HAPPY NEW YEAR 2025 TO ALL MEMBERS,Viewers & Readers

Tuesday, November 30, 2010

FMC REVISED W.E.F 24.11.2010

File No. 10-7/2001-P.E.II
Government of India
Ministry of Communications & IT
Department of Posts
(Establishment Division)
Dak Bhawan Sansad Marg
New Delhi – 110001
Dated the 24-11-2010

Chief Postmaster General
Postmaster General
General Managers (Finance)
Director of Accounts Postal

Subject: - Revision of Fixed Monetary compensation (FMC) to delivery staff and remuneration to other staff


I am directed to refer to Directorates letter of even number dated 4-9-2002 and 28.1.2003 on the above subject.

2. The Department has received a number of references from the staff Associations requesting for upward revision of fixed Monetary compensation (FMC) admissible to Postmen staff. A Committee of Senior Officers was constituted for looking into the issue and the report of the Committee has been examined carefully in consultation with integrated Finance wing and the Competent Authority has ordered enhancement of the Fixed Monetary compensation (FMC) admissible to Postmen staff. The details are as under:
Sl. No. Item Existing Rate Revised Rate
When One Postman performs Rs. 25 per day Rs.50 per day

duty of an absentee Postman by
combination of duties

When two Postmen perform duty Rs.14 per day Rs.24 per day

of an absentee Postman by
sharing the beat

3. The competent Authority has also ordered fixation/revision of Holiday Monetary Compensation payable to Postmen Staff and other Departmental staff brought on duty on 2nd consecutive Holiday if three consecutive holidays occur as shown under:
Sl. No. Category of Departmental Employees Rate of Remuneration

1. Supervisor Rs.85 per holiday for 4 hours

2. Postal Assistant Rs.85 per holiday for 4 hours

3. Postmen/Sorting Postmen Rs.85 per holiday
4. Multi tasking staff Rs.60 per holiday for 4 hours

4. All other conditions for payment of Fixed Monetary compensation (FMC) issued vide OM No.10-23/87-PE.I dt. 21.12.93 and delivery of Unregistered letters on holidays issued under 9-25/92-CI dt. 10.9.92 will remain unchanged.

5. The Expenditure on account of revision has to be met from the allocated funds of the units under the prescribed Head of account.

6. These orders will take effect from the date of issue.

7. This issues in concurrence with the Integrated Finance Wing vide their diary number 286/FA/10/CS dated 24.11.2010.

(K. Rameswara Rao)
Asst. Director General (Estt)


A committee to discuss about system administrators issue has already been constituted. The content of the letter is as follows:

Government of India
Ministry of Communications & IT
Department of Posts
(SR Section)
Dak Bhawan
Parliament Street
New Delhi 11001
No. 1/1/2010-SR
Dated – 19 July, 2010

Subject: - Secretary (P)’s meeting with Postal Joint Council of Action on 12.07.2010 at 11 hrs. in Dak Bhawan- Item No. 12 creation of System Administrators Cadre and financial compensations for special work performed by System Administrators

Please refer to minutes of Secretary (P)’s meeting dated 12.07.2010 on the above – mentioned subject.

2. It was decided to constitute a Committee comprising DDG (Estt), DDG (P) and DDG (Technology) to consider creation of System Administrators cadre. As regards grnat of Road Milleage Allowance, the matter was reported to be already under examination.
3. In the light of the above, a Committee comprising the following is constituted to consider the creation of System Administrators Cadre

DDG (Estt.) Chairman
DDG (P) Member
DDG (Tech) Member

The Committee will submit its report within 3 months of its formation.

(Subhash Chander)
Director (SR & Legal)
DDG (Estt)

Presentation on Technological Developments in Department of Posts was held on 23.11.2010 in the presence of Secretary, Department of Posts, Member (Technology), Member (Operations) and other officers of the India Post. The Staff side was represented by Secretary Generals of Federations and General Secretaries of All India Unions.

The presentation was elaborately dealt with the vast changes that are going to take place in the Department of Posts due to large scale induction of Information and communication Technology (ICT). A budget of Rs. 1800 crores has been earmarked for the project which is to be completed by the year end of 2013.

The gist of the presentation can be summed up as follows:

In this era of fast developing Information and Communication Technology, large scale induction and assimilation of modern means of communication has become vital for sustenance and growth of India Post.
Having created a base of more than 12000 computerised Post offices in the country and a pool of trained human resource, India Post is in the process of implementing mass scale computerization and networking of all Departmental Post offices and Branch Post offices on a single integrated and modular platform connected to a National Data Center.
This National infrastructure, so created will enable India Post to provide state-of-the-art ICT services including Mobile remittance and Banking on a core banking platform and provide inclusive banking to rural, remote and hitherto unbanked areas.
The vast network and infrastructure of India Post, have already enabled it to become the preferred point of inter face between Government and the members of public for delivery of social and economic welfare schemes of the Government of India and various state governments. Introduction of modern ICT will help in timely and transparent delivery of social benefit schemes to the beneficiaries viz. MGNREGS, Indira Gandhi Old Age Pension Scheme (IGOAPS).
Computerised and connected network of Post office on a single integrated platform will also help India Post to retail products and services of other service providers viz. Banks, Government & Non Government financial institutions, Government Agencies and Mutual Fund houses in the rural and remote areas.
India Post has already taken initiative for re-engineering processes and making it compatible to suite the new ICT solutions and customer requirements.
One of the pre-requisite for transformation of India Post is upgradation of the skills of the work force and capacity building. Training of the human resources has been given its due importance and recognition in the project. The Services of the newly recruited 15000 Postal Assistants will also be utilized to the maximum extent. The Branch Post offices will not be provided with computers, instead they will be provided with modern-technology oriented hand devices.
Secretary General, NFPE insisted that the services rendered by the existing System Administrators in maintaining the computer network of more than 12000 Post offices is to be acknowledged in its true perspective and they may be absorbed in suitable posts such as System Assistants while implementing the project. The Secretary Post stated that this aspect will be given positive consideration. While we pointing out the delay in discussion on cadre review proposals, it was assured to finalise very shortly. Introduction of accrual based accounting system is also becomes part of the project. The apprehension about the mass redeployment or surplus has been focussed by us for which the Secretary, Posts assured that there will be no staff movements or reduction.
The Leader Staff side requested to arrange a similar presentation to the Circle Secretaries also for which the Secretary (Posts) responded positively.
The following news were made known to us during the course of discussions and interactions.
(i) For the current financial year, the modernization will be restricted up to B class offices, 628 crores had been allotted for this purpose.
(ii)Single handed offices & BOs will be taken in the next year project.
(iii)For Pilot Project six circles have been identified viz. Karnataka, Tamilnadu, Maharashtra, Rajasthan, Uttar Pradesh & Assam. It will come into functioning before August 2011.
(iv) Instead of cost accounting, accrual basis system will be introduced. This is almost implemented in all major organizations including Telecom as per the Government of India decisions.
(v) 1800 ATMs will be established after the introduction of Core banking. Call centers to collection of logistics, MO etc will be formed. Track & trace facilities will be implemented for all services.
(vi) On Phase II, the rest of 16 circles will be completed.
(vii) Softwares are being developed as per the recommendations of 'Accenture'.
(viii) Expression of Interest was segregated to three instruments. One major National level Data server. Second 2600 departmental Post office net week interrogators, third Rural ICP hardware solutions. All net work equipments, connectivity, maintenance will be entrusted to vendor for 24 X 7 (Per week). He is solely responsible for everything. The penalty clause provision has been included.
(ix) Data centre, hire space and installation area will be ours. The rest software, maintenance etc will be entrusted to the providers.
(x) While comparing previous year, 13% revenue has been increased in postal operations.

An interaction with the staff side on Mail Network optimization project also took place during the meeting. It is explained that the scope of the project is to (1) optimize India Post Network from collection to delivery (2) to standardize processes with focus on significant quality improvement & reduction in network complexity (3) put in place an effective performance measurement system through regular reviews (4) improve the ambience of mail offices (5) upgrade processing facilities and improve working condition for employees and (6) make staff and customers proud of being associated with India Post. The key operational areas of the network optimization are (i) Speed Post and (ii) First class mail. First class mail optimization study is in progress.

The interaction mainly concentrated on the newly introduced Speed Post Network optimization programme (hubs). The Staff Side pointed out that the introduction of the speed post hubs has resulted in delay in processing and transmission of speed post articles resulting in delay in delivery. This issue should be addressed on top priority basis and corrective measures to avoid delay should be taken. The staff side further pointed out that while more than 80% of the speed post hubs are functioning under the administrative control of RMS Superintendents, the remaining hubs are controlled by Postal Superintendents. This has created on apprehension in the minds of the RMS employees that in the longer run the identity of RMS will be lost and eventually it will be merged with Post offices. Taking into consideration of this aspect, the Staff Side requested that all the Speed Post hubs should be under the control of RMS Superintendents. The Secretary, Posts assured to consider the request positively.
The Secretary General NFPE and General Secretaries of affiliated unions of NFPE met DDG (Estt) on 23.11.2010. The following is the outcome of the meeting.(1) The preliminary (first) sitting of the Cadre Restructuring committee will be held on 26.11.2010 at 3 PM.(2)The first sitting of the Committee on Postmen related issues will also be held on 26.11.2010.(3) Regarding the revision of wages of casual labourers it is informed that the file is being sent to nodel Ministry for approval. It is expected to be cleared by the Nodal ministries within 2-3 weeks. The wages will be revised with effect from 01.01.2006.(4) The Department has issued orders clarifying –(a) No casual labourers shall be engaged in the Administrative offices i.e. CO/RO/DO/PAO with effect from 1st December 2010.
b) The work of sweepers and scavengers should be combined or the same may be outsourced wherever feasible.(c) Since duties of waterman, watch and ward, gardening, cleaning etc are now part of duties assigned to Multi Tasking staff, the existing practice of engaging casual laborers as waterman, Gardner, watch and ward and any other miscellaneous category shall be dispensed with effect from 1st December 2010.


1. Revision of FSC – orders are expected to be released this month itself.
2. Enhancement of Fixed Monetary compensation revising Rs.24/- as Rs.50/- and Rs.85/- for holiday duty will be released next week.
3. The Department has appraised the law ministry about the existence of GS and the promotion on seniority basis to erstwhile Group D now MTS. The law ministry in now approving the revised Recruitment rules. Orders are expected within a fortnight.
4.UPSC has raised some queries on HSG-I Recruitment Rules which had been clarified. The Revised Recruitment Rules will be issued shortly.
5. The file relating to enhancement of OSA has been submitted to J.S. F.A. (Finance) for approval.
6. Direct Recruitment of PA/SAs were completed within couple of days to the extent of around 16000 posts. A Remarkable fast action.
We appreciate the decision and decisive action of the department.

Monday, November 29, 2010

CLICK HERE to see the orders
Redesignating Group D as Multi Tasking Staff Group C.
DOPT published an important order regarding seniority - "Instructions and Guidelines on Seniority"

Regular Promotions to PS Gr.B Cadre

Directorate has issued orders for promotion of 140 senior ASPs to P.S Gr.B cadre on regular basis vide dated 25-11-10.

CLICK HERE to see the list

Friday, November 26, 2010


No. R-III/25-8/2010 Dated 22-11-2010
Shri P.K.Gopinath,
Member (Personnel),
Department of Posts,
Dak Bhawan,
New Delhi-110 116.

Subject:- Vindictive action and Victimization on participants of Nation wide strike on 7th September,2010

Respected Sir,

Kindly refer to this Union letter of even number dated 04-10-2010 on the above mentioned subject.

It has been intimated that the SRM RMS `B` Dn. Pune has imposed FR-17 A to 350 Group `C` & `D` officiails and SRM `F` Dn has issued Notice to 91 officials who participated in the one day token strike of 7th Spetember, 2010. A copy of the of FR 17A imposed and a copy of Notice issued under FR 17 A are enclosed for information. These officials are barred from availiung LTC and appearing in Departmental examinarions for promotion.

It has also been reported that officiating Higher Selection Grade officials have been demoted and transferred to various destinations.

In all previous occassions the participants were awarded “No work no pay “ for those who participated in strike.

The action of PMG Pune and Divisional authorities under him are against the instructions and guide lines issued by the Directorate from time to time in this regard. Therefore, the action is arbitrary and highly provocative in nature .There is resentment among the staff which may deteriote the relations between the administration and staff.

I would request you to kindly intervene in this matter urgently and cause orders to PMG Pune to stop all type of victimizations and vindictive actions to the staff who had participated in the one day nation wide general strike on 7th September,2010 so as to maintain peace and tranquility in the Postal services.

With Regards.
Yours sincerely,

(Gir Raj Singh)
General Secretary

No. R-III/25-8/2010 Dated 22-11-2010

Shri P.K.Gopinath,
Member (Personnel),
Deparment of Posts,
Dak Bhawan,
New Delhi-110 116.

Subject:- Vindictive and against rules attitude of PMG Pune Region Pune.

Kindly refer to this Union letter of even number dated 21-09-2010 on the above mentioned subject.
Shri B.C. Shaikh who was working in HSG-I on adhoc basis was reverted to HSG-II and transferred to other place due to participation in the 7th September, 2010 Nation wide strike has neither been again promoted to HSG-I nor his transfer orders cancelled so far.

We would urges upon you to kindly intervene in this matter immediately and advise CPMG Maharastra Circle to cancel the transfer orders of Shri B.C.Shaikh and restore him to the post of SRO HSG-I Sholapur.

With regards.

Yours sincerely,

(Giri Raj Singh)
General Secretary


No. R-III/25-11/2010 Dated 24-11-2010

Ms Radhika Doraiswamy,
Department of Posts,
Dak Bhawan,
New Delhi-110 116.

Subject:- Proposed shifting of Bangalore TD Sorting to Bangalore City RMS building.

Respected Madam,

It has been intimated by the JCA Karnataka Circle to this Union that CPMG is contemptlating a proposal to shift the Bangalore TD Sorting to Bangalore City RMS building.

In the four monthly meeting with the CPMG Karnataka Circle Bangalore Union had proposed to shift the Bangalore TD Sorting Office to Bangalore GPO building where a Hall at 1st floor is lying vacant and this hall is sufficient to accommodated the staff of Bangalore TD Sorting Office as space available at Bangalore City RMS is not sufficient to accommodate 500 officials. More over around Bangalore City RMS building, Railway is contmptlating many changes which may create hinderance in the free movments of RMS vehicles in future.

Union also proposed the following alternative buildings for shifting of Bangalore TD Sorting Office:-

1. Museum Road P.O ground floor by merging the MBC to MBC Domlur.
2. CSD Chamrajpet where sufficient is available.

Members of NFPE and FNPO are against the shifting of Bangalore TD Sorting Office to Bangalore City RMS and JCA opposed this shifting and submitted a memorandum to CPMG Karnataka Circle Bangalore in this regard (Copy enclosed)

This Unions urges your goodself to advise CPMG Karnataka Circle to examine the shifting of Bangalore City RMS to Bangalore GPO building, Museum road P.O. or CSD

With Regards.

Yours sincerely,

(Gir Raj Singh)
General Secretary

Thursday, November 25, 2010

India Post Presentation on Technological Developments

Presentation on Technological Developments in Department of Posts was held on 23.11.2010 in the presence of Secretary, Department of Posts, Member (Technology), Member (Operations) and other officers of the India Post. The Staff side was represented by Secretary Generals of Federations and General Secretaries of All India Unions.
The presentation was elaborately dealt with the vast changes that are going to take place in the Department of Posts due to large scale induction of Information and communication Technology (ICT). A budget of Rs. 1800 crores has been earmarked for the project which is to be completed by the year end of 2013.
The gist of the presentation can be summed up as follows:
In this era of fast developing Information and Communication Technology, large scale induction and assimilation of modern means of communication has become vital for sustenance and growth of India Post.
Having created a base of more than 12000 computerised Post offices in the country and a pool of trained human resource, India Post is in the process of implementing mass scale computerization and networking of all Departmental Post offices and Branch Post offices on a single integrated and modular platform connected to a National Data Center.
This National infrastructure, so created will enable India Post to provide state-of-the-art ICT services including Mobile remittance and Banking on a core banking platform and provide inclusive banking to rural, remote and hitherto unbanked areas.
The vast network and infrastructure of India Post, have already enabled it to become the preferred point of inter face between Government and the members of public for delivery of social and economic welfare schemes of the Government of India and various state governments. Introduction of modern ICT will help in timely and transparent delivery of social benefit schemes to the beneficiaries viz. MGNREGS, Indira Gandhi Old Age Pension Scheme (IGOAPS).
Computerised and connected network of Post office on a single integrated platform will also help India Post to retail products and services of other service providers viz. Banks, Government & Non Government financial institutions, Government Agencies and Mutual Fund houses in the rural and remote areas.
India Post has already taken initiative for re-engineering processes and making it compatible to suite the new ICT solutions and customer requirements.
One of the pre-requisite for transformation of India Post is upgradation of the skills of the work force and capacity building. Training of the human resources has been given its due importance and recognition in the project. The Services of the newly recruited 15000 Postal Assistants will also be utilized to the maximum extent. The Branch Post offices will not be provided with computers, instead they will be provided with modern-technology oriented hand devices.
Secretary General, NFPE insisted that the services rendered by the existing System Administrators in maintaining the computer network of more than 12000 Post offices is to be acknowledged in its true perspective and they may be absorbed in suitable posts such as System Assistants while implementing the project. The Secretary Post stated that this aspect will be given positive consideration. While we pointing out the delay in discussion on cadre review proposals, it was assured to finalise very shortly. Introduction of accrual based accounting system is also becomes part of the project. The apprehension about the mass redeployment or surplus has been focussed by us for which the Secretary, Posts assured that there will be no staff movements or reduction.
The Leader Staff side requested to arrange a similar presentation to the Circle Secretaries also for which the Secretary (Posts) responded positively.
The following news were made known to us during the course of discussions and interactions.
(i) For the current financial year, the modernization will be restricted up to B class offices, 628 crores had been allotted for this purpose.
(ii) Single handed offices & BOs will be taken in the next year project.
(iii) For Pilot Project six circles have been identified viz. Karnataka, Tamilnadu, Maharashtra, Rajasthan, Uttar Pradesh & Assam. It will come into functioning before August 2011.
(iv) Instead of cost accounting, accrual basis system will be introduced. This is almost implemented in all major organizations including Telecom as per the Government of India decisions.
(v) 1800 ATMs will be established after the introduction of Core banking. Call centers to collection of logistics, MO etc will be formed. Track & trace facilities will be implemented for all services.
(vi) On Phase II, the rest of 16 circles will be completed.
(vii) Softwares are being developed as per the recommendations of ‘Accenture’.
(viii) Expression of Interest was segregated to three instruments. One major National level Data server. Second 2600 departmental Post office net week interrogators, third Rural ICP hardware solutions. All net work equipments, connectivity, maintenance will be entrusted to vendor for 24 X 7 (Per week). He is solely responsible for everything. The penalty clause provision has been included.
(ix) Data centre, hire space and installation area will be ours. The rest software, maintenance etc will be entrusted to the providers.
(x) While comparing previous year, 13% revenue has been increased in postal operations.
An interaction with the staff side on Mail Network optimization project also took place during the meeting. It is explained that the scope of the project is to (1) optimize India Post Network from collection to delivery (2) to standardize processes with focus on significant quality improvement & reduction in network complexity (3) put in place an effective performance measurement system through regular reviews (4) improve the ambience of mail offices (5) upgrade processing facilities and improve working condition for employees and (6) make staff and customers proud of being associated with India Post. The key operational areas of the network optimization are (i) Speed Post and (ii) First class mail. First class mail optimization study is in progress.
The interaction mainly concentrated on the newly introduced Speed Post Network optimization programme (hubs). The Staff Side pointed out that the introduction of the speed post hubs has resulted in delay in processing and transmission of speed post articles resulting in delay in delivery. This issue should be addressed on top priority basis and corrective measures to avoid delay should be taken. The staff side further pointed out that while more than 80% of the speed post hubs are functioning under the administrative control of RMS Superintendents, the remaining hubs are controlled by Postal Superintendents. This has created on apprehension in the minds of the RMS employees that in the longer run the identity of RMS will be lost and eventually it will be merged with Post offices. Taking into consideration of this aspect, the Staff Side requested that all the Speed Post hubs should be under the control of RMS Superintendents. The Secretary, Posts assured to consider the request positively.

The Secretary General NFPE and General Secretaries of affiliated unions of NFPE met DDG (Estt) on 23.11.2010. The following is the outcome of the meeting.
(1) The preliminary (first) sitting of the Cadre Restructuring committee will be held on 26.11.2010 at 3 PM.
(2) The first sitting of the Committee on Postmen related issues will also be held on 26.11.2010.
(3) Regarding the revision of wages of casual labourers it is informed that the file is being sent to nodel Ministry for approval. It is expected to be cleared by the Nodal ministries within 2-3 weeks. The wages will be revised with effect from 01.01.2006.
(4) The Department has issued orders clarifying –
(a) No casual labourers shall be engaged in the Administrative offices i.e. CO/RO/DO/PAO with effect from 1st December 2010.
(b) The work of sweepers and scavengers should be combined or the same may be outsourced wherever feasible.
(c) Since duties of waterman, watch and ward, gardening, cleaning etc are now part of duties assigned to Multi Tasking staff, the existing practice of engaging casual laborers as waterman, Gardner, watch and ward and any other miscellaneous category shall be dispensed with effect from 1st December 2010.
1. Revision of FSC – orders are expected to be released this month itself.
2. Enhancement of Fixed Monetary compensation revising Rs.24/- as Rs.50/- and Rs.85/- for holiday duty will be released next week.
3. The Department has appraised the law ministry about the existence of GS and the promotion on seniority basis to erstwhile Group D now MTS. The law ministry in now approving the revised Recruitment rules. Orders are expected within a fortnight.
4. UPSC has raised some queries on HSG-I Recruitment Rules which had been clarified. The Revised Recruitment Rules will be issued shortly.
5. The file relating to enhancement of OSA has been submitted to J.S. F.A. (Finance) for approval.
6. Direct Recruitment of PA/SAs were completed within couple of days to the extent of around 16000 posts. A Remarkable fast action. We appreciate the decision and decisive action of the department.

The Department has released the recruitment rules for creation of Postmaster cadre. The whole order is reproduced below for the consumption of all members/viewers.
Opinion/Suggestion if any on this issue, please forward the same to P3 CHQ and also to Federation for further discussion with the Department.


Government of India
Ministry of Communications & IT
Department of Posts
Dak Bhawan, Sansad Marg
New Delhi – 110001
Dated, 22nd November, 2010

All Chief Post Masters General
Sub: - Introduction of Postmaster Cadre in Postal Wing.


I am directed to say that Department of Posts operates mainly through its about 25500 Departmental Post Offices. The services it offers have grown in the traditional areas of sale of stamps, booking of Money orders and Registered letters as also in Savings Bank functions, especially where Post Offices disburse NREGA wages to beneficiaries. In many post offices these activities are carried out electronically, new services like e-payment, e-post etc is also offered. Further the Department has also entered into agreements with private players like Western Union for money transfers. In the area of mail, both express, parcel and traditional, the Department of Posts faces tremendous competition. It has to offer excellent services by way of continuous upgrades in quality and in the add on value of its mail products, like IOD, national billing, same day delivery of corporate mail etc.
2. In spite of the long existence of the Post Offices and challenges being faced by the Department from private players in the field there had never been an exclusive cadre for Postmasters. The Postal Assistants, LSG/HSG-II, I etc. are posted to man the posts of Postmasters. This system served the Department quite well till some time back. But now in order to improve/upgrade the functioning of the Post Offices, meet the present day requirement of specialization in Postal office management in the wake of introduction of technology, challenges from market and to increase productivity it has absolutely become essential to ensure that key Post Offices are headed by professional managers. Thus, in order to ensure that professionally qualified, trained and meritorious officials head they key Post Offices, it has been decided to introduce a separate cadre of Postmasters comprising the following grades by carving out the posts from existing General Line posts as ordered vide this Directorates letter No. 13-2/2010-PE-I dt. 03.02.2010.
I. Senior Postmaster 116 Posts
(Rs. 9300-34800 + Rs.4800 Grade Pay)
II. Postmaster Gr – III 495 Posts
(Rs.9300-34800 + Rs.4600 Gr. Pay)
III. Postmaster Gr-II 511 Posts
(Rs. 9300-34800 + Rs.4200 Gr. Pay)
IV. Postmaster Gr-I 2097 Posts
(Rs. 5200-20200 + Rs.2800 Gr. Pay)
3. The Recruitment Rules of the above stated grades have since been framed and notified. A copy of the Recruitment Rules called the Department of Posts, Senior Postmaster (Group B Gazetted), Postmaster (Grade ‘ III and II’ – Group B non – Gazetted) and Postmaster (Grade I-Group C non-Gazetted) Recruitment Rules, 2010, dated 9th September, 2010 is forwarded herewith.
4. The number of posts in the various grades of the Postmaster carved out of the existing General Line Posts in various Postal Circles is being issued separately.
5. Thus it may be noted that:
I. A separate cadre of Postmasters has been created at the level of LSG, HSG-II, HSG-I and PS Group ‘B’ by carving out the cadre from the existing General Line Cadre Posts in Postal Wing and PS Group ‘B’ and designated as Postmaster Gr –I, Postmaster Gr.II , Postmaster Gr.III and Senior Postmaster.
II. Initial constitution of the various Grades of Postmasters shall be done by inviting options/applications from the existing incumbents of LSG, HSG-II, HSG-I in Post offices and PS Group, ‘B’.
III. In subsequent years all the vacancies in Postmaster Gr.I shall be filled up through a Limited Departmental Competitive Examination, From amongst PAs with 5 years regular service in the grade.
IV. All the vacancies in Postmaster Gr. II Posts shall be filled up by promotion from amongst Postmaster Gr. I with 6 years regular service in the grade (including regular service in LSG, if any).
V. All the vacancies in Postmaster Gr. III posts shall be filled up by promotion from amongst Postmaster Gr. II with 5 years regular service the grade (including regular service in HSG II, If any).
VI. 25% of vacancies in the grade of Sr. Postmaster will be filled up by promotion of Postmaster Gr. III with 2 years of regular service in the grade (including regular service in HSG, I if any) and 75% by Inspector of Posts (IPOs) with 6 years of regular service in the grade on the basis of Limited Departmental Competitive Examination (LDCE).
VII. The officials in PS Gr ‘B’ and Senior Postmaster (Gazetted) would be eligible for induction in IPOs, Gr ‘A’ on the basis of a consolidated eligibility list.
6. To begin with the Postal Circles, as per the provisions of the Recruitment Rules, may call for the options/applications with their bio-data from the willing officials holding the posts in the equivalent grades for appointment as Postmaster grade I, II and III respectively. While inviting for the applications it may be categorically stated that:
I. Once and official submits his application he will not be allowed to withdraw the same.
II. Officials who are still left with at least two years of service to retire may only apply in order to avoid their dislocation at the fag end of their service.
III. In the event of their appointment as Postmaster their further career progression will be in the hierarchy in the Postmaster cadre only as per the provisions in the relevant Recruitment Rules and not in the General Line.
7. The applications so received may be scrutinized to find out the eligibility of the applicants. Thereafter the applications of the eligible applicants may be placed before the Screening Committee mentioned under Col. 11 of the respective grades for assessing their suitability based on their ACRs and vigilance clearance provided they attain the minimum bench mark of ‘Good’ Those who are found suitable they may be arranged in the order of seniority for appointment in respective grade of postmaster as they enjoyed in the General Line.
8. If after filling up the posts as per procedure mentioned in above paragraph certain number of posts still remain unfilled the same shall be filled up by promotion as per the provision contained in col. 12 of the respective Recruitment Rules. It may please be noted that in that event the unfilled posts in Postmaster Gr. I will have to be filled up on the basis of Limited Departmental Competitive Examination. The pattern and scheme for Limited Departmental Competitive Examination to fill up the vacancies in the grade of Postmaster Gr.I would follow shortly.
9. All the Postal circles are requested to follow the time-line mentioned below to fill up the posts of Postmaster:
(i) Date of Issue of Circular calling for the options/applications for appointment as Postmaster Grade I, II and III. - 14.12.2010
(ii) Last date for receipt of options/applications along with bio-data - 15.01.2011
(iii) Completion of scrutiny of applications and obtaining Vigilance Clearance and ACR dossiers. - 31.01.2011
(iv) Submission to Screening Committee. - 10.02.2011
(vi) Submission of the minutes to the appointing authority for approval - 01.03.2011
(vii) Issue of appointment orders - 16.03.2011
10. Thereafter the Postmasters so appointed may be deputed for training immediately in consultation with the Training Division of the Directorate.
11. The receipt of the letter may please be acknowledged.
Yours faithfully,
(V. C. Kajla)
Director (SPN)

Wednesday, November 24, 2010

Directorate vide its letter No. 1-03/2007-PAP dated 2nd November,2010 issued instructions to PMG Rajkot on stepping up of pay of seniors at par with juniors under TBOP/BCR

Subject:- Placement of seniors at par with their juniors under TBOP/BCR Schemes – clarifications regarding.

I am directed to refer to your office letter No. A&P/Step-up/PGC/04 dated 11/23.8.2010 and 15.10.2010 on the subject cited above and to intimate that the issue has been examined in this Directorate, a number of times and necessary clarifications/instructions have been issued from time to time. The last such clarifications have recently been issued vide this Directorate letter of even No. dated 03-09-2010 (Copy enclosed for ready reference). All such cases may kindly be dealt with in accordance with these instructions and clarifications which inter-alia clearly envisage that the placement of officials in next higher scale/grade of pay are merely financial upgradations,granted to the officials on completion of 16 years and 26 years of qualifying services, respectively and not on the basis of their seniority. These financial upgradations are personal to the officials concerned and no stepping up of pay of the senior is admissible and/ or placement of the seniors at par with their juniors promoted under TBOP/BCR scheme is not permissible,in any case.

2. It is also informed that such issues, if any should first be taken up with the Circle Office concerned,who may examine the issue and decide /dispose it off the same at their end itself or may take up the matter with this Directorate ,if required.

This issues with the approval of the Competent Authority.

( K.Rameshwara Rao)
Assistant Director General (Estt)

Department of Posts vide its letter No. 4-4/2009-PCC dated 19th November issued instructions on engagement of Casual Labourers in the light of the guidelines on outsourcing.


Attention of all concerned is invited to this Directorate`s OM No. 1-20/2008-PCC fated 24th Sept.,2009 containing revised duties of Multi Tasking Staff Group `C` and letter No. 1-10/2009-PCC dated 07th Sept. 2009 on guidelines and terms and conditions on outsourcing. Secretary (Posts)`s D.O. letter of even number dated 29th October,2010 on engagement of casual labourers may also be referred to.

2. The Department of Posts while designation the erstwhile Group `D` as Multi Task Group `C` Staff has prescribed that watch and ward/caretaker duties, and general cleanliness and upkeep of section/unit/office including dusting of furniture, cleaning of building rooms & fixtures, gardening will also be the duties of Multi Tasking Staff Group `C` in addition to duties already entrusted to them.

3. In view of the revised duties assigned to the Multi Tasking Staff, there is a need to streamline the work entrusted to the Casual labourers engaged in the Department of Posts, the Competent Authority has ordered the following:

(i) No Casual labourers shall be engaged in the Administrative Offices i.e CO/RO/DO/PAO w.e.f. 01st December,2010

(ii) The work of sweepers and scavengers should be combined or the same may be outsourced wherever feasible.

(iii) Since duties of waterman, watch and ward, gardening, cleaning etc. are now part of duties assigned to Multi Tasking Staff, the existing practice of engaging Casual labourers as waterman,gardener, watch and ward or any other miscellaneous category shall be dispensed with w.e.f. 01st December,2010

4. The above instructions should be followed in letter and spirit without any deviation. A compliance report of the above aspects may also be sent to this office for information of Secretary (Posts)
by 31st December,2010 positively as per the proforma attached with this letter.

(Surender Kumar)
Assistant Director General (GDS/PCC)

Thursday, November 18, 2010

Technological developments in Department of Posts - Presentation to the Staff Side on 23.11.2010 at 10.30 hours in Committee Room, Dak Bhawan, ND.



The anarchist force which is trying to reign with terror and violence in West Bengal promising and demanding to bring about 'change', is continuing their attacks on the soldiers of the left democratic forces. In two more instances, our organisers and leaders have been brutally injured by them. Com. Milan Bhattacharya, former Circle Secretary, West Bengal Circle & All India President of Postmen & MS Employees Union, who went back to his paternal village at Kakdwip in the district of 24 Parganas(South)after retirement, has been attacked, beaten up severely on Thursday, 11.11.2010, by a group of political terrorists advocating for so-called 'change' in West Bengal at the cost of lives and democracy.Com. Bhattacharya, a sustained fighter for the cause of the oppressed who also spent his own life fighting poverty and class deprivation, got himself involved in different activities in the locality for restoration of peace and social justice. The process naturally went against the interest of few people who now-a-days are openly involved in malpractices in the name of paving way for the 'change' in favour of the political opposition in West Bengal.On Thursday, a group of these miscreants attacked Com. Milanda and his compatriots with rods, sticks, bombs and other arms in open daylight in Chandipur. They hit com. Milanda twice purposefully with rods, but other comrades physically covered him somehow. He thus survived the attack, but has to be brought to M.R.Bangur Hospital in Kolkata, where he is now admitted, very seriously injured, bruised and battered all over the body and head. 10 other local people have also been injured, 7 of which are admitted to same hospital, rest 4 in Kakdwip hospital.The people of the locality, supported by the democratic forces, is condemning the attack by these forces of violence and intolerance. Entire Kakdwip Sub-Division observed protest day on Friday, protest meeting will be held in Chandipur on 19th November 2010.In another similar incident, Com. Dilip Pratihar, GDSMC, Hati B.O. in North Hooghly Divn was recently attacked and violently beaten by the counterparts of the same political goons. Com. Pratihar is presently totally bed-ridden.The NFPE Group of Circle Unions call upon all organisers to hold lunch-hour programs condemning these attacks and the effort of these criminals and their political patrons to take over power by means of terror.LET US VOUCH FROM THE PROGRAM THAT WE SHALL HOLD OUR FLAG HIGH IN FAVOUR OF DEMOCRACY AND PEOPLES' RIGHTS TILL WE BREATHE OUR LAST. W We condemn the brutality and wish Com Milanda to recover soon.

Dear Comrades,

Confederation of Central Government Employees and Workers is holding its National Council at Mumbai on 01-12-10. National Council will be held once in a year before the All India Conference. This meeting is going to be a milestone because a new charter of demands including a DEMAND FOR REVISION OF WAGES FOR CENTRAL GOVT. EMPLOYEES ONCE IN FIVE YEARS is going to be framed. Please go through the notice placed here under and send the items to be taken up at the meeting to the CHQ.

Giri Raj Singh
General Secretary R-III

Manishinath Bhawan, A/2/95 Rajouri Garden, New Delhi. 110 027.
Websirte. E mail.
Dated; 13TH November, 2010

Dear Comrade,
This is in continuation to the notice for the National Council meeting, which has been placed on the website and post copy having been sent to all concerned. We request the National Council members to make it convenient to attend the meeting on Ist December, 2010 at Mumbai.
Under the item organisational review, we would like to discuss the modalities of holding the first National Women's convention at Kolkata. The West Bengal State Committee has informed us that it would be possible for them to hold the Convention at Kolkata on 29 and 30th Jan. 2011. The affiliates will take this into account and indicate the number of delegates they would be able to deploy for the convention. We shall take a final decision of the composition of the convention at the National Council meeting.
With greetings,

Yours fraternally
K.K.N. Kutty
Secretary Genera

Dated: 11th November, 2010


Notice is hereby given for a meeting of the National Council of the Confederation of Central Government Employees & Workers, on 1st December, 2010 at DGFAFLI, Ministry of Labour, Central Labour Institute, Chunabhatti Road, Sion, Mumbai – 400 022. The meeting will commence at 10.00 a.m. and will continue till the agenda items are discussed and concluded. The following is the agenda for discussion at the meeting.
1. Review of the 7th September Strike (The State Committee will place written report).
2. Finalisation of Charter of Demands. (Members may send in item for inclusion in the Charter well before the National Council Meeting).
3. Reporting on issues pending at the National Anomaly and MACP Committee meetings.
4. Issues taken up before the National Council (Members may send fresh item with explanatory memorandum, the problem faced by various states in respect of CGHS facilities may be submitted separately).
5. Steps to be taken to improve the participation of Central Government Employees in the common struggles of the working class.
6. Finalisation of programmes of action.
7. Organisational review (State Committees and applications for affiliations).
8. Any other matter with the permission of the Chair.K.K.N.KuttySecretary General.
All National Council Members

IRTSA proposes to demand Seventh Pay Commission for Revision of wage structure wef 1.1.2011

Proposal to Demand Setting up of Seventh Pay Commission IRTSA proposes to demand Seventh Pay Commission - For Revision of wage structure wef 1.1.2011 IRTSA invites comments from its members & other visitors to on the following demand - proposed to be raised soon: Seventh CPC for Revision of wage structure of Central Government employees should be set up forthwith - for a revision of wage structure with effect from 1.1.2011 - on following grounds: i) Implementation of 6th CPC would complete 5 year period on 1-1-2011. Government has conceded to effect wage revision in the case of PSU employees after every five years. The same critiria of 5 years shoud be adoptd for revision of wages of Central Government Employees and Pensioners ii) D.A component in the wages would exceed 50% wef January, 2011. But merger of DA is not proposed to be done at this stage (as in the past) due to retrograde recommendations of the Sixth Pay Commission to the contrary. iii) The disparity with PSUs & Corporate Sector have increased further since Sixth CPC - and will now further increase especially due to fast improvement in economy. iv) Anomalies in Sixth CPC Report & its implementation cannot apparently be removed - except by a Pay Commission since the Government is not ready to agree on any of the major issues of concern. Courtesy : IRTSA

Tuesday, November 16, 2010

Subject:-Notification regarding delegation of Financial Powers Rules, 1978 relating to `Conveyance hire`

Ministry of Finance, Department of Expenditure Notification dated 26th May,2010.


S.O. ….In pursuance of clause(3) of Article 77 of the Constitution of India, the President hereby make3s the following rules further to amend the Delegation of Financial Powers Rules,1978,namely:-

(1) These rules may be called the Delegation of Financial Powers (Amendment) Rules,2010
(2) They shall come into9 force on the date of their publication in the Official Gazette.
2. In the Table to the Schedule V of the Delegation of Financial Powers Rules, 1978 for the item No.3 relating to “ Conveyance hire” in column 3,under the heading 6 “General Notes” in paragraph (i) for the figures”150” the figures “300” shall be substituted.

File NO. M.O.F. (D.O.E) No. 1(18/E.II-A/2010
A copy of the Ministry’s Notification of even number dated 26th May,2010 is forwarded for information. This Notification has been published vide SO No. 1370 in the Gazette of India, Part II, Section (3) Sub-Section (ii) dated 29th May, 2010

2. Hindi version of the Notification is enclosed

M.O.F. (D.O.E) No. 1(18/E.II-A/2010 dated 13th July,2010
D.G. Posts No. 4-4/2008-PCC dated 22-9-2010

Thursday, November 11, 2010


Circular No.21/2010 10th November, 2010

Dear Comrade,

Please refer to our Circular letter no. 20/2010 dated 30th October 2010 wherein we had conveyed the decisions of the last Secretariat Meeting held at New Delhi. As per the said decision we are to meeting in the National Council at Mumbai. The Mumbai State Committee has informed us that they have made arrangements for the National Council at the following venue:

D G F A F L I, Ministry of Labour Central Labour Institute Chunabhatti Road, Sion, Mumbai – 400 022, Near Sion Railway Station at Central Line

The meeting will be held on 1st December 2010 from 10.00 am. As per the provisions of the Constitution the members who are entitled to attend the National Council Meeting are as under:

(a) Office bearers and National Executive Committee members;

(b) The Chief Executives (General Secretary or Secretary General as the case may be) of all affiliated Associations/Unions (in the case of NFPE, the Chief executives of all its affiliates Unions/Associations. Viz Postal 3, Postal 4, RMS 3, RMS 4 and Postal Administrative and Accounts Associations/Unions)

The agenda for discussion in the meeting will be sent separately alongwith the Notice. All National Council members are requested to kindly make it convenient to reach Mumbai on 30/11/2010 and shall be able to leave on 02/12/2010. The members who need accommodation at Mumbai are requested to contact Com. R.P. Singh, Secretary, Mumbai State Committee at the following telephone numbers:

Mobile No. 09969080996 Tel (Office) : 022-24370448

The Mumbai State Committee will issue very shortly a detailed letter indicating the arrangements for stay, etc and other details. Kindly ensure that the passage for onward and return journey is reserved immediately.
With Greetings
Yours fraternally,

Secretary General

D.G. Posts No. 2(5)/09/PA-Admn.I/356 to 362 Dated: 10.11.2010

A committee has been constituted for examining the proposals relating to the cadre restructuring of LDC, Sorters & DEOs in PAOs. The composition of the Committee is as follows:

Official Side

i) DDG (PAF) Chairman
ii) Director (B&A) Member
iii) Director (IA) Member

Staff Side

i) Shri Santosh Kumar, President AIPAEA
ii) Shri T. Sathyanarayana, General Secretary, AIPAEA
iii) Shri S.K. Mishra, General Secretary, BPAOEA

Assistant Director General (PA-Admn.) will be the convenor of the Committee to whom the proposals/recommendations may be submitted.

This issues with the approval of DDG (PAF)



An employee becomes eligible for gratuity on the termination of his employment after he has rendered continuous service for not less than five years, according to Section 4(1) of the Payment of Gratuity Act, 1972.

He is also entitled for interest on the gratuity in terms of Section 7(3) and 7(3A). Making these clear, the Madurai Bench of the Madras High Court directed the Arumuganeri Salt Workers Co-operative Production and Sale Society Ltd, Thoothukkudi district, to pay the amount to its worker, Mr A. Rajan, within 30 days from date of receipt of a copy of this order without further driving him to any other forum.

Mr Justice K. Chandru, hearing a writ petition from the Society challenging the order dated January 27, 2009 of the Appellate Authority under the Act, Madurai (R-2), directing it to make interest payment if gratuity was not paid within 30 days from the date of his order, noted that from the beginning, it was the stand of the petitioner Society that R-1 (Mr A. Rajan) was not eligible for gratuity. If Sections 7(3) and 7(3A) were read together, then there was no difficulty in understanding the eligibility for receiving interest. In the present case, the Appellate Authority had correctly construed the legal provisions and there was no case made out to interfere with the interpretation placed by the Authority.

The petitioner contended that payment of interest would arise only when there was delayed payment, and in this case, there was no delay since they had paid gratuity as ordered by R-2, and hence the question of payment of interest would not arise. This Court was unable to accept the said statement, since the entire controversy was with regard to the legal provision.

Reading Section 4(1) of the Act it would be clear that the date relevant for determination of interest was the date on which gratuity became payable, which in the present case was when R-1 resigned his job on 1-6-2003. When R-1 issued notice for payment of gratuity, petitioner employer did not honour the notice. On the contrary, it was only when R-1 instituted a claim before the Controlling Authority, the petitioner contended about the irregular nature of his employment and his alleged disqualification from receiving gratuity.

In the light of these, the writ petition stood dismissed, the Judge held.

Source: The Hindu

Wednesday, November 10, 2010


Under the New Pension Scheme (NPS), investors save money which is put into the capital market. The sum which you will get after retirement will be dependent on the performance of the capital market. You can make monthly or weekly contributions to the NPS. But for every contribution, your transaction cost will increase.

Prior to NPS, there was the Defined Benefit Plan -one would get certain pension fixed for life. The post retirement proceeds were fixed and if there is a shortfall in this corpus, the government would make good.

NPS is a Defined Contribution Plan where the returns will not be fixed. You will only get what you have contributed and returns that the fund manager generates on it. All new entrants to the central government services (other than armed forces) after January 1, 2004, will compulsorily join this scheme. All citizens, including NRIs, aged 18 to 60 can voluntary join the scheme. The exit age is 60 years.

A minimum contribution of Rs 6,000 is compulsory per year. The minimum amount per contribution is Rs 500 and a minimum of four contributions in a year for each subscriber account is required.
Under the NPS, each subscriber is allotted a unique 16-digit Permanent Retirement Account Number (PRAN). This number is portable. The records of transactions are maintained by the Central Record Keeping Agency (CRKA). The subscriber has the option to invest with seven pension fund managers (PFMs). He also has the option to choose any one or more PFMs to manage his contribution. These PFMs will have three kind of funds categorised as 'E' for equity funds, 'G' for funds investing in government securities and 'C' for fixed income securities other than government securities.
There are two types of accounts:
Tier I account where you cannot withdraw
The Tier I account is the basic NPS account that is non-withdrawable till retirement or death of the subscriber. In this account, the total corpus at retirement age is split, where a minimum of 40 percent of the final corpus has to be compulsorily used to buy an annuity while the subscriber is free to withdraw the remaining 60 percent as a lump sum or in installments.
Tier II account where you can withdraw
The Tier II account is available to only to those who are existing subscribers of the Tier I account. The money contributed into this account can be freely withdrawn as and when the subscriber wishes to except for a minimum balance that needs to be maintained at the end of each financial year.
The NPS levies an investment charge of .00009 percent of the assets under management. Initial charges of account opening are around Rs 470. From the second year onward the charges are Rs 350 per annum. Also, a charge of Rs 10 is applicable for each transaction. One can make monthly or weekly contributions. But for every contribution, your transaction cost will increase.
Fund managers
These are managed by fund managers. Currently, seven fund houses appointed by the government are available under the NPS.
These are:
LIC Pension Fund Limited SBI Pension Funds Pvt Limited UTI Retirement Solutions Limited IDFC Pension Fund Management Company Limited ICICI Prudential Pension Funds Management Company Limited Kotak Mahindra Pension Fund Limited Reliance Capital Pension Fund Limited
There are three schemes available under the NPS. Fund C
In case you invest in this fund, all the money will be invested in fixed income instruments such as corporate bonds and government securities. One should consider investing in this fund if the risk appetite is medium as corporate bonds are not that risky. Fund E
In case one invests in this fund, a portion of not more than 50 percent of the invested money will be put in equity. You should choose this retirement plan only if your risk appetite is high, as up to 50 percent of your money will be linked to the performance of equity.
Fund G
In this case, all your money will be invested in government securities. Hence, this is suited for risk-averse investors. One can choose to invest in any of these funds. You may also invest in a mix of these funds. If you do not choose between these funds, your contributions will be invested in a fund with 15 percent in equity, 45 percent in corporate bonds and 40 percent in government bonds. With increase in age, after 35 years, the government bond exposure will increase with a maximum limit of 80 percent and 10 percent each in equity and corporate bonds.
Fixed income pension plan
The government has proposed to extend the 'fixed income pension plan' to workers in the unorganised sector. The monthly contributions one makes will be invested as per NPS guidelines. The State funds for the savings scheme will be added to this. If any gap exists between the sum guaranteed and sum generated from the two steps, the central government will provide the required funds. The new plan will be started off initially in Haryana, Karnataka and Andhra Pradesh. This amendment is meant only for workers in the unorganised sector. Central and State government employees will continue to get pension through NPS.
Tax benefit Presently, NPS does not offer any tax exemptions unlike other retirement plans. It falls under the category of exempt-exempt-tax (EET) system which means that maturity benefits you receive after retirement will be taxable. However, with the Direct Tax Code coming in NPS will be tax exempted on withdrawal too.--


An incentive structure akin to one prevalent in private sector could soon be in place for government servants as well, building on the extensive performance review that is already underway for them, a top government official said.

"An incentive system is being worked upon as recommended by the Sixth Pay Commission. It could be implemented by next year," Prajapati Trivedi Secretary Performance management, said at the annual economic editors' conference.
The incentives would be given out from the cost savings achieved by a bureaucrat in his role and will, therefore, not place an additional financial burden on the Government, he explained. Besides, the extensive job performance parameters, these incentives would also depend on cost saving on account of reduction in the use of office stationary and savings in electricity consumption. Cabinet secretary K M Chandrashekhar has already written a letter to all secretaries to the Government of India on their performance targets.
A mid-year review of the performance of Government departments and officials is currently underway, that will give them fair idea of how each fare with respect to their agreed goals.
The Government had put in place a performance monitoring and evaluation system following an announcement in this regard by the President in her address to both the houses of Parliament on June 4, 2009. The first evaluation was carried out last year which was limited to only three months of the fiscal.
The current year's evaluation would be the first comprehensive exercise, which will be illustrated in a report card. This report card will be finalized by May 1 each year.
The new policy is designed on what is already in place in many countries. New Zealand, United Kingdom and USA carry out extensive performance reviews of their government departments.
The results framework document of each ministry or department will be put on its website to ensure stakeholder participation and transparency of the exercises. The concept is based on a paper prepared by the IIM, Ahmedabad.

SOURCE: Economic times.

Monday, November 8, 2010

CHQ writes to Secretary Posts against formation of
No. R-III/25-3/2010 08-11-2010

Department of Posts,
Dak Bhawan,
New Delhi-110 116.

Subject:- Creation of “NSPC HUB”

Respected Madam,

It has been intimated by the Circle Secretary West Bengal Circle that CPMG West Bengal Circle is implementing a new scheme called “NSPC HUB”. W.e.f. 10-11-2010

It is learnt that under this scheme, Speed Post article presently handled by RMS Mail Offices will be diverted to the new “NSPC HUB” and staff from mail Offices will be withdrawn. At present there are about 325 speed post centres handling Speed Post articles and under the new scheme these will be reduced to 90.

This Union is totally in dark about this scheme as neither Directorate nor Circle authorities has discussed this issue with the Union. We are not against any new scheme to improve the efficency of postal services. However, we are of the firm opinion that any new scheme affecting the staff should be discussed with the staff side in order to obtain sincere cooperation of the staff.

It is regretted to inform you that the above order is in violation of the agreements reached with D.G. Posts on 12th July,2010 and 30th November, 2009 with regard to Charter of Demands on strike notice. It was agreed that status quo would be maintained and no office would be closed or merged without taking the staff into confidence. However, the authorities either at The Directorate level or at Circle level did not discuss the issue of “NSPC Hub” with the staff Unions.

We would therefore,urge upon you to keep the formation of “NSPC Hub” in abeyance till the issue is discussed with the Unions at all level.
With Regards
Yours Sincerely,

(Giri Raj Singh)
General Secretary

Wednesday, November 3, 2010

Ministry of Urban Development
Directorate of Estates
Nirman BhawanNew Delhi

Dated 28.10.2010

Office Memorandum

Subject:- Charging of enhanced rate of licence fee in case of out of turn Allotment.
The undersigned is directed to say that the matter of charging of three time of licence fee in case of out turn allotment till the day the allottee becomes eligible for inturn allotment of a Govt. residence has been reviewed and it has been decided to propose enhanced rate of six times of licence fee in all the cases of all out of turn allotment matures as per his seniority/priority in waiting list for allotment of that type of Govt. residence.
All allotment Sections are requested to submit the proposal for out of turn allotment at six times of licence fee for consideration of CCA.

Postal Directorate vide letter No.4-16/2002 SPB-II dated 29/10/2010 has intimated to all the Circle Heads that the matter for extending the Adhoc arrangements for a further period of six months has already been taken up with the Department of Personnel &Training and further orders in this regard may be awaited.
In view of the above all the circle heads are ordering further extension of adhoc arrangements in HSG-I until further orders subjected to the conditions prescribed in the earlier memos. This is for the information of the members.
Giri Raj Singh
General Secretary

Monday, November 1, 2010

Circular No 20/2010 Dated: 30th Oct. 2010

Dear Comrade,

The National Secretariat of the Confederation met today as per the notice issued. The following agenda items were discussed. The decisions taken on each item are as under

Item No.1. Review of participation of CGE in 7th September, Strike. Detailed reports on the participation of employees in the strike action were presented to the house by the representatives of various affiliates and State Committees of the Confederation. Reports received at the CHQ were also gone through. It was apparent from the reports that the participation in the strike action could have been much better had certain steps been taken at the appropriate time by the affiliates and the State Committees. It was also noted that wherever the State Committees of the Confederation were in existence and had taken initiative to mobilise the employees, the strike had been very successful. It was also evident from the discussion that wherever the affiliates had taken serious steps ,the strike participation had been very good. The best performance was reported by the Income tax Employees Federation, All India RMS and MMS employees Union and the All India Groundwater Board Employees Association. It was therefore decided that the State Committees must convene a meeting in which the leaders of all affiliates unions of that State (up to the Branch/Unit level) and the strike participation discussed in the presence of the National leadership. The Sectt.(CHQ) will indicate the schedule for such meetings.

Item No.2 Finalisation of the dharna programme at different State Capitals to protest
against the victimisations of employees of the IA & AD. Wherever it was not implemented.
At the instance of the Secretary General All India Audit and Accounts Association, it was decided to defer the implementation of this programme for some time.

Item No.3. Finalisation of charter of demands (common to CGEs) and progamme of actions thereon.
Various issues were discussed which have arisen from the very retrograde recommendations and objectionable implementation of them by the Government. Though the issues have been taken up in the National Anomaly committee and at the National Counil, the meeting felt that no positive outcome should be expected thereof. The house also felt that the large number of anomalies created by the 6th CPC can only be rectified by a total wage revision. Taking this view into account, it was proposed that we should demand a fresh revision of wage structure with effect from 1.1.2011 for the 6th CPC tenure would complete the 5 year period on that date. Since the Government has conceded to effect wage revision in the case of PSU employees after every five years, the meeting felt that this demand is appropriate. The meeting also noted that by 1.1.2011, the D.A component in the wages would exceed 50% . The meeting therefore decided that a comprehensive charter should be adopted at the next meeting of the National Council of the Confederation.

Item No. 4 and 5 were deferred for discussion at the National Council.(Subscription from affiliates and adhoc bonus)

6. Affiliation application: In the case of Bureau of Mines Safety, Dhanbad, the meeting asked the Sectt. to depute a representative to go to Dharnbad and hold discussions with all concerned and submit a report to the Sectt. for taking further decision in the matter In respect of Survey of India, Com. President informed the house that he along with the Secretary General had been to Dehradun sometime back and it was decided that all organisations in the Survey of India including the newly formed Topographical employees association will form a Co-ordination Committee and the same will seek affiliation with the confederation. The meeting decided to request all organisations in the Survey of India to constitute the Co-ordination Committee. The meeting decided to grant affiliation to the Association of Lakshadweep employees. The meeting also decided to depute one of the Sectt. members to go over to A&N Islands with a view to revive the functioning of the State Committee of the Confederation.

Item No. 7. Venue and date of next Council meeting. It was decided to hold the National Council at Mumbai on Ist December, 2010 for which a separate notice is being issued.

Item No.8. Any other matter with the permission of the Chair. At the request of Com. P.V. Ramachandran, the house decided that the Confederation should demand that those cadres which were included in the JCM scheme at the inception (Since they were Group C employees then)should continue to be the categories eligible to participate in the JCM irrespective of the new classification ordered by the Department of Personnel from time to time.
The house also decided to take up the matter of inclusion of all Audit employees including Railway Audit employees to be covered by the CGHS scheme as before.

With greetings,
Yours fraternally,

K.K.N. Kutty
Secretary General.

Direct Recruitment. Postal Assistant / Sorting Assistant

Department issued letter on filling up of the vacancies of Postal Assistant / Sorting Assistant pertaining to the years 2009 & 2010 by Direct Recruitment.
1. Issue Advertisement /Circular of the vacancies - 08-11-2010
2. Last date for receipt of the applications - 08-12-2010
3. Holding of written examination & Completion
of Computer Test - 09-01-2011
4. Declaration of final result / select list - 15- 01-2011
For Order Copy CLICK HERE