BSNL and the Secretary General was asked to convey the same to the leaders of the BSNL.Employees Union and place the same on Confederation website. ( Kindly see the resolution placed on the website)

The meeting approved the agenda for discussion and accepted the proposal of Com. President to club item No.1 and 7 together as also Item No. 2 and 6.
Item No. 1 and 5
The review discussion on the extent of participation of CGEs in the general strike of Working class on 7th September, 2010 was extensive and the comrades who took part in the discussion did give wide ranging details of the efforts, undertaken, the success and failure, strength and weakness. The consensus was that the participation despite the positive feature of the INTUC unions joining the strike could have been better. It noted that some of the State Committees and affiliates had not c concentrated on the campaign, to elicit the conscious and active participation of the grass root level members. The feeling of the employees especially in the Northern States that the issues specific to central government employees had not been addressed could not be effectively eradicated. Besides, the importance of the struggle against the present economic policies, its cataclysmic effect on the conditions of living of the working people, the impetus it provides to the organizational efficacy and capacity could not be effectively brought home in these States. Wherever such efforts had been undertaken the response has been, the meeting noted, very good. The meeting noted the efforts of the Chennai COC in reaching out to the members by organizing campaign meetings and distribution of pamphlets etc. in residential colonies. The vehicle Jathas and district conventions organized by the Kerala State Committee and its efforts in reaching out to the grass root level workers came in for appreciation. The West Bengal Comrades explained in detail of the steps taken by the State COC in calling the meeting of all Secretaries of the units of the affiliates, distribution of centrally prepared pamphlets, organizing gate meetings prior to the strike and deploying active workers on the day of strike in front of all offices etc. to make the strike participation total in the State.
The meeting noted that the large scale victimization in the offices of the Accountant General and in certain offices of the Postal Department had an adverse impact in mobilizing the employees especially in these organizations. In the light of the deliberations, the meeting decided:
to formulate a charter of demands on CGE specific issues
To continue the campaign to stress the necessity of the participation in the general trade union action against the neo liberal economic policies, which are the root causes in non settlement of the demands
To take steps to revamp the functioning of the State Committees and for that objective in view convene (a) meeting of all State Committees to ensure that the annual conference and election of the State Committees are held within the specified time (b)to chalk out ways and means to help the State Committees to bring about regular democratic functioning and interaction with the affiliated unions (c) to ensure that the communication between the CHQ and State Units is strengthened (d) the circulars are translated into vernacular and distributed. The said meeting will be convened on 24th Feb. 2010 at New Delhi in which the Chq. Sectt. Members will take part.
To have larger participation of CGEs in the 23rd Feb. March to Parliament by
Requesting all State Committees to immediately organize state convention of all affiliated units and enlisting the comrades who are to be deployed for participating in the march to parliament on 23rd Feb. 2010.
The CHQ in consultation with the State Committees will determine the number of participants from each State
Larger mobilization will be ensured from the States of Delhi, Rajasthan, Haryana, Punjab, U.P. H.P. and Madhya Pradesh.
The CHQ will discuss with the States Committee of the above States of the finances required for arranging buses etc.
Agenda Item No. 2 and 6.
The meeting noted that the real wages of Central Government employees have eroded significantly in as much as the inflation had raised the prices of essential commodities especially of food items beyond 175% whereas the DA compensation had been only to the extent of 45%. The way in which the Govt. had been dilly dallying the anomaly issues of the 6th CPC has indicated unambiguously that it will have the same fate of the 5th CPC anomalies. By January, 1st, 2011. the DA component in the emoluments of CGEs will cross over 50%. The JCM functioning both at the National and Departmental level has deteriorated and meetings have become extremely irregular whereas at the Departmental level it has become almost defunct. Many affiliates of the Confederation have complained of the non- functioning of the JCM forum for one reason or the other. The meeting also noted that there had been no recommendation of the 6th CPC on the periodicity of wage revision and in the case of PSU the Government had to concede their demand for wage agreements in every five year. In view of these factors, the meeting adopted a resolution to demand wage revision on the expiry of the five year period i.e. with effect from 1.1.2011. The meeting decided to undertake intensive campaign on this issue throughout the country.
This apart the meeting also discussed various pressing issues of the Central Govt. employees and decided to take the important issues in the charter of demand and organize trade union action in pursuance thereon. The charter of demands adopted after discussion and the phased programme of action decided upon is annexed to this circular letter. The CHQ Sectt. will circulate a brief explanatory Note on each demand to indicate the issues covered.
The meeting also discussed over the confusion created by the DOPT order on the composition of the JCM whereby almost all the employees in most of the Departments would be out of the ambit of the JCM. The meeting after detailed discussions on the pros and cons of the issue adopted a resolution to demand:
That the Councils of the JCM at all levels should have the cadres and categories of employees who were participants in the Negotiating body at its inception through the Joint Intent irrespective of the change of classification and pay scales or pay bands brought about later. It was also decided that it should be brought to the notice of the Government that no unilateral decision in the matter by the DOPT can be taken as it would amount to violation of an agreement reached between the employees and the Government.
The meeting also adopted a resolution to the effect that the various entitlement like LTC facilities and air travel concession to NE regions, Daily allowance, entitled for the Governmental Accommodation etc. must be passed on Pay in the Pay Band plus the Grade Pay of an employee and not on any other criterion like Grade Pay or classification of Posts etc.
The meeting noted with dissatisfaction that the recognition of hospital under the CGHS for inpatient treatment of late has become a nagging problem with the Health Ministry changing the procedure every now and then and put the beneficiaries to extreme hardship in many cities. The Government's approach in the matter has, the meeting noted, only helped the Private entrepreneurs in the Health industry to amass wealth and the recognition on the basis of the lowest tender had been at a perilous cost of the CGHS beneficiaries. The meeting decided to place before the Government the following suggestion for the recognition of hospitals in each city.
Identify the reputed hospitals in each city by a committee with the members of beneficiaries in each town/city covered by the CGHS Scheme
The Health Ministry must negotiate with these hospitals the rate at which they will provide the treatment to the Government officials taking into accounts various facilities extended to these institutions by the Govt.
If the reputed hospitals are run by charitable trusts enjoying the tax benefits, they should be asked to treat the CGEs on normal market rate as reduced by atleast 30%.
To raise before the Government the anomaly that has arisen especially in the Postal Department on the introduction of MACP in replacement of the time bound promotion scheme and seek amendment to the existing clarification whereby the three proimotion scheme would not be less beneficial than the existing scheme of time bound promotion in any department.
To bring to the notice of the Government the injustice meted out to the cadres of LDC and UDCs by the 6th CPC whereby they become entitled to even lesser pay than the erstwhile Group D employees. While the Notice Servers in the Incometax Department and the Postmen in Postal Department are given higher Pay and Grade Pay the LDCs are assigned with lesser Grade Pay even though the minimum educational qualification for recruitment in their case has been stipulated to be 10+2 whereas those are assigned with higher grade Pay has to have only Matriculation for the initial recruitment. It was decided that the Government must be asked to upgrade all existing Lower Division and Upper Division or equivalent cadres in all Government Department either as Executive Assistants with Grade Pay of Rs. 4200 as recommended by the 6th CPC or assign them with the Grade pay of atleast Rs. 2800/- if such whole scale up-gradation in any department is considered infeasible.
To demand the setting up of anomaly committees in all Departments/Ministries and immediate convening of the Departmental Councils as per the directive of the Department of Personnel and Training. If for any reason the Anomaly committees are unable to be set up in any department/Ministry, the concerned Ministry/Department should be asked to set up the Anomaly committees with the nominated members of the Standing Committee of the National Council as has been done in the case of many Ministries to resolve the anomalies arising from the 5th CPC recommendations.
Agenda Item No.3. National Anomaly Committee issues.
Com. S.K. Vyas, President explained in detail the deliberation at the National Anomaly Committee meeting and the sub committee meeting in which the MACP items were separately discussed. The clarification sought by various members on these issues were provided. It was decided that in the case of MACP some more issues must be raised by the Confederation before the next anomaly committee meeting as was pointed out by Com. K.V. Sridharan, General Secretary, All India Postal Employees Union, Class III and many other. The meeting asked the Secretary General to finalize the issue in discussion with the comrades of NFPE.
Agenda Item No.4. Issues raised before the National Council JCM.
The Secretary General was asked to place on the website the issues already taken up by the Staff Side with the Government in brief and seek further items from all affiliates and COCs . This was agreed to.
Agenda Item No.7 Organisational review:
The meeting decided that:
(i)the CHQ Sectt. should meet on 24th Feb. 2010 along with the Secretaries of all State Committees with a view that concrete steps are taken to ensure that the State Committees are constituted with the representatives of the Districts; the new office bearers are elected if the two year term has been expired and to ensure that the communication between the State Committees and the CHQ on the one hand and the State Committees and the District Committees on the other is properly established and the State Committees are helped to function as vehicles for implementation of the programmes chalked out by the Confederation in future.
(ii)The National Women Convention will be held at Kolkata on 7th and 8th February, 2010 and the Affiliates and State Committees will be entitled to depute the following number of delegates to participate in the said convention.
All India Audit and Accounts Association. 15
Income tax Employees Federation 20
National Federation of Postal Employees 30
(f) Federation of Atomic Energy Employees 10
(g) All India Civial Accounts Employees Assn. 10
(h) Confederation of Pondichery State Employees 05
(i) ISRO Employees Association 03
(j) Ground Water Board 02
(k) All other affiliates 02 each
(l) All State Committees will nominate two delegates (selected from their specific affiliates – i.e. Other than the All India organizations which are affiliated with the Confederation at the National Level)
The affiliated will report to the CHQ the names of the delegates who will be attending the convention by 10th January, 2011 latest. The affiliated will take care that they do no nominate any lady comrade from the State of West Bengal as the State Committee of West Bengal who has taken the responsibility of making arrangements for the convention would be nominating large number of lady comrades from that state to participate.
(iii)The meeting also discussed the remittances of the subscription due to the CHQ by the affiliates and the State Committee. The representatives of the affiliates and the State Committee who participated in the discussions on the subject agreed to clear the dues by 31st March, 2011 latest. The Secretary General was asked to intimate the dues to each affiliate separately by letters.
(iv) The house on the basis of the discussion earlier held decided that the Confederation should ensure participation of sizeable number of Central Government employees in the ensuing programme of "March to Parliament" on 23rd February, 2010 for which the call has been given by the Central Trade Unions. The CHQ sectt. was urged that a campaign programme is chalked out by which a member of the Sectt. attends the State Conventions/meetings convened for this purpose and the Delhi State Committee and the neighbouing State Committee are specially mobilized for this purpose.

Agenda Item No. 8.

Com. President permitted only a few comrades to raise certain important issues under the agenda for paucity of time. The Secretary General, All India Canteen Employees Association raised the issue of the order of the Government in not filling up the vacancies in the Canteen as a permanent measure. Many comrades raised the issue of non representation of many affiliates in the meetings as also of the State Committees. It was suggested that after the proposed meeting of the State Committees on 24th Feb. 2010, the Sectt. must convene a meeting of the Chief Executives of all affiliates separately to revamp the organizational functioning of the Confederation.
Com. President in his concluding remarks appreciated the lively discussion in the meeting and thanked the Mumbai State Committee for the excellent arrangements made by them for the conduct of the meeting, on behalf of the CHQ Sectt as also on behalf of the affiliates and State Committees. The meeting was concluded at 9.00 PM.
With greetings,
Yours fraternally,
K.K.N. Kutty
Secretary General.
Charter of demands:
Stop price rise; strengthen the PDS.
Stop downsizing, outsourcing, contractorisation, coporatorisation and privatization of Governmental functions
Fill up all vacant posts and create posts on functional requirements
Revise wages of CGEs with effect from 1.1.2011 and every five years thereafter.
Scrap the New Pension Scheme and extend the statutory defined benefited pension to all Central Govt. employees irrespective of the date of recruitment.
Regularize the GDS, daily rated workers, contingent and casual workers by brining about a definite scheme of regularization.
Remove restriction imposed on compassionate appointment ( end the discrimination on compassionate appointment between the Railway workers and other CGEs)
Stop the move to introduce the productivity linked wage system; Performance related pay; introduce PLB to in all Departments; remove the ceiling of emoluments for bonus computation.
Settle all items of anomalies (including the MACP related anomalies) raised in the National and Departmental Anomaly committees within a fixed time frame of two months; set up the anomaly committees in those Departments where it has not been set up till date with the Standing Committee members of the National Council; convene the meeting of the Departmental Council in all Ministries/Department once in three month as envisaged in the JCM Scheme
Make the right to strike a legal right and stop curtailment of T.U. rights
Implement all arbitration awards
Raise the interest rate for GPF. Revise the OTA and Night duty allowance and stitching and clothing rates of uniforms
Merge DA with Pay for all purposes including pension as and when the DA rates croses the 50% mark.
Vacate all Trade Union victimizations.
Programme of Action:
Submission of memorandum on the charter of demands with brief note to explain each item in the charter.
Two months long campaign to educate and mobilize the members by organizing (a) State level conventions (b) district level conventions (c) Department level conventions (d) gate meetings in front of all offices
Day long Dharna at a specified Central Location at the State and District Capitals and other important places
To organize a March to the office of the Chairman of the State Welfare Co-ordination Committees and submit a memorandum for onward transmission to the Cabinet Secretary.
To organize a March to Parliament by Central Government employees at Delhi
To culminate in a one day strike

Tuesday, December 7, 2010

Revision of Fixed Stationery charges for POs,SBCOs in HOs&IPs,ASPs under Rule 341-A of Volume II-Orders Issued by the Directorate

CLICK HERE to see the orders

Friday, December 3, 2010

Government of India
Ministry of Communications & IT
Department of Posts
Dak Bhavan, Sansad Marg
New Delhi – 110116
No. 6-1/2006-Medical Dated – 27th October, 2010

All recognized Unions/Associations of Department of Posts

Sub: - CS (MA) Rules, 1944 – Reimbursement of expenditure involved in emergent cases for the treatment taken at private nursing home/clinic – Delegation of powers – reg.


I am directed to forward herewith a copy of Ministry of Health and Family Welfare, New Delhi O.M. No. S-14025/46/92-MS dated 4-2-1993 on the above subject for your information/guidelines and necessary action.

(Mahendra Kumar)
Assistant Director General (Medical)
Tel. No. 23036629

No. S-14025/46/92-MS
Government of India
Ministry of Health and Family Welfare
Nirman Bhawan, New Delhi – 110011
Dated the 4th February, 1993

Office Memorandum

Subject – CS (MA) Rules, 1944 – Reimbursement of expenditure involved on emergent cases for the treatment taken at private nursing home/clinic – Delegation of powers – Regarding.

The undersigned is directed to say that under the CS (MA) Rules, 1944, vide Miscellaneous Important Decisions No. 5 under Section VII of the compilation of the CS (MA) Rules and further modified vide O.Ms. No. S-14012/9/75-MC (MS) dated 23.2.77, 7.5.79 and 18.6.82, powers have been delegated to the Heads of Departments to allow reimbursement of the medical claims in respect of the treatment obtained under emergency at private hospitals, as distinct from private nursing home/private clinic, subject to item-wise ceilings as per the rates prescribed in the Annexure to the O.Ms. referred to above without any financial limit on the total amount to be reimbursed.
2. However, although the broad guidelines provided in para 1 (iv) of the O.M. dated 18.6.82 referred to above are only indicative and not exhaustive, a large number of cases are being referred to this Ministry/Dte. G.H.S. for seeking relaxation of the rules stating that the hospital is not run on ‘No profit and No Loss Basis’, which otherwise could have been settled by the concerned Department under the delegated powers.
3. It has now been decided by the Government that in order to eliminate the confusion regarding distinction between the private hospital and a private nursing home Clinic, the delegated powers referred to above are applicable to all private medical institutions without making any distinction between a private hospital and a private nursing home/clinic.
4. the medical claims for specialized treatment for heart diseases, kidney transplantation, etc. may be settled as per the schedule of rates approved for the treatment of C.G.H.S beneficiaries from time to time at private recognized hospitals under that Scheme or the actual charges, whichever is less, and all other cases may be settled as per the item wise ceilings prescribed in the Annexure to the O.Ms. referred to above. No. references should be made to this Ministry/Dte. G.H.S. in the matter for further relaxation of the Rules and may be settled by the concerned Ministry/Department.
5. In this connection it may be reiterated that as already stated in para (iii) of the O.M. dated 18.6.82 referred to above, reimbursement of expenses incurred on treatment obtained in the private clinics/nursing homes of the Authorised Medical Attendants would not be admissible under the above provisions and also in relaxation of the CS(MA) Rules even in emergent cases.
6. All pending cases may be decided accordingly, However, the cases which are already settled or decided, may not be re-opened.
7. This issues with the concurrence of the Department of Pension and Pensioners’ Welfare vide their U.O. No. 272/92 P& PW (K) dated 19.10.1992 and the Ministry of Finance Deptt. Of Expenditure) vide their U.O. No. 1441/E.V/92 dated 17.11.1992.
8. In so far as persons serving in the Indian Audit and Accounts Deptts. are concerned, this issues with the concurrence of the office of the comptroller and Auditor General of India vide their U.O. No. 27-Audit-I/72-90, dated 25.1.1993.
(Braham Dev)
Under Secretary to the Govt. of India