21st Death Anniversary of Com. N.J.Iyer was founder President of NFPE and General Secretary R-III who built strong Postal and Central Govt. Employees movement passed away on 21st February, his 21st death Anniversary falls on 13-02-2021 we call to all rank & file and workers to observe his 21st death Anniversary falling on
13th February,2021 by holding general body and explain the life and work of great commented leader.
6th Death Anniversary of Com. S.K.Vyas.
Com.S.K.Vyas who was Secretary General of Confederation who was legend leader of C.G.Emp. & Workers falls on 13-02-2021. CHQ R-III appeal to all to observe The 6th Death Anniversary of Com. S.K.Vyas by holding Meeting and explain the life and work of the commented leader