The 35th Divisional Conference of MMS Delhi AIRMS & MMS Employees Union Group `C` of MMS Delhi was held on 02-04-2014 at Recreation Club MMS Naraina New Delhi-100 028 under the Prsidentship of Com. Satbir Singh -III.
Com.R.N. Prashar Asstt Secretary General NFPE inaugurated the Conference and elaborately spoke on history of Pay Commission, Pension, C.G. Emp. issues including Postal/RMS/MMS Confederation 15 Point Charter of Demands D.A. merger,, strike conducted by Confederation/NFPE, Govt. Policies, LPG and other issues Com. Giri Raj Singh General Secretary R-III , Rajinder Prasad EX AGS, K.P. Singh AGS, R-III, Amar Pal C/S R-III, , Harinder Singh C/S R-IV, Khazan Singh Ex D./S R-III, Charan Singh ACS R-III and Kamal Dingh D/S R-IV MMS Dn. addressed and spoke on Postal/RMS/MMS and C.G. Emp.issues including MMS Cadre Review, Da meger, 7 CPC, SPC, L-1,L-2, Parcel Hubs, MACP, 6 CPC anomalies, filling up vacant ASSTT. and other issues. Sh. H.D.Sahoo, Senior Manager MMS and Shri S.P.Sharma Dy Manager MMS Dn. Naraina also attended and greeted the Conference.
Com. K.P.Singh Divisional Secretary gave vote of thanks.
Coms. Satbir Singh-III, K.P.Singh and Com. Pramod Kumar were elected as Divisional President, Divisional
Secretary and Divisional Treasurer respectively.