HAPPY NEW YEAR 2025 TO ALL MEMBERS,Viewers & Readers

Thursday, January 5, 2012


No. R-III/Circular-1/2012                                                                    Dated 04-01-2012
            All Circle Secretaries, CWC Members & Divisional Secretaries

Dear Comrades,

                         As per decision of Central JCA Meeting held on 3-12-2011 at New Delhi consisting NFPE, FNPO and GDS Unions have served  the Strike Notice to the Secretary, Department of Posts on 15-12-2011. The Department is not implementing the assurances given by the deferred indefinite strike from 5th July, 2011 though there is no positive settlement on the demands particularly on MNOP L-1, L-2 first class mail Hubs. The Postal Board is going ahead with the implementation of the retrograde recommendations of Mckinsey on Mail Network optimisation Project (MNOP). In the Committee constituted under the Chairmanship of Member (Operation) for reviewing the issues arising out of the implementation of the Speed Post Hubs and proposed  L-1, L-2 in the first class mail hubs, the staff side representatives have vehementally opposed the implementation of L-1, L-2 first class Mail Hubs as it will adversely affect the efficiency  of the Services resulting public  faith on the Postal Services. Further it will also result in large scale dislocation /transfer of employees, merger of Divisions and will adversely affect their promotional prospects. Inspite of our objection and disagreement  the Postal Board has made it clear that they are going ahead with the implementation of the MNOP Project.

            The following burning problems of RMS & MMS employees have been included in the Charter of Demands.
 1.      (a)     Drop the Mail Network Optimisation Project (MNOP) and reject the Mckinsey Consultancy's disastrous recommendations. Inspite of the opposition and disagreement expressed by the staff side in the MNOP Committee, the Department is going ahead with the implementation of L-1, L2 (hub system for first class mails). Further the request for additional intra-circle speed post hubs proposed by the staff side is not yet fully implemented.  Change of administrative jurisdiction of speed post hubs from Postal side to RMS side is also not considered favourably.
(b)   Review CRC, EPF and logistic norms 
2.   Immediate revision of OTA rates and stop recovery of OTA paid to officials who are engaged compulsorily on OTA overlooking the pay-ceiling.

3.      Implement the assurances made on 12.07.2010 strike settlement and also in the JCM Departmental Council Meeting held on 23.08.2010.

4.    Immediate finalization of Cadre Restructuring proposals including Postal Accounts as assured by the Secretary Department of Posts and its implementation.  Inspite of the assurance that the proposals will be finalized within one month, the process is still in the initial stage.

5.  Grant promotions to Drivers / Artisans at par with other C.G. organizations like Railways/Defence. Higher Pay Scales to charge hand & Drivers.

6.      Counting of past services rendered by erstwhile RTPs for promotions and MACP.

7.      Implement Apex Court Judgment in case of RRR Candidates in true sprit and extend to all approved RRR Candidates awaiting for absorption.

8.      Review the MACP clarificatory orders and rectify the issues like, non drawl of special allowance on acquiring MACP, wrong interpretation of IIIrd MACP to departmental promotes only after 30 years, Counting as double promotions as Group D & Postmen and Mailguards.

9.  Vacate victimization and condone/drop FR-17A in Maharashtra Circle .Stop attack on Union office bearers by misusing Rule 37 transfers and Rule 9 of CCS (CCA) Rules. Dispose all Rule 9 (Pension rules) disciplinary cases and review petition cases pending at Directorate years together.

      We have been forced by the Department to launch agitational programme including Indefinite Strike from 17-01-2012. Again JCA decided the following programmes:-

(1)   Day long Dharna/Demonstration on 10-01-2012 at all levels i.e Divisional/Regional/Circles.
(2)   On 16-01-2012 evening organize Torch Procession/Candle light Procession at all important places.

Dear Comrades, we request you to form JCA at Divisional/Circle level and organize Gate Meetings in all RMS/MMS Offices so that all comrades could get information of their Charter of Demands for their involvement in the ensuing Indefinite Strike from 17-01-2012.

“This struggle is for our Existence”
“This is for Do And Die”

Let all RMS/MMS/Postal and GDS employees come together and make the struggle a grand success.

            With revolutionary greetings . Happy New Year.

Yours Comradely,

(Giri Raj Singh)
General Secretary